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Fantasy Of Nature, Salt, and Other Oddities - CS








Elementalist (Specializes in Water)




--High Concept--

A very naive girl who is an innocent and sweet girl, but when she touches water, she becomes evil.

--Character Alignment--
Chaotic Good

Hiro Fujito - Father - Deceased

Kimi Fujito - Mother - Unknown




Ai is a very naive girl. She believes that there is good in every single person out there. She's also extremely innocent, so if you decide to flirt with her or do something dirty, she won't know what it means. She's very energetic and outgoing, so it's very easy for her to make friends. She's not very smart or intelligent, either. However, when she's in her siren form, she's not naive. She won't trust anyone. She's not sweet and innocent. Instead, she's a very gory and grim person. In siren form, she's cold and ruthless.

Ai Fujito is a siren. Well... a half siren. On land, she's able to use her human form, but in water, she's able to use her siren form. However, when she's in her siren form, she doesn't recall anything that has happened. When she is her siren form, she is the complete opposite of her human self's personality.

Since she was a child, she was always a carefree, and kind girl. She would always help everyone. Her mother was never really around, because she was a full siren living in the water. Her father kept this secret from her. However, one day, when Ai came home from playing with her friend, she witnessed her father's brutal death. In his dying breath, he told Ai the truth. That she was part siren. And with his last bit of energy, he gave her a glass bottle that was her mother's. "It was a wedding gift."

It all clicked inside Ai. Whenever she would swim... whenever water would touch her legs.. why everything was pitch black... it was because she was part siren.

She was then sent to an orphanage. She lived in that orphanage for years. She was still a kind and generous person. She would still help people, because that's what her father taught her. Because she's too naive, people at times would take advantage of her. However, when she was seventeen, she decided to run away from that orphanage and find her mother.

At times, she would accidently fall into lakes and bodies of water and become her horrible siren self, but that would turn back to normal because she would always wash up on land.

Ai decided to try her best not to touch any water, and continue the search for her mother. To comfort herself, she would sing herself a lullaby that her mother would sing to her when she was only a baby.




--Weapons & Armor--

Bow and Arrow

--Items & Personal Belongings--
Her satchel has all of her important items in it, like a glass bottle, which is the only memory of her father.

--Skills & Abilities--
She can charm her way out of dangerous situations.
Her singing is beautiful.
Problem Solving
Her problem solving skills are the best.

--Spells & Magic--
I'm too lazy to type, so here.
Siren Physiology
Oh, and her water magic because of her class.

Too Naive
Ai is too naive. She expects the best in people too often.
When she's in the water, she turns into a siren, which she wants to prevent.
She's too sensitive.




"Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for one person."
"A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear!"
"Silly me... expecting too much from people again..."




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: Chorranth Ichorbane.
Aliases: The Towering Terror.
Age: 298; 74 years living, 224 years undead.
Gender: Male.
Race: Undead Elephant Beastfolk.
Class: Paladin.

: Heterosexual.
High Concept: An evil paladin who has spent his whole life and undeath preparing for the coming of Estrellath.
Character Alignment: Chaotic 'Evil'. He believes himself to be the good guy, but then again, who doesn't?
Relatives: Two long-deceased Elephant Beastfolk mother and father, with names unpronounceable in human tongue. They died of natural causes when he was in his twenties.
Organizations\Affiliations: The Cult of Chaos.
Personality: Blunt, unspeaking, straight to the point. If you are wanted alive by Estrellath, he will catch you with nary a word. If you are wanted dead, he will kill you without so much as giving you a chance to reason with him. It is believed he might not be able to even talk at all; that the years of undeath have rotted out his tongue. Whether it is true or not, he rarely attempts to communicate anything at all, preferring to let his actions speak rather than his words. He is brutal and vicious in combat, and his style has a paradoxically wild yet refined quality to it.
Backstory: Chorranth grew up in a quiet village of Elephantfolk–well, as quiet as a village of over one hundred 12,000 pound beasts can be. When Chorranth was a child, it was a peaceful, tribal society, where everyone put in what they could and only took as much as they needed. Everyone cooperated and lived harmoniously, because peace between neighbors was the only way they knew of surviving the harsh wilds. Among the Elephantfolk, there was a sort of closeness that not even family quite matched; everyone knew and cared for everyone else like they were kin. The village had been like this for thousands of years, and some who believed the tribe's mythology even believe it had been like that for as long as the world has existed. However, drastic change would come in the form of first contact with human 'civilization'.
The Elephantfolk quickly adopted the agriculture, societal norms, and structure of governance that humans had, and, superficially, all was good. However, Chorranth knew better. He saw the bonds of the village dissolve right before his eyes. His fellow Elephantfolk were no longer kin; the only saw each other as another method of self-advancement anymore. Chorranth had watched human civilization decompose a once deeply-spiritual, tightly-knit community into just another one of its degenerate villages. So, Chorranth left. He learned to fight, he studied the religious texts, he learned magic and spells, he plotted for days about how he would bring his village back to their senses, but he soon realized nothing he could do would save the village. However, he did find a detail in the theological texts that piqued his interests; the coming of Estrellath. He knew it was heretical, but he would see the destruction of human civilization if it killed him.
He trained his chaos magic and his fighting for day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. When he found himself too old to live on by natural means, he simply made himself undead with chaos magic and kept training on, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, and century after century. It was during this time that rumors in the Eflorian Army spread of a giant armored beast wiping out entire platoons of soldiers that strayed too far from the main army.
Now, Estrellath comes, and Chorranth intends to make his favor, one way or the other.


