On Freud's Footprints [Manoneno1 x LynxAmelia] [Inactive]


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On Freud's Footprints [Manoneno1 x LynxAmelia] - 1x1 with Manoneno1

When an over-achiever steps into an unknown area of expertise...
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Name : Clarisse Maxim

Age : 19 (In human years)

Gender : Female

Scientific Name : Panthera pardus x Homo sapien

Appearance :

In human form :


In animal form :


Personality : Clarisse (Clair for short) is extremely stealthy and elusive. Though her presence is dominant, she rarely stands out of the crowd when she does not intend to. Largely a loner, she has no attachment to friends (if any) or family. Apart from the occasional boyfriend (who doesn't even get to lay a finger on her), she is largely alone. Highly tempermental and moody, she tends to intimidate, and even scare off a large number of suitors. Her reason? She wants a man to stand up for himself against her and, for once, make her feel like a woman. She has many of her feline characteristics like exceptional strength (despite being only 5 feet tall), agility and a love for trees and nature in general. She is, however, rather jealous and territorial and is willing to defend what is hers.. viciously. Including any of her romantic flings. She's been independent from a very early age and does not like talking about her family. Due to her territorial nature, she dislikes (read despises) females of all species. She rarely considers them to be a threat, it is more of an annoyance than anything. She is just... averse, to their existence. Though dominant by nature, she has a tender side that she wishes to be nurtured by someone who truly cares about her and who can put her in her place and isn't afraid to do it.
Name: Logan

Age: 79

Race: Half-elf, half-human

Personality: extroversial in a small company, introvertial in a big group. Dark humour, loyal and understanding.


History: escaped from his abusive father when he was 32, started drugs as he got in a bad company. Went to hospital due his anorexia and met his wife. Graduated to be a Doctor of Psychology. Nowadays lectures in a famous university.
"And that's it for today, ladies and gentlemen," spoke a soft yet clear voice through a microphone, "And a quick reminder that your assignments the count for a fifth of your grade needs to be handed in next Friday. Enjoy your weekend." There was a rustle of footsteps and the projector faded to black behind a young woman dressed in black, a white coat on top of the outfit in stark contrast to it. Her face sported an expression of stifled excitement as she gathered her notes from the podium and stepped out of the auditorium following the last student.

Dr. Clarisse Maxim was often a source of humor for the undergraduate students of the university. How she became a lecturer escaped everyone's wildest guesses. It wasn't that she wasn't good at teaching or that she didn't have the knowledge required of her post. Merely her age, something she personally would rather forget about. She picked out her bag from the locker as she headed to one of the stranger parts of the building. At least strange to her.

The Department of Psychology

Clair suppressed the urge to roll her eyes at the sight of the signboard. She wasn't exactly too enthusiastic about studying something as.. trivial as the human mind. Being the typical clinician, she scoffed at the idea of therapy affecting the mind any further than mania or depression. But she wanted to leave no stone unturned in her quest for knowledge. In other words, she wished to be the jack of all trades. With a deep breath, she knocked on the door of a certain Professor Logan. She glanced at her watch as she waited for a response from within, tapping her foot impatiently.
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They always say Psychologists were as eccentric as their patients. Logan Nyalendaarean was infamous of fulfilling this legend. His dark humour and outloud thoughts about meaning of life was hot stuff for some students: lectures were allways full. He nearly took everyone other's Psychology professors job!

There has been a lot of speaking about his age: he took the question like a woman, as a joke. He was a bit feminine, you can't doubt that.

Sipping his afternoon coffee and reading with his reading glasses on, he heard a knock. Getting up with his black suit, he opened the door. "Ah, mademoiselle Clarisse! How pleasing to see you!", he answered brightly, letting her come in
Oh dear! Not another one of those overly extroverted guys, were Clair's first thoughts as she looked up at the man. At 5 feet, she was always shorter than everyone else in the room and this was no exception. "Pleasure," she muttered softly, forcing a formal smile onto her face as she stepped in where she was indicated to, keeping her thoughts from her face. Alright now, let's just get to business.

She shuffled through her bag to produce the small folder consisting of her application form and its approval by the university for her to pursue the degree. "Well Professor," she began, politely leaving out his surname as she was clueless as to how she was to pronounce it, "I have been assigned to complete my post-graduation under you," she said, extending the folder towards him.
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Logan was used in fake smiles. However, he was tired of seeing them in his room. "Just call me Logan, please. And the first thing in working together", he started, literally wiping his smile from him face as he lied a bit in his table. "No fake smiles here", he simply said with a low tone, then smiling a bit. "Alright, that's our rules! Not hard to obey, no?", he said he slapped his hands together briskly. Then he stepped to her and took his folders. "Thank you", he kindly said and opened the folder. "A good bed-time read, I say."
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Clair lifted a brow as her smile was replaced by a smirk. "Not hard to obey indeed," she said, letting the folder slip from her grip, "And I'll be needing that back," she nodded to the folder, "Make as many copies as you like and give it to me at your leisure." She let her eyes leave the strange man before her and roam the room. She was surprised though, at not being asked to sit down. But hey, she didn't know how loony psychologists could really be.

