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Realistic or Modern Old Friends

Upon arriving at the airport, Olivia had to run straight to the restroom once more. The entire flight was absolutely horrid and she spent most of her time in airplane's bathroom hurling. Before the flight, she had refused to take any form of medicine so she would feel sober upon arrival. Then again, she almost wanted to take everything they had in the drugstore before she had to see her friends again, well, at least one of them anyways. She wasn't sure how they would all react to seeing each other but she hoped that time had made some issues fade and that they had all found better, more interesting things to talk about.

After claiming her baggage, Olivia wandered around the airport, taking in the surprisingly beautiful features inside and outside the airport. Once she had walked around almost the entire place, Olivia took up a seat near a large window to wait for everyone else. Several minutes went by before she noticed that her hands had already started to quiver. Olivia clenched a fist and ran her other hand through her slightly wavy locks. She was nervous. Extremely nervous. Of course, that was to be expected after not seeing anyone for so long. Olivia knew that from the time she left. In fact, she had been agonizing over this day for months.

Olivia re-situated herself in the plastic seat several times, growing incredibly uncomfortable. Her anxiety was getting the best of her, so she closed her eyes and tried taking a few deep breaths. Once her eyes were closed, Olivia immediately felt much better. It amazed her how such a silly little trick seemed to work so well in terms of shutting out the surrounding world and calming someone down. This had helped her immensely throughout the past few years as she tried to stabilize herself. Times had been rough in past years but a lot had changed since then and she was actually getting much better. Olivia was finally given the choice to be weened off the medicine her therapist had prescribed for her. Though she had chosen to do so, she gave her another prescription for something 'just in case' as the woman claimed. Olivia knew exactly why she had done so but she wouldn't question it. In fact, she accepted the idea gratefully.

As she began to calm down, she felt her quivering stop and her thoughts began to clear. A very slight smile appeared across her face as memories of her friends floated around. She remembered all the times they had spent together at the movies, at festivals in town, in school, at parties... Oh how she longed for those days again. She had truly missed everyone and wished they had spoken more. Then again, they all had their reasons for not speaking and she did suppose the phone worked both ways. However, it still bummed her out to think this was the first time she would be seeing them in six whole years. Other than a few phone calls and several skype sessions she had with the girls, the guys hadn't spoken to her outside of a few texts here and there. Jesse, on the other hand, simply didn't speak to her at all. Lydia tried to convince her that he was fine and he would talk to her some day, but Olivia insisted otherwise. She knew she was hurt but she also knew he was, just as anyone would be.

Feeling herself growing upset, Olivia closed her eyes tighter, then opened them. Blinking hard several times, she swallowed the small lump in her throat and stood to stretch. She kept her eyes open and searching for her friends through the dense crowd of people. Olivia wasn't even sure what everyone looked like these days. Well, that wasn't all true. She had seen photos on social media that gave her a clue but still they all looked quite different and she figured it would be hard to remember exact details. Still, Olivia continued to search with her eyes even as she sat back down just in case they didn't recognize her, either.
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Jesse sighed as he woke up on the plane. Today was the day that he would have to face the whole group, including Olivia. His memories about Olivia and him still lingered in his mind to this day; This including the bad and the good. He stood up and rubbed his eyes. He hadn't had any alcohol for a while now, but he wanted to show his friends that he had changed; But he would probably still be the outsider. I mean, he always was even in high school. Ever since he was diagnosed with anger problems that is.

He took out his phone once he was in the airport and had collected his luggage and texted on the groups 'group chat'

Friends Forever!

That was the heading for the chat. I guess it did work out like that after all. Time to think of it, this was the first text he had sent in a long time. Depressing, right?

Jesse: Hey guys. Anyone at the airport already? :smiled:

He started walking around, back pack on his back and a suitcase with wheels followed behind him. Jesse looked around and saw Olivia, sitting peacefully by the window. She had changed, a lot. But Jesse did mean that in a good way. Deep down in him, Jesse still loved Olivia with all his heart. He decided to play it cool and walk over there. He did hope that some other guy was there already, but life's tough. She didn't seem to notice him yet. Well, they've both changed so he wouldn't blame her. But, Jesse would notice her from a mile away. He sat down, 1 seat apart from her.

