Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. SIGN UP!

Name: Jamie Maxwell

Age: 18

Gender: Male

God/Goddess they are replacing: Poseidon

God/Goddess personality: bad tempered, moody and greedy, also gets even if he is wronged

Appearance (Pic preffered): View attachment 6595

Other: plays guitar, favourite colour is green, has few friends

Name: Lach Hunter

Age: 29

Gender: Male

God/Goddess they are replacing: Helios, the sun god

God/Goddess personality: Arrogant, Stubborn, over confident, and egotistical

Appearance (Pic preffered):

View attachment 6606

Other: none

Name: Lite Rige

Age: 35

Gender: Male

God/Goddess they are replacing: Prometheus, the fire-giver

God/Goddess personality: All mighty, proud, enthusiastic, optimistic, powerful.

Appearance (Pic preffered):

View attachment 6607


Just to make note, Helios was a Titan not a god, and was replaced by Apollo. Sometimes identified with Apollo in fact in some of the writings. We have an Apollo.

I'm just stating this in case it will conflict in the rp.

Prometheus is also a Titan God, but doesn't conflict with any of the others. In fact I think he would be very amusing to see in action.
Name: Jayshabelle

Age: 19

Gender: Female

God/Goddess they are replacing: Aphrodite

God/Godesses personality: bitchy, sarcastic, knows she's hot, but can be nice


Other,: know the meaning of roses of by heart

Taken Gods/Goddess:

(To make it easier on new comers, also listing the link to the rp and who plays what, please correct me if any of this is wrong.)

~Side Note: Please if you have claimed a god/goddess and decided not to play please let us know? That way I can drag more people in and they may want that character.


Approved in ABC order:

Aphrodite @Lily

Apollo @Wingal

Artemis @Aerynne

Demeter @Immortality

Dionysus @Aura

Eris @ErisianDialects

Eros @anonymous92

Hades @Estillum

Helios @Original Hylion

Hera @TheCreativeUsername

Hermes @Forks

Nemesis @Alexina

Poseidon @IndubidablyAli

Prometheus @Original Hylion

Zesu @Aeradom
I'm taking this opportunity to drop out of the rp before it gets too started if you're allowing Titans in as characters. Just hit me and let me know when you spot me.
(What's the setting of the rp? Is it in the past or present? Also do you accept Gallo-Roman gods/goddess because I was thinking of using Epona [not from Zelda])
Well seeing as the front says 'greek' gods and goddess'

*is a bit bum that Auzzy is quitting, in truth is tempted about leaving as well now*
I assume people like Hercules Achilles and the such would be nothing but old memories to the gods at this point?
That's a tricky one, I don't recall any myths saying she became a goddess. Some assume such due to her name, and the fact Zeus gave her ambrosia and nectar. Most things I look up even state that she may not have even become a goddess during greek times but afterwards.

This is where I am stepping up and given Creative time to correct or I'll have to quit. Stick to Greek Gods/goddess, not titans, not Roman, because you keep changing the settings and setup on us and as I told you in the shout box. I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to the Greek gods, and am starting to get annoyed and insulted. I can't stand for this rp if this continues. So since it's your rp that's that. If you want to allow everything and anything that's fine it's your choice, but I'm out if so. I just need to know. It's not that hard to do proper research into it even. >.<
With my previous post I meant what time period is the rp set in?

I've been studying feverishly about Hades Persephone and the underworld since I joined the rp, thats why I haven't posted yet :saddd: Norse myth is more my thing..
My last comment was in no way directed at you Estil, it was towards Creative mostly. I tend to be one of those nerds who twitch when things go too far or get too wrong with stuff. It's why you will rarely see my joining a canon rp. xD I tend to correct and such. It's why I have to make a stand and see where Creative wishes this rp to go. Because if it goes one way, my twitchy ways won't allow me to bear it.
Geez, didn't know it was such a big deal for me to ask a simple question that everyone has to freak out and threaten to drop the RP if I get accepted. Never mind, then :|
@KaitWink It's not you. At least you asked first. We have someone who posted for Titans, we have someone asking about Roman base goddess (at least she asked.) And the owner of the rp isn't answering what limits she plans to post. In truth I may as well just saw f it and drop and you guys all come in anyways. It has nothing to do against any of you as much as. It's like if you had something you were a huge fan of, and slowly saw it being done horribly wrong in a fan-fiction. I managed so far by saying they aren't the gods, but now to me it's like saying Dr Who meets Star Trek meets Star Wars, it's getting confusing and something that annoys me so it's best I just leave the rp. Simple as that.

So I guess that's it I'm going guys. Gave it a day for my answer, sorry for the trouble. Thanks for the chance to role-play.

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