• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Of Nature, Salt, and Other Oddities - CS


The God-Emperor of Mankind
Interest Check

- A like from me means the sheet is accepted.
- When your character obtains a new item/ability, add it to the CS. I won't demand this for small changes, like having 5 more coins in your sack. This applies to major, important items.

: (Their true name.)
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
Age: (Biological age. How long have you been there?)
Gender: (Male, Female, Genderless, or Hermaphrodite depending on Race.)
Race: (You may create your own race, provided that you will write down a fairly detailed description of its physiology, culture, etc.)
Class: (Feel free to make your own, however, the basic, recommended list can be found here: Fantasy Character Classes - TV Tropes.)

: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
High Concept: (Sum up your character in a sentence.)
Character Alignment: (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaos Good, Chaos Neutral, or Chaos Evil.)
Relatives: (People that are biologically related to your character.)
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with.)
Personality: (At least 3 lines. Make sure the character has it's strengths and flaws.)
Backstory: (At least a solid paragraph. Keep it relevant - you can explore minor details in the RP proper.)

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text.)
Weapons & Armor: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat.)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them.)
Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket.)
Spells & Magic: (Magical. Spells and magical abilities that the character has.)
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character.)

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)
Theme: (Musical theme.)
The Big Bad and the Final Boss

    : Estrellath
    Aliases: Avatar of Chaos, The Final King, The Last King, King of Silence
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Race: Chaos Avatar - Human Body
    Class: Black Knight
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"The spirits guided me here."
Name: Azazel Arum
Aliases: Shaman
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Shaman

Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: A bright young tribesman from the Khalaian forests with high enthusiasm for the future.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: Shira Arum (Adopted Sister), Shaya Arum (Mother), Zachael Arum (Father)
Heartwood Tribe - Chieftain's Son
Khalaian Druids - Honorary associate

Personality: Even as a child Azazel showed little to no signs of aggression. At his birth he didn't cry, he never got into fights as a young boy, and not even his ever-teasing sister managed to get him annoyed. Sure, he can joke around as if he's upset, but to actually see him without a faint smile would nearly be frightful at this point. He enjoys company far more than solitude, and is an extroverted soul that likes to get attention. All of this might suggest he's soft, but it'd be a massive exaggeration. As the chieftains son he's had to protect his tribe whether he liked to or not, but he'd rather kill with a smile than kill with a spell.

Backstory: Deep in the Khalaian forests, obscured from society by dangerous flora and sabertoothed fauna, ancient wood monstrosities and layers upon layers of moss there is a tree. A white, silver-leaved oak that has remained there, unchanged for several thousand years. Nobody knows exactly where it came from or how it came to be, but those who know of it agree at one point. Its magical power is something to be awestruck about.

The heartwood oak is an ancient source of untameable magic, immune to other magics and completely resistant to physical harm by any means. The woodfolk have gathered around it for centuries, believing it to protect them from harm in those dangerous times. Superstition perhaps, but after those hundreds of years something changed within them; or well, that's an exaggeration. Something changed within one man. Yggdrasill Arum.

People gathered from all through the forest to see Yggdrasill break a branch off of the great tree, and with it introduce the age of the shamans. The bloodline following him recieved the same gift, at the trade-off that they were unable of carrying more than a single child. Blind superstition lead them to follow the Arum family and rever them as Gods for their insight into the magic of nature, and with them in authority the tribe thrived for ages.

Until now. Soon after the birth of Azazel Arum, darkness took hold of the Scrying Shamans' visions. Demons and Chaos came to them like nightmares, and it soon became obvious that Azazel needed to be made ready for a future harder than any that had come before. A trial for a truly great chieftain, and perhaps the tidings of a great future.

Meanwhile, Azazel grew up blissfully unaware. From a very young age he was eased into the extreme training he required to get to the level of a son of Arum. Hunting was taught to him by his father, and the secrets of nature's essence revealed to him by the Khalaian Druids, the forest tribals born with an innate ability to feel nature. The stout and proud defenders of the woods and all its inhabitants, human or not.

Despite the intensity of this life, Azazel didn't despise a moment of it. It was everything he ever knew, and he was happy to support his soon-to-be people. At age 15 with his tattoo finished he had already slayed a giant horn-beast by himself, as well as saved the life of a couple of druids. This landed him an honorary associate title with them, despite the deepwood tribe's usual exclusion from the druids' association. See, the druid's didn't really like the Arum family. Getting powers from an ancient tree was considered cheating to them, and in their professional opinion the Arum legacy was some quote "pussy shit" endquote.

At 20 he'd completed his Shamanic initation rite and recieved the title of "Shaman of Destiny" by his peers, once his life's biggest mission was revealed. He must journey out of the sanctity of the woods and apprehend the evil that had sprouted in the lands outside, a feat which would undoubtedly make him the greatest chieftain of his time. He gladly accepted, and began his odyssey.

Appearance: A lightly freckled man of average height with lithe muscles and a proportionate frame. Azazel is pale, as a life within the deep woods is not rife with sunlight. He has a light beard with some stubble leading up to his thick brown hair. In line with tribe customs it hasn't been cut since his 15th birthday and then tied into dreadlock knots behind his head. As the son of his tribe's chieftain his life has been tattooed year-by-year into his right arm up until his 15th birthday, as is also custom. After death, these arms are to be removed and preserved underneath the heartwood tree to nurture it with their innate power. Neither functional nor sanitary, but it's tradition and has never been disputed.