"Long time no see, Olivia..." Jesse bit his lip and smiled. This was going to be very awkward for him and her.

Olivia had somehow managed to miss someone approaching her from the side. At first, she simply ignored the presence, assuming it was simply a stranger who randomly chose a seat. Continuing to look for her friends, she felt her phone buzzing gently in her pocket. Fumbling slightly to get it out, she had turned away from the other person to pull out her phone, unlock the device, and read the message. Suddenly, the person who sat next to her decided to speak up, catching her off guard.

Staring blankly at the screen, Olivia slowly re-locked the device and clutched it in her hand tightly. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, trying hard to process her emotions. She wasn't sure how to react at all. She wanted to cry and she wanted to be angry and she wanted to be happy all at the same time. Olivia knew exactly who the man was as soon as he spoke and it made her heart skip a beat. She took in a sharp breath, keeping her eyes closed and looking away, and responded.

"Yeah," was all she managed to choke out. Olivia bit her lip, opening her eyes and turning her head ever so slightly; just enough to see Jesse out of the corner of her eye. Immediately she regretted her decision; her eyes instantly beginning to water. She quickly shifted in her seat and cleared her throat, her heartbeat beginning to quicken it's pace. Come on, Lydia... Where are you? Olivia continued to chew her lip as all the possibilities of what she should say went through her mind...

'I should have told you...' 'I'm sorry...' 'Why did you never look for me?' 'Did you ever really love me?' 'Have you stopped drinking?' 'Are you better now?' 'I miss you... Do you miss me?' 'I love you.' 'I shouldn't have done it.' 'I hate myself for walking away.' 'How could you do it?' 'Where have you been?' 'Have you moved on? I haven't...' 'If you hate me, I understand.' 'What did I do to deserve that?' 'I know I messed up.' 'Have you talked to anyone at all? Or was it just everyone but me?' 'Please don't hate me.'

Now being practically attacked by her own thoughts, Olivia simply sighed softly and began rummaging through her bag, not necessarily looking for anything just trying to distract herself from the situation at hand. She knew this would be hard but she really had no idea just how difficult it would be. He seemed okay, though, and that was good. But, in a way, she wished he wasn't. Jesse seemed fine while Olivia just wasn't right. She couldn't help but wonder if he had really moved on... It had been six years and the possibilities of relationships, marriage, and children even were all very plausible.
Jesse watched silently at her efforts to ignore him. He could see that she wasn't looking comfortable with him being there and that she just didn't look good. He sighed as well as he noticed her eyes beginning to get watery. Jesse at this point was fighting back tears. It hurt him so much to see her like this, even though he was clueless as to why what was just happening. He looked around and slipped of his back bag, leaning them against the plastic seat. He then stood up, trying to rescue both him and her from this awkwardness and sadness.

"Um, I-I'm going to go look around..." Jesse said, picking up his phone and slipping it in his trousers pockets. "If anyone comes, Just say so on the chat..." He nodded his head last and walked off to the area where the various shops and things were.
During the ride Carson stared at the slw moving cluds passing by. He slipped int his thoughts thinking about hw this vacatin will effect them all. Carson knew this will be something everyone will remember for the rest of there lives. In school he was barely payed attention to, unitl he met the gang. They werethe only ones to show him any type of love. He smiled and grabbed his bags and walked off the plane. As he walked he imagained giving hugs to all the girls and bro hugs to the dudes. He imagined the smiles on everyne faces as they walked inot the hotels.

