On The Savannah (1x1 roleplay with SpawnOfReiter and Sire Souriez)


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The day was sunny yet cool in Savannah, Georgia. There was not a cloud in the sky. Everyone who had a window and noticed the weather took full advantage of the daylight; Diners moved out extra tables onto their sidewalks and porches; Most salons propped their doors open to let the breeze circulate around their customer's legs Boutiques set up a sample table or rack outside their stores to invite the plethora of people populating the practically overcrowded sidewalks inside for their "nice weather sales". Everyone had a good mood face on today.

A fishing box slamming down on the dock stirred 20-year-old Cole Nettler from his once peaceful nap. He sat up and pulled his glasses down to survey the are a. He positioned himself so that his legs were dangling enough for his toes to skim the cool water below and apparently used a book to block out the sun as he noticed his copy of Jane Eyre floating just out of arms reach next to the dock. He assumed this could have only happened after he was startled out of his slumber by the fisherman. Yes, he's only the culprit. He turned to see the fisherman use every ounce of ignorance to not eye contact with Cole as he quickly moved to the other side of the dock.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood," his voice was raspy but still maintained a certain softness and charm. He tossed out his phone and watch onto his cloth bag from his pockets, double checking the rest of his person to make sure nothing else was at risk from his next action. He settled his palms down into the dock as he lowered himself in the water, letting go as soon as the level was at chest height. The depth of the water was a tad deeper than 6'2" forcing Cole to kept his legs in motion to stay afloat as he glided over to the now half soaked through book and lifted it over his head. He let the cool water drip over his dark brown locks and buttery skin while he moved back to the dock. He wasn't quite ready for his swim to be over, so he took the book in his mouth and dove under the dock and swam between several wood posts until he was on the other side, splashing up to the surface and loudly slapping the met book down on the planks in front of him. Cole boosted himself up from the water and looked over at the fisherman who was now shaking and slightly dampened who has staring his fishing rod sink to the bottom of the riverbed. Cole lightly chuckled as he picked up his belongings and walked off the dock, through the beach, and onto the sidewalk.

