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Fantasy Of Temptations and Virtues (Character Skelly and Submits)

Skelly Format

Avatar Arvis

The Last Avatar
Here I will post the character skeleton for you to make your characters.
Of Temptations and Virtues (Main RP)

-- So because of the serious glitches still present in the editing and customizing departments of the site, I cannot create a customized template correctly. So I have the very bare minimum that will be required for your characters to be accepted. You may customize your sheets as you like, though remember that ALL information provided below must be present on the sheet.

Your character will be accepted when I like the post. If I do not like the post, feel free to get my attention and make sure that if there are any issues, they can be fixed and your character accepted quickly.

Post your characters below and @tag me when the character is complete so I can find it easily.

Name: First & Last
Age: 15-40
Temptation/Virtue: Which are you?
Nationality: Where are you from?
Personality: 1 paragraph
Backstory: 2 paragraphs, second one should be where your new powers emerge
Skills: Anything not related to your powers. Earned through hard work, practice and sweat.
Powers: You can have three powers max. Please replace Power1/2/3 with the correct names of the powers and how they can be used
Power 1:
Power 2:
Power 3:
Weaknesses: Each power needs to have an exploitable weakness that isn't something you would have to search the cosmos for. Again replace the Power1/2/3 with the power's name and then explain the weakness.
Power 1:
Power 2:
Power 3:
Weapons: (Optional) You may have 2 weapons. Guns will no be accepted. Your weapons can have special properties that work in tandem with your powers.
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Name: Ulyssa Hassig

Age: 36

Sex: Female

Temptation/Virtue: Animosity

Orientation: Pansexual

Nationality: Austrian

Personality: To most, Ulyssa is a strange being. She rarely smiles, even to those who she could consider her friends. She is not one to talk much, but when she does, it's usually never anything nice. All that comes out of her mouth is sarcastic, rude insults. Some may describe her as hostile, paranoid, and moody. There's never a calm, peaceful moment around her, Ulyssa manages to destroy any other ambiance with just her brooding presence. However, she manages to find comfort in being by herself after checking the room she's in a dozen times for anything that could be of harm to her.

Backstory: With the way Ulyssa acts, some would believe that she had lived a toxic, abusive life. In fact, it's not the case at all. She's had a nice, privileged life for the most part, nothing that she could really complain about. Although, even though nothing traumatizing and terrible has ever happened to her, at the end of her day, every night, she found herself staring up at her ceiling, feeling as if she's lost something important to her, and that it was the whole world's fault. Ulyssa was unsure of what she had lost, but she loathed the world for it. By the age of 18, everyday her life felt like hell and nothing would ever stop her from seeing red.
Years passed, and she reached the age of 28. From the beginning of her college years, her whole life went downhill. Not only was she subject to the passing of her parents from old age, and some of her close friends in a grisly auto-accident, she also ran into some problems such as an all-out fist-fight with some members of a sorority, a near-death experience with some bad drugs, and skidding way too many times on her motorbike with several deadly injuries. After being hospitalized for the 5th time after crashing her bike into a car, she witnessed her first power while recovering from a coma in her hospital bed. A Black Ghost stood at the edge of her bed, and after 5 minutes it vanished. The next day she managed to transform her arm into something completely different, and luckily for her no one else but her was able to see it. And finally, after getting into a screaming match with her boyfriend when he came to check her out of the building, she noticed how as soon as she was done yelling at him, his frozen features were fixed and he ran away from her. Unfortunately for Ulyssa, he never came back, but she felt empowered, inspired. She would fight against everything, demanding the revenge she deserved from the world.
Skills: Ulyssa has a pretty decent amount of stamina, so running far distances is almost no problem for her. She has also participated in some self-defense classes, so Ulyssa definitely knows her way around some old fashioned hand-to-hand combat.

Black Ghost: Ulyssa summons a large, shadowy humanoid figure that only those who embody the Virtues and Temptations can see. To other humans it is merely a ghost. The Black Ghost has large claws it uses to maul their victims and can climb and stick to surfaces.

Shadow Wrap: Ulyssa covers her right arm with the same claw as her Black Ghost.

Paralysis Scream: A piercing scream/yell that paralyzes all victims, friends and enemies alike.​

Black Ghost: It only lasts for a maximum of 5 minutes, as it begins to deteriorate as soon as it is summoned. It can also be killed by landing a critical blow to its head. It can only be used once a day.