Carson stopped at a bench in the middle of the room and set his stuff down. He looked around for a sign of anyone that may have arrived. He pulled his phne out and opened the group chat. It seemed Jesse has already arrived but no one else had seem t reply. He placed his phone into his pocket and sighed while rubbing his hair back. He sat down. He rubbed his hands together and layed his head on his bokbag that was resting on his lap. He wasnt used to big crowds and wanted to leave fast. He looked up and searched for Jesse. The one person he truly missed though was Jason. He was always there for him in highschool. He made highshcool bareable and was the only reason he was apart og the group. He hoped he arrived soon. It would make it more comfortable here if Jason of around.
Dustin didn't know where he was. He was lost, to put simply. Lost in the middle of a stupid airport. Of all places, too. Bright lights hung over the tall ceiling that seemed to stretch to the sky itself. Small shops and cafes were shaped inside the air port's white, crisp walls. Rivers of people and children passed him by. He was beginning to feel completely, and utterly, lost. Sunlight beamed down from the ceiling's thin glass, warming his skin. He lifted his eyes up, and continued walking, hoping that, somehow, he'd find someone else. Find someone else from the group. He was not entirely sure he'd recognize anyone at first glance though. Sure, they all exchanged photos over text and social media, but this is real. This is actually happening. This isn't some small group chat on their phones anymore.

He muttered something under his breath as a old, tall man rammed into him, nearly causing him to drop his bags. He spun around, taking in his surroundings. Gates leading to planes, waiting areas full of impatient people, and small shops selling candy and gum for the long trips ahead. It was all overwhelming. It wasn't a small airport, either. Dustin was just about to pull out his phone to send a text to the group when he saw him. Jesse. It took more than one glance to recognize that it was, indeed, Jesse, but it was still him. After all these years, Jesse was here. He was actually here. Excitement brewed inside Dustin. If Jesse was here, surely the others were, right? Of course. He just hoped Jesse and Olivia would get along. Maybe it was a false hope, but still hope nevertheless.

Dustin wanted to follow Jesse. Ask where the others were. But he didn't. Jesse didn't seem exactly... approachable right now. Something happened. Probably between him and Olivia. He decided it was best to give the guy some space. Besides, if he was here, he certainly can find the others. He was bound to sooner or later. He began walking at a steady pace, his eyes sweeping over the sea of faces. He wasn't sure what to expect. Would they all be the same group, that years ago, was full of inside jokes, laughter, and fun times? Maybe. Maybe not. There was only one way of finding out, really. Dustin then spotted Carson. And Olivia. He felt somewhat relief. He wasn't the only one not sure where to go or meet. He approached Carson, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Hey..." he trailed off, hesitantly sitting beside Carson. He wasn't sure what to say. It's been six whole years. Six years. It blew his mind. How much has changed in the people he once knew? How much had changed in their lives? A lot, he reckoned.
Jesse just wandered about the various shops, stopping every so often to buy something. He looked over his shoulder just to check that Olivia was all right on her own. Even though they were through, Jesse still cared for her with all his heart and strength. He saw Dustin and Carson spotting Olivia, walking over there and sitting by them. He quickly bought 8 packets of crisps, for each person with their favorite flavor. That was the one thing Jesse had actually remembered about the group other than their appearances. He casually walked back over the the seats, smiling calmly to the guys.

"'Sup..." Jesse said, laughing a little and passing their specially chosen crisps to them. "Long time no see?" He smiled at them, saying the cheesy phrases Jesse was famous for. He walked over to Olivia and gave her crisps, smiling lightly. "You okay?" He asked casually at Olivia.
"Wassup dude." Carson lifted his lft side f his lip upwards into a half smile. He was happy to see someone finally appear. He studied Dustin, he seemed to have changed just a little but he still had that same laid back aura about him. Carson and Dustin were some what of opposites, but things might have chaneged over the years. He might not be as lazy. "Hey im going to tell everyone in the chat that we are here. Then we should go look for the others." Carson pulled out his phone and shifted to the side as he entered his code. He opened the chat and told everyne that himself and Dustin has arrived. He locked his phone and stood up. As he stood he was shocked as Jesse walked over to them and greeted them with bags of crisps. "Hey man we were just finna look for you." Carson rubbed the back of his elbow and placed the crisps into his backpack for later. He placed his bookbag on his back and watched as Jesse walked towards the window. He looked as he saw a blnde girl sitting uncomfrtably by the window. "Hey Dustin.... Is that Olivia." The whole time Carsn was sitting right across from her and didnt notice, he didnt want to walk over there knowing it would be awkward. He knew Jesse and Olivia broke up awhile ago, he didnt know the reason why but he knew there was going to be some tension. So he turned back towards Dustin.
Olivia had typed out several texts with the intention of sending one to Lydia but she couldn't seem to figure out the right thing to say. She really wanted to tell her how much she was freaking out and that she needed her to be here now but Olivia knew that was unrealistic. Lydia would be here eventually, as soon as she could be, and until then she'd have to deal with life like an adult.