Weapons & Armour:
Heartwood Staff - A branch removed from the Heartwood Oak by Azazel himself at the time of his shamanic initiation. The ability to remove it is the proof that he is also born with the ability to control quintessential magics of nature, the only school capable of manipulating the tree at all. The staff itself is completely indestructible and will only rot and break down if Azazel should die. In every other way it functions just like a normal wooden staff does.

Shaman's Clothes - The traditional garment for the Shaman is, well, just a pair of black trousers and long hair. No shoes, no shirt, no nothing. This is intended to keep you at a much more natural state than wearing clothes, and it sort of works due to the fickle nature of shamanistic magics.

Heart of the Jewel - A heart-shaped ruby recieved as a gift from his family before his journey. Its power is to draw energy from the land around the shaman, which can be released in a surge to the wearer's body once a day.

Druid's Emblem - A bronze medallion showing his membership in a druid's association.

Slingbag - A slingbag fashioned out of tanned leather. It contains: Fresh fruit & nuts, medicinal herbs, a bedroll and a brush.

Skills & Abilities:
Master Staff Fighter - The first and foremost area of practice for any Shaman. A sound body and a sound body is necessary, and the muscle gained from practicing with staves since he was just a child has helped him find peace.

Medication - It is a Shaman's responsibilities to protect his Tribe, and that includes the treatment of wounds and illnesses. Azazel is a capable medic.

Unfaltering Will - Meditation and soul-searching, magically empowered with hyper-sensitive empathy, blessed from birth... All of those things combined have forced Azazel to either become a neurotic mess or to become a true shaman. He is completely at peace with himself and is extremely good at resisting anything aimed at his mind.

Pathfinding - Azazel has an uncanny affinity for finding his way in previously untraveled areas.

Spells & Magic:
Jungle's Blessing - The innate power that the Arum family passes down through generations. They have such an affinity for nature that flora and fauna are more impressionable by them than they are by even earth elementals and spriggans. This ability also keeps their body temperature at the unusually high 40°C at all times, unless they become seriously injured. This being the reason their strange outfits are actually functional.

Charm - Weaker-minded animals will listen and heed kind requests from a Shaman without doubt. Stronger-minded animals, creatures and monsters can be overpowered by the Shaman's will if they make eye contact. Humans and similar intelligent races are also affected by this ability, but for them it only makes the Shaman strangely likeable when talked to.

Commanding Charm - Paired with the Azazel's Jungle Blessing, the weaker Charm ability is empowered. With eye contact Azazel can command nearly every creature bar humanoids, even release undead from their curses, return summoned creatures to their origins, and aid in breaking mental spells on humanoids.

Shaman's Arsenal - Learning the secrets of nature takes time even for the Arum and Azazel hasn't spent enough years in training to fully understand it, but as a Shaman he's learned several techniques; Forcing and manipulating the growth of plants, healing wounds and illnesses with magic, communicating and sharing the vision of animals, and calming aura.

Hedge Mage's Arsenal - The mostly unrefined magic of the forest is fickle, but with the support of nature can be used. This gives a list of basic abilities; Magic Bolt, Weak Telekinesis, Summon Light, Minor Precognition, Arcane Shield.

Fragile - Neither is Azazel physically tough nor armoured. If he's hit then he'll definitely feel it.

Sympathetic Empath - Azazel is in tune with the natural world around him to such a point that he feels the pain of creatures around him. Though his practice as a Shaman has led him to learn to resist this, it can still distract him if it becomes too much.

Peaceful - Azazel is a strong fighter in melee, but to consider him a warrior is ridiculous. He's a hunter at best, and has been raised never to condone violence.

Hobbies: Azazel really enjoys knitting. It puts him at peace.
Quotes: "If you're seeking peace, you're already halfway there."
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: Amelia "Amy" Ellis
Aliases: Amy; The Grandiose Rose; Robin (Hood)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Swashbuckler; Scout

: Bisexual
High Concept: The master of flash, the most flamboyant fencer you'll ever meet
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
Relatives: Sir Joseph Watson- Mentor
Organizations\Affiliations: TBR
Personality: An appearance obsessed apprentice fencer of a an old war general, she's loves to show off. She has a heavy sense of justice and sees herself as the town Robin Hood, but she doesn't steal. Amy loves nature and tends to sleep outside often, as well as explore caves, which has caused her to run into trouble a few times in her life. She's been known to move very quick on the battlefield, using her endless energy and optimism to dazzle and confuse her opponents, then defeat them. While she'd easily kill a creature, she hasn't nor wants to kill a human
Backstory: She's been trained starting at her adolescence by Sir Joseph Watson for exceeding in a local swordplay competition, Amy has spent her adolescence in training. If she hadn't been training, she'd go out and explore the world around her, meeting people and looking for new artifacts. Nothing dramatic has happened in her life, and she wants the first thing she's known around the world for is defeating Estrellath


Weapons & Armor:
Amulet of Wishes- This amulet, acquired from one of her deep cave adventures, gives her 3 wishes per day, though they're activated more like commands. They reset at Midnight. Will be elaborated on in the Fluff

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Health and Mana potions x3 each
  • Spyglass- For looking to faraway places
Skills & Abilities:
  • Intermediate Fencing- Trained under the best, she's pretty good at fencing and fencing specifically. Not so much in other aspects
  • Movement- She's great at jumping, climbing, movement. She has very high agility

Spells & Magic:

  • Sword Beam- When she's at full stamina, her blade releases magic energy without taking away from her mana
  • Double Jump- Not really a "double" jump as she can theoretically use it indefinitely. She uses her mana to create a platform to step on while in the air. Typically used in chases or to reach otherwise unreachable places. She can hold one in place to stand on air, but it constantly drains mana
  • Stillpiercer- Her bread and butter spell against enemies who's armor is too thick or tough for her. With a burst of Wind Magic, she shoots through both armor and magic shields in a single thrust. Useless against physical shields and uses up a good bit of her mana

  • 3 wishes- Her wishes are not only limited to 3 per day, but they're under HEAVY restriction
  • Not the strongest- Don't expect her to do much in a battle if she can't move effectively.
  • Ranged Challenged- Sword Beam and her 3 wishes are her only sources of ranged attacks.
  • No armor - Any armor she must wish for
  • No shield - must wish for it

FLUFF (Optional)
Wish parameters:
  • Can't wish for the ability to do or learn any kind of magic, any magic items, etc.
  • Can't wish for more wishes
  • Can't wish for the direct affect of a person, positive or negative. (ie. She can't wish for someone to die or for someone's injuries to heal. She can only wish for the equipment that let's her do it)
  • Any item she obtains via wishes disappears at the reset. This includes clothing, food and armor, as well as money
  • Any item she wishes for is specific. For example, she can't wish for "things to sustain herself." It has to be food, shelter, water, etc. separately
  • She can cast a wide variety of spells via a wish, but 1 spell = 1 wish.

Practices her dynamic entries

Quote\s: "Halt! You can't run from the Grandiose Rose, so give up now!"
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Xayah & Azazel | Xayah Lich Form | Xayah Lich Form (Agony)

Xayah Barbarossa

Keeper of the Dead | The White Witch | Barbarossa | The Wizardess of Disaster | Prodigy of the White Lotus






High Concept:
A skilled wizardess struggling with the agony of the past and morals of the present.

Character Alignment:
Neutral Evil

Birth Mother | Unknown
Birth Father | Unknown
Azazel von Hilder | Mentor/Guardian
Elijah Hilder | Mentor/Guardian

Order of the White Lotus | A well known guild among those of the mystical arts. It's ranks were prestigious and many have rumored the possibility of divine knowledge within the guilds grasp. Unfortunately, all signs of the guild have vanished.

Estrellath's Minions | General

Xayah is a very quiet and reserved girl. She only speaks when spoken to and rarely shares whats on her mind. She is very studious and knowledgeable and she is more than willing to share information with those that she sees fit to converse with. She can be seen as ruthless in combat. Many see her as heartless and blood thirsty. She does as the leader commands without question. However, her surface is far from her true self. She chooses to conceal her feelings afraid of letting others see how she truly is on the inside; fragile.

As a newborn, Xayah was abandoned in the streets of Ca'lon; a small passing of magic types from town to town. There seemed to be no sign of any interaction with her aside from a small series of cuts along her fingers and neck. She exerted a dark aura aside from her humble and loving appearance. Eventually, a traveling wizard known as Ellijah would travel the dirt path only to paused at the sound of a child's cry. When he laid his eyes on Xayah alone, famished and weakened, he knew that there was something special about her. So, he took upon the liberty to bring her to the guild house of the Order of the White Fang.

The Order was one of the most prestigious magic guilds far and wide. Many hoped and dreamed to join among it's ranks. Members consisted of nearly hundreds and Elijah just so happened to be one of the head seats. Elijah's husband, Azazel, was currently the head leader at the time and hearing news that his beloved had found a child alone and afraid brought join to his heart. They raised her lovingly. Xayah had the beautiful childhood that anyone could ask for. At a young age, she began to take interest in the mystic arts in hopes of becoming as strong as her fathers. Elijah saw it too dangerous to teach such a young girl, however, Azazel saw it as a perfect opportunity to pass on the dark arts to a successor. He began to teach her the ways of necromancy; both the good and the evil. However, he always instructed to her that regardless of how powerful it may seem, she could not allow sorrow to drive her power because it would become too monstrous. She would become monstrous.

Years passed and Xayah became one of the Order's star prodigies. After an examination, facing her father in a testing duel, she proved herself worthy to finally join the ranks. Finally she would be able to know the knowledge of the guilds work and assist in rituals and missions. Life seemed just about perfect for her. However, this did not last long.

One winter evening at the guild would soon become the most tragic moment of her life. Estrellath and his underlings led a full fledged attack on the guild. It was only a matter of time. From what she could gather, Estrellath had would seek Azazel in hopes of getting him to join. His knowledge of necromancy was legendary. With such power, who knew what Estrellath could accomplish. However, the man could not leave his family behind. Driven by madness by the rejection, Estrellath was merciless. Member after member of the guild were slaughtered staining the crystalline floors crimson red with their blood. When Xayah came face to face with him, Elijah instructed her to run. However, she stood her ground attempting to fend him off. Seeing that Azazel was not the only necromancer present, Estrellath began to develop a plan. Within moments, he began to steal away the life and souls of Elijah and Azazel right before her eyes. Their beings placed within a crystal staff and their bodies motionless. Xayah was crushed, however, he intended to give her and offer.

"Fight for me, and I will give you back the souls of your family."

