
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily to weekly.
Equipped Titles: Human, Prideful, Ryken Adventurer E, Expert Blacksmith, Expert Enchanter, Well-Meaning, Branch Noble, Order Initiate, See Inquisitor, East Empire Fugitive C
Height: 165 cm / 5' 4”
Weight: 51 kg / 132 lbs
She was born just in time to witness the collapse of the Burgundian Kingdom, although she was barely old enough to make sense of it at the time. What she did get to witness from a young age, was the intricate and complicated political scene within the Holy Roman Empire, as her family was nobility in the newly formed County of Savoy that lay within it. The many marriages, reforms, treaties and trade agreements between all the counties, princedoms, dukedoms and states that tried to stick together as a single 'Holy Roman Empire' was the standard topic of conversation at the dining table, or anywhere else in the house, for that matter.
Her education was exclusively catered towards one goal; making her the ideal marriage candidate for one of the many rulers within the Holy Roman Empire. The long days of studying etiquette and pretending to be the perfect lady were tiresome, but she pulled through somehow. Her main issue was with what she wasn't allowed to study. She cared more about the governmental aspects of being part of the ruling class than a woman should, so she was often reprimanded for sticking her nose where it didn't belong. With effort, she managed to pass it off as a mere 'interest' and kept her desires to be the one in power hidden.
This desire was growing ever so slightly any time she spotted faulty decisions being made by the men in power all through-out the Holy Roman Empire. She knew she'd be able to make the County of Savoy a better place than its current incompetent ruler ever could, or even fix some of the other places within the empire, as she had no particular loyalty to her own birthplace, but she'd never get a shot at it. She was a woman, after all, who's only goal was to give an heir to whomever she'd be married off to.
The destined fate of becoming nothing more than the 'mother of an heir' was her worst nightmare. It kept her awake at night and forced her into crafting her master-plan. She had her eyes set on a princedom to the north of the County of Savoy. The ruling prince was old enough to kick the bucket at any time, so if she'd manage to get married to his weak-willed son, there was a high chance she'd be there when he would take over the princedom's leadership. His easily influenced personality would make it easy for her to manipulate him, which would finally make her dream of being the one in charge come to fruition, even if it'd be from behind the scenes.
The first part of her plan succeeded, as she was married off to the prince's son at the age of sixteen. Whilst her marriage wasn't a happy one, as she didn't love the man in the slightest, she reached the position of power she had aimed for. Or so she thought. The second part of her plan, that of manipulating events from behind the shadow of her husband, was immediately foiled. It turned out another woman had already gained a firm grasp on the young ruler; the prince's mother had long been the shadow-ruler. She had even spent her time manipulating her husband before his passing. As such, she wasn't going to step aside and let some other woman get a hold of her son.
The two women clashed multiple times, but the already existing network of her mother-in-law turned out to be far too powerful to deal with. Eventually, she felt cornered; forced to be nothing more than meaningless decoration, other than her task of birthing an heir. The latter wasn't going well either. Try as she and her husband might, three entire years went by without a sign of success. She was fairly certain the prince's seed was as weak as his will, but she was the one that got blamed by society. It was likely a scheme of her mother-in-law. It was successful one at that, as she eventually got divorced on the grounds of being infertile. Her last hope of getting in power by outliving her mother-in-law and taking control after the woman's death faded away before her eyes.
Despite being only nineteen years old, she was forced to live out the rest of her life in a cottage in the mountains, with the intend of having her entire existence be forgotten by history. It was a destiny she wasn't willing to follow, so she took her fate in her own hands in the only way she could think off; by ending it all.
She was rather shocked to find out there was such a thing as a [god] in the world. She'd always thought that the 'Holy' part in the Empire's name to be equally meaningless as the 'Roman' one and merely faked piety for the sake of appearances. Rather than being sent to burn in hellfire, however, she was offered a new opportunity. Living as she pleased? She grimaced. Perhaps she'd manage to do so this time around. She sure as hell hadn't given up on her goals yet. She'd rule her own kingdom and if that meant going to another world and bringing that entire world in motion in order to achieve it, so be it.
She was born just in time to witness the collapse of the Burgundian Kingdom, although she was barely old enough to make sense of it at the time. What she did get to witness from a young age, was the intricate and complicated political scene within the Holy Roman Empire, as her family was nobility in the newly formed County of Savoy that lay within it. The many marriages, reforms, treaties and trade agreements between all the counties, princedoms, dukedoms and states that tried to stick together as a single 'Holy Roman Empire' was the standard topic of conversation at the dining table, or anywhere else in the house, for that matter.