Shoving her phone back down into her pocket, Olivia looked up and around the airport. Still no sign of the other girls just yet, but it seemed as though everyone was making there way in slowly. Olivia, with a faint smile on her face, turned her gaze on Jesse as he wandered around some of the little shops. At one point, he turned around and she quickly turned her gaze somewhere else, now seeing that both Dustin and Carson had arrived. She took a deep breath and smiled again, just as Jesse made his way over, multiple bags of crisps in hand.

Olivia looked up at Jesse, unknowingly smiling more so now. "I think so," she responded, taking the crisps from him. Feeling her hand graze his, Olivia froze for a split second before standing, now inches away from Jesse. Locking eyes with him, Olivia faltered for a moment. "I have to, um..." Olivia looked over his shoulder to see Carson looking in her direction, "...go talk to Carson about.. Lydia..." she slowly trailed off and brushed past Jesse, sliding into a seat beside Carson. "Hey! How's Lydia?" she asked in an overexcited tone, staring directly at him intently. Olivia kept her gaze locked on Carson, refusing to accept the fact that she just made herself look like a complete idiot instead of manning up and was now continuing to do so.
Jesse blushed a little as the tingle from her hand went up his arm. "O-Oh, Yeah...Sorry to bother you..." He said, raising his voice angrily. trailing off as Olivia continued to avoid him. It was hard for him. He just wanted to make sure that the past between them was not affecting the present, but it would always be the same; Always. He felt anger coming over him. 'No...Not now..." Jesse thought, uncontrollably clenching his fists. He turned around abruptly, grabbing her wrist and pulling her so that she was looking at him. "Listen! If I could take everything I did to you back, F*ck, Of course I would. I'm sorry okay, there's nothing much else I can do. So...So just stop complaining!" Jesse shouted, angrily.
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Olivia's eyes widened, chills running down her spine. She turned away slowly from Carson and stared at Jesse then stood back up, walking over cautiously to him. Olivia stared at him, trying to look past the crazed look in his eyes. Stepping one step closer to him, she swallowed hard and placed a hand on his arm. "Hey..." she whispered, searching for something unknown in his eyes. Olivia could only do what she had always done and simply try to calm him down. She knew people were staring, for f*cks sake, Jesse was just shouting; she would stare, too. But Olivia didn't mind as much as she used to or near as much as strangers did. Olivia tightened her grip on his arm as her eyes started to water again. "I'm not complaining... I'm just..," she sighed, "I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with my feelings just the same as you are, okay? Please calm down.." She continued to look directly at him, not bothering to worry whether Dustin or Carson would intervene because, normally, nobody did. Nobody knew how to. What exactly do you do in this sort of situation? Who knows?
Jesse looked down at the floor, not wanting to look into her eyes. He would always be ashamed after his anger took over him. Sensing that Olivia must be crying, he looked up and held her arm. "Sorry..." Jesse said simply, not in the mood for saying anything more. He didn't want to move from this position. It was nice to feel her touch again, but he pulled away, not wanting Carson and Dustin to get the wrong idea. He nodded his head. "I understand..." He sighed, and muttered. "I just can't control it..." The anger was still deep inside Jesse, locked away and waiting for someone to open the door. He moved away again, sitting on the farthest seat away from Olivia and the others. He held his head in his hands resting his elbows on his knees. This wasn't going as planned too.
"Nothing much, really. Trying not to fall asleep, actually," Dustin chuckled. "How about you?" He was glad to see his old friend. Sure, they weren't exactly close or anything. But they all had once been friends. Of course, Dustin was never close with anyone in the group. Sometimes it made him wonder why he was in the group the first place. Loud chatter surrounded them, filling the atmosphere of the huge, spacious airport. Laughter and small talk bounced off of the walls. Children ran, chasing one another while giggling and screaming, their parents following closely with a sigh. It made Dustin smile somewhat. It saddened him, too. It made him realize how fast things could change; his childhood was nothing more than a memory now. It was scattered memories, and nothing more.

