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Fantasy On Thunders Wings

"We can fix many ailments, injuries, afflictions and even some curses. It is quite possible that whatever is plaguing you, we can disperse." the woman turned and smiled at Bea, giving her a small nod. "Our waters are blessed, and we only ask for a small donation for our services."

Sylas's heart dropped. A donation? Damn it. His hand went to his light coin purse, and began to kneed it between his fingers, moving around the coins within.
"How much is the donation?"

"A small donation of 5 gold pieces is the minimum required for healing services." She responded with a kind smile.


"We don't..... have the money.." Sylas offered sheepishly. "Does the temple accept an IOU?"

The clerics smile held steady, but her tone became more stretched. "If you are unable to pay the donation, then unfortunately the temple is unable to heal you. We wish you both well and a speedy recovery!" And she raised her arm to gesture at the door behind them.
Bea glanced between the two nervously. She was unsure how much weight the different currencies held, but judging by Sylas's reaction, five gold pieces was a lot, or a lot more than he had at least (Insight: 14). She also didn't know anything about the god Sariah, but charity certainly wasn't one of their core values.

Bea nudged Sylas backward and tilted her head towards the door. "It's fine, maybe we'll come back later. Let's go," she offered a peppy smile, hoping that he didn't feel too bad for not being able to help after all. Inwardly, she cursed herself for not having a single coin to her name. It was beginning to turn out that waking up with no memory and no worldly possessions was incredibly inconvenient.

As Bea reached the door, she opened it for the both of them, stepping out once more into the sunshine. "Well. That's that. Maybe I can go and do some menial jobs for money and save up. It's not like I have anything better to do," she sighed wistfully.
"I promised I would stay with you until we got your memory fixed. How about this:" he offered as they stepped down the stairs. " I was already planning on going towards the billboard today to pick up a job. If you are interested in coming with me, we can split the reward 50/50. I'll even still pay for your healing." It was the least he could do. Typically, Sylas wouldn't bring people along on his excursions in case anyone got hurt (and because no one had ever asked him to come with him) but Bea had already shown some skill the night before. Something struck Sylas that she could handle herself.

"What do you think? I mean, I suppose you could also get a job sweeping floors at a local store, or gutting fishes.." He looked over at one market stall down the way where a large fish was currently having its head chopped off and the body cleaned to serve in strips.
Bea contemplated his offer. The quickest way to get money in this town of swords was likely by accepting adventuring jobs, and it was probably not easy for her to just jump right into without any money or known experience. However, with Sylas's help, it was possible. He had a license and already knew what he was doing. A glance toward the market further confirmed that maybe menial labor was not the best way to go...

"Okay, how about this, we split the healing donation fee and the reward? I'll do my best to keep up and be useful," Bea put her hand on her chest proudly, her wings fluttering in emphasis behind her.
"Sounds like a deal Bea" Sylas shook her hand and gave it a squeeze. This might actually be fun. "Ok, then we have 2 stops. First things first, come with me." Sylas led Bea through the city until they eventually reached a large building with a large entrance big enough for a cart to be pulled through. There were many people of all kinds of races, wearing chain mail and leather, some robes and even an occasional Gi, all of whom were browsing the shelves or inventorying there things in carts outside the building.

"We are going to buy you some clothes that fit you and some leather. Ready?" Sylas handed her his small coin purse.
Bea giggled with a nod, shaking his hand, and traipsed further into the city. The population got denser as they made their way through the market. By this time, it seemed like most people were up and beginning their day.

Sylas handed her a coin purse and she wiggled the light leather bag in her hand, giving him a quizzical look. "Is this going to be enough for that?" She was doubtful but excited nonetheless.
"Oh yeah. You can get hand me down or used for cheap here. Its not all shiny and new, but its good quality, refurbished gear. Find something in your size and meet me outside." Sylas nodded inside towards the large bald human behind the counter top with a scar. "His names Jason the Spine render. Good man; he'll, fix you up"
"The Spine- what now?" Bea asked, deadpanned, but Sylas had already disappeared into the crowd outside. "Right..." she murmured to herself.

