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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

@iiimee Thanks for accepting me! :D If I could get an invite to the chat and a quick summery of what is currently happening that would be wicked! c:
Dear Diary] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25446-iiimee/ said:
@iiimee[/URL] Thanks for accepting me! :D If I could get an invite to the chat and a quick summery of what is currently happening that would be wicked! c:
^_^ K, I'll add you! Basically, they're all in Las Vegas atm, but half the group is captured and half the group is still in the city trying to escape. Our plan is basically for Violet, the teleportation girl, to take the chars to her and Silver's secret base. Violet is currently in the desert with the chars Matthew, Shard, Orious, and Leonardo. They'll be making their way over to where the char Leo is soon, and he's in the city...

Anyway, if you want your char to start out captured that's fine, but please note that you won't be able to use them a lot for the next couple of days besides torture scenes if they're captured, because we're RPing a few days of the non-captured surviving and then time-skipping to the day when the non-captured rescue the captured characters. Again, a lot of people will be posting torture scenes and scenes involving their captured chars in the facility, but besides that, the captured just have to hang out! xD

If you want your char to start out not captured, you should have your char find Violet. Please note that I sort of made my character Matthew the leader of the group, or the closest thing to a leader, since he makes most of the decisions, but feel free to question his authority every now and then! ;) He's a fun guy, despite being a total grouch.

If you need help jumping in, ask me or anyone in the group chat! ^_^
Full Name: Nikolai Udinof

Nickname: Nikolai

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Power: Invisibility


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/img-thing.jpe.44673b7aa802ccdf5abd58da60215227.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/img-thing.jpe.44673b7aa802ccdf5abd58da60215227.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Usually quiet and keeps to himself but sticks up for his friends and when people mess with him he gets extremely angry.

History: Parents died at a young age and moved from orphanage to orphanage. He finally got sick of this and ran away. His first day living on his own a local gang saw promise in him and he was forced to fight in a illegal fighting ring.When he was a fighter the only friend he found himself was Nick.In his last fight him and nick were teammates but the fight was interrupted by the police and Nikolai was captured but nick got away. Soon after the scientists found him brought him into the program.



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Zekeanater said:
Full Name: Nikolai Udinof
Nickname: Nikolai

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Power: Invisibility


View attachment 248612

Personality: Usually quiet and keeps to himself but sticks up for his friends and when people mess with him he gets extremely angry.

History: Parents died at a young age and moved from orphanage to orphanage. He finally got sick of this and ran away. His first day living on his own a local gang saw promise in him and he was forced to fight in a illegal fighting ring. In one match he was teamed up with Nike however the fight was interrupted by the police and Nikolai was caught but Nick got away. Soon after the scientists found him brought him into the program.
Um, who's the second person you're talking about in the history? o~o
iiimee said:
Um, who's the second person you're talking about in the history? o~o
It was Nick xD We're in a Skype call and we allowed Nikolai and Nick to know each other from the fighter rink
Cicero said:
It was Nick xD We're in a Skype call and we allowed Nikolai and Nick to know each other from the fighter rink
Oh, got it! ^_^ Well, welcome @Cicero , or does he need it to be explained to him? I'll add him to our chat group! ^_^

Lucas Blom

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/flower04GrowLgStatic.gif.8b4cacf303d7731617b7565be5fd1aba.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/flower04GrowLgStatic.gif.8b4cacf303d7731617b7565be5fd1aba.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_meo8aeegtp1r7uuvjo1_1280_by_miabia100-d7hsm2u.png.e91e4214c7da533b4c74fa3a4540e373.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_meo8aeegtp1r7uuvjo1_1280_by_miabia100-d7hsm2u.png.e91e4214c7da533b4c74fa3a4540e373.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

From the Basics


Lucas Blom








Bisexual (more towards men)



Extreme plant powers!!

Plant Manipulation

Healing Plant


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nvcuih0oVT1s7vxtgo1_r2_500.png.16a130dcf391cf89ac76888e85231706.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114789" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nvcuih0oVT1s7vxtgo1_r2_500.png.16a130dcf391cf89ac76888e85231706.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Depending on his mood, the weather and what he drinks, plant life will grow on him. In the summer Strawberry's will grow on top of his head. Daisies will grow out of his neck. His freckles will be green. He is 5'8.


Sarcastic, grumpy, distant.

Lou can be kind of moody sometimes. Well anyone would be moody when they are being poked and such by scientists. He's just a normal dude.