Dustin wasn't paying much attention. How could he? He was beyond exhausted. He couldn't think straight. His eyes were distant as Jesse handed him a bag of crisps. His favorite kind, too. Jesse had always had a great memory. Dustin smiled at Jesse, thanked him, and watched the scene unfold. Something had snapped in Jesse. Fear filled Olivia's eyes. Dustin stared. He was tempted to intervene, but how could he? Hell, it might just make the guy worse off. Maybe he'd... Dustin stopped himself before he could let his mind trail further into his thoughts. Olivia was nearly crying. She must have calmed him down, because now he was staring down at the floor with what looked like shame. Dustin was speechless. What was there to say? How could he comfort Olivia? No, he couldn't. He wasn't good for comforting. Or anything, really.
Olivia watched as Jesse hit his low; shame. This always seemed to come after his anger. The worst part about it was, it always made her smile because that's how she really knew he cared and then she knew he was going to be okay. She was just glad right now that her attempts at calming him still worked. It was nice to know that Jesse was still Jesse deep down and maybe he was getting better. He hadn't tried to hurt her this time so that was definitely a good sign in her book.

Standing then in silence for a moment, she watched as Jesse moved farther away from them and hung his head. She turned her gaze to the floor and wandered back over to sit beside Carson. Olivia glanced back down the row of seats to check on Jesse before turning more to face Carson and Dustin, not bothering to wipe her eyes to smudge away the slight tear marks. "Um.." she paused, looked up at the ceiling, across the way, then back at the two. "How have your lives been? ... Six years is a really long time, huh?" Olivia couldn't help but try to ignore the previous event. She knew they boys might not let it go but she was going to. Olivia had made it important to herself that she calm his outbursts but didn't ignore them because that's when things got bad and that's what hurt the two the most. She refused to let herself get stuck on something like this when she was already trying so hard to get over other things.
Lola stumbled out of her planes double doors a overflowing bitter liquid in hand she took a long swig despite some disgusted passengers who yelled at her to hurry up "Shut up you b****es," she said her voice seeming sagging and lazy as she walked onto the Tarmac and groped her way towards the airports entrance when she found the large steel doors she pulled them open and walked inside her brain starting to fuzz over. Lola's brain began to beg for more of the heroine but even though Lola had gone through three of the wine bottles already she knew that her friends shouldn't have to deal with her heroine self, no one should deal with my heroine self she thought to herself.

Lola stood at the bag carousel waiting for her black suitcase she eventually identified it since it had a large silver bag tag that said "B****hy and I'm proud of it" she hauled it off and went to check where her friends were so she pulled out her phone and turned it on the white apple seeming to glow for a millennia when it eventually turned on she had 72 texts and 50 of them were from her counsellor she rolled her eyes an texted back
I'm K She then scrolled through the one on the mass group chat and found their location she stood up and rolled her back slowly towards her friends delaying the inevitable she didn't see Lydia or Amara and started to shake at the prospect of being there without her rocks but she took eighteen deep breaths in-out-in-out and then walked towards her friends half a bottle of wine in her hands and a fake smile on her lips.

"Bye, have a nice trip," Amara called out to the shrinking figure of a teen. On the flight she was assigned in a seat next to an accompanied minor. Seeing as how the teen seemed independent and held a persona similar to hers, Amara began a conversation with her. Throughout the flight she learned a lot of the girl and told her about some stories from her high school years with her friends. It brought Amara nostalgia thinking about her friends but then excitement at what is about to happen.

