The Overseer
Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language Keys: "..." - Common ; "[...]" - Terran

Decimus gave the bouncer a long, appraising gaze, with an unchanged expression. The pair being accepted so easily, so eagerly into the bowels of sin could have brought up some questions of Beatrice’s true character. And, while the veteran soldier remained cautious as ever, he assumed there were enough eyes in Red Haven to have tracked the earlier trio, now pair, movements and actions.
The military man moved and kept himself rather comfortably in the establishment, the atmosphere of that den of damnation doing little to curb his steely resolve to get to the bottom of it. The familiar smell of tobacco reached his nostrils, making him take long drags of smoke of his own smoking pipe reflexively, the gray smoke leaving the left corner of his lips.
A thought, which he dared not utter, for it spoke of the highest treason, had been brewing into the very back of his mind and his stay in that place matured it more and more. Red Haven, and all its damned existence, was a result of the failed Widersian Democracy. How could a nation that was falling so easily to its base desires, allowing the rot to spread so openly, so unimpeded, hope to withstand against its bloodthirsty neighbors? Order had to be enforced, from the top to the base.
And, as he traversed through Black Goat, he let not its cheap calls and diversion rob his attention of the current task. His thoughts were only in finding out the puppeteer behind this sordid play and put an end to it.
The bizarre, eldritch and chimerical entrance of the wrong man brought a visible grimace in Decimus’ wisened face. Primal thoughts of violence, those born from when the eyes catch the sight of something the mind can’t readily comprehend, fight or flight instinct with only the first option thrumming with intensity were brought forth. The idea of a possible crime being committed by the veteran soldier, if violence was chosen as the first option, didn’t even cross his mind. Instead, it was the ineffectiveness shown back at the Ivory Keys which kept the cadet from drawing and firing then and there.
“Let’s approach that it, but keep your wits about you. Anything strange, run for the exit.” Strange? Weren’t things strange from the very moment he set foot in Red Haven? And seeing the surrounding crowd, bucking for the exit appeared to be nothing more than wishful thinking. Regardless, the job that needed to be done pressed the veteran soldier forward, pushing his way through the crowd.