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OHSHC - Between the Lines


Tamaki strode through the doors to the Ouran Academy Hall confidently, head held up high. He was as proud as a lion, and as regal as one too. However, he was not as sobre; he smiled, a small grin breaking out across his lips as he stepped into familiar surroundings. So many things had happened in this place, 5 years ago.

5 years ago. Graduation. He had left for France, for it was his true home. It was only for studying, for a few years, he had told Haruhi. But long distance relationships were difficult, especially for one such as himself, so used to the attention of girls. And eventually, he had broken them up. Tamaki soon met another girl. French, one of high social class. He liked her well enough, and his Japanese side of the family approved of her. And so, after two years of dating, they were engaged. Marie was by his side – tall, blonde, brown eyes. She was a beauty for any man; he noticed the glances they attracted as they started to mingle. But to be honest… She was never really his type.

Tamaki laughed as he was tackled from behind, two red-haired men engulfing him in a group hug. It didn’t matter that he was 23 and graduated from university; they would always share a special bond. He held them tight for a moment, then let them go. They chattered excitedly, and he looked about for any other members of the old Host Club. Kyoya slowly wandered over, and greeted him before introducing himself to Marie. A couple of old guests looked over at them, still oohing at the group five years on.

Surrounded by old friends in happy surroundings – for the first time, Tamaki realized how much happier he had been in this place, with these people.


Yet another night, spent serving wealthy people. Asuka didn’t mind so much when she was serving older people; it was younger people that she minded. Tonight, they would be the same age as her, and… It was a little embarrassing. They had so much at this age, and it seemed like she’d done nothing. But, they hadn’t worked for what they had. It had fallen into their laps – they were lazy, unlike her. That was what she had to tell herself a few times, especially when one of the girls had looked at her snootily.

She was just making her way to another group of men and women, when one short, blond boy just about shoved her as he excitedly bounced over to a group of hugging and smiling men – she stumbled, falling over, along with her tray of champagne glasses. There was a terrible sound of breaking glass, and she fell right next to it. Her left hand went straight onto a shard and she had to stifle a scream. Asuka was employed by a high-class company; it would not do to lose her job through shouting and screaming.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she quickly curled her hand into a ball to stop any blood leaking out. A little started to seep between her fingers. She could see now that some champagne had fallen onto the pant leg of a rather tall man; she peered up from her place on the floor. Oh no, please… “I’m terribly sorry, sir,” she apologized immediately, heart heavy with dread of how he might react.

((Short, blond = Honey))
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Haruhi Fujioka couldn't help but smile as she exited the taxi, the cold evening air making her shiver slightly.

Even for the now 20 year old, the moment when she opened up Honey-senpai's official Host Club reunion invitation sent her mind right back to the happy times of the Host Club.

Her chestnut pixie-bob haircut had grown out over the years, Haruhi now sporting a shoulder-length style of haircut and a light blue skater dress.

She entered the sushi bar with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, a smile on her face.

Spotting the familiar group of people, she raised her hand in a wave, before lowering it slowly, catching the eye of an unfamiliar woman sitting with them.

However, her mind was preoccupied when one of the serving girls fell, spilling champagne on Mori-senpai...


Mori certainly wasn't expecting to be dosed with champagne, but he didn't really mind. He was more concerned with the well-being of the serving girl, who had seemed to have cut herself on the shattered tall glasses.

Extending his pale hand out toward her, he looked her in the eyes, speaking in a sincere tone.

"Are you okay?"

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Tamaki's attention was first drawn to Honey around his waist, then a crash and a smattering of glass. He rose from his place, about to head over and see if the girl was okay, when-


There she was.

It was just like all that time ago, all over again.

There were her eyes, dark and warm and soft behind their protective wall. Her hair was longer now, accentuating those androgynous features of hers that he'd fallen in love with. She was as pretty as... well. Haruhi. The world melted away as he looked at her for that moment, and his mouth opened just slightly as Honey let go of him.

But then, he remembered himself. How terribly rude it was of him, to be staring at another girl with his fiance behind him. The awe in his expression melted away into a charming smile, as he walked to her.

"Haruhi," he greeted her. And after a moment, he held out his arms for a hug. Maria, hopefully, would understand. She knew the entire story after all. Well... Some of it.


Asuka blinked up at the young man, slightly disbelieving. He was rich, and had a high social standing, and... He was being kind to the serving girl? This certainly wasn't the typical behaviour she was used to, where servers were meant to be seen and not heard.

Her cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment at her situation, then again when she took his hand with her uninjured one and realised how handsome he was. In fact, most of the men in this room were unusually handsome.

