[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

"Contacting all Decepticons," Megatron's voice boomed over a com channel that only other Decepticons could hear. "This is your leader Megatron and I demand to learn about our situation on this strange planet."// Siren turned her right hand into a pulse rifle and set the taser effect to stun. "I wish I didn't have to do this," she said as she aimed at Grimlock; she then fired.
Hearing a familiar voice behind him,Revenant turned around,and saw Gyrospark,approaching the Ark. He saw one of the Autobots leave the Ark in a hurry earlier,but whatever entance they used,it wasn't the one he was casing. Approaching Gyrospark,invisible,Revenant said, "Return to the Nemesis,Gyrospark." He disengaged his optical camouflage,revealing himself in a wave of white-blue hexagons. "This is no place for a sniper. Either return to base,since you look mighty dinged up,or stick around and help me do recon. But only fire on the enemy if there's no other option." Vanishing from sight once more in a wave of white-blue hexagons,Revenant said, "And it's good to have my sniper back in action." Returning to the hatch that he was casing before,Revenant pondered his options. I could wait for one to come out...But that isn't reliable enough... His free hand strayed to his thigh,where one of his innumerable bomb compartments were. But breaching a door is hardly stealthy...It would compromise Gyrospark,and we need a sniper...
Gyrospark tried to talk back on the channel, "Megatron sir, my audio is failing but if you can here me I have located the enemy." He hoped Megatron could hear him. With all these technological failures he didnt even know his weapons could fire. He decided now wasnt a good time to test. Gyrospark but his shotgun away and aimed at the ship. "If any of them are stupid enough to show themselves they deserve to die." he said as a nearby ally ordered him back to the Nemisis, "Im sorry sir but my spot is here, I want to help in any way I can and I will no matter what condition I'm in,"
As Thundershock approached the main doors, they creaked and cracked before the gears spun and the door started to open. It wasn't the fastest door, but it opened from the middle outwards.

"Siren, are you on this channel, I just want to stay in radio contact." Thundershock said aloud.

As the door opened up fully, a platform stretched out from under the doo and connected with the ground. Taking a step out of the door, his feet hit heavily upon the platform. Looking around and surveying the landscape, Thundershock nodded in respect to this new planet. He liked how this planet looked. it wasn't like Cybertron, but it didn't have that feeling like it was a lost cause either.
"I'm here, but I have my own situation to attend too," Siren quickly said to Thundershock over the radio.// "What about Optimus Prime?" Megatron asked over the Decepticon radio channel, "Does he live or is he a pile of scrap?"
Grimlock was tazered by the blast as he yelled out in pain and skidded back.

"Horrible girl bot hurt Grimlock! Grimlock destroy girl bot!"

He roared and let loose his flame breath towards her as he charged her again to attack and swipe at her with his tiny claws. The pulse rifle on the taser level should have at least paralyzed Grimlock for a few seconds or knocked him down, but it seemed this Dinobot had tough skin and some extra strength to spare.
Siren created holograms of herself in an attempt to confuse Grimlock. "Why didn't I think to set the volts higher, he's a lot larger than a regular Decepticon," she thought to herself, before setting the voltage a little higher (she still didn't want to hurt him) and firing again.
Grimlock was immediately confused by the holograms as he stopped charging and stared blankly, very confuzzled.

"More girl bots?! Rah!!!!"

He yelled as his rant was interrupted by another shot and this time he was sent flying back as he hit the ground. He growled as he slowly got back up, his damaged central processor was over riding his neural responses to stay down and repair damage rather than take more damage.

He got back up and glared at her.

"Girl Bot shoot Grimlock, Grimlock devour Girl Bot!"

He slammed his foot into the ground to create a small quake to try knock the female Autbot off balance.
Siren fell backward. "Wait...we're on the same side," she tried to say calmly. "I'd much rather be killed by a Decepticon, not a confused Autobot beast."
Kanjo was standing on top of the ruins that used to be the ARK. He was probably the first one to awake and already chose a form. The small, compact chassis of a motorcycle seemed to go with his quick, agile fighting style. He scanned the horizon, looking for anything that might be of interest. This was, in a way, what he was assigned to on missions back on Cybertron. He was usually chosen for stealth, recon, and assassination missions. His pathblaster was in his right hand and the handle of the energon katana in his left. When he needed to, he could ignite the energon blade like a lightsaber to cut at the enemy. He silently stood, listening for the slightest sound in case of snipers.
"Me not Autbot, me... me.... me...... ME DINOBOT!!!"

