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On the run


A realistic, Idealistic, masochistic Genius
The year is 3156 im on the run with a girl havent even got the chance to ask her her name the cops are after us and i dont know why i just want to live.

(OOC:from know on first person only)

My charecter


brown hair

blue eyes

warm smile

roughly 5-6


i am tired, i can feel sweat running down my back as i lean against the wall. the cops had been chasing us, and by us i mean me and this stranger. i dont know his name all i know is we are in deep...i look up at the dimming skyline where will we go? what will we do

My character

Age: 20

Black hair

golden eyes

cool features



so hey whats up with you do you have any idea why there chasing us 
and who are you exactly
i shake my head and sigh "My name is Terra, and no clue, i am minding my own business when a bunch of cops start coming after me"
my names Yuri um same story so um what do we do now sit here and wait to be arrested or run its up to you 
OOC:you there
she wiped her brow "we need find a place to lay low. and possibly get out of the city," she stood up and wiped her brow before walking off staying in the shadowy parts of the street
i lead the way keeping my eyes open for any sign of cops or any one else that could hurt us, i head to some of the shadier parts of town i knew a few people who owed me a favor or two.

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