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Fantasy Of Nature, Salt, and Other Oddities (Light-Hearted Fantasy)


The God-Emperor of Mankind
Before the name of Heaven, before the name of Gaia,
Nothing moved in nothing.
The waters of the sea were salt; Chaos moved in them.
Chaos was the mother of the waters.

No field was formed, no court was founded;
The gods were null, not called into being;
None bore a name, and no destinies were ordained.
Chaos, she looped and the seas were salt.

Then came the names of things. Then were born the gods.
Brightly burst in Heaven, contorting in the Earth,
Everywhere was the noise of them
And the noise of them was wrong.

Then did the Chaos thrash in the darkness.
Nothing moved in nothing, and the Chaos roared.
She raised up her children, smote the gods:
Answered the wrong of them and the seas were salt.

The gods built walls to keep her out.
Walls and walls; enclosed were they all;
Dynasties and kings, manners, places.
They set the world in order, they stripped the seas.

Made them naked, saltless,
Dry of the Chaos,
Put to use;
Chained the world,

Wrapped it about with the corpse of chaos,
Made their many kingdoms of the earth,
And made lustrous rock from the waves.
Chaos she raged; chaos she wept.

It was grievous and she cried.
Let none forget the words of the primal waters.
Let them be remembered, sacred be;
To those who forget them shall come worse things than salt:

Chaos was the mother of the waters.
The waters of the seas are salt; chaos moves within them.
Nothing moves in nothing;
Before the something, there is nothing;

Before the names of Heaven.
Before the name of Gaia.

- Scroll of Origin, Tablet I.

The Temple of the Goddess; Ylene, has been a hotspot for many faithful over the years. There was no admittance fee, but the clergymen always politely asked for donations, even be it in the form of four or five Blossoms. The temple was destroyed by forces beyond reality.

Merely a day later, rumors began to spread. The prophecy about the coming of Estrellath; the Avatar of Chaos, is supposedly playing out. According to the story, Estrellath would break the will of the gods by corrupting their temples. And so indeed, the Valley of Oryhyst has been stripped of freedom. Overtaken by dark machinations of chaos with the former temple as the generator for evil. Soon, it became the enemy capital, and shortly, numerous other lands were conquered in the War of Fires. The war has been going on for the last year, and troops are being trained in bulk to defend Gaia.


The players are a group of adventurers, brought together by circumstance or relations. Their task is simple enough; gain the blessings of the gods and defeat Estrellath and his minions in order to save the world from the all-consuming force of Chaos.

The RP will have a Legend of Zelda-ish feeling to it. It's High Fantasy, without going overboard like World of Warcraft or some other series. There will probably be some darker stuff, like death, or tragedy later on, but I want to keep the roleplay mostly light-hearted.

The players are allowed to play who they want, but I have two things to ask of you;
1. No overpowered magic. If you have a wizard who has access to a great number of schools of magic, it removes the element of thought and strategy and turns him into someone who can beat any circumstance. Consider starting out as a novice who will learn more spells as the RP progresses.
2. You are allowed to be any race you want, or even make your own, but don't do so unless you feel it'd make your character more compelling. Otherwise, what's really the point? I won't enforce this as much, because it's a much more subjective rule than number one.​

That said, I'd also like the players to pick a team leader once the RP starts; we will literally vote for the character. I will ensure personally that the players interact with each other and that there is something to do at all times. Any complaints should be brought directly to my attention, without fear of any such silly thing as "repercussions."

I don't have exact post demands, but when people start complaining and pushing you to post, you have roughly 24 hours to do just that.

If you have an idea for a clever joke or comical situation that can play out between the characters, pitch it in OOC and let's try to make it happen.

I want to mention that I'll try a new, more active approach as a GM this time around. Call it an experiment. I will push people to give out their ideas and squeeze out their characters, and keep track of what they want to do with their characters to help with their development.

You can have as many characters as you want, but if you want to have more than three - let me know first.