He yelled and launched another Flamethrower directly towards her, his head still sparking as he blasted out the hot flames towards the girl hoping they help lessen the pain of his throbbing head.
Siren rolled out of the fire's path, but gritted her teeth as she felt the heat. "Any available Autobot's out there?" she asked over the Autobot com. "I need some assistance, now!" she added, as she dove for cover.
Kanjo heard Siren's call for help and drove down the ARK in his vehicle form and sped towards her location. He used the hologram projector to make it appear as if a human was driving the motorcycle. As he got closer he could see the smoke rising.
Grimlock saw the strange wheel thing head towards him.

"Another mean wheel thing coming to attack Grimlock! Go away!"

He then aimed his fire breath towards the Motorcycle.
Siren began to stand up and aimed her pulse rifle and aimed at Grimlock's back while he was distracted. "How strong is this guy?" she thought to herself, as she fired again.
Kanjo quickly swerved to the side to avoid the fire. He then transformed to robot mode and ignited his energon katana, ready for a fight.
Grimlock noticed the Girl Bot behind him trying to fire and tried to dodge, but his slowly bulky body wasn't fast enough and it blasted his side.

"Grimlock had enough of you!"

He then charged with ferocious speed towards Siren ready to crush her like a bug as a stampeding dinosaur would, pure rage in his eyes.

"Grimlock crush you!"
Kanjo swiftly ran towards Grimlock and fired a few shots with his pathblaster, hoping to divert his attention. He then sliced at Grimlock's tail with his katana when he got close enough.
Revenant whispered into the communications to Megatron,hoping to keep him quiet until he could be properly debriefed, "That's what I'm attempting to ascertain,sir. Now,maintain radio silence unless it's necessary. Recon isn't your strong suit." Looking at the massive Autobot before him,he immediately knew that this one wasn't Optimus. Too lean. Not enough red,or blue. But this Autobot...He had numerous weapons readily apparent,and none of them looked pleasant. And he blocked the door in. Revenant withdrew a remote bomb from one of his numerous bomb bays,and set it down onto the ground,taking care to bury it partialy in the loose grit beneath him. The grit felt like it was made of silicates,but there was a definate organic component. Soil,maybe? He didn't know. Walking to immediately beside the boarding ramp with practiced steps,Revenant detonated the bomb. The blast wasn't big; It was designed for one of two purposes: Distraction and sabotage of small machinery.
"Fine...but tell me Prime's fate when you know it," Megatron replied. "If Prime is alive...I'll destroy his spark," he thought.// "Waiting around is boring," Roadblock thought to himself, before deciding to head back to the Nemisis. "I'll get Megatron up to speed, you discover what happened to Prime," he said quietly to Revenant. //"Don't damage him too much," Siren said to Kanjo as she dodged Grimlock, "He's an Autobot!"
"Its unaware from here sir," Gyrospark asked, glad his audio was working again. "From here it is vary hard to tell the survival of any Autobots. Permision to aproach the Ark sir?" he asked Megatron. Gyrospark guessed the enamys werent in any better condision then himself and this may be the only chance they'll get at puting a dent in their numbers. He wasnt going to pass up an oprotunity like this unless number one in command told him otherwise.
You'll get your chance to scrap some Autobots, right now wait for Revenant to complete his recon," Megatron said to Gyrospark. "If the situation requires the extermination of a few Autobot sparks, then so be it, just leave Prime for me."
As the explosion went off, Thundershock jumped a little. As his heavy frame laned on the ramp, it shook a little and all of his weapons revved up. The twin barrelled sniper rifles shot out of his right arm and the gatling gun started to wind up. Taking a defensive stance, Thundershock scanned the area looking for anything out of the ordinary, primarily a decepticon.

"Siren. How are you doing on your end? We have some action here on my end. I feel we have been found." Thundershock said as he continued to look for his decepticon rival.
"I'm busy fighting a confused Autobot calling himself a Dinobot," Siren quickly said to Thundershock, "Tell the cons 'hi' for me."
"hey this bark stuff is delicious" autoclock mumbled to himself while gnawing on the body of a tall pine tree, while in his praying mantis form."I'm so glad I landed on this planet!"

"crashed on this planet that is" autoclock said to himself

"That's such a funny joke autoclock"

"Why thank you autoclock"

"Your very welcome"


"Hey hey hey... HEY you have nothing to do with this."

"Everybody stop arguing!"

"I know you are but what am I"


"Nnnniiiigggg! Too many voices in my head!" autoclock screeched with his hands on his head sprawling around on the ground "There is a two robot capacity in this head!"

"Shhhh! Everybody be quiet! I think I hear gun fire." he twiched his head around frantically searching for the source of the cheerful noises. "It's coming from that direction!" He frantically jumped out of the cover of trees and spread his wings to fly towards the action.

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