Her education was exclusively catered towards one goal; making her the ideal marriage candidate for one of the many rulers within the Holy Roman Empire. The long days of studying etiquette and pretending to be the perfect lady were tiresome, but she pulled through somehow. Her main issue was with what she wasn't allowed to study. She cared more about the governmental aspects of being part of the ruling class than a woman should, so she was often reprimanded for sticking her nose where it didn't belong. With effort, she managed to pass it off as a mere 'interest' and kept her desires to be the one in power hidden.
This desire was growing ever so slightly any time she spotted faulty decisions being made by the men in power all through-out the Holy Roman Empire. She knew she'd be able to make the County of Savoy a better place than its current incompetent ruler ever could, or even fix some of the other places within the empire, as she had no particular loyalty to her own birthplace, but she'd never get a shot at it. She was a woman, after all, who's only goal was to give an heir to whomever she'd be married off to.
The destined fate of becoming nothing more than the 'mother of an heir' was her worst nightmare. It kept her awake at night and forced her into crafting her master-plan. She had her eyes set on a princedom to the north of the County of Savoy. The ruling prince was old enough to kick the bucket at any time, so if she'd manage to get married to his weak-willed son, there was a high chance she'd be there when he would take over the princedom's leadership. His easily influenced personality would make it easy for her to manipulate him, which would finally make her dream of being the one in charge come to fruition, even if it'd be from behind the scenes.
The first part of her plan succeeded, as she was married off to the prince's son at the age of sixteen. Whilst her marriage wasn't a happy one, as she didn't love the man in the slightest, she reached the position of power she had aimed for. Or so she thought. The second part of her plan, that of manipulating events from behind the shadow of her husband, was immediately foiled. It turned out another woman had already gained a firm grasp on the young ruler; the prince's mother had long been the shadow-ruler. She had even spent her time manipulating her husband before his passing. As such, she wasn't going to step aside and let some other woman get a hold of her son.
The two women clashed multiple times, but the already existing network of her mother-in-law turned out to be far too powerful to deal with. Eventually, she felt cornered; forced to be nothing more than meaningless decoration, other than her task of birthing an heir. The latter wasn't going well either. Try as she and her husband might, three entire years went by without a sign of success. She was fairly certain the prince's seed was as weak as his will, but she was the one that got blamed by society. It was likely a scheme of her mother-in-law. It was successful one at that, as she eventually got divorced on the grounds of being infertile. Her last hope of getting in power by outliving her mother-in-law and taking control after the woman's death faded away before her eyes.
Despite being only nineteen years old, she was forced to live out the rest of her life in a cottage in the mountains, with the intend of having her entire existence be forgotten by history. It was a destiny she wasn't willing to follow, so she took her fate in her own hands in the only way she could think off; by ending it all.
She was rather shocked to find out there was such a thing as a [god] in the world. She'd always thought that the 'Holy' part in the Empire's name to be equally meaningless as the 'Roman' one and merely faked piety for the sake of appearances. Rather than being sent to burn in hellfire, however, she was offered a new opportunity. Living as she pleased? She grimaced. Perhaps she'd manage to do so this time around. She sure as hell hadn't given up on her goals yet. She'd rule her own kingdom and if that meant going to another world and bringing that entire world in motion in order to achieve it, so be it.
Current Life:
When she opened up her eyes, she was surprised to find herself younger than she used to be. Was she sixteen again? She wasn't sure. Perhaps she was even younger. Slowly and steadily, information about her new life started to come to her, as if the memories of her past life and her 'current' life were merging. She learned her new name, Regula. She didn't have a surname, as her father was unknown and an administrative law made it so she couldn't adopt her mother's surname. She soon learned that she was living in far worse conditions than she'd ever experienced before. She also learned why her father was unknown, as her mother was a prostitute and she was the outcome of a job gone 'wrong'. The latter was rather odd, as the establishment her mother worked for had very strict countermeasures, but it wasn't something she could recall looking into.
Finally, she learned that her daily life existed of being homeschooled and working for a nearby baker to deliver the bread in the early morning. It was hard work for little money, but it helped her and her mother get by. However, getting by wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to rule a kingdom. Even so, she knew she would have to take it slow. After all, a sudden change of behaviour would likely make things difficult for her in the long run. Instead, she started plotting out ways in which to achieve her goals, deciding to bide her time for as long as necessary.