Weapons & Armor: His awe-striking, giant 25-foot halberd is his weapon of choice, and extremely thick armor covers him from head to toe.
Items & Personal Belongings: Nothing at all. He does not need to eat, sleep, or drink, and thus does not need survival gear.
Skills & Abilities:
Combat: Utterly terrifying for even some of the most well-trained knights to fight.
Building Destruction: He can tear through peasant cottages almost effortlessly, and charge through most wooden gates.
Dismemberment: A popular method for finishing off enemies for him is beheading, and he can rip the limbs off of an average-sized human or smaller if he's caught them.
Spells & Magic:
Chaotic Regeneration: Can heal extremely wounds by forming compatible flesh in the wounds, but it's anyone's guess if it'll turn you into a freak of nature or not. The more serious the wound is, the greater chance of deformity. Only usable on people with Chaos' favor. Chorranth cannot use it on himself.
Smite Good: The opposite of Smite Evil; channels the will of Chaos into his attacks against the foes of Chaos. Does not work on neutrals or the evil-aligned.
Anti-Fear Aura: Passive aura that prevents nearby agents of Chaos from running from battle.
Detect Good: Sense the auras of people opposed to Chaos.
Cripplingly Slow: Almost glacial.
Decaying: His undead state is beginning to wither and decompose, which is slowly sapping his strength and will eventually cause him to fall apart.
No Metabolism: He can't grow muscle mass, can't process poisons or food, and can't heal naturally.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: He enjoys relaxing in the natural world, like he used to do in his youth.
Quote\s: "..."
Theme: Silence is his song.

( Birdsie Birdsie This character is intentionally flat as to be less of a recurring character and more of a boss fight for down the line, maybe even a looming threat that the gang has to hide from until they are ready to fight him. My goal was to make him as absolutely terrifying as possible.)
: Charles Pen
Aliases: 'The Patron Saint of Refuse'
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: (You may create your own race, provided that you will write down a fairly detailed description of its physiology, culture, etc.)
Class: ScaVenger

: Heterosexual
High Concept: A young person with a passion for everything that nobody wants, 'one man's trash is another man's treasure' personified.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relatives: The Saint likes to claim they crawled out of an old crib in some junkyard. It's not likely, but they've obscured their origins enough for it to seem true to the most of their associates. Do be assured though, her claims of having no living relatives are quite genuine.
Organizations/Affiliations: None.
Personality: A contrary sort of person who likes to give things names that are more obscure than they likely need to be. Maybe a decent drinking partner, but too hung up on her strange set of ideals to be tolerable enough to call a friend. Her morality is of the sort that is only good for as long as she 'needs and has to be'. Not untrustworthy, but perhaps the kind of person that needs to be kept on a short leash.
Backstory: (At least a solid paragraph. Keep it relevant - you can explore minor details in the RP proper.)

: A young woman as well kept as a street-dweller can be. Dressed in rags and donning ever shoddy equipment, she has an undeniably 'ragged' look to her. It is clear however, that she places much value in those things that others call rags and junk. Despite their being in tatters she keeps her things clean and will keep them at their side until they've broken completely. Her hair is surprisingly pristine despite her living conditions, her years of experience having taught her how to keep it far enough out of the way to never get too dirty.
Weapons & Armor:
  • Beetle - A lumbering blade that once belonged to an elegant lady knight. It is kept polished and clean, but it has long since dulled. Not much more than a, admittedly large, sword-shaped hunk of steel.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Shell - A battered scabbard that looks to be of regal origins. Perhaps it once held an ornamental blade of a fallen kingdom. It is without magical properties and is far too small to hold Charles's Beetle. Just an ornament.
  • Partner - A scarf stained red with Charles's own blood. It has only ever had one owner.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Throwing Your Weight Around - Something like the blade's equivalent of the Drunken Fist. Charles's movements are clumsy and untrained, but she manages to get away with swinging her should-be useless weapon around with reckless abandon. Her approach to combat seems to be based around using the massive weight of her weapon to her advantage, not just to crush her foes but as a tool to augment her movement too.
  • Scrapper - Charles is no thief, but sometimes things are abandoned under lock and key. Locking picking is definitely beyond her, so instead she became very good at breaking things while protecting their precious contents. This is doubly true when there's no precious contents to protect.
Spells & Magic:
  • MagpEye - A natural ability to find things that have been discarded. If there's 'something good' in a pile of refuse or left abandoned in general, the 'Saint' will certainly end up finding it.
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character.)

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: If you ever see an inappropriately well-groomed stray cat or dog, you'll find your answer. Making old things 'feel new again' in general.
  • "I'm no common thug or thief, so if you want to throw away thing that you still want do it somewhere else, please."
  • "If you want to throw away your life, go ahead. I'll be sure to inherit it, woes, goals and all."
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