She was left with no choice. It was all her fault. If only she had listened to Elijah before, everyone would be safe. This wouldn't happen. She began as a usual minion, however, far more ruthless than the rest. She slaughtered commanding the dead with little to no remorse. She was promoted to general. Many feared her. However stoic her face may appear, she was broken on the inside. Necromancy is a very emotional art. If she were to even let herself become engulfed with grief or agony, it can ruin her. Destroy her. So, she chooses to be unfeeling. Allowing herself to become an emotionless tool to Estrellath for the time being. She is not a bad person. In fact, she regrets every life she must take. However, she would go through hell and back to have them back. She would do anything to feel loved again.

Weapons & Armor:
  • Fallen Widow : Xayah's primary weapon of assault. This weapon had been crafted and stained by the blood of the undead allowing this blade to be their link into new life. The weapon itself consists of multiple talismans utilized in her rituals.
  • Banshee Veil : A hooded cloak intended to protect Xayah as well as be pretty comfortable.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Tome of Spoken Silence: A tome containing shriveled pages that teach the reader how to speak an incomprehensible tongue, known as the Spoken Silence. Although impossible to understand without extensive magical study, it nonetheless holds immense power. Because what the speaker says is actually nonexistent, meaningless non-words, it cannot be heard by anything that isn't spiritual in nature. As such, to living humans, it appears more like an aura than something that can be heard. Spoken Silence has many practical applications, but the most common one is to strip down people of their convictions and minds. Spoken in response to a speech of zeal, it dissolves it into doubts. Said in a prayer, it rots religion. Weak mortals cannot resist it, and even the mighty find themselves cloud with doubt, hesitation and fear when exposed to it. It renders thoughts and voices into nonsensical glossolalia and dissolves understanding like a cocktail of acids eating through precious metals. Pages containing it shrivel. Stories spoken in it end. Minds exposed to it become empty vessels, well-prepared to receive the Sacrament of Silence.

    Estrellath has spent two nights writing down a tome of this language, enlightened by Chaos. He gave it to one of his acolytes, so that he may spread the Sacrament of Silence and pass it on further. It is becoming an increasingly popular magic among Estrellath's more educated lieutenants.
  • Remembrance : An old photo discovered in the wreckage of the old Order's guild house. There a young Elijah and Azazel are seen among fellow wizards. She cherishes this image and thanks it for not allowing her to forget their smiling faces.

Skills & Abilities:
  • Levitation : Xayah is able to levitation a number of feet above the ground to ensure her safety in combat.
  • Ranged to Close : Xayah is skilled in both close combat and ranged combat.
  • Keeper of Knowledge : She had been studying ancient text since she was a child. She is able to recognize a number of different languages as well as decyphering spells.

Spells & Magic:
  • Agony : Upon each minion of Xayah's that has passed, she gains a stack of Agony. Agony can stack infinitely, however, the more Agony present, the stronger her casts may become.
  • Animate the Dead : One of the many spells necromancers are known for. Simply put, if there's something dead, she can control it. These undead specters follow Xayah's commands and if they have fallen in battle, she has the power to bring them new life and allow them to continue the fight.
  • Doom : Doom is a status ability that allows her to overwhelm her enemies preventing them from moving for a short period of time. Enemies are also feel a sense of weakening for said period of time.
  • Hex : A curse is placed on an enemy leaving them void of vision as well as a chance of inducing fear. If feared, enemies will become unresponsive momentarily to the outside world.
  • Embodiment of the Lich : One of the many dark arts that she will only utilize as a last resort. She is able to convert herself into a lich. With it, her power grows strong. However, it may cost her not only her humanity but also her will to live.

  • Emotionally unstable : She can become very unstable and unpredictable if driven to madness.
  • Frail : Xayah is a strong fighter. However, there are only so many blows she can take. She is no where near defensive and often uses her undead as "shields" instead.
  • Questionable loyalty : She serves him, however, her morals do not line with him.



  • Reading
  • Piano Playing
  • Dancing
  • Cooking

"I realize life was not designed to be fair. Oh, but how I wish it was.."

coding by cychotic
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: Daeden

The Mad Jester


Age: Appears mid 40's

Gender: Male

: Human

Class: Spellblade

: ???

High Concept: The Evil Advisor to the King

Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil

???: Mother

Estrellath's Minions: Advisor to the king.

When you look at Daeden you see a man of insanity. He mumbles, whispers, screams, and laughs his words yet they hold more clarity and intelligence than what you see. This man is a monster, he holds no morals of any kind, he would destroy the world at any moment if it would please himself. He holds no real allegiance to anything except for The Mother. He would do anything for her, and holds her up as his idol. He cherishes her dreams and goals as if they were his own.

Almost nothing is known about the Man, other than he's the advisor to the King. There are rumors that he's a demon but they are only that... Rumors.

There is some talk that the man is insanely powerful, yet there has not been a shred of evidence to support this theory.


Weapons & Armor:

Daeden can use most weapons, prefers to use two Long swords in each hand.

Daeden prefers not to wear armor.

Items & Personal Belongings:
Jester uniform: his normal clothes




Skills & Abilities:




Maniacal Laugh: It sends shivers down people's spines.


Spells & Magic:






FLUFF (Optional)




"What is life? Is it truly special? I guess it's interpretation differs between others. To me... It's a clawing, scratching sound begging to be silenced! To preserve life is to try and make it less loud, and the noise is still there. There can be no silence, no peace without ending the source."

Normal theme:

Birdsie Birdsie
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    : Wayland
    Aliases: The Mischevious
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Race: Demigod of Dungeon Loot
    Class: Tinkerer
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: Paul Duskcoin
Aliases: The Gate of Ehz-alit,
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Cultist

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Follower of The Sea Mother
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relatives: Been Disowned by his old family and considers his Brothers & Sisters of Faith to be his true family
Organizations\Affiliations: Children Of The Sea
Personality: (At least 3 lines. Make sure the character has it's strengths and flaws.)
Backstory: (At least a solid paragraph. Keep it relevant - you can explore minor details in the RP proper.)