Now she stood there watching the girl walk away as she grabbed her cell phone from her pocket and turned it on. She saw that messages bloated her phone. "Mmm seems Olivia and Jesse are here...ooo I hope they are getting along nicely. Well at least Carson and Dustin are there. But they may not be as much of a help to intervene. And oh, Lola is here. Wonder how she's been?"

Amara continued to talk to herself as she walked down the airport to the luggage claim area, expertly dodging people as she looked at her phone. She turned it off quickly as she approached the conveyor belt. Her eyes wandered over each bag that passed by her. Soon she spotted her vanilla colored luggage that stood out among the norm colors of red, black, and navy blue. With a swift pull she was on her way down the airport.

Her eyes wandered over the airport. Just the thoughts of planes associated back to her mother. A slight frown appeared on her face from the thought of that woman.
She never cared for me, not like my friends. With that passionate thought in mind, she was able to make her way to her friends. By some gut instinct she found them all close together. She saw Lola first then Olivia and Jesse, both in distraught states, and as predicated Carson and Dustin standing there not knowing how to handle the situation.

Amara sighed. She walked over and placed an arm around Lola, "How are you Lola?" Her eyes wandered down to the wine bottle in her hand. "Mmmm perhaps we all need that at the moment," Amara commented as her eyes wandered over to the huddled group of Olivia, Jesse, Carson, and Dustin.
Walking past the Tarmac, and into the wide airport ahead (which was currently flooding with what he belived to be either business men or well-off families) Jason searched around the perimeter hoping to find his group of friends: if only they kept to their promises ahead of time.

Other then flirting with a few young women in the plane ride to Hawaii (each in their early 20's) it was as if he had won the Olympics; getting the numbers of hot women more then a few years younger then himself.

It didn't take long for him to notice Lola, and while shaking his head bitterly, he realized that she was drunk and acting dizzy.

Somehow, this action of hers suprised him, as he had once believed that she had given up alchohal a few years back. But people do change; even after sixteen years into the future.

Walking towards his friend, he begrudgingly called out to her with the exact wording of “Get your little butt over here!” as if not caring about the other tourists who could hear him, including the young (and incredibly drunk) Lola a few yards ahead of himself.
Lola let out a shriek as Amara's hand touched her bare shoulder and memories flashed through her mind His beard,The yell,his rough hands pulling her down then she snapped out of it and turned on her heel her head still spinning and bike rising in her throat as she tried to push the memories far down inside. She hugged Amara "I missed you so bloody much," she said tears forming in her eyes as she recounted those nights as she sat on her small twin bed crying after a one night stand begging for her friend. She passed the bottle of wine to her friend "I've already had three of these so you may want to take it," she laughed out leaning on Amara for support when she heard his rough gravelly voice.

Lola spin on her heel her doe like eyes looking down Jason's body he was still ripped and hit like hell and she smiled at him ignoring his comment and pushing her step fathers comments down once again as she sprinted towards him and threw herself into his arms "You son of a b****h why didn't you call me," she yelled loudly attracting more attention
Amara could feel Lola tense up at first but then melted into her arms. Amara chuckled a bit and said, "I've missed you too." She felt tears coming into her eyes but she fought it off. Her eyes wandered down to the wine bottle that Lola gave her. "You crazy. Three?" Amara commented.

Her eyes then looked up as she saw the extremity of how drunk Lola was when she ran into Jason's arms. A smile spread across her lips as she watched the two crazy people, "Same old Lola."

Locating the nearest trash can, Amara threw the bottle away. She looked back over to Jason and Lola. "Hey Lola I'm heading over to the rest of the group. And hey Jason long time, no see!" Amara called out as she walked over to where most of the group was congregated at.
Lydia played nervously with her hair as she waited for her baggage to appear. As if she wasn't nervous enough about this trip and seeing everyone again, her flight had been delayed and she was late as anything now. Nausea rose briefly in her throat but she gulped it quickly back down as her lovely, recognisible red and black suitcase came into view and she hauled it off the carousel.