Shadow Wrap: In the case that Ulyssa summons her Black Ghost and uses Shadow Wrap, the right arm of the Black Ghost is instead completely gone as it has transferred its matter to Ulyssa's body. It also lasts 5 minutes as well as it begins to deteriorate when it is used. This ability has a maximum use of 2 times per day.

Paralyzing Scream: It only lasts as long as Ulyssa screams/yells. Immediately when she stops or her voice wavers, her victims are free to move again. If Ulyssa tries to use the ability again in a span of an hour, there is a 10% chance of it backfiring and paralyzes her for 5 minutes. Otherwise, it does not work at all.​

Weapons: Besides her fists and her powers, she conceals a switchblade in the inside of her jacket.


Name: George "Mesmero" Bailey.

Age: 29

Sex: Male.

Temptation/Virtue: Corruption.

Orientation: Heterosexual.

Nationality: American.

Personality: George (or Mesmero, as he now prefers) is a man who has fully immersed himself in his work, and his personality reflects this. His emotions and thoughts are hidden snugly behind a grinning caricature, forever jovial, never solemn. Nothing short of the most shocking surprises can render him even momentarily George Bailey, a man afraid of his future, confused about his path in life. He is almost always Mesmero, the affable, ubfazable, cold-hearted clown.

Backstory: George Bailey, like many children before him, didn't know what he wanted to do until he found himself doing it. At first, the clown gig had just been a way to pay his way through college, a fun story to tell when he was a practicing psychiatrist. Back then, he'd been Bouncy, a clown known for his outrageous, slapstick antics and unyielding persistence. He went from job to job, basking in the laughter of pleasantly surprised children. Of course, some were natural sourpusses and scaredy-cats, but George's dedication was absolute. He'd give them control, saying, "Whaddya think I should do then, huh?" The grumps would say something smarty-pantsy like "jump the sun" or "walk on the roof", while the sissy-la-las would just want him to leave. And he'd do it, just never how they expected. He'd go for the front door, only to huff and puff and strain in the wrong direction, much to the enjoyment of the kids. Or he'd have them stand on their heads so he could strut and declare triumphantly, "I'm walking on the ceiling!" He loved it, and the kids always loved him in the end. He dropped out of college, having found his calling and set out to make his way as a professional clown.

His lofty dreams were quickly dashed however, as he found that there were a lot of clowns, all of whom had a better reputation and, apparently, a better act than him. Each was different, special, with a unique performance to offer, and he was just Bouncy. He needed something to set him apart, to make him stand out from the pastel colored crowd. He experimented with different things, juggling (too hard), animals (unreliable), knock-knock jokes (ineffective), and found salvation in hypnosis. His studying for psychiatry helped him take it up quickly, and it easily melded with his style of performance. Now, he was Mesmero, bamboozling beatnik and sometimes buffoon! Using a pocket-watch, he'd recruit volunteers to aid him in his performance, turning them into strangely skilled "deputy clowns" on the spot. His rapport grew and his business flourished until he received the offer of a lifetime. One chance, one performance, to make a ridiculously rich family's only son laugh. Let's just say that although he'd be paid nothing on failure, the reward for success was generous indeed. He'd yet to ever fail such a challenge, and readily agreed. He arrived at the veritable palace of riches, intent on bringing a smile to yet another toddler's eager face. He was led to the boy's room, and discovered to his surprise that the boy was at least fifteen, probably older. There was no-one else there, and the kid seemed bored, even irritated at the prospect of Mesmero's performance. Recovering, George launched into what he still considers the best performance he's ever given, but walked away empty-handed in the end. It was the first time he'd failed as a clown.

It ate at him. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't think. He tossed and turned, fruitlessly grasping for some golden answer to his existential question: Why didn't he laugh? He needed to know. He returned to the family claiming to have a new trick, and offered to perform it free of charge for their son. They agreed, and he rushed over as soon as possible to do something he hadn't done at his last encounter with the boy. He hypnotized him. Hypnosis was only funny on other people, and be couldn't make him laugh, because hypnosis only made people do what they wanted to do anyway. So they entered the trance and George asked him the question only he could answer. The man-boy, to his surprise, said, "I don't laugh because you're not funny." George's face twisted, his jaw clenched, and he whispered a list of foul and unspeakable obscenities so fast that he bit his tongue and cheeks multiple times. Flecks of spit flew onto the boy from how fast he issued his declarations of hate. Tasting blood, George asked him what exactly he thought was funny. The boy, now a bit frightened, said "I laugh sometimes when, uh, people get hurt, I guess." Something inside George broke quietly and invisibly. Mesmero asked, "So if I hurt someone in front of you, you'll laugh?" "I mean sure, uh, yeah, probably." He stopped swinging the watch, for through the conversation he'd kept it going, and beckoned for the boy to follow him as he left.