"Yes," she said instinctively as she rose with his help, red as a tomato. This guy, he was tall too. Were the rich blessed with good genes? Although, she wouldn't say so for the last party she served at...

Her answer had been a reflexive lie. Asuka's hand was hurting quite badly, and blood was dripping between her fingers and onto the floor. Realising it could stain the carpet, she cradled it in her other hand and pressed it against her chest. Her uniform sure would need a wash after this.

"Thank you, sir. I'm terribly sorry about this accident, I- I did not intend to splash you."

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Haruhi's gaze was caught by Tamaki walking toward her, his arms outstretched for a hug. His smile was comforting, so she returned the hug with a light smile.

As she relaxed, she could just barely hear Tamaki's heart beating. Her mind flashed back to the ominous night of the thunderstorm, when he comforted her.

I promise that you will never be alone again, Haruhi...

Did he really mean it? Things certainly had changed in all of their lives, after all...


Mori watched the girl desperately try and cover up her injury with his trademark stoic expression. He knew that the girl wasn't okay, so he did the right thing.

Taking the girl's uninjured hand, he brought her toward the counter.

"May I have a first-aid kit?"

((Where are we saying they're at? Also; I literally watched that episode today during my rewatch. So adorable...))


Tamaki was glad to feel her arms return the gesture. It had been an amicable break-up, but a break-up nonetheless. But they had been friends for a long time before they had become lovers. Of course they could put that behind them for the sake of something safer. Something more steady.

Her small body in his arms felt so right. He had forgotten what it was like to hold her in his arms. It was like he was holding something terribly precious, that could break with a hard squeeze. Of course, Tamaki knew better than this, but the thought had always crossed his mind. There was a reason why he'd referred to her as his little girl, and he as Daddy. He'd never wanted to see her hurt.

I promise that you will never be alone again.

He had said some variation of those words over and over on that night, where she'd finally let him in to her heart. But he had turned it into a lie. For here she was now, together with them and yet... alone. For he was not with her, not as he used to be. Instead...

"This is my fiancee, Marie," he introduced them. Marie stepped forward with a smile, the barest hint of jealousy lurking within her eyes. Tamaki didn't pick up on it; he never had been able to really read her. Marie extended a hand in offer of a handshake and spoke in her softly accented English. "I've heard a... lot about you. Haruhi."


And now, he was taking her to the counter. Was he going to report her? Ask for paper, to invoice her for the suit's dry-cleaning? She'd heard stories from the other maids-


He was only asking for a first-aid kit.

Asuka's hand felt small inside his large one, which was cool and slightly comforting amongst the pain. She was close to him due to his grip, and the scent of expensive cologne and a little bit of peppermint gently wafted off him. She blinked up at his sharp-featured face, trying to read his expression. It was impossible. Was he angry with her or not? It seemed he was more concerned with her injury. Behind her, the mess was being cleaned up by their bus-boy.

"Thank you, sir," she said softly, averting her eyes with embarrassment. "May I ask you your name?"

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Haruhi felt at home in Tamaki's arms, mainly due to their previous relationship. It had bloomed naturally over time, stemming from their strong friendship through high school. However, they had broken up, so she pulled away from Tamaki slowly.

Her gaze turned toward the foreign woman, who had spoken to her in English with a thin accent, her hand outstretched. Haruhi had a somewhat good understanding of English, but one word stood out.

"Fianceé? Wow... Congratulations..!"

She shook Marie's hand with a small smile, ignoring the knot in her stomach.


Mori nodded slightly in thanks to the girl behind the counter as he took the first-aid kit. Sitting the young woman on one of the couches, he sat beside her as he began to clean up the wound.

"My name is Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka. What's yours?"

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((Oh. I thought they were at Ouran with caterers. Hence the champagne glasses xD Doesn't really matter though, we can say the restaurant is only for Host Club reunion + old guests; therefore champagne x3))


Takami smiled at them shaking hands, despite the fact that for some reason he didn’t want to. It was like something was gnawing at his heart as he watched his past and future meet. He was not one to hurt a lady, and the idea of cheating was slightly repulsive. But Haruhi was not repulsive. How he wished to hold her in his arms just one more time, to feel her against his lips again…

His feelings were toying with his moral compass, not for the first time in his life.

"I am glad that you two have finally met," he said to Haruhi, back in Japanese again. Marie had a very basic understanding of his language; nowhere near enough to understand what they said. "I have missed you all," he said to the group, smiling at them. Mori-senpai was missing - his eyes swept the room. He was by the counter, with some girl. Well, it was appropriate enough. After all, this was a Host Club reunion. Sighing happily, he gestured to a seat next to his for Haruhi.

