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Realistic or Modern Old friends, New beginnings - characters

penny grade


Sexual Orientation:



pregnant single mother and a small time clothing designer

How did were you when the group knew you?:
Penny was always known as the mother figure of the group. The goodytwo shoes wise and loving girl that every one went to to just talk and have conversations people wouldn't want to have with others. She was always trustworthy and very passionate twoards keeping everyone happy and helping them solve problems

Current Personality:
nothing has really changed from when she was in the group. She's still very motherly and loving but less trusting Vince her last boyfriend suddenly left her the day after she had told him she was pregnant. Since then she's become quiet and hiding her pain of being left to care for her unborn child all alone

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:
pm me

Who have you kept in touch with over the years:
pm me
Lord potato hasn't accepted anyone else for around two to three weeks buts he's been on constantly and always replying to other role plays
You have a point. Maybe we should just make something similar to this one and go with that.
You have a point. Maybe we should just make something similar to this one and go with that.
I actually kinda did before the update out of an anxiousness to start and put the link here for everyone but everyone was against it and got mad at me so I took it down so we could wait because they all said he was gonna come back
Lol. We got mad because it was rude to what you were doing. Go ahead and do what you want. I won't be joining in.
Lol. We got mad because it was rude to what you were doing. Go ahead and do what you want. I won't be joining in.
I know and I realized the error of my ways and took it down and sat my but on a chair to anxiously wait like a child who is waiting in line to go on a ride at an amusement park XD
As I said before, your attitude towards it put me off. And I'm part of some other roleplay including my own that are taking up most of my time.
I am laid back and cool with whatever. We can wait, or do a different one. I am fine with either.
I'm in the same boat, I do strongly agree with K Kiowa that it was rude, and the attitude for it was unacceptable from my point of view but, I would join you. Since the timing is more understandable comparing to last time.
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