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Fandom OMORI Roleplay Check (always open!)

I have a separate folder within the Omori folder on my computer labelled "portraits" and this along with one other portrait is in there. Not a very complete collection considering how often I go through the files.
Guys, nothing interesting happens in my life I have nothing to say. Today I gave joke gifts to my friends, mostly jjba stuff because it's so funny to see digust cross their face as they recall their Jojo days.
(Omori, 2020)​
Two month update, a lot has changed. I'm still not comfortable listing everything publicly but I'm working on being proud of myself. I started working out seriously and getting socially involved so I am much better at talking now, I have a long way to go but I'm really happy with life right now. I think this summer is my summer.
Still an Omori stan at heart and I got really into rap so I'm also a vamp now. Nice.
(meme a friend made me)​
(cover art credit)
(Edit Dec 28: Wiped slate clean, if I started an rp with you a long time ago feel free to poke me to continue or restart otherwise I'll assume it's dead.)

Osu, Zerachiin here. My legacy on this site is that if you look up Omori, I will show up. I took a bit of a break but I might be back for a while, nice to see everyone again!

  • Pleaaaaaaase let me know your RP criteria before anything (age, post length, triggers), sometimes I forget to check other's interest checks and I don't realize I messed up.

    Warning: I am super flighty, I will feel uncomfortable talking to people at complete random and may not respond. Please don't take personal offense, I'm just very very shy. You'll notice I take a while to respond even if I have read your message and had ample time to respond, I get extremely nervous and just need more time to reply then most people. It's not you, it's me. You probably haven't done anything and I'll be back to you shortly, just ask for confirmation if you need it- I'm awkward but friendly, promise! (IM GETTING BETTER WITH TALKING but I may come off as cringe as I test the waters sorry lmao)

    I am extremely LGBTQIA+ friendly, I judge no one and accept all character identities, have a trans head-canon for a character? Let me know!
    Ditch friendly! I might poke you to see if you just forgot but if you aren't feeling the RP just head out, feel free to return at any time. I'd rather you ghost me then tell me you're no longer interested to be completely honest, it's always open for you to return when you're ready- if that means never, that's okay with me.
    Mental Health. Y'know how Omori is, I will explain any potentially triggering content before starting and it can be completely taken out if it triggers you or if you just don't like it.
    Multiple Characters! I am totally up to writing multiple characters, it's just what I do! If you do as well, that'd be very cool.

    What I'm looking for:
    -Length is not really important, I know it fluctuates depending on what's happening. Just please don't be novella long or a couple of words short. I'm on the shorter end of reply lengths ~2.5 paragraphs and averaging 250-350 words and even less if it's an action scene. I am quite brief but occasionally if I have to explain things I will get wordy.
    -Someone who is understanding that I reply EXTREMELY infrequently and at random, sometimes it will multiple times a day and other times it will be once every 3 weeks. I cannot help it for the time being.
    -Onsite private messages only please!
    -Canon only
    -Romance has to be M/M or M/NB! I'm actually not looking for romance at all, it makes me uncomfortable, but if I know you really well in the future I may be okay with it.

    and for those of you that want it:
    Elijah was lost in the sky, looking for patterns in the clouds and meeting with a bustling aquatic scene that seemed to suck him away from his place on earth. One moment he suspended between his teenage years and adulthood and the next he was floating in the sea- that was until his boss bumped his shoulder,

    "What are you up to, boy?" He stood cross-armed with an equally cross expression.
    "Get back to sweeping, customers are coming, we oughta look a little presentable!" His tone was in no way biting, however, just a light slap to the wrist and he soon disappeared back into the stall to hack at another fish within the recently caught net.

    The brunette nodded limply, hardly paying much attention as he made the motions of sweeping without the force to move much around. It was far too early for him to collect himself from last night's restless sleep, the racket of his endlessly arguing parents was all too much for him to sleep through, but luckily one of them had left and allowed him a couple hours of peace. One could hardly call it enough, though, as he seemed to be sleeping on his feet.

    His dark eyes searched the people that began to file in and he stood a little straighter. People were interesting enough, the least he could do was look alive. One particular person stuck out amongst the others, someone around his age with a bag that seemed a bit weighty for his frame and a scar that caught his eye. He wondered what he was up to, he had an inkling it probably wasn't related to gift-shopping. In his pondering he seemed to forget he was very clearly visible and unintentionally staring a bit too intensely.
    It had been quite a slow day for the radio host, one of many this week. Typically he'd have some sorry face make their way to him to request a hit at least once every few days, but it'd been quiet lately. Not that this was out of the ordinary, business had a tendency to fluctuate, just as news did- and speaking of news, his nightly radio broadcast was coming up in just a few hours. He hadn't missed an on-air shift in years, beyond just being his job it was something he truly enjoyed and found fulfilling. Sprucing up beforehand and spritzing an oaky cologne that no one would ever see or scent was more than a pleasantry.
    Making his way onto the road he gratefully sped away from his humdrum picket fence community down to a more seedy end of town, where it had been cheap to build the radio station years before he was born and remained cheap to maintain all those years later. Thankfully it had ended up just at the edge of the grubby town, now only surrounded by defunct buildings of which their purpose had been long erased and forgotten. Most of the old equipment had remained intact through his maintenance and his maintenance alone, almost all the other hosts resolved to bring their own, more modern, mics and windscreens. If they hadn't it was because they couldn't come across the money, but as for [nickname]? He found the old equipment to be reliable and nostalgic to a time he had only dreamed to have his own show, and looked up to the greatest personalities of his time. "If it worked, why fix it?" he'd brood bitterly to himself, a tad too stuck in his old ways.
    [name] stepped out of his car and grinned at his surroundings briefly before stepping into the studio, flicking all the lights on and putting his coat up to hang near the door. Walking right over to the table where [name] had hid himself unknowingly, gently cleaning the mic and making sure everything was ready for his program.

DM or reply to this post if you're interested or have an idea for an RP!
(Or even just to talk about Omori, I will gladly have extensive discussion about it!!)​

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