"You must all tell me - how is life, my dearest friends?"


Mori was a man of few words, Asuka noted. But the name, Morinozuka, it rang a bell. Hold on. Wasn't he part of some high-class family? Her green eyes went a little wider at the realisation. And she'd spilt champagne on him. Oh, of all things...

"I am Asuka Mimori, Mr Morinozuka." She let out a small squeak of pain as he went a little deeper into the cut then expected. Tensing up and hunching her shoulders, she closed her eyes until that part was done. Owowow. That was going to leave a mark, she was quite sure.

"Thank you," she said quietly after a moment, voice warbling a little.
(Whoops :P )


Haruhi watched Tamaki as she sat down beside him, listening to the rest of the group as they told their respective stories. She stayed silent, however, instead thinking of the time her and Tamaki had spent together, as a couple. It was a happy time, full of laughter and joy. Now, seeing him right beside her, engaged even, it hurt slightly, like a dull ache in her side.


"Asuka Mimori..."

Mori repeated her name, liking the sound it made as it left his lips. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he dabbed the wound dry, covering it securely with a bandage.

"You're welcome..."

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Tamaki listened as well, watching each member with adoring eyes as they described the past five years. Oh, how he loved them. Honey, with his bright eyes. Kyoya, with his calm bold statements. And Haruhi with her... everything. He shook the thought from his mind as the turn came to him.

"I've been studying business science at la Universite de Nice," he explained. "I graduated with my Masters' this year. I'm not sure what I'm going to do next, although we will be married in a few months. We'll be spending some time here." He smiled across to Maria, with a short translation. She smiled back at him, reaching across to squeeze his hand lightly. She was a good person in general. And he hated how he felt he was betraying her just by being in the same room as Haruhi.

The attention of the group turned to her now, eager eyes awaiting.


The way he said her name sent shivers down her spine. Asuka didn't want to admit it - after all, he was completely unattainable for her. It was unrealistic to think of anything happening between them. She tried to squash the feelings down, but it was quite impossible. Was she having a crush on a stranger, at 24?

She smiled shyly at him, having forgotten that her hand was in his (it was rather comfortable that way).

"How can I repay you?"

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Haruhi sighed slightly as the attention of the group came to her. Everyone else in the group had achieved amazing things. What had she to show? She ran her finger along the rim of her glass as she spoke, avoiding their gazes.

"As for me... I honestly have gotten nowhere in life. I got high enough grades for university, but I decided to work instead, you know, to earn money for Dad and I. However, I got laid off recently, so I'm a free woman now."

She smiled slightly, trying to avoid any more questions. There was much more than that, but she couldn't tell them that.


Mori gazed into Asuka's eyes, feeling a warm feeling in his heart. He didn't understand what it was, so he just ignored it.

"Take me on a trip. Any trip to anywhere."

The words slipped out before he could think it through. Mori wanted to know more about the intriguing girl.


Tamaki's mouth formed a small, 'o,' as Haruhi talked. She had been... laid off? Haruhi, hard working and smart, laid off? It didn't make sense. But she was quiet now, and he could tell that she was squirming under their gazes. She didn't want to tell them. He frowned at her, confused by her behaviour. But there was no use dwelling on the dreary; they were here to have fun!

"Ready for food?" It was a hypothetical question.

Spinning around on his chair, he raised his hand (unnecessarily) to call to the man behind the counter.

"Seven fancy tunas, please!"

It was her favourite dish. Tamaki had never forgotten the look on her face when she ate it.


His eyes had softened since earlier, dark depths looking into her own forest green. Asuka's breath quickened, as did her heart. She was suddenly aware of every point in her body - especially her now-remembered hand, in his. It was like there were little sparks going off at the contact, and her face was still pink.

"A trip...?"

Takashi came out with something completely unexpected. She'd thought he might ask for a drink, or for her to take him to her favourite restaurant. Something like that; she'd been semi-flirting. What he had said was something... A little bit impossible. A trip somewhere? Asuka had taken a bus before, to a small coastal town where her uncle lived. It had been good fun to splash about at the beach. That was the extent of her travels, really.

Surely a man like him would scoff at something like that? Besides, Asuka barely knew him. At all.

And yet, with eyes like that, and words like that, and manners like that - Takashi did not seem to be a person to do so. He had to know what to expect, with her being a waitress. Wealthy people such as him didn't work small jobs like this. She'd always heard good things about the Ouran's Host Club - occasionally weird, but that they were good guys. They were infamous during her time in high school.

"I have an uncle..." she trailed off, faltering.

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Haruhi couldn't help but smile when Tamaki uttered the words "fancy tuna". He knew that he was trying to cheer her up, to which she was grateful. She smiled lightly in his direction, mouthing a quick "thank you" to him.