The rest

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_static_8h74jxc5ohwkc04c4s44cg0ok.png.5e4ad07ed762d7cec78f75a1eb79694c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114889" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_static_8h74jxc5ohwkc04c4s44cg0ok.png.5e4ad07ed762d7cec78f75a1eb79694c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Once apon a time, there was a happy little couple who lived in little cottage in Switzerland. Each day they would always hope and pray for a baby, they did not care whether or not the baby would be a girl or a boy! They just wanted a child to care for and call their own. Why they didn't just adopt is beyond me. But whatever. One day they asked the village witch what they should do. The Witch said, 'Bring me silk as thin as hair, a lucky curved item, frog juice and fire from a dodo's belly and a flower from the tree that you made a promise from. Get me those things and you shall have your child!'

Well the two went searching for all the things. Once they were done they quickly ran back to the Witch with the things in hand. They brought her spider webs, a horse shoe, frog piss and a lantern that contained a flame from the villages dodo bird statue. It was a pretty weird thing; it was a giant dodo statue! It's belly was cut out and had candle in the middle.... Weird. So anyway the other things were frog piss and a leaf from the tree where they got married under.

Well this witch was a picky bitch. The things they had brought her were old a dirty! The horse shoe had crap on it, the spider web still had spiders on it, she definitely didn't want frog piss! She wanted a type of beer that was called Frog Juice. Oh and I think she wanted some sort of silk from China or whatever. So they failed for the fourth time in trying to have a baby. Wow.

So long story short, the Witch mixed the stuff together and gave it to the woman to drink. The moment she did she became pregnant. Like immediately that moment, it was probably very strange to any normal person. The couple celebrated with kisses and hugs and 'I love yous!' But their celebration was cut short when the Witch cursed them both for...not listening to her super clear instructions! So blah blah blah they had to move to a quite little place where no one would bother them after they had the baby who had started to grow freaking flowers on his ass. Then the mom died like five days later and the dad just really hated the child. So when the kid was old enough to be in middle school, the hive started coming after him. The dad was all like 'bro I don't feel like dealing with this.' And just let them take the kid. The kid said no and got away! He managed to stay away for a couple years then he was caught. The scientists have kept him for almost every season, studying how the flowers grow and what not. It very boring and I'm sure the kid wanted to kill them all.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_static_1480y3zpcwtcgssw8sgcgk4g4.png.f6059eee1832cb942b32c71dd1d7fcc7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_static_1480y3zpcwtcgssw8sgcgk4g4.png.f6059eee1832cb942b32c71dd1d7fcc7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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: Iris Hayes

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Transmutation: Iris is able to alter the forms of organic (by causing forced, extremely fast mutations) and inorganic (by altering chemical structure) matter alike. This is the strongest of her powers; she can transform a very large area with concentration or under stress. The object must retain mass, however she can usually turn excess mass into air or surrounding air into the excess mass. This power has become instinctive; she can transform bullets to sand or other harmless matter as they are fired towards her.

Telekinesis: She can telekinetically manipulate objects up to the mass of a small house.

Enchanted Allure: Iris can make herself seem irresistible to those around her, making her opinions agreed with and her commands followed by all but those with a very strong will. It is more effective on males, but works on females.

Personality: Vain, hedonistic, overconfident and irresponsible. She enjoys feeling powerful and never hesitates to use her powers except when it would obviously reveal them to the public. She exploits her charm abilities almost all times and has used transmutation to turn wood into gold as well as remodel her house and appearance several times. The power has certainly began to corrupt her, as the more she uses it, she more powerful she feels compared to a normal person. She is beginning to spiral into narcissism, having been by far the most beautiful and powerful person she knew for a very long time. This has caused her to use her powers more recklessly, as she finds it hard to resist turning anyone who mildly annoys her into a lizard or forcing them to make a fool of themselves in front of everyone they knew.

Backstory: She was born into a relatively ordinary life, discovering her powers in her early teens. She had difficulty controlling them, and eventually used telekinesis in the middle of her school out of impulse. A corrupt businessman attempted to use her for his own purposes, and after her secret let out the government was after her as well.
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]Full Name: Logan Bella Forbes

Nickname: Bella (only special people can call her logan)


Gender: female

Sexuality: bi

Power: the ability to "flash" or appear where ever she wants.

Appearance: long blonde hair to her waist, and piercing blue eyes. She's short, only 5'3, but she has a nice build to her, in shape.

