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Countess Amaya

New Member
Hello everyone! I am Countess Amaya and I am here because my friend introduced me to the site when I told HE (hauntingechoes) was shutting down. I hope to make many new friends and RP partners!
Hello! I'm Ricki! Or Todd, depending on how I'm dressed that day. Welcome, welcome! What genres do you rp?

Hello Countess Amaya!

Welcome to RpNation!

I hope and know that you'll have a great time here,

if you have any questions, feel free to:

a) Ask me, I'll do my best to answer them.

b) Stop by the Shoutbox, the people here are very friendly.

c) All of the above, because yeah.

Orientation Questions:

What genre of roleplays do you prefer?

What's your favourite colour?

How are you doing today?

Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy! I'm Hex, Hexy, Hexeh, Hexed or anything else people manage to come up with xD anyway I'm the resident nutjob and deathscythe xD nice to meet you and welcome to the nation that is PlayRole.... Wait that's wrong, NationRolePlay......PlayNationRole! Oh damn! Anyways I can't wait to RP with you sometime soon welcome again!!!

P.s THANKS FOR TH COOKIE *noms on cookie and then on your head ^^* I am hyper!!
[QUOTE="Countess Amaya]Hello everyone! I am Countess Amaya and I am here because my friend introduced me to the site when I told HE (hauntingechoes) was shutting down. I hope to make many new friends and RP partners!


~Welcome to RpNation Countess Amaya!~

Everyone here in RpN is super friendly and awesome, you'll find friends in no time!

What kind of genre of roleplays do you prefer?

@ Todd / Hello!!! :)

@ Pai / Supernatural type RPs (I hate twilight), Modern, school, almost anything really


Drooling over Sesshomaru and my very dear friend Count Damian

@ Hexed / I can't wait either

@Akihito / All different kinds and thank you!

@ ALL / very laggy computer >.< I should switch back to my kindle maybe...................

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