Talgus and Rory
Your borrowed blade flys out and strikes the undulating vine, but does not seem to do much damage to it. You quickly see that unless you boost your damage done by using Charms or your Moonsilver blade, little harm will be done.
One of the Dragon-Blooded there steps forward and adds his axe to the mix. "Your courage does you credit, but you are no match for this foe. Leave it to us!" He obviously doesn't know that you're Exalted.
Your borrowed blade flys out and strikes the undulating vine, but does not seem to do much damage to it. You quickly see that unless you boost your damage done by using Charms or your Moonsilver blade, little harm will be done.
One of the Dragon-Blooded there steps forward and adds his axe to the mix. "Your courage does you credit, but you are no match for this foe. Leave it to us!" He obviously doesn't know that you're Exalted.