Of Sin and Cyborgs ( IC Thread )

Beta sat in his hotel room and flipped through the channels on the television. Corporate News, Sports, Racing, More N... news about a fuel main exploding in his adoptive family's neighborhood. Nice cover, really.Explained away the fatalities, property damage, and lack of warning. "Gotta give them credit, I guess. Simple story, pretty easy to believe, and no liability. Just the same, it takes attention off of me. I suppose I approve. Still, I wish it hadn't happened." a heavy sigh came from the cyborg after he mumbled his commentary to no one in particular. Right now he was still taking everything in.

"May as well take advantage of the facilities while I can. If I know the Consortium, they'll be after me as soon as they come up with a plan. No sense in smelling like shit in the meantime." He left the TV on as he hopped in the shower, hoping to make people on the room adjacent to his think there was more than one person in the room. Deception had kept him out of the Consortium's clutches so far. Doing it more certainly couldn't hurt.

The shower was nice and the TV station was on late-night crap. Ted Masters' Late Night Variety Hour blared into the room as Brian toweled his hair dry. Some shit about a bombing in Downtown Detroit being made into a joke. The guy always had a terrible sense of humor. Regardless it was something to listen to as he ran scenarios in his head. Who would they send? Probably another strike team or two. No sense risking expensive Cyborgs if a team of trained killers can do the job. But if they failed, a cyborg would probably be next on the list. The good news was, Beta was made for speed and quick strikes. This made him a hell of a tough target even for another cyborg.

"In any case... I'd better get some rest. If I stay up all night after a fight, people will get suspicious. And besides..." he had unleashed a fairly sizable blast against the strike team, then expended a fair amount of energy in the long run away from the explosion site. Sure, his internal Redundant Generators replenished energy faster than most other cyborgs. But his techniques also were more demanding in regard to energy consumption. "Sleep seems legit anyway."

Brian slipped his clothes back on, as he felt he'd need to be ready just in case. And given the night he'd had... he was almost sure he'd be proven right again. And just in case, he kept his heavy .45 Cal Pistols underneath his pillow and slept on his side facing away from the door. Any asshole who came in after him would get a bullet fired at them from right underneath Brian's head.
Sigma grinned, sliding to a halt a few feet away from Omicron. He flicked a switch near the hilt of his Stingray with his right thumb, causing the weapon to shift form, into the bladed whip-like form. Wielding that in his right hand, he reached down to his left hip with his left hand for another Piranha to clip to the fiber cable. Flicking his wrist, the Stingray lashed out at Omicron, aiming for the injured area on his helmet once again.

"But who's the elephant, and who's the ant?" Sigma asked, only some of the venom from earlier still remaining in his words. He was starting to loose himself to the fight, the rush of adrenaline, the competition, putting his very life on the line. He had to do his best to remain in his right mind, to make the smart decisions as the fight progressed.

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