There were multiple things she was going need. Supporters, wealth and a claim to nobility were among the most essential ones. It would be a pretty tough task to go from being a whore's daughter to becoming a queen, but she was determined not to fail a second time, regardless of how the odds were stacked against her all even heavier. She even figured she'd attempt a different route. She once read some stories during her lifetime of heroes becoming king, so why couldn't a a heroine become queen? If she'd manage to become someone strong enough, she'd have the means to gain supporters and wealth. All she'd need was a claim to nobility. The latter was why she eventually asked her mother about her potential father and attempted to press her for an answer. Her mother was tight-lipped and didn't reveal a thing.
Only a month after being reborn, she quit her job at the baker and started a new job working for a blacksmith. It was ridiculed by most of the people in her surroundings, but she didn't care. If she wanted power, she'd need a job that'd make her more powerful, which working a forge was far more likely to do than delivering bread. She didn't succeed. Whilst she had a fair bit of talent, she wasn't garnering the kind of strength she hoped she would. To make matters worse, she was given all sorts of menial, mind-numbing tasks that bored the life out of her and was heavily underpaid for it on top of it. It was clear she wasn't taken serious by anyone she tried working for.
Frustrated beyond belief, she eventually gathered up the courage to ask the most famous blacksmith in town to take her on as his apprentice; Rossle Deva himself. He accepted. With that, hope had been found once more. Whilst his lessons weren't easy, she managed to keep up. The amount of times he criticized her work into the ground and nearly destroyed any confidence she might have gained were countless, but he always gave the feedback needed to crawl back up and do better next time. Furthermore, she even got to work on some of her own projects while at it. She managed to experiment with magic in the rare hours during which she had some time to herself. Whilst she had a bit of talent for it, but couldn't quite figure out how to get the most usage out of it. At best, she could pull off some gimmicky tricks.
To expand on the latter, she decided to craft a weapon for herself, one that was unique and meant to be used by her alone. After many failures, she eventually created the first working weapon, which she baptised a 'combustion gun' upon its first successful shot. She's been working to improve it and its ammunition ever since. To that extend, she was found near the forge to test out some new idea she'd gained after her field-tests often enough that even Rossle's bear dog stopped minding her constant coming and going.
With her work at the forge, she'd made some money and a weapon. With her magic training and field-testing, she'd used those to gain some power. Both things gave her confidence, but it wasn't enough. It's why, after three years, the same amount of time she'd been married in her previous life, she confronted her mother again. After all, she felt like there was more to the story. She couldn't just be put into this world without any chance at obtaining her goals, there had to be more to why she was who she was. This time around, her mother finally gave her an honest answer.
She'd been born after her mother had worked as a courtesan in the royal palace, for none other than the oldest prince himself. The prince had liked her enough to keep her in the palace for almost half a year, during which her mother hadn't been able to access any of the usual preventative measures. She hadn't been brave enough to mention this issue to the prince either, which resulted in the unwarranted pregnancy. The latter got swept under the rug in record time, with her mother being thrown out and any traces of her extended stay in the palace being wiped away from the records and paid out off the minds of the few who might've seen her there.
It was difficult for Regula not to smile upon hearing the story. She was of royal blood. Now, she just needed to prove it and to use this fact to her advantage in a claim for the throne. If she could win over the favour of the public, she could even cause a revolution to put her on the throne. There were so many options that it was almost difficult to chose one. However, there was one thing that she'd need in any scenario; supporters. She needed people to back her in her quest for the throne, both some strong people to have in her inner circle and a large enough following among the commoners. She'd seen enough coupes fail in her previous life by fools who plotted it without firm enough support from either the public or those close to them. She didn't like to see her neck on the guillotine next.
It's why she decided that a good first step into becoming a queen was her earlier idea of becoming a heroine, which she could work on whilst keeping her eyes on for additional proof of her identity and whilst gathering more allies and resources. She'd need anything she could get for her ambitious plans, after all. Whilst goal was every so clear, the path towards it would be a long and treacherous one. Even so, she was determined to walk it. She just needed to chose a direction.
When she opened up her eyes, she was surprised to find herself younger than she used to be. Was she sixteen again? She wasn't sure. Perhaps she was even younger. Slowly and steadily, information about her new life started to come to her, as if the memories of her past life and her 'current' life were merging. She learned her new name, Regula. She didn't have a surname, as her father was unknown and an administrative law made it so she couldn't adopt her mother's surname. She soon learned that she was living in far worse conditions than she'd ever experienced before. She also learned why her father was unknown, as her mother was a prostitute and she was the outcome of a job gone 'wrong'. The latter was rather odd, as the establishment her mother worked for had very strict countermeasures, but it wasn't something she could recall looking into.