Personality: can be extreamly moody, and comes off as tough, but once you get to know her she's not so bad, although she does get herself into trouble sometimes, and she occasionally likes to push people's buttons.

History: she escaped on her own, meeting the group after a month of being on her own. She used to have an older brother, but they killed him, when testing went wrong, and she still craves an older brother figure, always wanting to find someone to fill that gap.

Other: n/a

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Supermegabrenda2 said:


Massun Yeri


Human/Forest Siren Form


Wearing a tight leather shirt, black leggings and black converses. Wearing red lipstic, sticking out against her light skin. Her hair was once long, but had to cut it in order to escape the SEAL's.

Ipotane form:

(almost identical to the one below)


Ipotanes are extremely strong, and only a handfull of things can stop them.

All Ipotane forms are Male, and depend on their other form to reproduce.

Ipotane's can run faster than any wind, and throw punches probably much faster than you blink.

This paticular Ipotane uses as a weapon :

A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one above.


2 small war axes

Not like it needs a weapon...

His 'mane' acts as a blade by itself, strong enough to cut through metal

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Ipotane: Explained above

Forest Siren: Sings a beautifull song, bringing men and woman into their doom. Once they are close enough, and she is sure she wants thi meal, she bites into their neck, sort of like a vampire.

Forest sirens can control The Green, making plants grow or die to their will.

Gender: Female, Ipotane form is Male

Basic personality: Split personalities:

Nice, Caring, Sweet, Bubbly, Loves to cuss

Agressive, Love to cuss, (Just straight up a B!tch)


Siren/Ipotane/Human Form: Double (small) war axes

Ipotane: A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one in the image.

Human: 2 Desert Eagle Pistols (9mm)

Best Basic Knowledge:

CQC (close quarter combat)

Worst Basic Knowledge:


((Sorry for any mispelling! English is not my first language xD ))​
Here @Magical Squid Senpai

Name: Persephone Rose

Name: Quinnlin Voss

Nickname : Gogo

Nickname : Jinx

Age: 18

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Sexuality : Straight

Power:, power mimicry, power sensing, and power negation.

Power: Power augmentation, and sensing, Kinetic Absorption, Merging, and self-detonation and reformation.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160401_230700000_iOS.jpg.66d9ebf57aca1e6dd4c1f533e2518c7f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115692" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160401_230700000_iOS.jpg.66d9ebf57aca1e6dd4c1f533e2518c7f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160401_231013000_iOS.jpg.bf1d74490006467fb4c4eac8b45faea5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115693" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160401_231013000_iOS.jpg.bf1d74490006467fb4c4eac8b45faea5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Personality: haughty female who will beat you by using a large variety of vocabulary words and enjoys fighting. Will do almost anything to prove that she's right, and hates apologizing. You hurt her sister, she'll kill you.

Personality: more shy than her sister but still not timid, will also beat you, but will make your pain slow and meaningful. You hurt her sister, she'll force you to die a slow and agonizing death.

History: the twins were taken from the hospital a few hours after their birth, for the soul fact that they were twins. The scientists thought that their success would be more achieve able if they could have a comforter, but also leverage through the other twin. By experimenting on them since they were children, and training them, Persephone and Quinnlin have become a dangerous duo.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160401_231625000_iOS.jpg.3d22fdcf395aee3a13bf632b73229aa1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115694" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160401_231625000_iOS.jpg.3d22fdcf395aee3a13bf632b73229aa1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: the twins are identical, so much so that not even the scientists can remember which is which. Also, both girls' long red hair reaches about to their knees.

@iiimee (hope they're ok, any questions, you know to ask)



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MermaidShireen said:
Name: Persephone Rose
Name: Quinnlin Voss

Nickname : Gogo

Nickname : Jinx

Age: 18

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Sexuality : Straight

Power: power Augmentation, power mimicry, power sensing, and power negation.

Power: Kinetic Absorption, Merging, and self-detonation and reformation.

Appearance: View attachment 257694

Appearance :

View attachment 257695

Personality: haughty female who will beat you by using a large variety of vocabulary words and enjoys fighting. Will do almost anything to prove that she's right, and hates apologizing. You hurt her sister, she'll kill you.

Personality: more shy than her sister but still not timid, will also beat you, but will make your pain slow and meaningful. You hurt her sister, she'll force you to die a slow and agonizing death.