She stepped further inside, dodging and weaving around other customers and prospecting adventurers. Her eyes grazed over the various goods. There was really a little bit of everything here, from bits and baubles, trinkets, mementos, old things that were fixed and given a second chance. There was also plenty of equipment, all varying in condition and wear. Some things Bea couldn't tell if they were rusted or still spotted with blood... while other things like leather-bound journals and stained clothes definitely had blood on them. She rummaged through other garments that looked smaller and a bit cleaner. Some had tears in them that had been previously patched and mended. She managed to find another set of pants and a cotton shirt that seemed a bit more her size.

Resting on a wooden stand with several pieces of dangling jewelry, a single necklace caught her eye as she walked past. It was a silver pendant on a simple tiny chain. The pendant itself was engraved with an upside-down diamond shape with an elongated tail that made the shape look like a falling star. This design was emphasized with little lines around the star like it was emitting light. She took the necklace off of the rack and inspected it further. There was nothing else about it that seemed significant, but still it called to her. Again, she felt like she might start plummeting through the earth. Feeling a little woozy, she bumped into a nearby table and gripped it tight, still staring at the necklace.

A voice barked at her from behind the central counter, "Hey kid, if you're going to faint, please do it outside of the establishment after you've made your purchases." The man was bald and had a large build similar to Sylas's. His call snapped Bea out of her stupor and she looked back and forth from the necklace to the man before finally walking up to the counter. "Hi, sorry. Can you tell me what this is?" Bea prompted, holding up the pendant for the man to see. "Eh, just something that someone brought in last night before closing. Looted it off his latest job so I'm told. You interested?" He inspected it briefly and shrugged, "It'd put it at about a silver piece. The make isn't anything special and the chain ain't real silver."

Bea turned the pendant in her hand and nodded. "Okay, yeah. I'll take it. These too, please," she placed the clothes she'd picked onto the counter. Then she realized that she'd forgotten to look at some leather armor. She hadn't seen it in her brief pass-through of the store. "Oh also, do you have some leather armor that might fit a smaller size? Something simple, maybe just a breastplate," she added.

"For you?" The man she assumed was Jason the Spine-Render smiled and chuckled. "Lookin' to be an adventurer, eh? Yeah, let my check around real quick." He pointed his finger at the other customers as he left the counter and shouted, "Don't the rest of ya get any big ideas on stealing nothin'. You'll be settling the score with me in the shatter sword if ya do." There was a low grumble of compliance about the crowd as Jason finally disappeared to the back of the shop. Bea waited for only a few moments before he returned with a snug-looking leather breastplate that seemed only gently used other than a strap that had been replaced with a different material. "Here's all I found, so it's take it or leave it. The finest quality leathers for one of your small nature could buy in all of Samu-Keev, I guarantee ya," he proudly plopped the armor onto the counter for Bea's inspection and she nodded. "Sounds good to me. Thanks, I think that's all I needed," she chirped enthusiastically. Jason nodded and grabbed a small, thin pair of spectacles that looked comical on his large form when he put them on. "Aright then, that's gonna put ya around abouts eleven silver and five copper."

Bea wasn't sure if that was a good bargain or not, but she counted out the coins that were thankfully distinct in the kind of metal that they were and handed them over to the man. "Thank ya kindly miss, remember there are no refunds and I'm not responsible for any injury that befalls ya using goods purchased at this establishment." Bea nodded with a smile and scooped her new possessions off of the counter. "Thank you! Um, Jason, right?" The man grinned and nodded to her. "The one and only Jason the Spine Render. Come back again in one piece little lady."

With that, Bea skipped out of the store and into the streets again. With a bundle of new things, or at least new to her, she began to look around for Sylas.
Sylas had a little while to kill, and so he stepped off to the side, passing several adventurers, some of whom looked over at him, clearly sizing him up (Insight 16) He ignored them: sometimes adventurers got a little competitive. It wouldn't be the first time Sylas had been shook down or approached, and he wasn't really in the mood today to brawl with any new meat feeling himself a little too much. Sylas still had bail to pay from the last time he sent a message.

He quickly made his way to some of the open stalls, and he moved passed the food, heading to some traveling blade-smiths. Sylas had a bit of an addiction of looking over swords: beautiful blades he would imagine himself wielding. Blades that cost coin he couldn't ever seem to keep in his pocket.