Before she could speak again, she felt her phone buzz for an incoming text.

As she read it, she sighed, excusing herself quickly to everyone as she exited the sushi bar momentarily.


Mori listened to her words with the same expression, although he had realised that they had been holding hands for longer than needed. However, he didn't mind.

"Let's go to see him then?"

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Tamaki grinned across to her, momentarily forgetting his own fiancee. He was 16 again, desperately trying to deny his own feelings for her. But then she was off again, with her phone.

There was a small twinge of jealousy inside his chest; had she moved on? Did she have a boyfriend? He shouldn't feel this way, it was wrong, but he couldn't help it.

In an effort to distract himself, he turned back to Marie and started to explain just what was in fancy tuna.


Asuka noticed that he didn't remove his hand from hers. She barely allowed herself to believe it, but was he enjoying this just as much as she was?

He was impulsive. Yet another addition to her list of his personality. Takashi made quick decisions, even about big... Oh. It was big for her. Not big for him. The long bus ride was a luxury; two even moreso. But the cost of those trousers being drycleaned would be even more, considering his dry cleaners. Would he even take the bus though?

She suddenly smiled wryly, a soft laugh escaping her. "I don't suppose you take the bus?"


Haruhi stepped outside, pulling out her phone immediately. Dialling the number, she listened to the voice on the other end of the line.

After a while, she hung up, feeling a jumble of feelings. Feeling that it would be rude not to join the group again, she re-entered the sushi bar, expressionless. Once seated again, she ordered a bottle of sake for everyone. Once it arrived, she took a shot, and another, and another...


Mori smiled, a small smile, but a smile nonetheless. He let go of her hand, answering honestly.

"I haven't actually. I've never taken one in my life. However, I would love to try one."

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Tamaki took a shot, as did Marie. She was surprised by the strength of it, and coughed a little. Ever the gentleman, he patted her back and proceeded to order a fine whisky for her instead.

But he took another shot of sake, carefully watching Haruhi out of the corner of his eye. She had never been a big drinker, and here she was now, seemingly trying to get drunk. Even the twins were starting to raise an eyebrow at eachother in tandem.

He glanced across to her, lightly taking her arm. Leaning forward, he muttered in her ear.

"Do you need to talk?"


Asuka finally withdrew her hand as he let go, cradling it gently with her other. She had forgotten the pain, due to all of this... excitement. He wanted to? He had been serious?

"Alright then, Mr Morinozuka," she said with another small laugh. "Meet me tomorrow at the Kawinoka bus terminal, 8am." The light was growing darker outside now. It would not be too long until the restaurant closed; perhaps an hour or so.

Green darted up to shyly meet black again; so different from his own confident movements. "It was lovely to meet you, Mr Morinozuka."

Haruhi knew deep down that she would be ruining the experience for everyone, but her selfish mind didn't care. So, when Tamaki reached over to ask whether she wanted to talk, she let out a bitter laugh.

"It's okay. I'm used to getting through stuff like this by myself. So, I don't need you."

And with that, she proceeded to take more shots.


"It... It was lovely to meet you too, Miss Mimori."

He stood up, bowing slightly as he did so. He glanced back at the group before turning toward Asuka for a moment.

"Go home and rest your hand. I'll see you tomorrow."

He bowed again in farewell before re-joining the group. Now, he wanted tomorrow to come ever quicker...

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Tamaki's naive blue eyes opened wide at the comment. He had heard those words a long time ago, but in a very different context. These words were laced with contempt.

He could only shake his head slightly, glancing to Marie, then turning to greet Mori. And they were there altogether, like old times - but different people.


Asuka blushed again at his bow - to her! A highborn man of business royalty, bowing to her... She immediately rose, bowing back to him deeply.

And there was something in her heaart that hadn't been there before. She could only smile slightly, before turning to head toward her supervisor and book her days off.

((Skip to next day? Mori and Asuka at station; Tamaki dropping by Haruhi's house))


Haruhi's head hurt. A lot. The multiple sake shots were definitely a very bad idea. She still didn't feel guilty for her bitter responses to Tamaki during the previous night.

Feeling crappy, she proceeded to make an pot of ramen for herself.


Mori glanced around slowly as he made his way into the station. After his long rest, he still hadn't regretted his decision to go on the trip with Asuka.

Now to find her...

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Tamaki had gone to bed with Marie late at night, and rose early. There was a vague ache in his head, but a gentleman did not complain. He kissed her good-morning, before quietly rising and getting dressed. He had a mission today.