History: the twins were taken from the hospital a few hours after their birth, for the soul fact that they were twins. The scientists thought that their success would be more achieve able if they could have a comforter, but also leverage through the other twin. By experimenting on them since they were children, and training them, Persephone and Quinnlin have become a dangerous duo.

View attachment 257696

Other: the twins are identical, so much so that not even the scientists can remember which is which. Also, both girls' long red hair reaches about to their knees.

@iiimee (hope they're ok, any questions, you know to ask)
Rad, alright. With power negation, does that have a limit? Like being temporary, done in certain circumstances, etc??
[QUOTE="King Anthony]Rad, alright. With power negation, does that have a limit? Like being temporary, done in certain circumstances, etc??

Power negation goes off of her own strength, however with her sister's power augmentation she can have extra strength. Meaning, on her own, she can take on most of the hybrids one on one, maybe two. With her sister she can take on Nox. And pretty much every one else. The link it is if she gets too tired or knocked out. If she feels the power, she can negate it.
MermaidShireen said:
Power negation goes off of her own strength, however with her sister's power augmentation she can have extra strength. Meaning, on her own, she can take on most of the hybrids one on one, maybe two. With her sister she can take on Nox. And pretty much every one else. The link it is if she gets too tired or knocked out. If she feels the power, she can negate it.
Aye, nice nice! Let 'em rock an' roll.


((Both of these are Ammax's buddy's, they are outside the compound, and from time to time visit Ammax through his small window in his cell))


Gender: Male

Age: 4

Sexuality: Straight

Power: Supersonic Hearing, Immune to weather, or any kinds of shots (needle)

This Agile, Loyal, Flying, Strong, 5'6 Lion is ready for nearly anything. Is docile ONLY , unless told otherwise, to Ammax. This creature loves to fight, and is always itching to go on adventures



Gender: Female

Age: 3

Sexuality: Straight

Powers: Influences wind, Super speed, horns in back can move around (change positions, location.)

This mighty agile, Horned, 5'4 Lioness is a force to be reckoned with. She is very temperamental, and is docile towards anyone, unless you mess with her. Her long, golden coat doeset offer much protection, and is vunerable to attacks.


This Duo is Ammax salvation, his ticket out of the compound. If he manages to go outside, he can escape. They are a couple, so dont get too close to one, and leave the other out.


McKane David Donny Krisocovic








He can control and create gas and smoke. He can't summon anything more fatal than something similar to burning paint. He can control gas and smoke of any kind, and depending on its lethality, he can change its atomic build. For example, he could make the gas that eminates off of bleach and form into mustard gas without the need of ammonia.


He has curly messy back hair to the nape of his neck, and a thin full beard that doesnt go farther than a few milimeters off of his face. He has piercing blue eyes, and a semi-muscular build. He has many ear piecings, each skull themed. He has a graduate stud piercing going up to his auricle piercing, which connects to his lower and upper lobe piercing. He also has an industrial piercing. He typically wears clothing at a grayscale color pallette. He has fair skin, standing at 6'0", and weighs 184 pounds.


(This works out of 10 points. So for example XXX 7/3 XXX)

Brutality 6/4 Finesse

Kindness 4/6 Cruelty

Politeness 5/5 Rudeness

Quiet 7/3 Outgoing

Generosity 2/8 Selfishness

Helpful 5/5 Sadistic

Hardcore 7/3 Softcore

Pervert 7/3 Non-Pervert(?)

He stays intellectual, loving wisdom as much as strength.


Born on May 23rd, 1986 (Assuming the year is 2016), he was the first child of his mother and father. Life was fine as they had plenty of disposable income, allowing luxury into the house. Three years later, his younger sister was born, however, his mother died during the birthing. This is where things started to go south. McKane's sistee had no motherlt figure and her father didnt want her to hate men (He always did hate feminists). So, with McKane being the oldest, he got much of the work. This started out with just cleaning up rooms, however, as he got oldee it only got rougher and the abuse grew. Scars, bruises, wounds started appearing on his body, but his father wasnt an idiot. So, he was pulled out of public school to make sure that rhe father didn't lose custody. At the age of 11 years old, the abuse was enough to make him cry himself to sleep each and every night. McKane's younger sister would comfort him however, giving McKane simple but sweet things. This would atleast have him have a stable mind. Eventually, his sister at the age of 14, while she was at school, the 17 year old McKane had enough of his father's shit. This would lead him to get the upperhand on his father, forcing him at gunpoint to give McKane's sister a busnote to be dropped off at his Aunt's. As soon as he was finished, he killed off his father. He quickly packed his items, leaving most of it behind to avoid contact with the police. McKane conceals as much evidence as possible to make it look like suicide, or a murder done by an intruder. McKane goes with the secons option, making a mess of the house and breaking some of the expensive stuff. He ditches home and gets to his Aunt's house. McKane tells a lie, thus leaving custody of the two in the hands of their aunt. McKane tells his sister the truth, but his sister keeps herself quiet. They were poor and depressed at the time, so McKane's aunt offers the idea of experiments. McKane is given a few days to think... and he says yes. He is shipped off to the building, being put through many painful experiments relating to gas and vspor and smoke... He begs to stop the biological alternations. He wasnt allowed to leave. Soon, he gains the ability to control it... but he keeps shut. He wasnt afraid to murder again. A chlorine gas experiment seemed perfect for what he was going to do. He increases the pressure dramatically, busting the door off of its hinges. He controls the gas to kill off several scientists, and uses smoke to conceal himself. He is free and on the run.