Finally, she learned that her daily life existed of being homeschooled and working for a nearby baker to deliver the bread in the early morning. It was hard work for little money, but it helped her and her mother get by. However, getting by wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to rule a kingdom. Even so, she knew she would have to take it slow. After all, a sudden change of behaviour would likely make things difficult for her in the long run. Instead, she started plotting out ways in which to achieve her goals, deciding to bide her time for as long as necessary.
There were multiple things she was going need. Supporters, wealth and a claim to nobility were among the most essential ones. It would be a pretty tough task to go from being a whore's daughter to becoming a queen, but she was determined not to fail a second time, regardless of how the odds were stacked against her all even heavier. She even figured she'd attempt a different route. She once read some stories during her lifetime of heroes becoming king, so why couldn't a a heroine become queen? If she'd manage to become someone strong enough, she'd have the means to gain supporters and wealth. All she'd need was a claim to nobility. The latter was why she eventually asked her mother about her potential father and attempted to press her for an answer. Her mother was tight-lipped and didn't reveal a thing.
Only a month after being reborn, she quit her job at the baker and started a new job working for a blacksmith. It was ridiculed by most of the people in her surroundings, but she didn't care. If she wanted power, she'd need a job that'd make her more powerful, which working a forge was far more likely to do than delivering bread. She didn't succeed. Whilst she had a fair bit of talent, she wasn't garnering the kind of strength she hoped she would. To make matters worse, she was given all sorts of menial, mind-numbing tasks that bored the life out of her and was heavily underpaid for it on top of it. It was clear she wasn't taken serious by anyone she tried working for.
Frustrated beyond belief, she eventually gathered up the courage to ask the most famous blacksmith in town to take her on as his apprentice; Rossle Deva himself. He accepted. With that, hope had been found once more. Whilst his lessons weren't easy, she managed to keep up. The amount of times he criticized her work into the ground and nearly destroyed any confidence she might have gained were countless, but he always gave the feedback needed to crawl back up and do better next time. Furthermore, she even got to work on some of her own projects while at it. She managed to experiment with magic in the rare hours during which she had some time to herself. Whilst she had a bit of talent for it, but couldn't quite figure out how to get the most usage out of it. At best, she could pull off some gimmicky tricks.
To expand on the latter, she decided to craft a weapon for herself, one that was unique and meant to be used by her alone. After many failures, she eventually created the first working weapon, which she baptised a 'combustion gun' upon its first successful shot. She's been working to improve it and its ammunition ever since. To that extend, she was found near the forge to test out some new idea she'd gained after her field-tests often enough that even Rossle's bear dog stopped minding her constant coming and going.
With her work at the forge, she'd made some money and a weapon. With her magic training and field-testing, she'd used those to gain some power. Both things gave her confidence, but it wasn't enough. It's why, after three years, the same amount of time she'd been married in her previous life, she confronted her mother again. After all, she felt like there was more to the story. She couldn't just be put into this world without any chance at obtaining her goals, there had to be more to why she was who she was. This time around, her mother finally gave her an honest answer.
She'd been born after her mother had worked as a courtesan in the royal palace, for none other than the oldest prince himself. The prince had liked her enough to keep her in the palace for almost half a year, during which her mother hadn't been able to access any of the usual preventative measures. She hadn't been brave enough to mention this issue to the prince either, which resulted in the unwarranted pregnancy. The latter got swept under the rug in record time, with her mother being thrown out and any traces of her extended stay in the palace being wiped away from the records and paid out off the minds of the few who might've seen her there.
It was difficult for Regula not to smile upon hearing the story. She was of royal blood. Now, she just needed to prove it and to use this fact to her advantage in a claim for the throne. If she could win over the favour of the public, she could even cause a revolution to put her on the throne. There were so many options that it was almost difficult to chose one. However, there was one thing that she'd need in any scenario; supporters. She needed people to back her in her quest for the throne, both some strong people to have in her inner circle and a large enough following among the commoners. She'd seen enough coupes fail in her previous life by fools who plotted it without firm enough support from either the public or those close to them. She didn't like to see her neck on the guillotine next.
It's why she decided that a good first step into becoming a queen was her earlier idea of becoming a heroine, which she could work on whilst keeping her eyes on for additional proof of her identity and whilst gathering more allies and resources. She'd need anything she could get for her ambitious plans, after all. Whilst goal was every so clear, the path towards it would be a long and treacherous one. Even so, she was determined to walk it. She just needed to chose a direction.