After following along the water-lined sidewalk, occasionally greeting passerbys, he stopped at a shop on the corner of a street that was next door to a flower store that was currently closed.He opened his bag and pulled out keys to begin opening up his coffee shop. He opened the door and casually flipped on the open sign, snagged the towel off a nearby hook, and dropped his keys on the counter, all appearing to be in one quick motion. After stamping off the sand on his bare feet he moved to behind his counter where he continued drying off and opened some drawers containing spare clothing and shoes. He turned on the pre-filled machines and his stereo and he was back into zen-mode. He finally let out a sigh after he quickly changed into a light polo and khaki shorts accompanied by sandals. He added the finishing touch by sliding on his black and red apron with a smile. "Alright, here we go..." he spoke softly to himself and he relocated himself to the front door, now propping it open with a chalkboard stand. He started to smell the coffee vapors leave their pots and out the door and remembered to start working on his food. With a quick glance at his board to remember what he wrote he glided back to behind the counter to begin toiling away to soothing rhythm and blues playing behind him.
The sun shone brightly and the wind was whipping her black frizzy hair back against her seat. She leaned down and put on her sunglasses. "Whooooo, that breeze is wicked..." she muttered. She glanced into the back where Jesse. her sugar glider, was sleeping soundly. She smiled as the flew into the town, a cookie clenched inbetween her lips. "I need something to drink, I'm partched and bet you are too huh Jess?" she cooed, muffles by the treat. Jesse made a sound of curiosity and rustled around in his cage. She chewed and gulped down the miniature cookie quickly. She was finally free to do what she wanted! Wear her own clothes, lounge around, anything! She parked her blue pick up in front of a cute little coffee shop and went inside, grabbing Jesse's cage. She waltzed inside, flipping her sunglasses away from her tired asian-esque green eyes onto the top of her head to push back her hair. She walked up to the man at the counter who was slowly nodding his head to the jazz music playing. She snorted and rolled her eyes. Jazz sucked. "Excuse me, I'd like water and some lemonaid if you have it?" she said quietly. Then a thought popped in her head. "Hey are you hiring?"
Cole finished slicing his banana before looking up at the customer who came in toting a cage. He did a quick double take on the miniature monster within it, inspecting his demeanor before returning to his customer. He didn't mind pets, considering he had a ferret of his own upstairs, but he remained very cautious and didn't take any chances on the seemingly harmless creature. He gave here a pleasant smile and answered, "Water and lemonade coming right up." he spun around on his heel and gracefully grabbed two glasses off the shelf and balanced them both in his hand as he swiped a pitcher of filtered water from the fridge and poured some of its contents into one of the glasses before returning it back to its place. In one motion he placed a lemon on the glass's edge and slid the water on the counter to where it was in front of her and moved over to the lemonade maker. He pulled the lever down and poured lemonade into the second glass and slid it on the counter to have it join its water-filled companion, all of it to the subtle bass guitar line in the background. He punched in the amount on the register. "That'll be 50 cents," he called out gently, and then he remembered the question given to him after the order was made. "Oh, my apologies. I might have a small job open, it depends on who's asking." he couldn't help but smile again.
Jesse chattered in delight and ran around the cage. She shot her a look and smiled brightly at the smooth criminal behind the counter. "I hope my pet is allowed, I just needed to get her som- 50 cents? That's it?" she spluttered. "Wow thanks!" she started digging out 4 dimes, a nickle and 5 pennies. She plopped them on the table and smiled at him. "I'm asking actually. I just came into town today, I'm new. I just rented a small apartment near here so I need to find a place to work." she said brightly. She picked up and glass of water and set the cage down. She poured the cold water in the container and Jesse quickly licked at the pipe that released the water. "Poor girl are you hot? So am I." she said moving the cage over to one of the booths. She turned back to the man and held out the hand that was lemonade free and chuckled. "I'm Jennifer. I'm Hawaiian and I'm from Raleigh, North Carolina. Nice to meet you."
He smiled and received the hand gently, his hands soft from handling the dough. "Cole, from Connecticut and I'm a mutt actually. My mother's Latin and my father was English." He remembered the concern for the pet and looked down at the cage. "You're pet is fine," he nodded to himself as he returned his hazel eyes on the baked goods he was preparing while he spoke. "And it's no problem. The water is always free, and it's a nice day out so I dropped my lemonade price a bit for any passing sun-lovers. Most people around here do. When the sun is out, money isn't everything." A couple walked in and sat down at a table, laughing about something that must have happened a few stores down. He looked up and the sun made his already glowing skin even brighter as he smiled at his customers. "Hey Mike! Nice weather, eh?" The customers turned from each other and smiled back at Cole. The male of the group picked up one of the small menus and started fanning himself dramatically.

"Yeah, if that's what you want to call it." he whined sarcastically, making the woman across from him giggle.

"Cher, I don't know how you put with him still," he joked as he spun around pulled two glasses off the shelf and started filling them with lemonade.

"I don't understand it myself," she mocked, turning back to her companion to see his puppy dog eyes beaming at her.

"The usual, I take it?" he pulled out a tray and placed the two glasses as well a small basket of small baked pretzels onto it, picking it up with one hand and walking around the counter to where the two were seated.

"You know us so well," Mike smiled and kindly received his food and drinks, replacing the pretzels in the middle of the table for the two to share. Cher looked over at Jennifer and the cage and smiled warmly.

"You must be new. Co-co, is she with you?" she grabbed a pretzel and slowly chewed on a piece she ripped off.

