•Jewel Academy for Performing Arts•Signups•


Sass Queen





•Year In School•






•Class Schedules Will Be PMed To You After Acceptance•


Violet Rosa Baudelaire







•Year In School•



She is very talented in art, Singing, and playing Violin.




She comes from a very wealthy family, and one of the children of three. She is the oddball, looking different from her sisters. One sister, Lillian, is in college and does not care for Violet. Her other sister is her twin, despite their being complete opposites of each other.



She was born not looking anything like her twin or the rest of her family.


Rosanne Kerry Baudelaire







•Year In School•



She is a Great dancer and can play the Piano rather well.




She was born to the same rich family Violet was. She was always the favorite of the two, although her parents never actually said that. Her older sister loved her much more than Violet, claiming that she actually belonged in the family unlike Violet. With that, she became spoiled, seeming nice when you meet her.


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She can seem very nice.


Lexi Fallon Gadrea







•Year In School•



She is a Talented dancer and Percussionist




She came from a middle class family, but her mom and dad wanted her to have the best. So they sent her to Jewel Academy. She works hard to pay for tuition.



She isolates herself.

Name: Emily Snow

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Year in school: sophomore

Talent: Singing, can also play piano very well (but her main talent is singing)

Personality: Emily is ironically very shy when she is not performing. She is quiet, sweet, and caring. She also gets very lonely sometimes and takes medication for depression. When she is performing she is breathtaking, outgoing, and happy. Singing is the one thing that keeps her depression from getting worse.

History: Emily's mother died giving birth to her. Emily's father always hated her for "taking the life of his beloved". She was mistreated until age 12 when childrens' services took her away from him. She used to cut, and still has some of the scars, but has since stopped. She was put on her depression meds at age 14 when she admitted to her foster mother that she wished she (Emily) was dead. Her mother put her in counseling, but Emily refused to go. When she was admitted to the school, her foster parents said they'd pay in full for her to attend in the hopes that it would help her become happy again.

Appearance: http://data.whicdn.com/images/13984329/alicia-medina-alternative-alternative-girl-girl-piercing-Favim.com-87070_large.jpg

Other: Emily is terrifed of storms.

Heather Basal







•Year In School•



She is an extremely high singer


Heather is cooky and fun and loves to be around people. She doesn't like confrontation and tries to be very nice all the time.


When Heather was little her music teacher discovered she had an extremely high voice for anyone. Her parents took her to a hospital to see exactly why her vocal cords were like this. They discovered she had no abnormalities, it was just that she had a very enclosed throat. She used that to her singing ability ever since.


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•Other• She has a fear of men and has lots of trust issues.


Angel Rosewind Brightley


Ange, Rose





•Year In School•



Dance, specifically ballet




Angel was born on December 25, 1994 to June Layla Frayley and Rylan John Brightley. She was one of two twins, her twin brother died from a serious case of influenza when the two were five, just a year after their younger sister, Elana, was born. After that her parents always treated her well and her sister and spoiled them. When their parents heard about Jewel Academy they sent her there immediately for her audition. She was then accepted and has been here since seventh grade.






Elana Prim Brightley


Lana, Prim





•Year In School•

Eighth Grade


Singing, she is a strong alto




Elana was born on June 5, 1998 to June Layla Frayley and Rylan John Brightley. She was born the youngest of three children although her brother died just a year after her birth. Her parents always treated her and her older sister better after her brother died. Her sister auditioned first for Jewel and then, when Elana was old enough her parents sent her to audition. She was lucky to make it in and absolutely loves being at school with her sister.






Marina Bella Anjanda


Rina, Bella





•Year In School•







Marina was born on July 8, 1996 to Eva Lille Anjanda and Jackson Martin Joseph in Barcelona, Spain . When her father found out that her mother was pregnant he left and Eva raised her daughter on her own. When Marina turned 12 her, her mother, and her grandmother. Marina had been doing theater since she had been in Spain and when they immigrated to America her mother put her in classes. Her teacher was impressed and sent her to audition for Jewel. There she got a free ride in and lives in the dorms for most of the year, her mother and grandmother visiting often.