- Gather money, wealth, fame, allies, power, connections...
- Establish a claim to nobility and/or a claim to royalty.
- Become the ruler of Ryke.
- Conquer/incorporate neighbouring countries and form an Empire.
- Become an Empress of the largest Empire in this world's history.
- Govern the Empire until there's a worthy heir.
- Stop mage Doriel from whatever he's up to in the magic Duchy.
- Help Aria deal with her family issues.
[Race] Titles
- [Human] Humans are normal humans and are the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
- Prideful - Character has shown an awareness of self that would put them above other people and circumstances for better or for worse. Pride cometh before a fall, but it is only the prideful that strive for more, believing themselves worthy and capable. If their belief in self is true, who better to achieve the most?
- Ryken Adventurer E Character is an adventurer of the Ryken Adventurer Guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. E grade means the character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic trainings or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.
- Well-Meaning Character has displayed several instances of attempting to help, so it is understood by many the character is at least trying to make circumstances better. However, their efforts struggle to achieve the best outcome.
- [Branch Noble] Character has discovered they are some form of noble but of a branch family. They will have a long climb to become respected as peerage, but it's a start. Their lineage is so distant that do not have any land holdings or assets associated with the title, but can at least rightfully claim their noble status.
- [Order Initiate] Character is a new recruit to Linneus’ Order. Member who still has to prove herself.
- [See Inquisitor] - Character was unsuccessful in their mission, but failure is not the end. So long as one breathes, there is hope for redemption. Character may gain redemption by aiding the enemies of the See to find their own redemption through fire and sword. Character will not inherit criminal titles while 'punishing' enemies of the See. Inquisitors have +1 effectiveness in finding/discerning enemies of the See and in inflicting damage against them. With each successful 'cleansing', character's soul will feel lighter until redemption and enlightenment is obtained, and the perks therein.
- Mandatory [East Empire Fugitive C] - Character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in East Empire.
- Expert Blacksmith – B Grade Artisan [Blacksmith]
- Expert Enchanter – B Grade Artisan [Enchanter]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 297
Points Spent: 350
Points Unspent: 52
Strength – A
(35 points)Precision – A
(35 points)Intelligence – D
(14 points)Vitality – A
(35 points)Speed – E
(7 points)Skills:
- [Appraisal] C (0 points) | Axillary ability - requires meta knowledge, C Grade Character
- Artisan [Blacksmith] B (35 points) | A Grade Precision
Artisans are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master NPC and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Ex: Artisan Blacksmith F can craft F grade swords. Orichalcum and mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
Blacksmith - forger of metal based items and likely metal based weapons and armours in particular.
- Artisan [Enchanter] B (35 points) | A - Grade Precision
Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master npc and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Ex: Artisan Blacksmith F can craft F grade swords. Orichalcum and Mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
Enchanter - someone who can imbue mithril items with magical properties.
- Focus D (21 points) | C Grade Character
It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without wood working tools
The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to centre the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat. Each grade of Focus enables character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.
- Pocket Dimension E (28 points) | Axillary | D Grade Intelligence
Character can store items in an alternative space as large as 1 foot radius. They can freely retrieve any items stored in the space or add items to the space so long as there is room and the item would not have to destroyed to fit.- F- 1ft radius – 30 centimetre
- E - 10ft radius – 3 metre
- D - 100ft radius – 30 metre
- C - 1000ft radius – 300 metre - district
- B - 1mi radius – 1.6 kilometre - village
- A - 10mi radius – 16 kilometre - city
- S - ???
- N/A
- Enchanted Mithril Combustion Gun B (Blacksmith/Enchanter - 35 points)
A self-made weapon crafted to utilise the propulsion power of combustion magic in order to fire off bullets of various compositions. (The same as the in the full appearance image.)
- Core 1
- [Magic] Affinity B (Enchanter)
Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.
Core 2 - [Combustion] Affinity B (Enchanter)
Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell times which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does. Ex: Fire or Polymorph.
[Combustion] Affinity allows for a specialized exothermic redox chemical reaction to take place in a manner of which the output and power is decided by the grade of the affinity. One of its main applications is to cause explosive/propulsive forces.
Core 3 - [Silencing] Affinity B (Enchanter]
Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell times which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does. Ex: Fire or Polymorph.
[Silencing] Affinity allows for a reduction of noise.
Core 4 - Magic Range C (Enchanter)
Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 1000 ft – 304 metres away. - Area of Effect F (Enchanter)
Character can impact an area of 10ft – 3.04 metres radius with their magic.