He stole out of the house, walking swiftly toward the black limousine that awaited him. Slipping inside, he gave the address and the car moved off smoothly. Kyoya had given him Haruhi's address.

Tamaki got out of the vehicle, staring up at the commoners' accommodation. He didn't understand how they could stand living in such small homes, but people were surprising. He made his way to the correct place, gathering himself before knocking. He had no idea of what to expect.


Asuka came hurrying into the station, knowing that she was 2 minutes late. But rich people weren't timely, were they? Didn't they like to keep people waiting?


There he was, standing by himself like some lonely male sculpture. A few girls gave him some passing glances, one or two double-taking. And he was coming with her. To her uncle. Who had teased her mercilessly about her new, 'boyfriend' (which she had vehemently denied). She straightened her dress; she was wearing her yellow sundress. Her mother said that it brought out her eyes, and for some reason... She wanted to look good for him.

"Good morning Mr Morinozuka," she greeted him, bowing. As she rose, she caught that whiff of his scent again. That smell, it made her just want to-

"Are you ready for a long bus ride?"


She was just about to pour some water into a pot when she heard a few strong knocks on the front door. Annoyed, she made her way there and opened the door, expecting anyone but him.


"What do you want? Shouldn't you be with Marie? I'm really not in the mood for you today, so..."

She tried to slam the door in his face.


Mori's eyes widened ever so slightly as he took in Asuka's figure. She was wearing a yellow sundress that seemed to suit her to a tee.

He had to smile at her happy expression. He honestly couldn't wait to go on this trip, since it would be an adventure.

"I'm looking forward to it immensely."

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Tamaki expected her reaction from the start. He liked to believe that he understood women immensely. And to some extent, he was correct in his thoughts. As the door came rushing toward him, he stopped it firmly with both hands on the frame. He wouldn't go bashing it about, nor would he slam it open. First and foremost, he was a gentleman.

"I know that something's wrong, Haruhi." He leaned his forehead against the frame, closing his eyes.

"Please. Just let me in."


Asuka's cheeks flushed when he smiled. Last night, his expression had hardly wavered. Today, she'd managed to tilt those thin lips upward. Was he amused at how she was behaving? So she was excited. She had to admit it to herself.

She nodded at his words. "Me too," she admitted quietly. It was a little strange, all this. They were basically strangers. "The ticket place is just here." Leading the way, she joined the line for tickets for the bus. It was a little machine, where you selected your route. She tapped the details into it, then inserted her credit card. A couple of moments later two tickets printed out and she handed one to him.

"Don't lose it, Mr Morinozuka," she said, glancing up at him. "We head off in five minutes." She adjusted the backpack on her back, fiddling with the straps a little... anxiously, if truth be told. Asuka was nervous. At least she didn't have to walk along the road.


How did he do that? He had a habit of appearing at the worst moments.

Slowly, she opened the door and led him inside, gesturing to the sitting room couch.

"My life is slowly starting to fall apart. Is that good enough for you?"


At a loss for what to do now, Mori took the opportunity to scrutinise the train ticket. Every so often he glanced up at Asuka.

He began to wonder why he had suggested a trip with a complete stranger, but then dismissed all those thoughts.

He had a good feeling about her.

(( xD Mori though

I love the different feels of the pairings, it's like two 1x1s in one!))


Tamaki frowned slightly, although his frown was more of a sad expression. He was very rarely actually angry. Stepping inside awkwardly, he was reminded once again of how small commoners' dwellings were. He lightly took a seat upon the couch, almost scared he might mess something up and make her mad.

"Falling apart?"

His eyebrows rose to form that puppy-dog expression. It was not as pronounced as it had been in his teens, but it was still cute nonetheless. How could her life fall apart? She was Haruhi, collected and cool and calm, unafraid of everything except thunder storms.

Moving up, he patted the seat next to him and peered up at her. It was queer expression he had; for he did not know how to proceed. He was engaged. But she would always be his friend, in his heart.

"A long time ago, I made you a promise. I told you that you'd never be alone again. But people change, and we fall apart, and- Haruhi. Please. Talk to me."

Blue eyes stared at her, the wobble in his voice betraying the tears in his eyes. He always had cried easily.


Asuka stood awkwardly beside Mori, just realising how tall he was. And he really did get attention. She shifted to him a little closer as more people started to flood into the train station - ready for the next one coming. She checked her watch, then had to make the difficult decision of how to get his attention amongst all the noise. She gave the barest pull on the sleeve of his shirt, just a tiny tug.

"Let's go now."

Walking forward, the brunette fed her ticket through a machine that let her through with a soft beep. She took the stub, then glanced back to see if he would follow properly. After all, this was his first time.


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