Weapons & Armor: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat.)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them.)
Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket.)
Spells & Magic: (Magical. Spells and magical abilities that the character has.)
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character.)

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)
Theme: (Musical theme.)
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: Azaren Tritis

Simon (Preferred Name)
Prince Of Altanis

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Race: Fishfolk: Shark Varient
Fishfolk is a crude name given by Fishermen die to their humanoid fish-like nature. The actual name they are given is Altanians due to the wide variety of species of humanoid fish people. Each species has their own unique traits like say Catfish are more stealthy while Sharks are physically stronger

Class: Knight


: Bisexual

High Concept: The Handsome fish Prince from the sea.

Character Alignment: Lawful Good

King Corpis Tritis: Father
Queen Veri Tritis: Mother
Princess Merrill Tritis: younger sister

Altanis Royal Family: Prince Heir
Altanis Military: Prince General

You could say Simon is a bit of a happy go lucky guy, if you don't believe in yourself he'll believe in you in your place. He is also a bit of a Narcissist, often making himself to be a perfect person though it's usually to say 'If I can do it so can you!' So it's not that bad. He enjoys good laughs and great conversations, as well as working hard. He's greatest asset though is his Charm, both in his handsome appearance and when talking to people. Though while he's a nice guy, he's also extremely stubborn, once he puts his mind to something he won't budge an inch. Doesn't matter what it is, whether it's his morals, dreams, even in physical work which is above his station.

Simon is a very social person, always trying to make somebody happy somehow.

Simon is the Prince to a kingdom under the seas. Altanis is a kingdom that has existed for centuries and spans throughout the ocean. It is often told in myth that the God Posiris, God of the seas, was the one who created the Fish Folk as guardians to protect the seas from any threat.

Simon was born into the royal family and is considered the Heir to the throne. Early on he had shown great social and leadership skills, often making friends and being their leader. He was also very confident in himself leading to many adventures and daring stunts.

Simon grew up and under went the training all royalty must go through. He was trained in the arts of land and underwater combat by great teachers. He was taught to be more persuasive and diplomatic in both land and water politics.

Soon rumors erupted of a rising evil in the world in the name of Estrellath. At the same time Simon grew more adventurous and wanted to explore the surface world. His family denied him saying it was too dangerous yet he was stubborn. He eventually broke his parents down into allowing him to go adventuring, asking him to be safe. Simon left his underwater kingdom to the surface world to go adventuring and to seek out the rumors of a rising evil.


Weapons & Armor:
Trident: Simon prefers to use the trident as a weapon, often using a specific fighting technique when using it.

Scale Mail armor fitted out to be used by Simon.

Items & Personal Belongings:
Various Jewelry

Sizable sack of gold

Royal Outfit: This isn't really an outfit. There is no shirt or pants, it is what he wears in the picture.

Skills & Abilities:

Great Charisma: Due to his noble upbringing he has a certain charm with his words.

Great Combat skill: He is better than the average warrior is a fight.

Superior Strength and Speed: Due to living underwater and training under It, Simon is stronger and faster than most species and is effectively 3x stronger and faster than a Human.

Agile: To be able to use the trident as a viable weapon, Simon has to be agile and acrobatic to pull of some moves.

Acrobatic: Same thing as above

Aquatic: Simon has no trouble breathing and swimming efficiently underwater.

Spells & Magic:

Stubborn: Whatever Simon sets his mind on something, he will not budge an inch.

Weak to heat: Simon is susceptible to fire magic more.

Fair: Simon will fight fairly even if hos opponent doesn't.


Eating Fish
Learning about the surface world.

"If ever you doubt yourself, I'll be there to prove that you are capable of anything once you put your mind to it!"


Birdsie Birdsie
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Basic Information

Name: Jenny Fountaine
Aliases: "J"
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Ranger


Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: A legendary archer who is just adding another small quest to her ever growing list of feats.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: Mother (alive), Father (alive), Younger brother (Probably alive too)
Organizations\Affiliations: Mercenary Guild; Former member of the Ipomeoa Party
Personality: A generally cheerful attitude, Jenny takes things in stride. Knowing her position as a killer, she tries not to think too much about her actions. She likes to tease people, especially poking fun at romantic couples. Despite all the stories and tales she can tell, she doesn't talk much about her family. Most would find it odd given all the memorabilia that she has on her, but she has her reasons. Despite her being a solo mercenary, she is awfully cheerful and cooperative when with others. She also has a habit of whistling when she fires her arrows, the same pitch it would make when in flight.
Jenny Fountaine, former member of the popular adventurer party Ipomeoa Party. Born to a retired soldier and a housewife, she has adopted her father's expertise in archery. She honed her skill in academies, wilderness, and competitions. For much of her life, she was the idol of the family. Eventually, when her brother was born, she was already a notable member in the adventurer's guild (at age 15). Well, problems happened in the family, and she left to devote herself to adventuring. There wasn't exactly a huge fight, but more of a misunderstanding that left her and her family not on speaking-terms.
Well, as a adventurer, Jenny quickly rose in fame along with the other members of Ipomeoa Party, accomplishing feats that were thought only possible for elven archers. When one of the core members of the party died in one of their quests, they dissolved the party, and Jenny joined the Mercenary guild to keep her finance afloat. Sometime around the age of 25, she took part in a massive part that culminated in her Grand Bow of the Victor. But now, a more important war is happening.


