On The TARDIS [Inactive]


New Member
asrai submitted a new role play:

On The TARDIS - It's the trip of a life-time!

In this roleplay, The Doctor will travel with three companions.
From Earth to Mars to Trenzalore they go! To the taste the fruit of Velgris and to see the beautiful Florana, this group will travel the universe far and wide!

This would be no true-blue TARDIS trip if not a few foreign races were to be seen! Cybermen and Daleks are guarenteed. Maybe even some Weeping Angels or the Vashta Nerada, if you're lucky.
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asrai updated On The TARDIS with a new update entry:

Roleplay Start

Okay so thank you all for joining! All slots have been filled, so the roleplay should be good to start! The roleplay will start with all companions in the TARDIS, and I'd like for all of us to make one post each before anyone makes a second. Have fun!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Noelle stepped into the TARDIS. She had heard about this marvellous machine and the man that controlled it, but she had thought it was nothing but stories. The bright lights inside were like nothing Noelle had ever seen, and she was amazed. Noelle knew that joining the Doctor and his group would be a decision she wouldn't regret. She looked around at all the other companions that the Doctor had chosen, some she knew were not human. She smiled as she thought of how fun this could be.
Xavier sat on some counter thing that was covered with about a gazillion buttons and a bajillion levers. All of which did-to Xavier's knowledge-did absolutely nothing. Still, he didn't dare touch any of them. He had been with the Doctor for a total of three days, and Xavier surprised himself by how used to the time/space traveling he was already. 'Probably because of Vegas,' he thought, figuring that the environment had dulled his sense to the freaky and weird.

He looked up from a deck of cards he was shuffling absentmindedly when someone new walked into the TARDIS, nodding a polite and silent greeting and glancing around to see if the Doctor or one of the others were around.
Losana walked into the room, seeing the new arrival she approached and smiled softly, a friendly gesture. Then she said, "Hello, Welcome to the Tardis."

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The Doctor huffed and frowned at Losana. "That's my line..." His whining was almost like that of a child. A bright grin came over his face as he looked at the newcomer. "Welcome to the TADIS. Although, not quite sure how you got yourself in here...." He turned and seemingly looked at the ceiling. "It was you, wasn't it? We've had this discussion before..." He shook his head and glanced over at Xavier. "Women... They do what they want..."
Xavier watched amused as the Doctor whined, then talked to the ceiling. Surprisingly the man holding conversations with a time and space traveling blue box was one of the most logical things he'd experienced since he got on. He smiled and shrugged at the Doctor's comment on women, then turned to look at Noelle. "Hi, I'm Xavier, regular human from planet Earth which is about," he looked down at a screen then back up and smiled overly cheery. "54 thousand light years away, and counting."
"You may just have to find a new line then." Losana shrugged innocently, then walked further away from the newcomer, though silently observed them all. She casually leaned on a railing, her head slightly tilted.
Noelle smiled timidly. "Sorry.. for.. barging in..? I'm not entirely sure why I'm in here, it just felt right." she said

"I can stay, can't I? I don't want to be an intruder." Noelle said, slightly laughing.
The Doctor eyed the girl as she spoke. It felt right to her? Strange, very strange.

In almost an instant, his mood changed. He clapped his hands together and smiled brightly. "Of course you can stay. The more the merrier! Just tell me, do you like fish fingers?"

He looked around the room and frowned. "Where's Beore?"
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