Mesmero, wandering in a seemingly aimless pattern through the house, came upon a maid folding laundry. "Is it true you work for this boy?" He asked her. "Yes." She said. Turning to the boy, Mesmero said, "Tell this woman that if she stops folding the laundry, she'll be fired." The boy relayed the command, and Mesmero immediately reeled back and slapped the woman with enough force to rock her on her heels. Stunned, she looked to the boy, who seemed just as shocked. Then the corners of his mouth turned up. His breath came fast, and he suddenly clamped his mouth shut. His face turned red and his eyes watered until he could stand it no longer, and he burst into loud guffaws. The maid, flabbergasted by the cruelty of her employer's child and at a loss for what to do, continued to fold the laundry. Mesmero left, unsmiling. While neither the boy nor anyone told his parents, word spread amongst the other servants, and evil looks and curt replies were thrown his way no matter how nice the kid tried to be. What bothered him more than the servants' dislike was his own confusion. He hadn't found what Mesmero did funny, but he'd been unable to stop himself from laughing. On top of his confusion, his complexion had suddenly began to worsen considerably. Eventually, his health deteriorated, although doctors found nothing physically wrong with him. His parents' thought him depressed and called Mesmero, knowing, without the details of course, that he'd somehow made their son laugh before. Mesmero returned to find a pallid, weak figure with a splotchy face lying on the boy's bed. Mesmero sensed something, a weakness in the boy, and, tentatively, placed a gloved hand on his feverish head. Mesmero watched, rapt, as the boy seemed to shrink, and his body started changing to his very thoughts.

Skills: Mesmero is, being a slapstick clown, highly skilled in feats of agility, sleight of hand, and acrobatics. He also does very good impressions, so good that he can perfectly impersonate any male he's spoken to for a moderate length of time.


The Trance: Mesmero can enter a trance state with a willing participant in a stable environment using a pocket-watch. While in the Trance, Mesmero can propose a bargain that, if agreed to, binds them in an unshakable bond. If Mesmero completes his end of the deal, the participant will be forced to as well, and according to Mesmoro's interpretation. Death is the only way to escape this bind.

The Stain: If Mesmero's blood makes contact with a living creature, it will leave a mark upon them. This mark will steadily spread from it's point of origin, eventually causing the subject to ail and weaken. The mark looks strangely like reddish coffee stains on skin, and once the subject is sufficiently weakened, their mass can be absorbed by Mesmero.

Shapeshifting: Mesmero can change his body in practically limitless configurations, so long as he maintains a physically livable form (has organs, blood flow, etc.). This also applies to living parts of his body separated from the whole, which allows him to reattach lost parts that still live.

The Trance: Only willing participants can enter the trance, and if the participant fulfills their end first, they can force their interpretation upon Mesmero. Also, neither Mesmero nor the participant can lie while in the Trance.

The Stain: The Stain is an actual, physical marking, and can be removed with vigorous scrubbing.

Shapeshifting: Mesmero cannot magically increase his mass (though he can decrease it by expelling some of his physical matter) and can only form human parts and materials, albeit in whatever livable shape he wants. Additionally, he can only form materials and parts found in his body, so he can't look like someone else.

Weapons: His pocket-watch, which only ticks while in the Trance.
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    Name: Kyle Costello
    Age: 19
    Sex: Male
    Temptation/Virtue: Courage
    Orientation: Homosexual
    Nationality: Australian
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Name: Adeline Richard
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Temptation/Virtue: Darkness
Orientation: Pan-sexual
Nationality: Welsh​

Personality: Adeline is calm and almost always without emotion and at times she comes across as though she is simply staring blankly at whomever she is speaking with. It isn't that she is indifferent to emotions; she simply does not waste her time on them. She is calculating and precise; she has been described to have god like patience. Adeline has and will exhibit emotions in extreme situations

Backstory: Adeline was a child protégé; destined for greatness among famous and legendary musicians. It started when she was four, her mother purchased her a violin, and having been part of a local orchestra herself she had always had dreams of being first chair in the London Royal Orchestra. When these dreams were never be fulfilled her turned her attention onto Adeline, and the girls training began. Adeline spent countless hours practicing. Day in and day out Adeline’s focus in life was practicing her violin; this lead to her anti-social and rather stoic behavior, but it was not the reason for her powers to develop.