Cole rolled his eyes and returned to his counter. "When you guys quit calling me that? It was ages ago. And yes, this is Jennifer. She just moved here and might start working here." he directed his eyes over to Jennifer and slid over an application packet towards her. "Refill for you and your friend?" he chuckled and made both of their glasses full again slid over a small bag of biscuits next to them. "I just made these this morning and my ferret likes them. You're more than welcome to have some for her." He flashed another gentle smile for her and return to his work on the food.
Jennifer watched them all interact with curiosity. She smiled at Cher and nodded. "Me and Jesse just got here about 10 minutes ago. We stopped in for a drink." She turned to Cole. "Co-co was nice enough to let me bring Jesse inside." she smiled sweetly as she picked up the application. She sat down, setting the cage down. Jesse skittered over to the edge of the cage and peered at Mike and Cher. She chattered curiously and then took a whiff of the biscuits and ran around excitedly, back flipping off of the walls of her cage. Jennifer snickered and gave her a biscuit before grinning at Cole. "Thanks." she said. "How much for them?" She had a confused look on her face when he went back over to the counter. She couldn't take free refills and free food. She pulled out her wallet and sighed in dismay. "I only have hundreds and fifties, can you break em?" she asked sheepishly. "Oh and another question." she added, pulling out her old fashioned calligraphy pen and writing in perfectly neat and almost artistic hand writing on her application. Previous employer? None. Any experience in cooking? Yes. Any experience in sales? Yes. Special skills?....She paused, blinking in confusion. He face twisted up for a second then she laughed thumping herself in the head, poof-y hair swaying on impact. "Oh yeah! The question! What's the date?"
Cole looked puzzled for a moment. "August 3rd, and no charge for the biscuits. Consider them a gift of sorts." he continued working, but he couldn't help but think of her wallet loaded with fifties and hundreds. By now, the couple has finished their snack and left a twenty on the table before leaving. He shook his head at the money they had left. "Why they insist on over-paying, I'll never understand." He slowly meandered around the counter and swiped the bill off the table and returned to put it in the register. "Speaking of money, it's a bit dangerous to be walking around with such large bills like that. Shouldn't you put it on a card or something?" He peered down at the application she was working on and smiled once more. "Well I know who's doing the boards from now on," he chuckled and looked at the clock on the far back wall of the shop. It was almost three in the afternoon. He had an hour before his four o' clock crowd rolled in and snacked on everything in site. He slid the dough he was working on into the oven behind and started chopping and slicing, from tomatoes to cheese to slices of ham and everything in between. Without looking up, Cole spoke with a smile. "So what exactly did you do before came here, Miss Jennifer?"
Jennifer smiled. "I came from a controlling family who didn't let me do anything all my life to the point i've only had one friend." Jesse chittered angrily. "Okay Jesse, two." Jennifer looked at Cole and smiled. "So I dropped out the college they forced me to go to, swiped everything I had out of savings and my account before they could realize it and close the accounts and take money, got into my car that had already been paid off without their knowledge and left. I literally asked the man who made my coffee every morning where he was from and left." she sighed. "That's why I only have big bills, thanks for the food by the way, the biscuits are good. Jesse likes them too." Jesse stared curiously at Cole when he went to fetch the 20. "I haven't had a chance to put it on a card....I'll love to do the boards. I've been doing caligraphy for a while now...."
He let out a sigh of relief as he started wiping down the area where he had been working. "That's good to hear, in a sense. I mean, like it's good that your family's controlling or anything-... I thought you were some crazy assassin or something with your big bills and skilled handwriting..." His eyes darted around nervously as he desperately tried to think of a different conversation topic. Anything to do with family was not his strong suit. His eyes passed over the cage and a smile was brought over his face. "Give me a second," he quickly blurted before dashing to the far back left corner of the shop where a staircase was tucked away. While Cole was unseen a breeze blew into the cafe and gently rustled the coffee filters on the shelf and the application on the counter. The squeaking of a bird feeder hanging just inside the door attracted a small thrasher who immediately dug his beak into one of the many holes it offered the bird. It sang gently in between pecks at the feeder and fluffed its feathers, causing the feeder to rock even more. Some passerbys occasionally stopped in the door and peered inside, only to keep moving along the sidewalk. Eventually Cole reappeared from the staircase holding a square metal cage similar to Jennifer's and a glimmer of joy in his eyes. He gently rested the cage next to Jesse's, revealing an all brown ferret, slightly larger than normal size, who was yawning as if he was just woken up. "This," Cole happily gestured to his cage, "is Milo. I didn't know if Jesse is always with you, but he's here everyday so I figured why not let them meet." He reached back and pushed a button on his stereo, changing the mood from steady rhythm and blue to an upbeat poppy feel. Milo's head perked up and his long body began to twirl around in his cage in and out of various tubes inside. "He a music junkie. He gets it honest, too." Cole bent over the counter and stuck a finger in the cage that gently rubbed Milo's fur wait every pass he made around his cage. He let out another sigh. Cole didn't have much to call his own, that being his coffee shop, his ferret, and his music collection. He could somewhat relate with Jennifer and the family issues, but he tried with all of his power to not think about it. It was too painful. Some of the emotion escaped into his eyes as they became distant and dull. Milo felt the energy and leaned up against the side of the cage closest to Cole and gently squeaked at him.
Jennifer frowned when Cole seemed to have zoned out. She looked at Milo's worried face and smiled. Jesse stared at Cole too and tried her hardest to touch her face to his. Jennifer smiled and chuckled. "I think Jesse likes you Cole..." she said softly, so she wouldn't startle him too much out of his daze. She sighed and nodded. "I'm a music junkie myself but more like I'll listen to anything from a musical pretty much..." she stuck her finger into Milo's cage. "You and I have different tastes, huh buddy?" Jesse nibbled at Jennifer's hand. "Jesse is usually with me all the time. She's a sugar glider but she can't glide anymore. I took part in this protest, while my parents were out of town on a church camping trip and I had come down with a mysterious case of and measles, and we broke all these animals that had been experimented on out and she didn't have her gliding gear any more..." Jennifer stated sadly. "But now she's mine and she's happy. That's all that matters..." Jesse skittered over to press her face against the bars of the cage to sniff Milo. "Maybe they'll mate and we'll have some Sugar Ferret!" Jennifer snickered.
A warm smile beamed at Jennifer as Cole nodded in thanks for lightening his spirits. Milo gently squeaked as he sniffed Jennifer's soft finger and began to run in circles closer to her instead of his devoted owner. "Oh I see how it is. Leaving me for the lovely ladies!" he playfully scoffed at his furry who pretended he wasn't being scolded and continued as he was. "Oh well, looks like I don't have a buddy for lunch rush anymore..." he dramatically sighed as he turned around and slowly started changing coffee filters. Milo froze and immediately squealed eagerly, gnawing at the bars to the cage door with great excitement. Cole couldn't help laughing as he opened the door and turned on the water that began to fill up sink. Milo then jumped out of the cage and into the rising pool of water, swimming in delightful circles. After Cole moved his cage down to the floor behind the counter, he squirted in a few drops of soap that Milo happily accepted and began to roll around in, squeezing his eyes closed through the tumbles. Cole eventually helped him out by scrubbing his fur gently and rinsing him off, afterwards tossing him onto a nearby towel which Milo already knew how to operate and proceeded to dry himself. "A small tradition of ours," Cole informed Jennifer as a damp ferret was now perched on his shoulder and half-curled around his neck. "Surprisingly the customers don't mind as long as he doesn't literally touch the food. Since you'll start working here soon, you're more than welcome to bring Jesse. You two seem pretty close, and I'm not going to be a hypocrite and deny your friend from my place. Milo is cool with it, too." At that he laughed and looked over at his friend who had his hands wrapped around a small piece of biscuit. "I would start you right away, but I have to get you into the system first and the process isn't fast-paced. Savannah's Department of Labor can be rather anal about these things. Today though, you're welcome to hang around. There's a loft up that stairway," he motioned over to a spiral stairway that led up to a small lofted area with a few tables, a lounging area, and a door that led to a covered porch. " and there's some book shelves along this back wall down here. You are also more than welcome to relax here at the bar or walk around or, heck, leave and go home, though Milo and I would greatly appreciate your company. We don't close until eight o' clock, so you have plenty of time to do whatever! You're going to love it here, I promise." Milo squeaked after his biscuit was gone and his nose was sniffing towards the clock. It was now a half hour until four, and Cole smiled at the realization, spun around, and began busily preparing the supply for his future customers. The air was filled with bread and fresh ground coffee, along with the upbeat tunes that bled from his speakers. Cole hopped and danced about behind the bar, chopping, spreading, baking, brewing, plating, and everything else in between. Milo's head bobbed along with his movements but he only clung onto his shirt tighter as the two of them glided around the shop. Occasionally Milo would hop off his shoulder to break off another piece of biscuit from a nearby basket behind the counter, but as soon as the morsel was secure in his jaws he would return to his place on his master's shoulder and happily chew along with the music. It was clear that they were close and have been doing this for a while.

