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•Mr. Death's blue eyed girls•

"I'm sure you don't want to sleep on the couch Val..." He mumbled, running his hands through her hair. "But if it makes you feel better for everyone to stay in one room together then we can certainly stay here."
Valeria couldn't cry anymore, her eyes stung and her throat was raw from screaming earlier. She sniffles, "where else Can I sleep?" She asks softly, looking up at him with large, sad, hazel eyes.
"There's one of the bedrooms. I'm sure Lance wouldn't mind if you slept in one." Boo said. "Or we could all go downstairs to the basement and sleep on the couches. Up to you." He said, wiping away a few tears.
She shakes her head, "no, everyone deserves a bed tonight." She says softly. "I want a real bed anyways, not a couch." she says quietly, her fingers fidgeting with a thread hanging off his shirt.
Boo nods before looking over at Lance. "I'm gonna get her into bed Lance. You alright with that?" He asked, scooping Valeria up in his arms gently.
Boo carries Valeria into one of the bedrooms, helping her into the bed.

Verlie sniffled, rubbing her eyes.
Lance looks to Verlie, "want to sleep in my bed? Or on the couch?"

Valeria sniffles and looks up at Boo, she looked like a child. Her eyes large and watery, her beautifully curled hair was slightly messy, yet still pretty.. "Are you going to sleep in here with me?" She asks, rubbing her right eye.
"Bed please..." Verlie says softly. She sighs, glancing up at Lance.

Boo bit his lip in worry. "... If you want me to Valeria. I'll stay if you want me to." He said, sitting down on the bed.
Valeria nods softly.

Lance picks up Verlie in his arms, carrying her upstairs to his room. He sets her down gentle, before sitting beside her. "You're safe here, verlie." He says softly.
Boo nods, holding her in his arms and stroking her hair gently.

Verlie sighs, holding tightly onto Lance. She rests in the bed, looking at Lance and nodding slowly.
Valeria falls into an uneasy sleep.

Lance holds Verlie tightly.

Valeria is standing in the forest, Jessi is beside her. Valeria feels happy, her world slightly woozy. She looks toward jessi, and terror shakes her world. A man js standing at the edge of the clearing, a rifle in hand. "Jessi!" Valeria attempt to scream, yet her voice is gone. 'Bang, Bang.' It rattles her mind, sounding like the bangs from earlier in the day. Valeria watches, frozen with fear, as two bullets hit jessi. Once in the chest, and once in the head. Jessi falls into the grass. Her face frozen in terror, blood covering her body. Valeria watches the guy begin to drag Jessi's bldy, before dropping her off behind a bush like trash.
Boo doesn't go to sleep, his mind is filled with the voice of Jessi. It amazed him how he'd just been having a conversation with her just hours earlier. The beautiful, sweet girl. Now she was gone. Dead. Taken way too soon. He looks down at Valeria and knows that she's having a nightmare yet he doesn't know how to help her with it. He simply pulls her closer, whispering soothing words into her ear.

Verlie snuggles close to Lance, wrapping her arms around him tightly. It took her a while to fall asleep. She didn't want Jessi haunting her dreams.

"Lance..." She mumbled, closing her eyes.
"I feel bad. I should have told her to come with us Lance. Maybe she would be alive if I had let her come with us..." She sighs, her breath hitting skin. "All... All my fault." She mumbled, closing her eyes and falling asleep.
Verily continued to sleep though she had nightmares instead of dreams. Whimpers escaped her lips and her hold tightens around Lance.

Boo began to slowly drift away, nodding every few minutes as he continued to hold Valeria.
Lance held Verlie tightly. Drifting into an uneasy sleep aswell, awoken every so often by Verlie clinging to him or whimpering. In which he'd stroke her hair, and whisper to her.
Boo wakes up the next morning and a groan escapes his mouth. He looks around before his eyes fall on Valeria. At first he thinks he might have smashed her (another to add to his list) but then the recent events come crashing back. He sighs softly, and begins to stroke her hair, not wanting to wake her up yet.

Verily awakens in Lane's arms, staring blearily at the wall. She sighs, shifting slightly and shutting her yes as she snuggled closer to her warmth.
Valeria sleeps soundly beside Boo, her face soft and peaceful looking while she slept. Under her eyes we're slightly red, but she still looked beautiful.

Lance wrapped his arms around Verlie gently, falling asleep again.
Boo watched Valeria for a few minutes, enjoying the fact that she now seemed peaceful. He gently began to shake her. "Valeria..."

Verily looked up at Lance as he slept. Slowly, she reached a hand out, brushing her fingers across his cheek and ran a hand through his hair.
Valeria opened her beautiful eyes slowly, looking up at Boo. "Good morning.." she said softly as she stretched out, she was either in denial of the accident, or she was acting like she was okay.

Lance slowly opened his eyes, he put his hand on Verlie's. "Hi there." He said with a soft smile.
Boo smiled gently down at her. "Good morning." He mumbled back. "How are you feeling?"


Verlie sent Lance a gentle smile, "Good morning." She whispered, resting her head back on him as a small blush came to her cheeks.

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