He found a local stall with several beautiful blades of various metals and styles. His eyes traced their edges and hilts, and the designs in the spines and guards. The human behind the counter slunk forward; he was short and stocky, with a thin mustache and jet black hair they he pulled back into a tight ponytail. "Ah, I see you have a fine eye for craftsmanship. That blade there is from the Kaletesh-Var Region in Demoin. They are well known for their unique blade styles." Sylas reached for the blade, looking up at the man, who nodded in approval. "Please, hold it! It suits you, sir. I have never seen someone so distinguished hold one of my wares." He smiled and rubbed his hands together while Sylas held it upright and admired it. It was pretty, but a little light for his standards.

"Do you have anything a little heavier?" Sylas asked, placing down the blade with care. The Merchant frowned and looked back at his blades. "hmmmm... you have quite a grip: how about this great sword from the upper fields in Markeev?" He gestures over to a broad blade that weighed easily over 100 lbs. "This was once wielded by a bandit king. Legend has it that he was part giant." Sylas nodded as he spoke, but he simply couldn't imagine himself wielding such a beastly weapon. In fact, he wasn't entirely sure how this merchant was able to carry it out to display.

"I appreciate it but I think i'm going to look in other places." Sylas made his excuse and fled into the crowd, hearing the shouts of protest from the merchant promising to find him something that he could use. Even if he had wanted something, his pockets were empty. As he turned the corner, he saw Bea emerging from the pick up zone and scooted over to her. "How'd it go? Find everything you needed?" He looked her over with her new clothing and nodded in approval. It wasn't sparkling, but it looked like it fit, and wasn't going to fall to shreds in the wind. Jason was good for that.
Bea finally caught sight of Sylas and smiled as he approached. "It went well, I think. I just got the basics... I did splurge on one thing though," she looked up at him, a little embarrassed. "I'll pay you the silver piece back when we finish a job. I found this and... I don't know, it called to me." Bea held up the necklace that she still clutched in her palm for him to see. "Jason said someone sold it to him yesterday night and that it didn't seem too special, but I like it."

Bea also fished out the pitiful coin purse and handed it as well as its remaining contents back to Sylas. "So, next stop, the billboard?"
"It really fits you" Sylas said after leaning in to examine the necklace. And he was being honest: something about the metal maybe, or the color; or maybe the falling star itself, but it brought her together in a powerful way. She had an air about her that felt real and powerful, even now, remembering nothing. Sylas didn't feel much worry at all about the prospect of bringing her along to a possible fight, which was alarming. Don't put her in danger because your senses are dulling He scolded himself but smiled outwardly. "You got it; the Billboard up next. We're not far."

He turned and led them through the streets for a few minutes, covering about three blocks. Eventually, they emerged into a large square with lots of entrances and people. The crowds, much like at The Pick Up Zone, were all clearly comprised of well equipped adventurers. Many of them formed lines to a large building with a large board in the center. The board itself was packed with various contracts and requests from all over the globe, and organized for convenience. There were almost always about 12 employees manning the station, giving out jobs and contracts, as well as the rewards for when people arrived with completed work.

Sylas strode through the throngs of people, clearing a path for the both of them to eventually make their way up to the counter. A half elven woman with auburn hair pulled into a bun and a smattering of freckles over her sharp facial features greeted them. "Welcome the Billboard. Are you looking to take on a quest, or return to collect a reward?"

"We're looking to make some coin. What kind of work is available?" Sylas leaned in to get a better look at some of the postings behind her.

"For solo adventurers, we have plenty of tasks to be completed. There are always bandit camps popping up that could be cleared. We have a few people asking for muscle during travel if you are looking for a long lasting quest. We also have a couple monsters that are disrupting the local people." She reached back as she spoke, grabbing copies of many listings and presenting them to the 2 of them. There were truly a plethora of things, but Sylas's eyes fell on one mission with a large sum of coin attached to the name: Giant spiders killing travelers and local farmers, using old mine as a nest. 300 gold pieces. That was easily the largest sum of coin on here, and it could pay for a lot of things, including some of the debt Sylas had been accruing.