Core 5 - Magic Targets C (Enchanter)
Character can select 25 targets to hit or spare for their spell. - Weaken [Vitality] F (Enchanter)
Only can weaken a creature once per ability duration. Cannot be stacked by same user. Duration of effect can be improved with duration skill.
Character has extensively studied and trained to reduce target effectiveness in a specific area. Lower [Vitality] by 1 grade for one of their posts. Upgrading the skill increases amount stat can be lowered.
- Combustion Gun – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, gun-type weapon.
- Character uses combustion magic to fire a bullet from their gun.
- Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
- Weakening Combustion Gun – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Weaken [Vitality] F, Magic Range C, gun-type weapon.
- Character uses combustion magic to fire an enhanced bullet from their gun.
[Range C] works at a target within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range.
[Weaken Vitality F] weakens vitality by 1 grade upon impact.
- Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
- Silenced Combustion Gun – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, gun-type weapon.
- Character uses combustion magic to fire a bullet from their gun whilst also using magic to dampen the sounds of firing it.
- Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
- Weakening Silenced Combustion Gun – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, Weaken Vitality F, Magic Range C, gun-type weapon.
- Character uses combustion magic to fire a bullet from their gun whilst also using magic to dampen the sounds of firing it.
[Range C] works at a target within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range.
[Weaken Vitality F] weakens vitality by 1 grade upon impact.
- Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
- Multi-target Weakening Sillenced Combustion Shot – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Weaken [Vitality] F, gun-type weapon.
Character uses combustion magic to fire multiple bullets from their gun at once whilst also using magic to dampen the sounds of firing it.
[Range C] works at a target within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range.
[Magic Targets C] Able to hit up to 25 targets.
[Weaken Vitality F] weakens vitality by 1 grade upon impact.
- Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
- Multi-target Weakening Explosive Silenced Combustion Shot
– Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Area of Effect F, Weaken [Vitality] F, gun-type weapon.
Character uses combustion magic to fire multiple bullets from their gun at once whilst also using magic to dampen the sounds of firing it.
[Range C] works at a target within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range.
[Magic Targets C] Able to hit up to 25 targets.
[Area of Effect F] cause a 10 feet radius explosion within the spread range of the gun.
[Weaken Vitality F] weakens vitality by 1 grade upon impact.
- Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
- Muffle – Magic Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C – Muffles the sounds of 25 targets within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
- Enchanted mithril-threaded Cloak B (Blacksmith/Enchanter - 35 points)
Inspired by working on the uniquely designed armour of one of her customers, Regula upgraded her cloak with mithril threads and chains in order to make it function like a heavy chain-mail armour, then went on to enchant it with some useful skills.(The same as the in the full appearance image.)
- Core 1
- [Magic] Affinity B (Enchanter)
Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.
Core 2 - Healing B (Enchanter)
You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.
F - Basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds.
E - Cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons.
D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present
C - Heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones
B - Reinvigorate, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.
Core 3 - Energized B (Enchanter)
Only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank
Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1
Core 4 - Area of Effect D (Enchanter)
Character can impact an area of 100 feet – 30.4 metres radius with their magic. - Control Environment E (Enchanter)
Character can not inflict damage with this ability.
Grants character ability to control air and lighting immediately around their body to adjust things like humidity, sound, smell, temperature, and lighting. Useful in hazardous conditions.
Core 5 - Selective Magic D (Enchanter)
Character can shape or change the nature of their magic to avoid affecting allies or other undesired targets. Grade of skill must be equal to or higher than the grade of the magic AoE or magic range skill used in the ability. - Magic Duration E (Enchanter)
Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic use to last longer. Increase duration of effect on target to 1 hour in roleplay time. Narrator decides how many posts that will equate to. This holds true for upgraded versions of the skill.
- Safe Zone – Magic Affinity B, Healing B, Energized B, Area of Effect D, Selective Magic D, Control Environment E, Magic Duration E - Character creates an area of 100 feet – 30.4 metres radius around them in which they lift bad environmental conditions and heal all allies, keeping it up for the duration of 1 hour. - Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown (Energized).
- Enchanted mithril boots B (Blacksmith/Enchanter - 35 points)
Hand-crafted and self-enchanted heavy armour mithril boots.
- Core 1
- Fast B (Enchanter)
Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting themselves easily.