As she aged and became better skilled her mother became more and more obsessed with her success. Whenever Adeline failed to claim the first chair for a season, or failed to earn the solo pieces it turned her mother into a venomous creature, and her home into a toxic environment. The sheer want and will to be hidden and away from mother lead Adeline to develop her abilities in manipulating darkness and to serve her purpose: hiding herself, disguising herself and healing herself.

Skills: Dexterity, Hand-Eye Co-Ordination, Strategic Planning


Facade: Adeline can manipulate shadows in various ways, most commonly to simply hide herself, others or objects within it. While within the Facade no movement, light, or noise can be detected by anyone outside of the casting.

Mimicry: Adeline can create a doppelganger of herself or any other person that lasts up to 30 minutes using shadows. This doppelganger will look and move exactly like it’s host but cannot speak or wander far from it.

Shadow Healing: can heal herself or others by using shadows.


Facade: becomes corrupted through extended exposure; the longer or more often she uses this ability the weaker it becomes, the less time it lasts and the easier it is to be detected.

Mimicry: The shadow doppelganger is affected by light as though it were a physical force; any light touching or piercing it will cause the doppelganger to react as though it were being burned. The doppelganger is entirely mute; it cannot communicate verbally. It is limited to an area of ten feet from its host; beyond this distance the doppelganger winks out of existence. Cannot be used on any Virtue.

Shadow Healing: Can only be used once every seven days to heal a severe injury. Cannot be used to heal any Virtue.

Weapons: Throwing knives, Adeline can imbue them with shadows to conceal their travel.
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"Hope is a bloody battlefield of Disillusion."

Name: Benoni Amiel

Alias: Son Of Sorrow, // The Pessimist // Ben // Oni

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Temptation/Virtue: "Simply the most Hopeless~"Despair

Orientation: Asexual, Bi-romantic

Nationality: Isreal // Hebrew (Albino)
"Ultimate Despair"​

Easily Adaptable
Versed Trap-master
Master in the Art of Negotiation
Flexible and agile
Skilled Bladesman



Dread Walker: By Sacrificing the vision in one of his eyes, or both, Benoni can conjure his one of his trump cards Dread Stalker, a large bipedal white furred creature with black claws and a savage appetite or a Dread Tyrant, a large bipedal, black furred canine creature with golden claws and skull head and an exposed chest cavity which he can give a specific order for them to accomplish.

Pawns: Benoni must shed his own blood to summon either one to ten slim, white, flexible clones with no eyes, a zipper mouth and pointed fingers and feet which act as it's main weapon, whip or blade.

????: Third power unknown (If this is ok with Avatar Arvis Avatar Arvis )


Dread Walker: In order to use this, Benoni must offer half of all of his sight to summon one or both. Each time a Walker is summoned Ben suffers slight fatigue that increases as long as the Walkers are present (Max. 8 mins unless they stray too far from Oni within a 12m radius or he loses consciousness due to shock)

Pawns: With the lose of blood Benoni is often sent into physical shock and his body temperature drops as a result. Oni can only summon 4 when a Dread Walker is present and none when both are present and are very easy to get rid of (a simple punch will suffice)

????: Third power unknown (If this is ok with Avatar Arvis Avatar Arvis )

Weapons: A small arsenal of curved bladed knives (10x) linked to his sleeves by long wires that string along barely noticeable.
Personal Info.​
Personality: Ben is the embodiment of Despair itself. He is cynical, and cruel with dark ambitions to conquer Hope and the minds of others. He is very dogmatic in his views which are to infect all humans with Despair through any means necessary and will drill through anyone who stands in his path. Oni views Faith as a poor moral compass to only fools of a delusional ideology and a lack of reality. Life bears no luxuries for anyone and no one can guide the world to Harmony, Equality, nor Freedom without a daunting obstacle of Havoc, Separation and Captivity. If someone has a negative say on his beliefs he would most likely get defensive. Oni enjoys felines of any kind and the misfortune of others and finds nothing more jocular that black comedy itself, whether he is reading or just around the other Temptations.