She speaks fluent Spanish and English.


Noella West







•Year In School•





Noel is a bright girl. She's very classic, she has an old sense of style, and doesn't care what anyone thinks about her clothes, hair, or her. She loves people, and is very compassionate, she makes a lasting impression on her friends. Noel is a social butterfly and doesn't stay in any defined group when it comes to friends.


Noel's whole life has been devoted to the chello, at the age of 7 she got her first chello and hasn't looked back since. She is a major orchestra geek, music is her passion, she hopes to be a professional composer one day. Her mother has never supported her natural talent, but her father embraces it. Her mom always wanted to make her into a dancer, like she (mother) used to be, but Noel wasn't graceful enough. Her parents split up, and she lives with her father.


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She strives to be different.


Lucas Farrow







•Year In School•





Lucas has a great sense of humor, she's perky, and friendly. Life's always been a show to her, and it's never slowed her down.


When Lucas was little she always loved to play dress up and pretend she was someone else, her parents saw this and shoved her into every acting class they could. She got really good, fast. When she was 13, she auditioned for Jewel, but didn't get in. Crushed, she strived to work harder and never stopped trying. She auditioned before her 8th grade year, and got it. She's been here since. Both of her parents work well-paying jobs, so school's affordable.


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(Minus the tattoos)


She's also an aspiring artist

Name: Ivy Stone

Nicknames: None

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Year In School: Sophomore

Talent: Ballet and jazz dance.

Personality: Ivy appears to be fun loving and bubbly, and she can be quite outgoing. Ivy is rather neurotic, and she gets worked up easily. Her moods are unpredictable, and maintaining relationships can be difficult for her. Her dance helps calm her down, and gives her something to concentrate on, and when dancing, she seems totally serene compared to her otherwise highly strung personality.

History: Ivy doesn't remember much of her early life, only that her mother's behavior was erratic and she often had to go to hospital. Ivy's father would do his best to support Ivy and her three siblings, but it was difficult, considering he was an unskilled laborer. The stress got the better of him and eventually he couldn't take it anymore. When Ivy was six, he left the kids on the doorstep of their mother's estranged parents. The grandparent's were relatively well-off, but were cold towards Ivy and her siblings. When she was seven, Ivy found out her mother was a ballerina, and she begged her grandparents to allow her to dance, just like her mother had. |They agreed and since then, Ivy had dabbled in all sorts of dance, enjoying them all, but finding that ballet and jazz are her true talents.

Appearance: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l7pxpbSmAW1qbpvdoo1_500.png

Other: Ivy has an obsession with fire. When she was 14, she set her room in her grandparent's house on fire. Luckily, no one got hurt and the fire was stopped quickly. She'll often be found sketching the flickering of flames from a lighter she stole.
Yay! I'm so exited! I also just realized that my character is the only pretty black girl! Lol.
[MENTION=2450]Bluephox[/MENTION], [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION], [MENTION=1704]kikinavi[/MENTION], [MENTION=2321]MaggieMyHeart[/MENTION], [MENTION=2582]Abraxas[/MENTION], we're gonna go ahead and start.
[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] Do we have roommates? Or does everyone get their own room?
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION], Well, it depends on what everyone else thinks. Give me a sec and. I'll tag everyone to see what they think



http://www.rpnation.com/member.php?u=2450, @


http://www.rpnation.com/member.php?u=1807, @


http://www.rpnation.com/member.php?u=1704, [MENTION=2321]MaggieMyHeart[/MENTION], [MENTION=2582]Abraxas[/MENTION]

Also, I will be gone for the rest of the week and most of July. I'm leaving my righful duties of owner to my co-owner, Bluephox. Questions go to her and if she can't answer then you'll have to wait until I'm back. :) Thanks!


Tahlia Jalla Honner







•Year In School•



Guitar and visual arts


Bubbly, nice, studious, friendly, great sense of humour


Nothing much, just stupidity in her early she regrets now.


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Has an older brother that goes here


Harrison Jalleck Honner


Jelly, Harry.





•Year In School•



Acting, Visual Arts


Same as his sisters




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Tahlia's Big Brother


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