Lastly, I will also recruit neutral or villainous characters that aren't a part of the main group of adventurers. Obviously, you should expect slightly less development for them, but rest assured, I will do my best to keep them occupied with seeding despair in the hearts of the main characters. If you have an idea for an antagonist, pitch it to me over PM, we'll talk it over, and we'll see if everything checks out. Okay? Okay. Okay!

Oh, last thing. Currency here is called Blossoms because the Kings and Queens are deeply in love with the Gods, who are deeply in love with the natural habitat. This carries onto names, so I'll give you an extra point if you name your character after a species of flowers. It doesn't have to be the first name.

Now, let's pray this doesn't fail. The previous two roleplays I tried to make died faster than people during the Black Plague.

Interest Check

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Hanarei Hanarei FireMaiden FireMaiden Alteras Alteras Archdemon Archdemon @Lena Oxton

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf (I know you're busy. Just politely telling you this exists.)
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer (Yes, you can play a friendly bigfoot.)
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You caught me at a perfect time. Just finished my most important final. I'm in.
Awesome! I'll join! Already have a character idea that would probably work best especially since this is kinda like the legend of Zelda! :D

Hell I might even make a bad guy too, but that depends on if you want a dynamic villain who can change throughout the Rp or just be that evil badass that doesn't really change.

Gonna tag in my buddy Moon to see if they want in on this action here. Moonsetter Moonsetter you down for this?
I've been trying for a very low magic approach lately. I expect you to enforce that

I'm in
Hell I might even make a bad guy too, but that depends on if you want a dynamic villain who can change throughout the Rp or just be that evil badass that doesn't really change.
I prefer dynamic villains. It's much more fun when the evil-doers are not stoic, cold, callous monsters. It's fun when they are just as emotionally vulnerable and "human" as the "heroes."
I've been trying for a very low magic approach lately. I expect you to enforce that

I'm in
I expect this RP to have less weight on "pure force" and more weight on forcing the characters to use everything they can.

There won't be just fighting caves of goblins to get to an artifact. You will have to convince politicians to your worldview. You will have to solve puzzles. You will have to be a real munchkin to figure out the seemingly-useless Ring of Dispel with a range of 10 centimeters you found can be put on the barrel of your musket to put magically shrunk cannonballs inside and fire them like a magical rocket launcher as their shrink spell wears off from the ring's power.
I prefer dynamic villains. It's much more fun when the evil-doers are not stoic, cold, callous monsters. It's fun when they are just as emotionally vulnerable and "human" as the "heroes."

Got it! Go for the more emotional villain with morals maybe. But could we also use villains in the sense of like The Terminator which actively hunts the heroes and doesn't really have emotion? Not that I'm doing that but is that a possibility?

I'd probably would go for a villain more like Zuko from The Last Airbender.

Either way my hero character is gonna be like the Best Fish Boy cause... He's a humanoid fish character. I'm literally wanting to play the same character I have from another Rp because I just love playing his personality type.
I need some grandiose in my life. What's better than a girl who acts like Robin Hood and breaks Edna's #1 rule?

I expect this RP to have less weight on "pure force" and more weight on forcing the characters to use everything they can.

There won't be just fighting caves of goblins to get to an artifact. You will have to convince politicians to your worldview. You will have to solve puzzles. You will have to be a real munchkin to figure out the seemingly-useless Ring of Dispel with a range of 10 centimeters you found can be put on the barrel of your musket to put magically shrunk cannonballs inside and fire them like a magical rocket launcher as their shrink spell wears off from the ring's power.
Well then. Now that I know what level of development we're aiming for, I gotta actually think hard about my character.
Birdsie Birdsie got a question on the gods, how many are there and what type of gods do we have? Do we have a Pantheon? Does everyone believe in these gods? Are there multiple religions? Etc...
"I'm the Master of Flash! The Grandiose Rose! The Robin Hood this world needs! I'm..........Wait, my player doesn't know my name yet."
-My character

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