Appearance: Given the image, I doubt much needs to be said, other than the fact that she's 5 foot 10 inches and is extremely light.
Weapons & Armor:
  • Grand Bow of the Victor - A beautifully well crafted bow bestowed upon her for her services during one of the battles before the prophecy came about. It is extremely sturdy and has aided her well.
  • Leather Quiver - Stores up to 40 arrows in this belt quiver. Also has a small pouch.
  • Sling shot - Something of a sentiment of her childhood. She uses it with great accuracy when she runs out of arrows.
  • Outfit - Leather, Leather, Leather, all leather with light cloth, gorgeously sewn with intricate design. Those shoulder plates don't provide protection, so much as embellish her family crest and a nod to her father's service. It also has a nice hoodie. The whole outfit is quite light and provides good protection from the weather
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Blue Earring - A gift from her mother
  • Money - Enough to survive, most of it goes to her family.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Insane Archery Skills - They're so good that they can surpass an elven archer. It has led some to speculate that she's actually an elf with disguised as a human, or even a descended god. She's just a normal human tho. Extreme pinpoint accuracy and range tho.
  • Survivalist - She damn well knows how to look good while living off of berries and squirrels.
  • Story Teller - She's got a number of them.
  • Hardcore Parkour! - Hardcore Parkour!
Spells & Magic:
  • Arrows - Not really magical, but she keeps about 15 arrows enchanted to break any magical barrier or obstruction (think origin bullet from fate/zero)
  • Flight of the Free - Grants her speed, agility, and dexterity, culminating in a "kiting god"
  • Archer - If you can get past her rain of arrows, she's an easy kill.
  • Squishy - She can't really take too many hits.

Hobbies: Flinging stuff with the slingshot for "target practice," Free running and parkour.
"Haha! I maybe single, but I am not an option!"
"Perhaps you would like to listen to this tale..."

Additional Notes: Her signature: Jenny Fountaine

  • (LOL I ALWAYS wanted to avoid using highly famous characters, but lack of a good elf male portrait has forced my hand.)
    : Vanen Eucin

    Aliases: (none)

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Race: Elf-A race of pointy-eared people with high perception and mental fortitude, which is the cause of them being known as some of the best mages and archers. They are also highly skilled craftsmen. They typically live about ten to twenty years longer than humans and retain their youthful beauty longer.

    Class: Sword & Blade Ranger

Birdsie Birdsie FALCON POKE!
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    "Ah, a new face."
    : Gallagallagan
    Aliases: Galla, Goat,
    Age: 28 years
    Gender: Male
    Race: Satyr
    Class: Myrmidon (Medium armored sword fighter)
    Common living places: Forests, typically nearby or in Elvish settlements if they accept them.
    Rarity: Uncommon.
    Numbers: Minimal outside of forests, moderate within forests.
    Disposition to outsiders: Accepting, if stories are taken with a grain of salt about their ways, and if one is willing to party.
    Naming conventions: typically they are lyrical and rhyme, in the end they tend to be easy and fun to say.
    Life expectancy: As elves, unless a violent end is met.

    The Satyr are a curious folk, tied to the realms of the more chaotic parts of the deep woods their general temperament can swiftly change from revelry and joy to an angry drunk goat person at the drop of a hat. Some gain more control of their selves, at times, and allow for their disposition towards the arts to coalesce into a great work of art or music. But very rarely does a satyr look past the woods of which they were born, the very outside world seeming very foreign and uncaring towards their typical on goings. The unbound freedom is something that they cling to ever so dearly.

    For from birth they bare a great connection to the woods, the call of nature and it's magics ever so easy for them to grasp. From this they produce anything they may need to continue their celebrations of life, to share with those of whom who get caught up in their near endless revelry.

    But at times, one may choose to leave the wood, to leave behind the world they grew to know and love. Perhaps urge to search for brighter places beyond, or perhaps the ways of their people grew to tiresome... But nonetheless, this decision must not be made on a whim, for to leave the wood is to forfeit their connection to it. If they leave, the natural gifts will be deadened to them, they will be left with nothing but their own two hands and the clothes, if wearing them, on their back.

    And the world is a scary place for a satyr, one so rigid and full of law, where freedoms are locked away behind laws and societal pressure. but such is the path they choose to walk, for the wood is barred from them for the rest of their long lives, and they have nothing but the large stone structures of man.
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  • 70e7c60e02a279f2a17e6ae371ef38a7.jpg
    : Lupin Havest Lua

    Aliases: The Midnight Wolf

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    Race: Beastinari(Wolf)-Inari in ancient tongue means human. This race is indistinguishable from people aside from the fact that they possess animal ears and a tail always consisting of furry mammals. They have incredible agility and senses, but they have stronger instincts. For instance a bear will become sleepy during the winter, females commonly go through heat, and they have a higher drive to eat what their animal eats.