She had never been too thrilled about this course. Heck, if she had things her way, she would rather do the reading for this during her sleep and still clear the course with honors. Sighing softly, she shook her head and lifted her bright blue eyes to the man before her, "Professor Logan it is then."
Actually, the room had only one chair for Logan. He usually took his students or anyone who he talks to to cafeteria. He kept his room as a personal workroom: not an interaction room.

"Ja, I am professor Logan or just Logan for everyone. It would be a sentence to force them to my syrname. Elf blood, you see", he chit chatted, smiling ti get blue eyes with his own big eyes. Something told him she wasnt 100 percent human. But it wasn't his things to know, really. "I have heard you got great grades, so I am honored and eager to take you as my final student before my retirement."
"If you ask me, Professor, I would say that great grades aren't an indicator of intelligence. But then intelligence usually produces great grades, but only usually," she said. In truth, Clair was actually rather flattered. "And I didn't know you were elvish," she half scoffed, once again leaving it out of her tone and expression. She knew she had to maintain good rapport with the staff she works with and her years in theater had given her the ability to produce the desired results.

However, she went on, rather genuinely this time, "It truly is an honor to work with you," and gave a little bow. Despite her aversion towards the subject, she always respected age and position as well as the experience that comes with it.
"Also I hope you haven't heard rumours about me", he said with a low laughter. "They love to make fun oit of me. And I agree", he said with a smile. "I know intelligent people who are just lazy. But it shows that you're enough wise to read for tests", he said. "Say, meet me in cafeteria at tuesday in 2 o'clock", he said to her.
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Clair blinked a couple of times. That was it? "Alright then," she said, nodding slightly, "Thanks for your time, Professor. Have a great weekend." Then she turned on her heel and stepped out of the room. That was considerate of him, not wanting her to stay for too long. Perhaps he knew just how futile a subject it was.

She practically skipped her way to the garage, only controlling herself when a student was in sight. Ah weekends. The time when she was free to roam the forest by herself. The thought made her almost purr with happiness as she turned on the engine of her car.
Logan squinted a bit at her overwhelmed look. Did she think he didn't enjoy her company? Shrugging faintly, he stuffed her folder and book carefully in his black leather bag. Pulling his black coat on with a deep violet fur on it's collar, taking his bag to his back. Walking to his black bicycle and leaded it throught the parking hall. Hearing Clair purr made him stare her a while.
Clair was rather unmindful of her surroundings as she pulled out of the parking lot. For a brief moment, she made eye contact with the Professor again, to which she responded with a small smile and a nod in his direction as she headed off on the road that was seldom used by staff from the university. That particular road headed straight into the woods before turning off and heading to the city. Clair went off road at that point and a short distance into the woods before parking there.

Knowing fully well that no other soul was around, she began stripping out of her clothes. When she opened the door, there wasn't a foot that landed outside but a paw, as black as the night sky. A rather large feline emerged from the car and, with a butt of her head, she shut the door of the car, leaving its window open. She walked through the forest almost languidly until she came upon a tree that carried her pug mark. She climbed atop it gracefully and, with a deep sigh, closed her eyes whilst perched upon a low branch.
Logan usually took the forest load: he liked to take care about his body. After riding his bike for a while, he noticed Clair's car around. Raising hid brows softly, he didn't mind the sight and continued his riding, not noticing the animal up there.
The sound of the leaves crunching stirred the panther out of her gentle slumber. Ah, the dear little Professor, she thought to herself, while adjusting herself on the branch a little. She wasn't too surprised at not being noticed. As stealthy as her kind were, she would've been surprised if she was noticed. Then she sighed, remembering the reading she'd promised herself to do. In psychology. She hopped off the branch once again and shook her pelt a little before jumping into her car and dressing once more.
Logan rided to his house, firstly watering his in-doors herbs. He was fond with organic food, and liked to make good food too. After it he lied on a sofa, opening his folder again. "Lets see now..", he muttered as he checked if it had the sources attached on it. As they were, he started to read her straight to the point-like text.he liked her text: easy to read.
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The rest of the weekend passed pretty much in a blur. She basically spent it lazing about in the forest, leaving it only when she was hungry. Somehow, letting her wild side run amok gave her a sense of freedom. She climbed trees, chased rabbits and did pretty much everything a normal panther did. Her reading, however, was long forgotten. When she first attempted to read the subject, it came across as too dry and abstract for her to actually put any effort into it. At one point, she even fell asleep at her reading table. Since then, she reduced the time she spent studying and decided to enjoy herself in the woods. Perhaps the good professor would help her out with things.
Logan took few copies from her folder, liking it really much. He might even use them as a source in his lections about personal disorders, he thought. Using white collectorroller, he Corrected several typos and a few whole lines with his glumsy-looking but agile big handwriting.