The vibe was happy and it spread throughout the store and out the front door as one by one, regular customers would pass through, greet Cole and Milo, grab a bag that had already been set out for them, pay, then be on their way. A few would look down at the new face and smile, sometimes peer into Jesse's cage, but not say much of anything in their direction. Every time Cole would apologetically smile in her direction. "The lunch break for some of these businesses isn't that long. They're nice people, they just need more time in their lives to take in the world around them. Nothing against you two, I promise." With a wink he went back to his work joyfully, now singing along with the well-known songs that started playing. He was happy a new face was entering his life, and he couldn't hide the excitement too well.
Jennifer was glad to see Cole back in spirits. She smiled softly and watched him bathe Milo, or more so Milo bathe himself. She listened to Cole talk about the job and how she pretty much was already in it, or would be if it weren't for the man. Then the lunch rush came in, a few small girls peeking at Jesse who chattered at them curiously and nibbled at their fingers. Jennifer ended up just sitting there and observing how everything was. Laid back but busy. She hoped she could handle it, she tended to get a little frazzled at times. When Cole made the comment about being ignored by most of the people in the cafe passing in and out she shrugged. "It looked like most of them just grabbed their pre-made stuff and went so I gathered it must be lunch break time. My internal clock is still in NC time right now." she said with a lighthearted laugh. "If I let Jesse out, he has to be bathed first right?" She wanted to make sure. I bet people didn't want the little glider crawling around and climbing up their legs if she wasn't clean. She didn't recognize most of the music on the radio because she was a shut in for most of her life. He seemed so happy and energetic. Jennifer leaned over and fed Jesse another biscuit. "It's funny. Milo is so bouncy and cute while Jesse has such an attitude!" Jesse chattered at that and bounced away from Jennifer. Jennifer snickered and smiled back at Cole. "Do you think Milo would let me hold him?"
"What an absurd question! Milo, go and greet the newest member of the coffee shop family." He winked over at Jennifer and nudged the furry tube with his chin. Milo in turn acquired his target before leaping off of his shoulder perch and into the palms of Jennifer. He rolled over several times to get the feel of her hands before curling up tight enough to be mostly in her right hand. Cole lovingly looked down at Milo and let out a sigh before returning to his work. "He doesn't like many people. Heck, some days the spoiled brat doesn't even like me, so you're definitely one of the lucky ones." He smiled as he spoke even though his back was to her. "Oh, and yes," he quickly remembered, "All employees must wash hands.... and partners. I hope that won't be an issue. I know some creatures aren't too fond of water." he paused mid-sandwich making to lean over on the counter and slied a few of his fingers into Jesse's cage. "Jesse is pretty adorable, and will probably demand more attention than old Milo there." He chuckled, his gaze remaining on the cage.