    Class: Dark Knight (With a little ninja/shadow mixed in)

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    : Zephyr Anthes
    Aliases: Zeph, ( ' THE BEAST)
    Age: 21 (YEARS)
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Class: Berserker (SUB TAMER)

Birdsie Birdsie
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Name: Yves Espoir
Aliases: Silent Death
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Executioner

Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: A young man with a talent for killing.
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relatives: Father, Mother, Older Brother, Younger Sister
Organizations\Affiliations: Espoir Family, Justice
Personality: Yves is a serious young man with an unshakable stoicism in the midst of any situation. Though he may detest his role in society, he is nonetheless committed to properly fulfilling that role. Though his small smiles may be rare, Yves nonetheless attempts to get along with those he'd call allies. As a result of his profession, he's prone to engaging in gallows humor - though, this is unintentional on his end and rather telling of the desensitization that comes with being an executioner. This can also be seen in his lack of qualms when it comes to killing humans or other sentient races - especially if they could be considered evil.
Backstory: The black sheep of the Espoir family. Yves comes from a long line of chirugeons, physickers, and alchemists who are well-known for their skill and unparalleled knowledge of anatomy and medicine. While magic is often a quicker and more convenient method of healing, the mundane methods of the Espoir family are useful for long-term treatment and certain situations that require a skilled hand. Although Yves was put through the rigorous education of a healer, he lacked motivation. Not only was the second son, but he had spent much of his youth in the shadow of his older brother.
Perhaps it's for this reason that Yves had chosen to rebel. Rather than saving people with the knowledge of the Espoir family, Yves instead chose the path of the executioner and ending the lives of the condemned. He had never been on the best of terms with his family, but this decision widened the gap between them. While his work may be steady due to the never-ending supply of criminals marked for death, Yves nonetheless found himself drawn into the role of an adventurer after hearing the rumors about the Temple of the Goddess's destruction. Regardless of how powerful and forsaken this Avatar of Chaos was, Yves decided that it was his duty to put them to the sword in the name of justice.

Appearance: Stands at 5'8'' with a slender build that's obscured by his choice of clothing.
Weapons & Armor:

  • Heavy Greatcoat: A leather coat that's durable enough to serve as a layer of armor. Its dark color also makes it easy to wash out blood stains.
  • Executioner's Greatsword: Yves' weapon of choice is a sizable T-shaped sword. Its unusual shape makes it unsuitable for stabbing or piercing, but this is offset by its incredible prowess when it comes to severing and cutting. The three holes in the blade act as an auditory guide - the sword will whistle if its not swung properly.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Journal
  • Notebook
  • Quill Set
  • Rope
  • Lancet
Skills & Abilities:
  • Humanoid Anatomy Knowledge: Primarily used to determine the sweet spot for decapitations but can still be used for medical aid.
    • Masseuse: A rarely used, but unsurprising application of said knowledge - Yves is actually very good at giving massages.
  • Medical Techniques: Though rather out of practice, the medical knowledge of the Espoir family has still been imparted into him. If someone needs chirurgie, he's the man to rely on.
  • High Mental Fortitude: Yves possesses an uncanny mental resistance to both mind-altering magic and incredibly disturbing scenarios. His poker face and mind remain steady no matter the circumstances.
  • Stealthy: Yves treads silently and his calm demeanor aids him in concealing his presence.
Spells & Magic:
  • Death Knell: A strange, in-born magic that grants Yves the ability to foresee impending death, approaching either himself or someone else, in the form of a bell ringing. It is not true prescience as it does not give him the details of the death in the near future but it does aid him in striking at exactly the right moment and provides some amount of protection with good situational awareness.
  • Detect Evil: Magic used to sense evil nearby. While it does not allow Yves to pinpoint those sources of evil, it does serve as a useful early warning system and a rudimentary way of judging someone.
  • Executioner's Seal: Yves' most commonly used spell and one that he developed. It brands the target with a magical sigil that allows Yves to track them over great distances - though this sigil will fade within an hour. The branded target also becomes more susceptible to harm. The spell can be cast at a distance and requires line-of-sight.
  • Swordsmanship: Yves' skill with the sword is highly specialized to achieve a single, decisive killing blow. As such, in a duel or other circumstances where Yves is confronted with a swordsman, he'd be trounced rather easily.
  • Non-Humanoid Enemies: Though Death Knell will still activate on beast and other creatures should death approach, they're harder to deal with due to the subtle but significant differences in anatomy afforded by their physiology.
  • No Ranged Options: While his sword may be rather large and Executioner's Seal has significant range, Yves relies on his stealth to get close to ranged enemies. Otherwise, he's easily suppressed by an enemy's range and forced into cover.

Hobbies: Reading, studying, gear maintenance.

  • "For the soul, death is a door. For evil, however, death is a swift and abrupt end. A consequence of their continued existence, I suppose."
  • "The only strike that matters is the killing blow."
  • "It takes me about thirty seconds to tie a noose. I could have hung a whole village in the time it took for you to..."
: Daruk Urbosa
Aliases: The Techmonk, Number Two-Oh-Five.
Age: 91 (Biologically stuck at 34)
Gender: Genderless
Race: Human
Class: Tinker

: Asexual
High Concept: An apathetic scholar who augmented himself with technology to achieve his goals.
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
Relatives: None
Organizations\Affiliations: None
Personality: If you could make a blank sheet of paper into someone's personality, then Daruk is the representation of that project gone perfectly right. He is capable of feeling emotions, yes, but they're suppressed as if they were getting filtered by a twenty-layered charcoal filter. He often finds himself killing people just because they were in the way. Literally in the way, as in they stood in front of him for half a second. Daruk, however, does feel great hate for naturally skilled mages (or sorcerers) because, and I quote, "I find sorcerers to be very lazy people with a natural talent for an ability. They didn't earn their skill, they were born with it and simply developed it. Just like learning to speak, or to walk. Disgusting."
Backstory: Daruk was born as a part of an experiment to create human beings mixed with ancient Dwarven nanotechnology. However, the batch that Daruk was a part of failed, resulting in many flaws, such as lack of major emotions, hormone dysfunction, sterile genitalia and a phobia of fire. Daruk was sent away to survive on his own, and survive he did. He went to a renowned school and graduated with top grades, all thanks to his photographic memory and aptitude for sciences. Engineering, medicine, alchemy, physics; those were the fields he was educated in. Not much else of his past is known except that he's augmented himself with various sorts of technology to better pursue his goals.