Spending his sunday with her 34-year-old daughter in shopping malls, he waited eagerly tuesday.

((Shall we jump when they meet?))
Taking Monday as something of an extended weekend, Clair finished up her presentation for her lecture on Tuesday. With any luck, she would be able to end the lecture by at least half an hour before her meeting with the professor. And she did, looking at the dull faces that sat before her, who showed most expression when she uttered thanks for their patience and the auditorium being empty within minutes. She sighed. Kids these days...

She personally was better at teaching smaller groups of students, it would be easier for her to explain things to each one. But being just an assistant professor herself, she wasn't exactly given such opportunities. She carried her notes of the day in her hand, her coat slung over the arm as she walked towards the cafeteria, hoping the day would lighten up. She mocked her own thoughts at wishing her day to get better while going for a meeting with an old man. She definitely needed to go out more...
Waiting her in cafeteria, he was already ordered a cup of tea and coffee. He did not know which she liked more, but he was okay with both of them. Holding her folder in his wrinkless hands, he smiled at her legs crossed. "Wonderful work Clair! May I use this as an example for my lecturs? With a few edits, I recommend you to learn how to use computer's autocorrect", he suggested, tongue in cheek.

(Sorry if you feel my posts short, they are compared to yours xD new around here, I've used to shorter posts)
Clair raised her brows almost lazily. "My apologies, professor," she said, "It is a tad difficult to type when one is sleepy." If he was going to use sarcasm, so was she. However, her face bore a genuine expression as she seated herself before him, her hands clasped and placed in front of her on the table, but not before depositing her bag, notes and coat onto an adjoining seat. "And example for what?" she asked, rather intrigued, "Of how a paper must not be written?" she added with a soft chuckle.

Then her eyes drifted to the two beverages Logan seemed to have before him. It was rather queer for him to have two drinks while sitting alone. They seemed to remind her just how tired she was after her rounds this morning. "Excuse me for a moment, professor," she said, standing up, "I'll go get myself something to drink."
Logan laughed a bit. "Good heavens, no. To just show a few points in disorders .", he explained anf pointed her to go a bit down. "Please sit. The other is for you", he said softly, offering her the coffee.
Clair couldn't help but laugh, albeit softly, still rather dramatically, with her hand over her chest and her head tipped backwards, just enough to make her long black hair brush the seat on which she had been sitting. "How sweet of you, professor," she said, smiling wider than usual. Though she usually didn't prefer coffee, she couldn't turn down what this sweet ol' man had ordered for her. "Thank you," she said, sitting down once more and tugging the cup towards herself before taking a small sip from it. "And I'm glad you like my writing, me who has no idea whatsoever about this field. Except, of course, what us clinicians usually think of it as," she said honestly.
Logan smiled warmly at his laugh, tilting his head a bit sideways. "I don't want to know how many bucks I have spend buying drinks for my students, fortunately these all one of my last ones!", he joked with a small smirk. taking a sip. "Ja, no problem. "Psychology is pretty easy, common sense. Well, depends how well you remember stuff. But it's really useful" ,he explained. "My wife was a doctor so I faintly know something about medical side. So, what interesting have happened in these few years?", he asked.
Clair chuckled, putting her cup down for a moment before tapping her chin in thought. "Well, in the past few years.." she started, counting out the events on her fingers, "My parents died. I got an apartment of my own, a dingy one at that. I graduated high school. Got a scholarship to do a short course in premed before writing the MCAT. Got my MD from John's Hopkins. And here I am!" she finished with a flourish. It would seem as though some of Logan's jovial spirit seemed to have rubbed off on her. Or perhaps it was just a hidden side of her that even she did not know of.

She lifted the cup to her lips once more before her eyes looked off into the distance, suddenly growing spacey. "The cafeteria's coffee, no matter how terrible, always makes me ponder about life. But hey, ain't that what psychology is about?" Her tone was easy going. It was almost second nature for her to talk about, and impress, the person she is talking to. Very often the first few minutes let her know what the other person is interested in, and her common sense puts the right words in her mouth. And now, she wasn't even conscious of doing such a thing.

"What about yourself, professor? How have the past few years been treating you?" she asked, smiling at him warmly before taking yet another sip.

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