F – 12 mph – 19 km/h (max)
E – 24 mph – 38 km/h (max)
D – 48 mph – 77 km/h (max)
C – 90 mph – 144 km/h (max)
B – 180 mph – 289 km/h (max)
Core 2 - Jumping B (Enchanter)
Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally large distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
F vertically 3 yards 2.7 meter / horizontally 10 yards 9 meter
E - vertically 10 yards 9.1 meter / horizontally 33 yards 30 meter
D - vertically 30 yards 27 meter / horizontally 100 yards 91 meter
C - vertically 100 yards 91 meter / horizontally 333 yards 304 meter
B - vertically 300 yards 274 meter / horizontally 1000 yards 914 meter
Core 3 - Water Speed B (Enchanter)
Creatures with this skill can float and travel on and underwater at faster speeds for longer periods of time (assumes creature already has means of breathing underwater for long underwater periods).
F - Swim Speed 3 mph – 4.8 km/h
E - Swim Speed 10 mph – 16 km/h
D - Swim Speed 30 mph – 48 km/h
C - Swim Speed 100 mph 161 km/h
B - Swim Speed 300 mph 482 km/h
Core 4 - Supersense [Tremorsense] B (Enchanter)
A Creature with tremorsense is sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground.
F - 10ft radius – 3 meter
E - 100ft radius – 30 meter
D - 1000ft radius – 304 meter
C - 1 mile radius – 1.6 kilometre
B - 10 mile radius – 16 kilometre
Core 5 - Special Movement [Wall Running] F – Running along walls.
- Special Movement [Wall Bouncing] F – Bouncing off of walls.
- Special Movement [Ceiling Bouncing] F – Bouncing off of ceilings.
- Special Movement [Uneven Terrain Running] F – Using full speed across uneven terrains.
- Special Movement [Ledge Running] F – Using full speed along narrow ropes and paths.
- Boots of Hermes – Fast B, Jumping B, Water Speed B, Special Movements F: Wall Running, Wall Bouncing, Ceiling Bouncing, Uneven Terrain Running, Ledge Running – No matter the terrain, the user can traverse it quickly and with some impressive jumping to top it off. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
- Mithril Dagger B (Blacksmith/Enchanter, World RP Reward – 0 points).
(On her left the in the full appearance image.)
Regula's dagger got mithrilled and made ready for enchantments. The See represent many things. Keeping with theme, their operatives must be capable of and represent many things as well. The mithril of the dagger has a emerald shade of green to it and the handle of the dagger is wrapped in shavings of one of the living life trees within the Fae nation.
- [Heavy Armour] Greaves B (Blacksmith - 0 points)
A set of handcrafted greaves. She once planned to craft a full set of armour, but ended up finding it too heavy to use. (The same as the in the full appearance image.)
- A bag filled with various types of bullets. (On her right in the full appearance image.)
- A tool-belt, with the basic tools needed to keep her gun going attached to it.
- A two-room 'house' in the outskirts of town, which she shares with her mother.
- [Supplyiere - Sentient Supply Transport] Pierre's loyalty towards assisting with material transporting to Rossle's forge, or other heavy items to transport upon Regula's bidding.
- [See Commission] - Whenever character is in doubt and not acting against See interests, character may obtain guidance from the See pantheon. (Narrator discretion advised).
Change Log:
- Creation: Precision B (28 points)
- Creation: Intelligence D (14 points)
- Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
- Creation: Appraisal (0 points)
- Creation: Magic Affinity E (14 points)
- Creation: Combustion Affinity E (14 points)
- Creation: Artisan [Blacksmith] C (28 points)
- Creation: Combustion Gun C (Blacksmith - 0 points)
- Creation: Dagger F (Blacksmith - 0 points)
- Creation: Greaves E (Blacksmith - 0 points)
- [13/02/2022] Acquired: 7 points from upgrading Rachael's armour from F to C grade.
- [10/03/2022] Acquired: 34 points and [Prideful] title from Here Be Dragons 23/01/2022 – 06/03-2022
- [10/03/2022] Added Artisan [Artificer] C skill to the sheet. (28 points)
- [10/03/2022] Added [catalyst] properties to Combustion Gun, Dagger, Greaves. (Artificer – 0 points)
- [10/03/2022] Added [Metal-threaded cloak] heavy armour E. (Blacksmith/Artificer – 0 points)
- [10/03/2022] Upgraded Vitality E => D (7 points)
- [10/03/2022] Added [Backfire Defence] ability.
- [10/03/2022] Reworded abilities to more directly correspond with the equipment they're associated with.
- [10/03/2022] Added a 'goals' section to the sheet.
- [10/03/2022] Added a 'points unspent' section to the sheet.
