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Fantasy Oh Kiss Me, Son of God (MxM Advanced Lit - Medieval Fantasy)


Chaos Gremlim (he/they)
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check


My name is Edmond/Jeans! I use he/they pronouns
I’ve been roleplaying around ~7 years and have been using this site a couple years, though I had to make a new account. Nevertheless! I’m back and more ready than ever, looking for some long term writing partners

For context, I am 20 years old, transmasculine, and queer. I like to consider myself pretty literate, but I'm an undergrad in college as well as balancing a part time job and other excursions. My goal is to respond OOC everyday and give regular updates about the story as need, and have legit story replies a couple times a week to daily, depending on a whole slew of factors. I love to plan stories and become friends with my writing partners, so if you want to chat be sure to hit me up! I roleplay original characters pretty exclusively due to the fact that I’m pretty out of the loop on media, but other than that I’m pretty open.

What I'm Looking For:

-Good writing vibes! Provide me with a writing sample if you can. Quality over quantity ALWAYS, but I still need to have something to work with
-Friendly OOC chat, and will plot with me. I'd love to make friends, sure, but I am also the type of writer who wants to know the plot, the next two scenes, and where the ending is (the ending thing might not happen immediately, that's fine).
-Will fangirl over our characters and stories with me. Let's get excited! I'm here to have fun, so let's have fun!
-Good grammar
-Let me know any triggers you may have so we can discuss
-A respectful portrayal of any mental illnesses, and maybe stray away from any you don't personally experience or know much about.

Y/C grew up in the fanatical cult of Watercrest, in which everyone follows the goddess of hearth and community, Boldrei. Y/C is used to the rituals, the prayers, the sacrifices, and is even content with the fact they will never be allowed to leave the town under any circumstances. Anything for Boldrei, and the Bishop who she speaks through. A tragedy occurred, nearly a decade ago, when a trio of strangers crossed the magical barriers, massacred several important figures, and kidnapped the young clerical prodigy, Jiang (M/C, see below). After being searched for for years, through means not exactly described (suspicious, considering only few are allowed to travel in and out of the barrier), and deemed dead, he has returned. He has returned saying he is the true son of Boldrei.

Jiang Agosta:
Jiang is meant for a high fantasy setting that features a pantheon of Gods, wide variety of mythical creatures and magical beasts, and strange working underground cults and societies. He is a human life cleric, in Dungeons and Dragons terms, and he answers to Boldrei, goddess of hearth and community. He's a dedicated healer and a bundle of anxiety. He's the medic who's terrified to fail. At this point in his life, he's failed over and over again, and he's learning to handle it. He's lost contact with Boldrei and fought like hell to get her back. His powers aren't absolute, but in comparison to the rest of Watercrest, he might as well be Boldrei herself. He is determined to bring Boldrei back to Watercrest in her truest form.

Watercrest, Worship, and Boldrei:
Watercrest is a town in the midwestern part of the known world, Eamini. It is known for it's closed borders, deadly Lake Parsley, and the whispers of a presumed dead God. The people who live there have been there for fewer generations than they would admit, the whole cult being a relatively new thing as far as the span of history goes, but they are insistent that no one leaves or enters the town. They claim to follow Boldrei, goddess of hearth and community, but most of the town knows very little of her actual teaching. The town's Bishop holds sermons a few times a week, in which he preaches to the town and asks for sacrifice, devotion, and servitude in lieu of true worship.

Worship has real value in this world. It is a sort of payable energy that is transferred from the mortal to the Holy (a categorical word to describe any deity, not necessarily an alignment to good or evil), and in exchange the Holy generally will pay to the mortal some sort of divine reward. For the very special, it's magic. For the majority of worshippers, it's some sort of good will in accordance to the tenants that the deity rules over. The more worship a deity receives, the more powerful It becomes. Boldrei has been starved for decades, and she is dwindling. In a moment of dying panic, she picked someone in Watercrest who she saw potential in, Jiang. She led him to her true texts, and encouraged him to follow them by giving him magic and showing him the power of helping others. Her existence rides on his shoulders. For Jiang, this a responsibility nearly too grand to bare. However, if Watercrest learns, or can be convinced, to follow her as intended, the responsibility will fall off his shoulders and back to the community, as it is meant to be.

I'd love to see romance from this. Maybe your character is particularly fanatical and is drawn to worship Jiang as an extension of Boldrei, or maybe he's particularly fanatical and sees Jiang as a false idol. Lots of opportunities for dynamics between them. Sorry these are all kind of religious. I'm open to others!
Demi-God x Fanatic
Prodigal Son x Skeptic
Proof x Non-Believer
Savior x Sacrificial Lamb
Would be interested in doing a savior x sacrificial lamb type of character. I was thinking a paladin type with a secretive but tragic past. As a preteen he is found waking through fields in a daze. Sick with a strange and deadly plague. Somehow he manages to survive while nursed back to health by the followers of Boldrei. Maybe as he gets older he finds solace in the community which is much different from the harsh environment he grew up in. Dedicating his life to finding Boldrei and thanking her for bringing him to Watercrest because of something in his past that leads him to believe she saved him? Perhaps because of this the Bishop believes the paladin’s destiny is to die in combat in defend of the goddess. Though the paladin has some hidden intentions of his own. Just brainstorming with an OC I thought could possibly work? Let me know what you think when you have the time :)
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