A total metal head. Still super gentleman like most of the time.


(Apologies if some of the bits dont make sense, english is not my first language.)
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Nickname: (Optional)Fangs





Appearance: (Either description or picture, your choice.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/15117982329_bde5f489a0_o.png.96c09e39ec654e8cdb718633e31eff70.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121719" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/15117982329_bde5f489a0_o.png.96c09e39ec654e8cdb718633e31eff70.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/73c8cbcb72d351997b8c2843008513b5.jpg.0be08d7bc2bfc8d4223a4810a26a173a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121720" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/73c8cbcb72d351997b8c2843008513b5.jpg.0be08d7bc2bfc8d4223a4810a26a173a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_o555qmIB0d1ukhgp4o1_500.gif.0eaabc816b15bb6f5d9763a9506c9bf9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121721" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_o555qmIB0d1ukhgp4o1_500.gif.0eaabc816b15bb6f5d9763a9506c9bf9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Fangs can be evil and good but he can take a hit.He doesn't show fear or happiness.

History;The way he got his powers os not a good way. He was tortured to the point were he died he was tested on by scientists and they turned him into the thing he is. (Not in the actual anime)




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Full Name: Tundra

Nickname: Tun

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Power: Extreme Strenght, Extreme Speed, Influence Weather (not manipulate)




Snappy, Yet nice. Possesive, Flirty, Selfless, Aventurous.


No one knows, except he claims Ammax is his cousin, and so does Ammax


He is oddly hansome, and waks of all fours frequently

Full Name: Alexa Day

Nickname: Lexi

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Power: She's a witch, meaning she can cast spells.

Nationality: American

Height: 5'6

Weight: 118 lbs.

Boi: short or long: Alexa Day's parents died when she was only two. She clearly remembered that day because she also has Eidetic memory, and it was scary. She was placed in a poor orphanage. She then was placed in a foster home when she was four. Her foster parents HATED her, and started beating her. She suffered from physical and sexual abuse. When she was only seven, she ran away from home. When the cops found her five years later, she was not the shaky kid from before. No, she was a witty, badass smartass. Alexa trained her Eidetic memory into something bigger: photographic memory.

No one wanted a smartass girl with a big mouth, so she remained in her orphanage.

Alexa found out she was a witch when she was thirteen. She kept it hidden from everyone, including her best friend, Jason Salvator.

Alexa started her life in crime. She was the ultimate thief, stealing cars, money, and weapons. She memorized the law to break the law.

Appearance at the bottom.

Name: Jason Salvator

Nickname: Jay-Man

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: American

Height: 5'9

Weight: 145 lbs.

Power: He has the ability to time travel and to control time.

Bio: Jason Salvator was born into a very rich family. He has three siblings, Matt Salvator, Geonia Salvator, and Tyler Salvator. Their father owned a huge business in weapons. Their mother owned a fashion industry. However, their father and mother were people who wanted to transport weapons and supplies to people who wanted to destroy the world.

All four participated in murdering their parents.

They regretted nothing.

Matt Salvator ended up taking over the weapon business while Geonia Salvator ended up taking over the fashion industry. Tyler and Jason were still high school students. He found out he had time abilities when he was thirteen.

When Jason was fourteen, he bumped into a girl that goes by the name Alexa. She stole his wallet. Slowly after, they became best friends. And slowly, Jason developed feelings for Alexa.

-Scared of his parents.
-In love with Alexa.
-Extreme good looks.

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