- [10/03/2022] Added skill descriptions of previously bought skills.
- [13/02/2022] Acquired: 7 points from forging Aria a D grade sword.
- [26/03/2022] Acquired: 5 points from Meeting For a Sword 20/03/2022 – 26/03/2022
- [26/03/2022] Upgraded Vitality D => B (14 points)
- [26/03/2022] Upgraded Greaves & Metal-threaded cloak E => C (Blacksmith/Artificer – 0 points)
- [26/03/2022] Upgraded Appraisal E => D due to higher character grade.
- [04/05/2022] Acquired: 38 points and [Ryken Adventurer E] title from The Birds and The Horned Rabbits 28/03/2022 – 04/05/2022
- [04/05/2022] Scooped Intelligence D, Magic Affinity E, Combustion Affinity E, Artisan [Artificer] C, to exchange it for fitting into the new Artisan [Enchanter] build instead. Removed related abilities and mentions in equipment. (+70 points)
- [04/05/2022] Precision B => A (7 points)
- [04/05/2022] Vitality B => A (7 points)
- [04/05/2022] Added Artisan Enchanter B (35 points)
- [04/05/2022] Blacksmith C => B (7 points)
- [04/05/2022] Added Enchanted Mithril Combustion Gun B (35 points, blacksmith/enchanter).
- [04/05/2022] Upgraded Heavy Armour Greaves C => B (Blacksmith)
- [04/05/2022] Strength F => C (21 points)
- [04/05/2022] Upgraded Dagger F => D (Blacksmith – 0 points)
- [04/05/2022] Added the descriptions of titles gained at creation.
- [04/05/2022] Added job titles (Expert Blacksmith).
- [04/05/2022] Expanded descriptions to include requirements, skill type and updated descriptions.
- [04/05/2022] Acquired: 1 point and [Supplyiere - Sentient Supply Transport] asset from upgrading Pierre's armour from E to C grade.
- [23/05/2022] Added [Muffle] ability.
- [29/05/2022] Acquired: 23 points and [Well-Meaning] title from Testimony of Truth 05/05/2022 – 27/05/2022
- [29/05/2022] Added the goal: [Stop mage Doriel from whatever he's up to in the magic Duchy.]
- [29/05/2022] Acquired: 2 points from A Purchase From the Would Be Queen 27/05/2022 – 28/05/2022
- [30/06/2022] Acquired: 10 points from A Bath After The Storm 29/05/2022 – 05/07/2022
- [09/07/2022] Fixed some issues with [Enchanted Mithril Combustion Gun] by reducing B Range and B Targets to C to fit the appropriate maximum for magic affinity and instead added Area of Effect F and Weaken [Vitality] F. Altered relating abilities accordingly.
- [09/07/2022] Upgraded metal-threaded cloak to Enchanted mithril-threaded cloak (35 points, blacksmith/enchanter). Added related ability.
- [09/07/2022] Added 'Branch Noble' title from Testimonty of Truth.
- [26/07/2022] Acquired: 60 points from The Queen, The Tank, The Sword and their Weapon Transport 04/06/2022 – 14/07/2022
- [27/07/2022] Upgraded Strength C => A (14 points)
- [27/07/2022] Upgraded Appraisal D => C (Character Grade)
- [27/07/2022] Added Enchanted mithril boots B (35 points)
- [27/07/2022] Upgraded Dagger D => B (Blacksmith)
- [09/08/2022] Acquired: 7 points from the Summer Writing Competition.
- [16/08/2022] Acquired: 29 points and [Order Initiate] title from A Fated Meeting 15/07/2022-12/08/2022
- [16/08/2022] Acquired: 3 points a for upgrading Aya's katana E => D
- [05/09/2022] Acquired: 12 points from Royal Dress-Up 13/08/2022 – 23/08/2022
- [05/09/2022] Acquired: 7 points from Aria meets her Father 24/08/2022 – 01/09/2022
- [05/09/2022] Added [Focus] D (21 points)
- [05/09/2022] Upgraded Intelligence F => D (14 points)
- [05/09/2022] Added [Pocket Dimension] E (28 points)
- [05/09/2022] Upgraded Speed F => E (7 points)
- [05/09/2022] Added goal: [help Aria deal with her family issues.]
- [03/11/2022] Added 52 points, [See Inquisitor] title, [Easter Empire Fugitive C] title, [See Commission] asset and [Dagger B Mithrilled] item from Actor of War: Progenitor of the Hive (World RP) 02/10/2022 – 27/10/2022
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