"What looks good to you?" He turned a quizzical eye to the fairy to gauge her reaction what she read.
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Bea followed along, happy with her new selections. Eventually, they made their way through to the infamous billboard. It indeed was a sight to behold in Bea's eyes. It worked like a well-oiled machine with lines of people coming and going. As they approached the counter where the staff doled out requests and rewards, Bea was distracted by the sheer amount of work there was to be done. It was dizzying to think of ever fully completing all the requests and needs that were available... it made her wonder how busy the rest of the country was.

As Sylas pointed out the spread of a few options, Bea quickly scanned over them. They all seemed interesting, but she felt her heart drop when coming across the clearing quest. People traveling near an abandoned cave were being killed or disappearing. Bea imagined what it might be like to lose a loved one so suddenly like that and immediately she felt drawn to help. She jabbed her finger at the paper and looked up at Sylas with serious determination. "I think this is a good start."
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Sylas smiled as she pointed it out. Maybe it hadn't been for the same reasons, but for which ever, it looked like they were in agreement. "That was the one I also had my eye on." He added with a satisfied nod. "We'll clear out the spiders." He pushed the paper forward to the half elf, who nods back with a smile. "It will be good to make the cross roads clear again. Here is your contract" She extends forward an official marked paper that is rolled tightly and tied in red silk ribbon. "Are you licensed adventurers?" Sylas held up his badge, and she nods. "Excellent! You have a week to complete this job before it is re-added to the public board. Be safe, and may the gods hear your prayers."

Sylas collected the paper and stowed it in his pack, and he led Bea away from the counter so more could step up. Once a in a little bit less packed of an area, Sylas readjusts his straps for comfort and looks over at the fairy. "Ready to go on your first adventure?"
Bea was full of excitement as she nodded vigorously. "More than ready! But I need to put on my new gear real quick, can we stop by your place?" She motioned to the small bundle of things she still carried in her arms. "I probably should have asked Jason if he had a dressing room," she shrugged.

Her new falling star pendant had already been fixed around her petite neck while they were waiting in line to the billboard. Now, just just needed to don the protective armor and clothes they were a bit more snug around her frame and she'd be ready.
That would make sense. It's not like taking 15 minutes to change would make a big difference. It was going to be a day of travel as it was, and they had no horses. What was 15 more minutes. "Sure, that works. Actually, I have somewhere closer we can stop by. Come with me." Sylas turns and heads down familiar streets, until eventually doubling back towards the familiar jaw of the Levaith-Inn. Sylas stepped through the teeth and into the familiar building, which opened into a short hallway with a counter and stairs, and beyond it and the small oriental carpet, a medium sized tavern with several tables and a fresh faced Brianna Sawtooth, triton tavern keep and swashbuckling master, serving drinks to some of her regulars. Sylas stepped inside and caught Brianna's eye.

"Oh, hey there Sylas. 'ts good ta see yah. Glad ya stopped by before ya left. And I don't suppose this young woman here is the damsel ya captured last night? She's way to pretty for ya Sylas, sorry to say." Brianna swept over as she talked, tussling Sylas's hair and leaning into Bea to give her a wink. "Names Brianna saw tooth. You are a beautiful young woman with strong eyes. You have a fighters eyes, ya do." She smiled with satisfaction as she spoke.
Curious as to where they were going, Bea followed Sylas back through the market to the familiar building that had caught her attention before. "Oooo This place! I really wanted to check this out earlier..." She patted a tooth for good measure as she passed through the jaws and let Sylas lead the way into the building.

Once inside, Bea did a wide-eyed sweep of the tavern's interior, her gaze finally resting on a beautiful woman with blue skin, golden eyes, and thick hair that was held back in a ponytail decorated by a red feather protruding up top. Everything from her clothes to her demeanor as she sauntered over was empowering and confident. Bea found herself in absolute awe. It took a moment to click in Bea's brain how this woman, Brianna, seemed to already know about Bea, and then it dawned on her that Sylas had to have gotten her current outfit from somewhere. "Oh, you're the nice lady that let me borrow these clothes, right? It's very nice to officially meet you! I'm Bea." Bea replied. Her cheeks flushed at the compliments coming from someone Bea found exceptionally more beautiful than she... but then again, Bea didn't actually know what she looked like.

"You think so?" Bea said, smiling excitedly. "We were just about to go fight some giant spiders, but I wanted to change into my gear first," she explained, nodding to her leather bundle.
"Giant spiders?" Brianna gave Sylas a dangerous look, to which he put up both his hands.