"Oh, my!!!" A squeaky voice cut through the air, making the comfortable Milo hiss at the doorway. Cole snapped a glare at him before looking in the same direction. A small blonde-headed figure stood there holding a purple sequined bag and expensive looking sunglasses. A wide grin was spread across her skinny and heavily made up face. "It smells better and better in here everyday Co-co!" The twig bounced her long golden curls over to the bar and sat down, still smiling from ear to ear. "What's the special today, hmmmm~?"

"Miranda, I-" Cole began, somewhat uncomfortably but still remaining in his leaned over position.

"Oh my, who is this?" Miranda quickly interrupted, looking up and down at Jennifer. "And who is THIS?!" She squinted her eyes into the cage to see the sugar glider in the corner. "Oh my, how rude of me! I'm Miranda." She didn't bother reaching out a hand for and returned her gaze to Cole. "I swear, I will never understand your attachment to small furry rodents." she giggled as she tossed her belongings into the chair next to her and rested her chin in her hands.

"Miranda, this is Jennifer and Jesse," he spoke plainly. "They are new in town and will be working here soon." The mentioning of a new employee made him smile and his posture relax. Milo still had his fur standing up and only curled tighter into Jennifer's palm.

"Working here?" Miranda's eyes darted back and forth between them. "Oh my.... Well that's- how exciting!"

"Yes, it is." He was looking at Jennifer now which only made Miranda's fingernails tap against the bar impatiently.

"Soooo? Specials??" She tried to break his gaze and wiggled around in her seat adjusting her skintight dress.

"Read the board sometime, Miranda. It'll be good for you." He looked back down at Jesse and wiggled his fingers around. Miranda huffed and stomped her way out the shop and turned the corner towards the left. "The board is on the other side, Miranda." His voice wasn't too loud but it still carried as a the girl passed by the doorway going the opposite direction. He sighed and rested his head on the counter while Milo's fur went back down his body relaxed. "Pros and cons to working here," he spoke again," that was just a con."
Jennifer giggled while Milo wiggled around in her hands. She scratched his belly and smiled at Cole. "I'm glad he likes me." she said. "Nah it's not an issue. Jesse likes her baths." Jesse went over to Cole's fingers and nibbled on them softly. "Jesse seems to have a bit of a crush on you." Jennifer said with a laugh as Jesse flopped on her stomach. When this girl came in squealing and cooing at Cole, Jennifer just smiled and tried to completely block her out. Jesse squeaked angrily when this girl pulled Cole's attention away. Jennifer frowned when she said 'rodent' and muttered to her self "He's actually a marsupial..." She petted Milo and cooed sweet things to him to calm him down. When she heard and saw the girl flounce away she came back to earth and smiled at Cole. "I can tell she's a con by the way Milo puffed up." she said, petting Milo's long back softly. "He's a good boy." "Who was that anyway?" Jennifer asked curiously. "Miranda right?"
((OOC: You changed Jesse's gender. Is it a male or female?? Haha :D ))

