Omorashi Roleplay


New Member
Setting: A sports camp in the summer. Each day, except for the first day, there are two sports blocks planned; one sports activity is in the forenoon and the other is in the afternoon. Depending of the personal interest of your character, she can decide for herself in what sports activity she wants to participate; every block has two different options. For example, in the forenoon of day 2, there are two sports planned: tennis and gymnastics - a character can go play tennis, or do gymnastics; it’s her own choice (but off course she cannot choose both activities).

The purpose of the camp is not only to have fun, but also to train hard and to be competitive; most girls are of the athletic type (although that is not a requirement). To encourage a competitive spirit, there will be a little contest trough the camp; every “sports block” ends with a little game. In the game, the group will be divided in two teams, and the winning team takes one point.

Oh and, since the characters are sporting, there will be a large amount of energy drinks available to all, and the bathroom visits will be strict... you like?

f you want to join, just complete the following:

Forum Name: ?

Character Name: ?

Age: ?

Bladder capacity(in time): ?

Body characteristics: ?

Personality: ?

Favourite Outfit: ?

Facial Expressions: ?
Forum Name: (not sure what you mean by that)

Character Name: Chiaki

Age: 19

Bladder capacity(in time): an hour or so

Body characteristics: semi built not very muscular but has some abs some chest muscle and some on arms. and legs but still athletic despite lack of muscles.

Personality: kind of a goofy type. a slacker. a prankster. a gamer. he likes to play videogames. he doesnt mind work as long as it isn't alot. he is athletic. he's funny.. he likes fun and hates boring stuff. he practices swordsmanship in spare time.

Favourite Outfit: anything by the brand Gotcha. and he always wears his green jacket.

Facial Expressions: (usual facial expressions are normal. but he does do a weird face when confused or surprised. like heeeeh?
Forum Name: Mshiina

Character Name: Mashiro

Age: 15

Bladder capacity(in time): 1 hour-3 hour depending on the volume of liquid

Body characteristics: Has 36-c breast size,not very athletic,balanced body

Personality: Quiet and calm rarely talks unless very in need of something.

Favourite Outfit: A white jacket with a black t shirt and a short skirt.

Facial Expressions:Rarely unless really urge in something will make a impatient expression

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