"Everything is going to be fine. The pay is great, and she's a talented swords person. We'll be home in 2 days." Sylas spoke confidently, which seemed to put Brianna at ease. Several other of her patrons eyes snuck over in the trios direction, trying to get a closer look at the adventurers. Not a lot of solo adventurers took on monster quests: most weren't even available if you weren't in a sponsored adventuring group, but this one really wasn't so bad, AND Sylas had experience dealing with monsters.

"Alright well you two look after one another. And here:" She handed Bea a key. "First room up the stairs on the left. past the bedroom is a small basin with a mirror and a brush. Go get ready and I'll pack snacks for your trip." She smiled at Bea and pinched her cheek lightly.
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"Woohoo! Thank you, Brianna! I love your place by the way," Bea called as she took the key and started making her way quickly up the stairs to get changed. "Ooo Fancy," could be heard from the top of the stairs just before she opened and closed the door to the bedroom.

Inside was a fully furnished room with a bed, side tables, dresser, chest, vanity, and water basin. Everything matched and looked a little more plush than Sylas's home decor, but there were still signs of well-loved wear and tear with nicks in the headboard, moth-eaten curtains, and a stain or two in the rug mostly hidden by the furniture on top of it.

Bea set her pile of things down on the vanity stool and was beginning to undress when she looked up and caught a face peering at her. With a loud yelp, she tripped backward over her britches that were down to her knees and fell onto her backside. The face was gone in an instant. Quickly, she got up and looked towards the vanity again, the same face sure enough, was staring back in equal surprise. It was herself, in the mirror. She was a mess of purple hair with light lilac streaks, bright orange, amber eyes, and a small-framed face with freckles on ivory skin. A hand rose up to poke her own cheek, affirming that the mirror's reflection wasn't some illusion. It was exceedingly strange to Bea to feel as though she didn't recognize herself. She turned to the side, revealing her four thin and sleek dragonfly-styled wings attached to her back. "Weird..." she murmured to herself thoughtfully.

It truly felt as though she did not belong in this body, like she wasn't used to its unique features. Unlike how natural and innate it felt to pick up a sword or to feel the weight of armor on her shoulders. She was finished dressed quickly, her nimble fingers fastening all the strips of leather and buckles almost knowingly. She took another squinted look at herself in the mirror, swishing her shoulder-length wavy hair from side to side with the turn of her head. "Nope. We're going to have to do something about that," she affirmed to her reflection.

The sides of her new pants were fitted at the bottoms with a thick string that made the ankle width tighter or looser to preference. She untied the string from both pant legs and rolled up the bottoms instead and then used the strings to tie up her hair into two pointy cone-like buns on the top of her head. "Much better!" She mused, and the copy of herself agreed with a reflected wink.

With a very quick face wash, because she was still a little sandy and grubby from the day before, she finished up and bounded down the stairs in her new attire, jumping off the last three steps and landing, throwing her arms out wide. "Ta DAAAA!" She exclaimed, her wings doing a flourished flutter behind her. She did have to sacrifice the back of her shirt and armor a bit by tearing holes big enough for her wings to fit through, but all in all, she thought she looked ready to go on an adventure.
She bounded up the stairs like a child on Spriggan-Sprant's Feast day, and after she had closed the door behind her, Sylas turned and helped Brianna bus one of her tables. He lifted up a few plates and cups and followed her over to the bar, where she dropped them off and turned to look into his eyes.

"So, she really doesn't know anything, huh?"

"Nothing. She's nervous around her own wings. It's like she fell from the sky." Sylas thought back to the day that he found her on the beach cold like a wet blanket and pale. Nothing at all like the vibrant ray of sunshine who was here now.

"She's built like a fighter for sure. Maybe she got a strike to the head?" The bar was mostly empty during the day time, but Brianna did a quick scan to make sure the two hung over bums trying to sober up or get more drunk weren't listening to closely.

"No bruises, cuts or blood. I checked her when I found her." It was all so strange, it left them both at a loss for words for a few moments.
Brianna sighed loudly, before reaching out to Sylas, licking her thumb and rubbing it on his face. "You've got some dirt on you... How are you doing Sylas? How was the last job? We didn't really get to talk since you came back." Her eyes were flowing with concern, like a mothers. Sylas knew plenty of people who didn't like being babied, but Brianna had always taken care of him when he was younger and loved him in a way he had never had. After Alfonzo died, she was the closest thing to family he had left.