Cole only shrugged off the burden he felt around Miranda and went back to smiling delightfully at Jennifer. "Yes, that's Miranda. She's a native, and she's been a rather large pain in my side since I came here. She's a nice gal, don't get me wrong, but...." He finished his thought with a chuckle and turned to Jesse. "You've got a nice one here yourself," he complimented as he fiddled with the door, eventually popping it open and reaching an open palm out for Jesse. "May I have the honor, my dear?" Milo briefly glared at Cole in jealousy, but was ultimately satisfied in his current position and crawled around Jennifer's arm until he was gently squeaking happily in Jennifer's ear while his slender body curled around her neck. Cole looked up at Jennifer and Milo and shook his head. "Speaking of crushes," his joke was interrupted with the bouncy blonde arriving back at the bar.

"Okay, I saw the specials, but none of them really catch my eye. You think you could make something just for me?" she sweetly cooed.

"What did you have in mind?" He never took his eyes off of Jennifer and Milo.

"I don't know, surprise me~! You know my tastes, don't you?"

"Vaguely." He turned his attention to Jesse, pleading with his eyes that Miranda would magically disappear. The peaceful air was further destroyed as an annoying shrill beeping of Miranda's phone interjected the silence. She quickly swiped the phone from her bag and slapped it to her face, smiling as if the person could see her face.

"Hi Daddy!.... Yes, I'm there now," she covered the phone with her hand and turned to Cole again. "He says hello and asks if you are planning on coming by after work today or tomorrow."

Cole shuddered as he the information flooded his head. "Tomorrow," he slightly grumbled, but too slight for the bimbo to notice. He just kept his eyes blindly locked onto the cage in front of him.

"Okay," she returned to her conversation, "He says tomorrow. Oh Daddy! He's got a new employee.... Yeah.... No, she just moved here from what I've heard which is frankly next to nothing so-..... Yeah.... I know, yeah.... Okay.... Love you too Daddy! Bye-bye!!" And with that she tossed her phone back into the bag and slung the bag onto her shoulder, gathering the rest of her things in her hands. "Well, I gotta run as it turns out. Daddy's orders. By the by, when you come by tomorrow he wants to talk to you about.... your new recruit. Kay? Tootles!" She turned around without waiting for a response and flounced out the door, turning out of sight.

Cole let out a massive sigh as if he was holding his breath the entire time and brought back his smile, despite the inner emotions warring with the expression. "Oh, did I mention she's my landlord's daughter?" He sighed and wilted closer to Jesse, now dramatically pouting on the cage's level. "What am I ever to do Jesse? I'm about to lose my mind here!" he whined through the bars, peeking up at Jennifer and breaking his character to see her reaction.
((what time zone are you in? It's 3 am here. what about you? oh and it's a girl sorry for any confusion!))

Jesse carefully climbed into Cole's hand, fitting perfectly. She squeaked and got up on her haunches to put her tiny paws on his face. Her big eyes blinked up at him curiously. Jennifer laughed and placed a kiss on Milo's head. "You're so slinky!" she cooed.

When Miranda walked back in and started yammering in that annoying voice that Jennifer knew she was going to come to hate, she frowned. Cole looked absolutely irritated so that made Jennifer giggle slightly.

Her eyes snapped to Miranda when she mentioned the 'she' part and the 'came from next to nothing' part. She was about to open her mouth when something told her not to and she grit her teeth.

When Miranda finally left and Cole mentioned the landlord thing, she felt glad she had kept her mouth shut. She didn't want her job opportunity to get botched by the landlord of the shop and/or get Cole in trouble. Jesse nuzzled Cole's face with a purr. Jennifer just laughed at his little performance. "I think you're ready for Broadway my good sir." she said dryly, rolling her eyes. "She obviously has a thing for you seeing as she wanted something special from you. 'oh you know my tastes!' 'won't you make me something special?' That kind of stuff." she said, imitating Miranda's voice when repeating her dialog.

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