Ok, so hello again, RPN.

Call Me Lucifer

King Fudanshi
(Here, have some dramatic music)


I made an account on here probably no more than a little over a year ago, and this February... I disappeared...

I don't really want to say what account that was if its okay...

I logged into the old account and posted a message but I deleted it...

You see, I am, for lack of a better definition, a pathological liar. I lied... A lot of stupid lies, but I lied too much and that's why I disappeared for so long.

Here I am now, I come with my true self bared for the world to see and I'm going to be honest this time, I promise...


Now that that's out of the way... Hi, um...

I'm, well, a former member come back to reclaim my spot in this wonderful world of creative minds, I have some crazy in me but I'm getting better about it. I have some serious ADHD and insomnia so I have been known to pull off strings of all-nighters watching tv shows and roleplaying because I don't reaaally know when to stop. Um, well, I honestly don't do much so if all goes well... I'll probably end up on here more often that I should, for the web is my escape from life.

I'm a big nerd, anime, history, weird games about angsty lawyers, and cartooooooons galore. Music, I love, Jazz, Metal, mmyes. Haha, sorry, I'm rambling...

Well... Hello world. Here I am, crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.


Hello~ Welcome back! I'm quite new here so I can't say that I've run into you before in the past but I hope we get to RP sometimes in the future!
Ruruka said:
Hello~ Welcome back! I'm quite new here so I can't say that I've run into you before in the past but I hope we get to RP sometimes in the future!
Well, welcome to RPN, Ruruka! Maybe we'll run into each other sometime (o'v'o)
[QUOTE="Call Me Lucifer]Well, welcome to RPN, Ruruka! Maybe we'll run into each other sometime (o'v'o)

Hopefully so! Thank you and it's nice meeting you~

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