"I'm.... fine. The job went ok, except that during the skirmish I ended up damaging some property and had to spend most of the reward on local repairs." His eyes fell in embarrassment.

"Oh, damn it Sylas. Why don't you just sell that old shit hole you call a home and stay here for a while until you get back on your feet? I can kick out one of these bums and make a room for you, just how you like it."

"After this there shouldn't be a need. 300 gold in an old mine: no one cares if a break anything. Besides, I think i'm getting stronger." He flexed his arm, showing off how his shirt strained against his biceps. Brianna rolled her eyes and grabbed several glasses and started stacking them on her tray. "You need to be SMARTER. I swear, sometimes you are just as ridiculous as my father. Look, if you're going out, take this." She handed him some small packs, both green with bed rolls attached. when sylas pulled the pack open, he counted packs of rations, a new water skin, a tent, snacks, even a dragon chess set. it was like... "You planned this? How did you know we were going to be-"

"Because I KNOW you Sylas. You never slow down, ever. And I can tell she will probably be running along right beside you, so if I can't be there with you, I can at least fill your bellies." Brianna spoke sternly, daring Sylas to refuse or talk back in any way. He knew better than to argue with her.

Bea rushed down the stairs, all changed and armored, with her hair done. "Well don't you look professional! Those spiders are as good as dead. Here darling, I want you to hold onto this." Brianna attached a short sword to the side of Bea's pack. "I don't have any need for it here, and I see you dont have a shield. Maybe you can use it." She smiled at them both, and pointed to some things in the bag as she handed it over. "I packed you a brush and some skin cream to keep you smooth. There's plenty of food and a water skin, a bed roll, rope, a knife.. hmmmm" She rummaged through for a moment, before smiling and pulling out a small hand held mirror. "And a mirror so you can always see who you are- And if you have any dirt on your face." She beamed and handed the finished packs out to them both. "Now, you're ready to hit the roads."
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Bea giggled and walked over to the two. Upon receiving the bag and sword from Brianna, she looked up, puzzled. "These are for me? Wow... thank you!" She rummaged through the belongings briefly, stopping on the small handheld mirror, and peering back at the unknown face she now knew to be hers before stowing it once more. "This is very kind of you. You and Sylas both, in fact, have been super nice to me. I'm really grateful." She gave a heartfelt smile to both. Even without the gifts, Bea could tell Brianna was a genuinely good soul like Sylas was. It was clear that they were familiar with each other, almost like family (insight: 15). Another pang of sadness ached at her, but less so this time, now that she was surrounded by good people that seemed to care about her.

She placed the bag at her feet and tested the balance of the new blade, then an idea popped into her head. She backed up a couple of paces and drew the sword that Sylas had given her. together they had the same amount of weight and distribution between them, neither too heavy nor too light. Double-checking she had ample space around her, she stabbed forward with her right, swung in an arc with her left, and ducked an imaginary blow. She retracted her right sword and raised it to block. Yes, this would do nicely. She sheathed them both, finding space to fasten them both safely to her belt, and then beamed at Sylas and Brianna. "Thank you so much, I love it! Oh-" She paused, bringing out the folded clothes that were lent to her earlier. "Here are these. I bought some new ones."
As Bea drew her swords and began to flourish again, now wielding two, Brianna's mouth opened slightly, and Sylas just gave her a knowing smile. Seeing is believing Sylas mused, and noticed the small thread of worry and doubt slide out of Brianna's demeanor. In a similar fashion, the two hung over patrons looked over at the display, but they were clearly to out of it to make any serious noise about it. This place was never so lively in the mornings.

Brianna reached over and took the clothing from Bea as Bea handed them back. "O-oh, of course! Susanna used these but grew out of them recently so I thought you might fit them. Well, ill wash them and give them back. Alright then, no more dawdling. Off to the fields with ya both, and don't come back until you have spider legs." She pointed to the door sternly like a mother, but her face cracked into a grin and she winked at them both, before heading off to clean up after the other two loaf arounds.

