Oi, I'm a noob...


Every Adventure is Worth It


I'm Nezumi, just call me Nez.

So, going straight to the point: I'm a RP noob. I've never roleplayed before but I'm really interested in getting started. My main objectives are:

  • To improve my English, since I'm not a native speaker.
  • To make some good friends.
  • And to have fun with everybody!

I'm into everything except for 1 on 1 RP, and I consider myself to be pretty open minded. So whoever wants to be friends or start roleplaying with me is welcome. (^.^)

Nice to meet you Nez! Nice to see a new face around here. Ian certain that you will achieve all three goals here :)

If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask.
Your written english already looks great, probably better than what this post will be composed of. I guess that makes sense, my second language is likely to become spanish and I'm better at writing than speaking. Yo entiendo un poco español. (Translate to english is- I understand a little spanish).

Quiero entender más español (I want to understand more spanish.) SO welcome aboard and thank you for already liking my tenets, wanna join my forum?
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[QUOTE="Silver Wolf]Your written english already looks great, probably better than what this post will be composed of. I guess that makes sense, my second language is likely to become spanish and I'm better at writing than speaking. Yo entiendo un poco español. (Translate to english is- I understand a little spanish).
Quiero entender más español (I want to understand more spanish.) SO welcome aboard and thank you for already liking my tenets, wanna join my forum?

Hey I'm a native Spanish speaker!

I'd love to join, the thing is I don't really know how and I am still trying to get to the 10 posts. (' :| )

welcome! welcome! hello, and welcome to rpn!

if you need any help, feel free to ask, because i'm here to help! with both roleplaying and the site <:

i know a lot, and while english is my first language, it's not my native language aha

so don't worry, i don't understand english half of the time either~

FallenAngel123 said:
Hey welcome. I just joined and I am pretty good at roleplaying so if you ever need help with anything just let me know!!

Thank you~
And as far as RPs go...

Nezumi said:
Hey I'm a native Spanish speaker!
I'd love to join, the thing is I don't really know how and I am still trying to get to the 10 posts. (' :| )
Shove in a character signup. And good job with your english so far, I respect people who take time to learn English in depth, Having a language where you can ask the same question 5 different ways, mixed with western Germanic, Latin, and French is no easy task.

Other than that I will give you the link to my forum, just make a character and if they are accepted, you're in. Politics, War, and Nations.
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[QUOTE="Silver Wolf]*Points to avatar* I see ears, are you a kitsune?

OK sorry I was not sure what you ment at first. Yes usually I am.
Welcome to the site! I hope you find some great RPs that can hold your interest.

Oh, and watch out for that Okashi Yuki person. That one's a psycho. (OuO)
Nezumi said:


I'm Nezumi, just call me Nez.

So, going straight to the point: I'm a RP noob. I've never roleplayed before but I'm really interested in getting started. My main objectives are:

  • To improve my English, since I'm not a native speaker.
  • To make some good friends.
  • And to have fun with everybody!

I'm into everything except for 1 on 1 RP, and I consider myself to be pretty open minded. So whoever wants to be friends or start roleplaying with me is welcome. (^.^)

4 years of experience in the area. You have any questions, just ask.
I love kitsunes! When I was a kid, I wanted a pet fox. Maybe some day. I'm an easily distracted person so-hey look! A birdie! Anyway, welcome to the Nation!*throws confetti in the air*
Nezumi said:


I'm Nezumi, just call me Nez.

So, going straight to the point: I'm a RP noob. I've never roleplayed before but I'm really interested in getting started. My main objectives are:

  • To improve my English, since I'm not a native speaker.
  • To make some good friends.
  • And to have fun with everybody!

I'm into everything except for 1 on 1 RP, and I consider myself to be pretty open minded. So whoever wants to be friends or start roleplaying with me is welcome. (^.^)

Do you by any chance like no.6?

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