Born after the death of his father Mathew and his mother Aliza, named her newborn boy, Benoni, meaning "the son of my sorrow". He was the youngest of 3 other siblings and was raised in a old wooden home in a low income neighborhood which was plenty in crime. As a bastard child, Benoni had never thought he had a father, nor did he ever look to any adult male his mother occasionally brought home as a fatherly figure. He knew that all he would need would be his mother and all would be alright. On days when Ben and his siblings would go outside to play with other kids they would roam the streets and abandoned woods for potential jewels or other valuable items wealthy citizens would drop. They would stay out for hours to climb the highest trees, sneak into rich people's homes and scare them, and even perform tricks on the sidewalk for pay while giving their mom time to be alone. All seemed to go well for his earliest childhood years with no present misfortune in his families path.

Although, it never showed during Oni's adolescence, but as he grew he began to act less interactive with his family and friends, he would ignore others who acknowledged him in the streets, and he would suffer weeks of chronic depression and stay away from the house for hours and once even for two days! Doing whatever he did to take his mind off of others and settle his woe. Once he left unannounced for the third time and returned home he witnessed his older siblings all sitting in the living room, some tear stricken, one shaking with a certain look in her eyes that met with Ben's. She stood up to hug him, but was quickly stopped and shoved away. He asked why they all looked so full of hopelessness. His older brother stood up and led him to the back room of the house, where their mother Aliza was found in a dark crimson pool of her own essence. In her hand lied a note stating how she only worked to better her family, and how she did what she did with no regrets to make her children smile once again. She even mentioned Benoni, but stated how she could never find why he was so distant with them these recent years at such a youthful age and how she never regretted anything, but giving life to Him. This shook Benoni and tore his heart out from the inside, leaving only a hallow vacuum within his cage. He broke down on the splintery, cut up wooden floor and shed tears that would fill a dry lake. His mind was blank and his heart was reduced to a black hole which guided his next move to killing those around him. He leaped for a blade and swung it ferociously at his brother, missing his throat, but wounding his shoulder. The two then scrabbled on the floor, swinging and shoving each other to either cease or murder. Ben had let up on his blind rage and felt a sudden sensation after he had cut and stabbed his brother, the feeling had finally filled him...with Happiness. And another sense that gave him a Pleasant, Fuzzy feeling throughout his body, his siblings left the house and never looked back to it and Benoni knelt on the floor, feeling that tingling impression that he was surrounded in the darkness. That day he didn't kill his older brother, nor harm his other siblings, but instead let them flee so he could one day hunt them down and finish what he started with them.

Coded By || @StoneWolf18
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Suzy Vituuri​

" The world is a cruel place and its cruelest to the weak."

Name: Suzy Carin Vituuri
Nickname(s): Suzy
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Temptation/Virtue: Light
Orientation: Heterosexual
Nationality: Korean/Scotland

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" Before you dare to trust anyone else you must first trust yourself your own power. "

Personality: A remarkable woman. Very witty, charming - a very intelligent woman. She spoke six languages, she played two different instruments, she rode, she hunted. she danced, she played golf. She will prove to be a formidable foe for anyone that stands in her way. She is also a great ally, as she wants to put people before herself. Most describe Suzy as being headstrong, and strong in general. Grown into an independent woman who will go to any length to protect the ones she loves. A passionate woman with a clear moral compass. She tries her best to be fair and wants to be a strong leader. Suzy is very caring and sympathetic. Even with this in mind, she certainly does have an attitude.

" I feel like I'm killing part of myself that I'm ignoring my heart until it becomes blind and deaf. "

Backstory: Suzy was born into a middle-class family, since birth she has been the center of attention and the only female in the house. Her father being a director in a well-known hospital wanted the family to go into the industry he was in. Her elder brothers all graduated from being doctors each one better than the next, Suzy wasn't any special as she also graduated high school with flying colors. In school Suzy could be remembered as Queen she practically runs the school, when she graduated it was more like the queen was dethroned. Her father in his 4th stage in cancer decided to keep it a secret knowing that being in his 3rd stage going on to fourth he would not be able to survive. He soon vanished from the face of the earth, many came to his funeral he was a well loved/known man. Her brothers all grown up soon all got married and had their own families to think of. Maybe she liked it that way, Suzy's mother soon decided to show herself to sick to stand or move...for what she did she deserved.
Suzy truly with all her heart wanted to spit in her face and tell her 'I hate you' but something in her, something unexplainable begged her not to. The only thing she could do was let her in, she feeds her and bathed her and every night she sang her a lullaby and every time she did it felt agonizing like death. Life soon became harder, even with that Suzy kept smiling her views on life slowly started to change her frown slowly turned into a bright smile. She believes more in god and looked forward to waking up every day to greet her mother.


