OMEN: Replacement of Greek Gods & Goddesses REMAKE {SU/Info}


There's Adonis, Hephaestus, Aether, Chronos (Not to be confused with Cronus), Hemera, and you can also look up Roman Gods and Goddesses. ^^
[MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION] loll thank youuu :P I just started watching it like a month ago and I am seriously hooked on it


Name: Raine

Age: 18

Gender: Female

God/Goddess they are replacing: Chione (Goddess of snow)

God/Goddess personality: An icy attitude but a warm heart, Is Farley kind but not open about herself

Appearance (Pic preffered):



Accepted [MENTION=2482]BloodRedRoses[/MENTION]






Chronos (Not Titan Cronus)
Name- Ashtyn

Age- 17

Gender- Female


Personality- She is very witty but keeps to herself. She always feels rejected because her mother didn't want her. She had said she was disabled and lame, no good for society. Though, she actually became beautiful when she took human form-- only her mother didn't see it because she was blinded by her own beauty. She is very crafty and smart, often spouting out riddles to no one in particular, and anyone who listens and cares to respond.


Other- She is often quiet
I was going to make a second character using Erebos is that cool? It would probably be a girl though to mix it up :3

Name: Connor

Age: 19

Gender: male

God/Goddess they are replacing: Chronos (personification or god of time)

God/Goddess personality: Sometimes he acts wise and and like he's much, much older then everyone else, sometimes he's childish and juvenile and at other times he's mature and responsible

Appearance :View attachment 9971

Other: As a God

he speaks in three different voices at the same time, the voice of a child, the voice of a grown up and the voice of an old man. (Because of, you know, he's the god of time) So, when he speaks it sounds echo-y.


Name:Jack Aethos


Gender: male

God/Goddess they are replacing: God of Shadows. Taek

God/Goddess personality: Noble, tough, Loyal, But can be violent in battles.

Appearance (Pic preffered):

View attachment 10100

Other: Before, he was a fighter in the biggest arena in greece. but after a battle, he was injured. but when he was awoken in the cell, he was healed.


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