Oh, hi there!


New Member

Wait...no. That's not right. Let's try this again.


My name is Scot. And I just realized that when signing up, where it said name, it probably didn't mean my FULL name...but I guess now you all know.

ATTENTION ADMINS: Can my name be changed to my usual handle, GOOEY? That would be FANTASTIC! If not. Well, I guess you can all Facebook stalk me now or something.

Anyway, back to me.

Experienced role player here. If I were to add up all my role playing time, I probably have close to 8 years of experience? However, I've been outta the game for a few years now, my current interest being sparked by a combination of having WAY to much time on my hands and a recent creative writing class I took at college.

I'm a veteran. I support the LGBT(along with all the other variations of this acronym) community. I love animals. I drive a truck. I'm a dude. I'm musically inclined. I'm artistically inclined. I think people are generally cool, some of them are even awe inspiring.

I think this is enough info for people to start forming an opinion of me.

Thanks for reading!

May the frost winds be ever at your back fellow critters.

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Hey there! Welcome to RPN ! I’m Elle :)

Before you get started, you should check out the Rules and the FAQ. There’s tons of helpful information that will lead you around the site!

You can also find help from any of the Staff members – Either by contacting them in the Admin Contact Forum, or, you can pop into the Chat to see who’s hanging around! When you’re ready to find or start a Roleplay, you should visit the recruitment forums. There is a forum for 1x1 Roleplays as well as Group Roleplays. There are also some wonderful Tutorials you can visit, which are super helpful in starting you on your way, or just navigating the site!

I hope you’re enjoying the site so far. We’re glad to have you onboard

Also: I imagine you got the name thing sorted?
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Also: I imagine you got the name thing sorted?

I sure did! Thanks!

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