" If I'm going to die let it happen while there is still some of me left. "

Skills: Identify Plants
Identify Medication
Can turn anything into a weapon
Chess- Darts-Cards-Poker
Communication Skills
Knowledge Replication/Intuitive Aptitude:
The user can gain/replicate any kind of knowledge, be it knowledge over a subject, a foreign language, or mastery of a fighting style. They can duplicate information from creatures or inanimate mediums of data, such as books, computers, etc..With it comes great memory./ The user can instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, subjects, fields, powers, etc. without the need of long-term or special education.
intuition, also called insight or Instinct, is the ability to "just know" personal information about an object, subject, or occurrence, including sensing how others will react to something that the user does or when something is about to happen. This ability is innate and cannot be turned off. A faculty of this ability allows the user to also (or instead) intuit spiritual truths and principles (sensing the presence of evil/danger/people that dislike the user, a feeling that one should or shouldn’t go somewhere, or the right thing to do in a situation); this faculty is called Gnosis.

Flight Manipulation: The user is able to enable themselves and others to fly, and manipulate the flights of people who can fly using any other abilities. They will also be able to manipulate the flights of winged animals and planes and will have limited Telekinesis by making objects fly for a short time.

Plant Manipulation:
Users can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits, and flowers. The user can cause plants to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants.

They can use their power for defense and support by growing plants from the ground and make them sprout seeds/fruits/berries, or even to possibly use plant chemicals to heal people or objects or manipulate their properties for a wide range of effects.

Though less commonly activated by passive users, the ability may deal a series of offensive techniques on a target. Using the plants as weapons enable users to grasp and strike continuously with vines and roots, project thorns at a distance, and quickly regenerate the withering weapons at the user’s will. They can make vines grow and climb around a target's neck, causing choking, or even strike with plants. A more subtle technique is to release damaging toxins and pheromones, affecting targets in which conditions should be treated quickly with ailments. The User may also control plants in their altered forms, i.e. concentrated forms, such as cotton clothing/fabric, paper, etc.

Knowledge Replication:
Could suffer from information overload.

Flight Manipulation:
Limited to objects
Enabling a lot of people to fly may tax the user

Users of high-speed flight may be too fast for the user
May be limited to a certain range to work, including touch only.
May be limited to a certain number of targets at a time.

Plant Manipulation:

Maybe unable to create plants, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
Most users are powerless in areas without plants or at least the potential for plants to grow (infertile/barren soil).
High levels of radiation in a concentrated area may cause defects in the ability.

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Weapons: Pepper spray ( Usualy uses her surroundings to her advantage )

Name: Hikari Yamato
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Temptation/Virtue: Friendship
Orientation: Heterosexual
Nationality: Japanese
Personality: Hikari is all smile and all cheer but deep inside is a deep pit of lies and happiness. She can easily fake emotions and hide what she's feeling really well. She can be rather tenacious at times when pursuing her wants, being rather pushy in the process.
Backstory: Hikari was a very lonesome girl who wanted to seek comfort in others. Those others ignored her plea and often played by herself with imaginary friends. Though her parents were there, she didn't to seek their comfort, she wanted to seek others. She would often sneak by and try to talk to them but to no success did she even get one.

That was until she found a puppy. The puppy was very small and rather frail. Having sympathy to the puppy she carried it back home and nursed it. It was then her powers surfaced. The puppy was rather cute and would always play with her. The puppy died a few weeks later due to a disease it had, but Hikari was satisfied and would never forget the puppy. Her powers surfaced as she finally founded what she thirsted for.



Duplication: Hikari is allowed to duplicate herself at will any amount of times. All of these clones usually all have the weapons of friendship. These clothes can also be summoned by Hikari's spikes. These clothes will disappear if one collides into Hikari or expires for the course of ten minutes.

Imagination-Make: Hikari is able to summon illusions from her mind that she has seen in games, anime, etc. There are only limited up to two at a time. These imaginations have minds of their own and can act independently from Hikari. If they're gone from Hikari's sight they will diminish. These also can be summoned by Hikari's spikes.

Friendly Eye: Hikari is able to see what people see with the use of this ability. This ability is activated when Hikari touches the head of a being.

