On the Ocean Floor *Mermaid Rp is back!!!*


Senior Member
Hello... I am taking over the Mermaid Rp, because Jabberwocky had a handfull of rps to take care of. The rules are simple:

Below the water's surface you never would have geussed that there were mermaids living out thier everyday lives. Being a mermaid, you have to be careful not to be seen by the land dwellers, but other than that, your life is pretty avrege.


~No magic powers

~No humans

~Good spelling and grammar is appreciated

~Drama and Romance is fine, but keep it PG-13

~No anime or animation

~No pets

~Please do not just do girls try to do boys as well




Looks(You can use a pic of a real persone the do a pic of her tail):





My Characters:

Name: Sapphire

Age: 16

Looks(You can use a pic of a real persone the do a pic of her tail):
Click this bar to view the full image.


Personality: She is really nice, kind, adventurous, caring, and much more.

History: Sapphire was born in the ocean to two loving parents. When she was 12, a fisherman saw here and tryed to kill her with a gun. One of her best friends, a dolphin, risked its life to save Sapphire and died from a bullet shot. Other than that, she has had a pretty good life.



Name: Jason

Age: 16

Click this bar to view the full image.

This tail-
Click this bar to view the full image.


Personality: Nice, Somewhat flirty, can be obnoxious

History: Was abandoned at age 6 in a cove not to far off the coast of Malibu. Jason soon set out to find a place where he would belong, but soon ran into a hammerhead shark and got into a fight. He has a scratch on his arm because of that.

Crush: none


Name: Lillian Nolan

Age: 19

Looks(You can use a pic of a real persone the do a pic of her tail):

View attachment 723

Personality: Lillian is very protective and blunt. She can't seem to shut her mouth when she's irritated, and sometimes she doesn't think through her words. She's incredibly loyal to her friends, and she has a bad habit of mothering them constantly.

History: Lillian was surrounded by a massive family for a while. She had traveled with a group of other mermaids until she was 16. It was then she decided to part ways. Since most of the mermaids in her group were male, she had picked up some of their blunter ways, and for a while, she had a hard time making friends on her own. She wandered for a while until she found another group to travel with for a couple of years. She left them when she was 18, and she's been traveling alone ever since.

Crush: None

Lillian loves to paint herself. She uses whatever she can to paint pictures on her body.

[[sorry the picture is so big! I didn't think of resizing it or anything. xD ]]
Accepted. Its okay if the pic is big. Mine are big also. Once we get more people to join, I'll create the form so check back here often.


Looks(You can use a pic of a real persone the do a pic of her tail):Marella's hair is a light mocha brown falls in long tendrils down her back. Her eyes are a darker shade of brown with hints of gold that surround the pupil. She has a few scares on her upper body and arms but other than that she has a pale almost milky complexion with a few freckles on her nose. Her tail is a deep blue with traces of grey. She fastened a top out of pieces of seaweed.

Personality: Shy, guarded, eventually kind

History: Marella was born ina beautiful cove but when she was three the cove was turned into a publi beach and a net was placed across the cove to preven sharks and other creatures from getting in. Unfortunately she was trapped and her parents were out hunting when it happened. There was no way for her to get out. For years she lived alone and had to fend for herself. She was able to avoid humans but she had to be really careful. The net was made of wire so she couldn't cut it very easily. When she was thirteen she managed to escape after cutting at a patch of the net for years. She wandered the sea for a year or so not meeting anyone. When she finally did she was tricked into swimming into a net. She was trapped for days before Branden came along and cut her out. He is kind of like a big brother to her.

Crush: None

Other: She created a small knife out of coral she can also use it to keep her hair out of her face so no one knows she has a knife.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: BRanden

Age: 20

Looks(You can use a pic of a real persone the do a pic of her tail): Branden has black hair and light blue eyes. He has tan skin and he is well built. His tail is deep green the color of seaweed.

Personality: He is very protective of the ones he loves, kind, loyal

History: Branden life was pretty easy but he decided to wander. He knows a lot about the sea because of his travels. HE is very protective of Marella


Other: none
I'm sorry 14, but you are not accepted. I do not allow mers to have any interaction with humans, even in their history and I do not allow mers to know Neptune until the time comes that I will have them.
Name: Melusine



View attachment 726

Personality: Melusine is a smart and curious mermaid and very wise for her age. She find underwater plants, flowers and coral very interesting.

History: Growing with her beloved parents and an older twin brother and sister she didn't could give her own opinion a lot. She had just to listen.

Crush: None. ( yet? ) She hasn't have a lot of friends, at least a boyfriend. But if she would find someone who she like, she would fall in love easily.

Other: Her curiosity and know about many plants makes her decide she wants to be a doctor, so she can help people and animals who may need it.

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