Official Errata :D

Anyone want to place any bets on the percentage of the questions on that wiki page that are actually addressed when the errata comes out?
wordman said:
Anyone want to place any bets on the percentage of the questions on that wiki page that are actually addressed when the errata comes out?
Count all the "zomg the sidereals are teh borken fixor them!!11!!oneleven!!" as one question or do they count individually?
Safim said:
wordman said:
Anyone want to place any bets on the percentage of the questions on that wiki page that are actually addressed when the errata comes out?
Count all the "zomg the sidereals are teh borken fixor them!!11!!oneleven!!" as one question or do they count individually?
The ironic thing is, before we had anything from DotFA, everyone complained  that Sidereals were broken as hell. Now that we've got a taste of what everyone else can do at high essence levels, people are bitching that they're being left behind. There's just no happy medium.

Yay errata.
There will not be one finishing date, as far as John has explained questions should be answered on the run, where easy questions will get a faster answering time than more complicated ones. So lets hope that over time everything will get answered.
Meaning, of course, that very few questions will be answered. I mean, there is editing involved......
skafte said:
There will not be one finishing date, as far as John has explained questions should be answered on the run, where easy questions will get a faster answering time than more complicated ones. So lets hope that over time everything will get answered.
Ah ok... in this case I am willing to bet that we get 3-5% of the questions answered in the first half year and afterwards another 2% per year.

We can expand the bet... I am willing to bet that the first answer regarding anything even remotely in contact with DV hardcaps will show that the author did not read the exalted corebook completely.

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