Duplication: The number of clones out also feel pain and the pain also goes into Hikari as she feels whatever they feel. If one burns alive then she will die as well.

Imagination-Make: Since the imaginations have a mind of their own, they can be tricked or disobey Hikari depending the varying personality. Imagination-Make can also be dispelled if Hikari loses sight of them instantly.

Friendly Eye: Friendly eye takes the sight away of Hikari leaving her blind. Wherever the target goes she only sees the target making her force to fight blindly, by using her only four senses.

Spikes: Hikari is able to carry around a lot of spikes through her bag. These spikes associate with cooperate with Hikari's abilities and can assist her whenever they drop to the floor.






- Name -
Uma Manchester

- Age -

- Sex -

- Temptation -

- Orientation -
Panromantic Asexual

- Nationality -




Uma Manchester appears like poisonous honey; seemingly sweet, but entirely deadly. She is as wily as a fox. She has been called ‘SilverTongue’ due to her highly talented way of using words to achieve her goals. Her sharp wit, snarky tongue, and fiery temperament surely makes her one of the most interesting woman you’ll meet.

Uma is not an impulsive girl; she is thoughtful, manipulating, and plans at least four steps ahead. She is the perfect tactician. If she is passionate about a particular topic such as injustice, she will argue you down until you effectively see her side on the issue. Uma’s brilliant, cunning nature can also be quite unpredictable to those who view her; she’s growing more confident in her ability to camouflage herself in what others want to see her as.

She downright hates prejudice and will make it known that it is not tolerated. On some occasions, she will lash out violently against those she deems wrong. She has a distrustful and paranoid personality, always watching people as if they are snakes ready to strike.

She is self-reliant, but is not against working in a team setting. Although, it is a bit of a struggle for her to actually take in account of other people’s feelings. Uma can come across misanthropic as well as melancholy as well. She can be ruthless, fierce, and independent. Uma can be vindictive and unforgiving, which can be very troubling for those who are on the receiving in.

Uma Manchester was born May 25th to Phoebe and Harold Manchester in Wichita, Kansas. She is the youngest member of the Manchester family out of five older siblings. When Uma was three, her father abandoned the family leaving her mother struggling with taking care of the family. Their middle class income slowly begin to fall part and bills began to pile up. Uma can’t remember a time in which her mother, who had now taken three jobs, was at home spending time with the kids. Despite being in a house full of her siblings, Uma was never close to any of them. She spent all her time studying at school and taking up after school activities to just feel like she was included in something. She didn’t have friends but she enjoyed the conversations with her peers.

Uma graduated one year early in high school due to her stellar grades. She had chosen a college nearby to her home, so she could keep an eye on her over-worked mother and help out when she could. One day while on campus, she noticed a guy was being hassled by a jock. In irritation that no one was going to help the man, Uma stormed over there and pushed the jock away. The moment she touched him, a spark flew off her fingers and the jock was screaming as if she had stabbed him or something. Just before Uma was about to back away, the jock even started mumbling towards something that no one around them could see.

Confused, Uma began to test out her powers by going to very sleazy parts of town and fighting off those who intended to harm her or someone else she saw. Each time, they would crumble into themselves, screaming and mutter nonsense. There was a wide range of severity to the reactions and sometimes she didn’t even have to touch them. It was not until a few weeks later after discovering the newfound ability that she realized she was tapping into their fear. She learned this when she mentally connecting to them to see what they saw. Whether it was a murder victim, an abuser from their past, and etc., she knew that she could take what made them scared out their minds against them.

Her powers began to grow a few months after that, she developed a new ability but it came to her in dreams. She had a dream one night someone was being murdered; she could help them or warn anyone to run and was helpless to stop the onslaught attacks against the elderly man. The next day, she woke up to find that the same exact elderly man was murdered on the news. Unlike her other powers, she had control, but this one she could not do much about if it only happened in her dreams. This saddened Uma that should could not control the power the way she wanted to.

When she told her family about her newfound abilities, they became terrified of her and told her to never come back. She was too unnatural and it wasn’t something they could wrap their heads around. Uma became angry and unintentionally induced fear onto her family. By the time she realized what she had done, Uma fled from home and dropped out of college.

+Skills — Powers — Weakness

  • Analytical Thinker
    Self Defense

Last edited:
  • Name: Rood Chrishi
    Age: 18
    Sex: Male
    Temptation/Virtue: Hate
    Orientation: Heterosexual
    Nationality: American
    Weapons: .

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