Safe to say she was worried about seeing her old friends again. Lydia had drifted apart after graduation, a few phone calls and text but about two years ago she'd lost contact completely until this happened. How the heck was she supposed to just ease back in? Would they even actually want her there or was it just a formality really? No, don't think like that. Take a deep breath and get it together. Phones work both ways, they could have tried getting hold of you after you stopped talking but they didn't and neither did you... Her thoughts conflicted with each other but she forced herself to take a really deep breath and calm down.

After making her way out of baggage claim, Lydia looked around in an attempt to spot her old friends in the crowds. Slowly, she spotted them one by one, noticing the large group first and then Jason and Lola who were closer to her. None of them had really changed all that much to her, still looked like the same people. Nonetheless she was debating whether she should go over or if she should just turn around and get out of here now while she still could.
Jesse glanced up from his position, seeing some new faces. He stood up, trying to avoid eye contact with Olivia and walked over to where Jason, Lola and Amara. He smiled at them, muttering a 'Hello' and such. He passed them each their own packet of crisps, remembering their favorite flavor and choosing that. He glanced around, standing awkwardly in the distance. It was a busy time in the airport, especially in Summer. He saw Lydia leaving the baggage claim area and smiled at her, walking over to her as well. Jesse and Lydia weren't the best of friends. He guessed that since Olivia and Lydia had been good friends while Olivia and Jesse were dating, she must have passed a few comments about his anger and actions. Even so, he tried to make an effort to participate in this reunion.

"Hey Lydia...I would hug you, but it's kind of awkward..." Jesse smiled smugly, laughing a little. Lydia was the only person he told his secrets too, including the one about his permanent feelings for Olivia, even after the breakup. Jesse suddenly looked concerned. He had just noticed how apprehensive Lydia looked. "Listen, you shouldn't be nervous...I'm the one that should be...Even though I am..." Jesse looked down at the floor, remembering the past argument that he had just had with Olivia, resisting the urge to have anger again.
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Lydia took a huge breath as Jesse walked over to her. Time to get on with it it seems she thought as she put a small smile on her face. Safe to say she knew a lot of his secrets, just like she had Olivia's. Lydia had played and known both sides of that drama well and although Jesse was the obvious messed up one there, Olivia had her fair share of messy as well so she didn't have a side with them, nor did she intend to.

"Heya" she greeted, smiling some more. "And honestly Jesse, just get on with it and hug me already, it won't be awkward" Lydia continued sensing he was just as nervous about all of this as she was. Then she noticed his concern and waved it off quickly. "I shouldn't be nervous? I haven't spoken to anyone in 2 whole years, including Olivia Jesse. I think I have a right to be nervous" Lydia responded before pausing to frown slightly at him. "Come on, I'm sure you'll be fine and if Olivia's being awkward then just keep out of her way for the first couple of days, it'll calm down." She just wanted everyone to be alright and for her old friends to get along with each other; was that too much to ask?
Jesse laughed at her remark. "Oh, Alright then!" He smiled, hugging her gently yet quickly and pulled away. He nodded his head at what she was saying. Lydia did have a point, but, everyone else seems to be coping alright with the reunion. He decided to keep that to himself. "I doubt that..." Jesse sighed, looking over his shoulder at Olivia, lingering his view for a few moments but turned back to Lydia. "Let's just say I lost my cool already..." He bit his lip, shaking his head. "But, I guess that's a usual..." Jesse turned around again. "C'mon, I'm sure Olivia would like to see you..." He smiled, pointing over to Olivia who hasn't seemed to notice Lydia yet. "Anyway, We should probably get going to the hotel so we can get settled in before dark."
Jason observed the conversation nonnchantantly, keeping his eyes fixated on both Lydia and Jesse while the two of them greeted each other in such an awkward way.

‘No doubt,’ Jason thought, ‘that after two years of little contact, there must be some drama’

And, although he had never considered himself to enjoy awkward situations, it was almost like watching a sitcom in real-life as he watched his two friends reunite in hesitant actions. Interesting.

“Hey, what about a hotel?” Jason popped a chip in his mouth, looking back and fourth between Lydia and Jesse before gazing down at his I-Phone.

“Last time I checked, I haven't received an email concerning our reservations. It's either my phone is dead, or we're all alone in this cold, harsh world”
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