"Time to go Bea." Sylas shoulder his new pack and headed to the door, ready to get on the road.
Bea waved goodbye to her new friend and walked back out of the Leviath-Inn. The pack on her small shoulders surprisingly wasn't too heavy for her. From what she'd seen earlier in the mirror, her deceptively thin frame had subtle strong muscles that were more noticeable on her core and back, or if she flexed her arms. She also suspected that she was older than she looked. Despite her height, baby face, and general bubbly demeanor, she'd guess she was around twenty-five years old.

Once they were out onto the street, Bea and Sylas began making their way out of town once more. Bea somewhat remembered the route although it was dark when she'd first entered the city the night before. Once they got to the gate though, she looked to Sylas. "Alrighty, where to from here?"
"South, then east." He looked into the distance of the green rolling grasses that flowed with the breeze of the coast. The Celeste fields were always green this time of year, and full of life. If it weren't for the hills, anyone traveling could most likely see for miles. Patches of shrubs, stand alone trees and rocky faces also texturized the landscape, as well as the snaking brown of the dirt path parallel to the sea.

"We're heading into the lake wood; that's directly south and east from here. The mine is in the hills there. Should take us no longer than.... 8 hours?" He thought about the walk and how great it would be to get some horses. With the money from this bounty they could afford them, for both him and Bea. Then, they could do more jobs faster. Sylas did a quick stretch, working his legs and arms and neck.

"The plan is we travel, sleep on the road tonight, and by tomorrow morning we should be heading inside the mine."
"Okay, sounds like a plan," Bea chirped and started marching forward. "This is going to be fun! Like camping, but with fighting monsters."

She started on the trek forward, pointing out different beautiful landscape features and animals that they crossed. One thing about Bea that became quickly apparent to all that got to know her: She didn't get bored easily. At one point though, she fell silent as she thought about something for a while before finally speaking up again, "What was your first adventure like?" she wondered really what all of his adventures were like, from being a pirate to transitioning to a full-fledged adventure, but since this was her first known job in the field, she wanted to know his.
The walk had been nice. The summer heat had set in, and the only respite from the sting of the sun on their skin had been the steady cooling breeze that floated in from the sea. Sylas had always loved listening to the grass swish with it, and the smell of the salt and brine mixed well with the smell of dew and plants and trees. He listened to Bea talk and run ahead and squeal about how pretty the wildflowers were, and she was right. Sylas had always enjoyed these things, but when he was with Bea, the colors were a little brighter, and the day a little cooler, and the world a little smaller. It was a weird sensation that he couldn't entirely place, and se he stowed it in his heart like it were another travel bag and simply continued to enjoy the day.

From time to time they would pass a fellow traveler or once a cart with 2 small children on it with their mother and father and possibly all they owned, but besides them and the over head of birds that swooped in the wind, their company was uninterrupted. After a moment, Bea turned to him and asked her question, and Sylas stopped for a moment to pull out his water skin and take a drink. When was his first adventure? It had been a while, almost a year. As he thought about it, he began to remember, and in just a glimpse of a memory, the entire experience came flooding back vividly, like it had been a scroll tucked away, waiting to be re-read.

"My first adventure.... was actually an accident." He poured some water into his hand and rubbed it onto his bearded face and ran his fingers through his hair, the liquid cooling him slightly. Sylas had always enjoyed the sensation of water on his skin. "I had just gotten to Samu-Keev, and I had met a young boy whose mother shopped at the same food market as I had. One day the boy had gone missing and his mother came to the Levaith-Inn in tears, begging us to help. She didn't have the coin to post a listing or hire a mercenary. Turns out, his uncle had gotten in some money trouble and had fallen into a deal with some local bandits. He kidnapped the child for ransom at a local camp. I headed out there that night and got him back. His mother couldn't pay me, which was fine; at the time I wasn't planning on being an adventurer. I had figured I would sign up with one of the ships at dock as a deck hand. But she gave me her family ring and insisted that I keep it or sell it for returning her son. I couldn't say no." Sylas raised his left hand and pointed to his pinky, which held a thin golden band with a small sapphire imbedded into the ore. "I've worn it every day since. Kind of a reminder why I started doing this. Most people do it for the money, and that's fine; but I made a promise." He smiled, remembering the boy and Alfonzo.

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