Ohai! :D


New Member
Hrmm. I'm not sure how to begin, or what to type, but then I realized that I'm already typing so..


Should I tell you all about my awesome and magical life? [Although it's not awesome....nor magical -shot-]

Or should I tell you all about my amazing and amusing hobbies and interests? [Which are neither amazing, nor amusing in any way or form whatsoever.]

But you know what? I'm not going to bore you all with that.


*Allo! My name is snowwinterfell, at least that's what my name is here. ^^

You can call me snow, winter or whatever. You can even call me a cactus if you want. I don't mind. [Although calling me a cactus will make me think you're a weird cactus loving fellow. Which you probably are for making weird choices in nicknames.]

You also probably noticed those statements in the parentheses. Those are the voices in my head. Please don't listen to them, they're quite retarded. I'm a genius next to them if they have any form.

I'm a really awkward fellow, quite shy and timid. So if I don't reply to your comment, please don't assume that I died or is currently choking on a chocolate bar. Although the latter might be the case. I'm probably just staring at your comment wondering if you love cacti or not.

So, about my hobbies. I'm very fond of sketching, writing, re- I just realized these are all in my profile so. Meh.

I would really like to meet all of you guys. I like meeting new people, I really do.

Also, I role play any type of role plays, but not animal role plays. I suck at them.

And by any type I meant anything.

For example: A spoon and a fork fell in love with each other and rolled towards the sunset.

I'd take that. Even though it freaking weird and all.

Also, I'm a woman.. not a weird alien like almost all people think. Almost.

/I was thinking of putting up a picture in that faces thread but then... To put or not to put, that is the question./

I realized I was just blabbing around so,

Nice.... meeting you (?)

I hope... we get along well! (?)

-Snow :)
First of all, welcome to the RpNation snowwinterfell!

Just wanted to thank you for posting an introduction. If you have any questions such as creating a role play, updating your avatar, earning achievements, etc.. please visit the following link:


Now if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out to one of our staff members!

Your new friend


I have been wondering whether to reply to you or not. Sometimes, I perceive moderators to be robots with steel fingers click-clacking on a keyboard. At most times I picture mods as a computer. Yes. A computer.

Well, if you're either one of the above or a real life person, I thank you for being my new friend.

And I'll check that link out.

Thanks. ^^

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