Weapons & Armor:
  • His body is covered in dwarven metal medium-weight armor that works as a Jack-of-all-trades, providing decent protection against all kinds of attacks.
  • The tank he has on his back contains all kinds of alchemical gasses to augment his senses and physical abilities in different ways: strength, speed, agility, sight, hearing, etc.
  • A sledgehammer made out of dwarven materials. Medium weight and maximum damage, enchanted with electricity to give an intense shock to anyone hit. It is retractable and the handle fits inside the head of the hammer if the situation requires it.

  • A shortsword made out of steel for stealth situations.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • A kit of tools that he always carries around with him to tinker with stuff.
  • A surgical kit that he can use at any time.
  • A brewing kit to make potions on the spot.
  • Money. Be it stolen or earned.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Photographic memory - Speaks for itself.
  • Increased intellect - Thanks to the experiments his brain functions ten times faster and better than the average elf.
  • Superhuman attributes - The augmentations that his body was subjected to made his physique above a human's. He is stronger and faster than any human could aspire to be.
Spells & Magic:
  • Telekinesis - Daruk can lift the total weight of 50 slightly fat people. To give perspective, he could lift 50 slightly fat people at the same time, or two large items that, together, weigh the same.
  • Electricity Magic - Daruk has mastered the use of lightning magic and can manipulate the electrons in the air to his bidding.
  • Heavily relies on his implants. If you manage to disable them, he'll be pretty much crippled and unable to fight, thus forcing him to flee or surrender.
  • Phobia of fire: Speaks for itself.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Vivisection random people off the streets that look "peculiar".
Quote\s: "Don't worry. It'll be agonizingly painful. But do not fret, it'll be over soon. Just as soon as you die."

: Albin.
Aliases: Thug, Bruiser, Criminal Scum.
Age: Roughly 25. He does not know his exact age.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Class: The Bandit.

: Heterosexual.
High Concept: A reformed criminal who found purpose in the military, but still hasn’t quite let go of old habits.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Relatives: None that he knows. He obviously had a biological mother and father, but he never knew either of them. However, he still keeps in contact with Davin Roseberry, a nobleman whom he credits for turning his life around.
Organizations\Affiliations: His old gang in his hometown (formerly), The Eflorian Army.
—A stone-cold stoic, Albin seems almost apathetic at times, as if he doesn’t care about the ongoings of the world around him. This, however, is not the case; in truth, he feels very strongly about the events of the world around him, but chooses to distance his emotions from reality to allow for more rational, balanced decisions, even when those decisions could cost him his life—such is the attitude of a soldier.
—Philosophically, he is a utilitarianist that believes that the ends justify the means in many scenarios, and the path to the greatest good for all is the path that must be taken, even if that path is littered with the corpses of the innocent.
—As a soldier, he rarely shows empathy for the enemies he opposes, not out of any malice or hatred for them—as often, they might just be people like him, doing their job—but instead due to a mental ”otherization” he does to stave off the shock of maiming and killing. Still, he rarely bothers to “finish off” or fatally wound enemies, as it is often unnecessary, since a deep enough cut can be non-lethal, yet be enough to take an enemy out of the fight.
Backstory: For the longest time, Albin knew no home other than the streets. Raised by various street urchins, he never knew his parents; whether they were dead, missing, or simply abandoned him hardly matters, and is up for speculation, but one thing was for certain; Albin began life on his own. He had no true family at all to speak of; as such, he has no last name, and his given name is only a name he gave to himself when enough people started asking what they should call him. He grew up working for a gang to make his living; it started with cutting purses and lifting jewelry in crowds of people, and began escalating to robbing warehouses and vandalizing stores, and finally reached its peak at assaulting civilians and burning houses. For a long time, Albin didn’t have any problem doing this; in his eyes, this was just work to him, the job that kept him fed. In retrospect, Albin despised his actions at the time, and wished he could have had a better upbringing.
His life turned around on a rather peculiar encounter with a nobleman’s son, right around when Albin was eighteen. The job was simple; an old nobleman refused to pay protection to the gang, so the gang wanted Albin to rough up his son as a warning. After managing to lure the man into an alleyway on a busy morning in the market, Albin threw his first punch directly towards the noble heir’s face, only to have his fist caught by the hand of the noble. The noble could fight! After a skirmish of fists that lasted nearly twenty minutes, the two men lay beaten and bruised. The noble explained to him as they lay that, as a class of person the law considered even lower than a peasant, he would probably be executed for fighting a noble. However, despite Albin’s lack of formal training, the noble said that Albin had given him one of the best fights that he had had in a long time. So, the noble offered him work in the army, saying that his talents could be used for the betterment of their kingdom. Seeing it as a better alternative to direct execution, Albin agreed, despite secretly believing at the time that he figured he would be dead within a week.
The next seven years of his life consisted entirely of military campaign and conquest, with Albin traveling in small warbands and participating in territory skirmishes. Initially, Albin despised the work and the thought that he could die at any moment, but, over the years, the morals and beliefs of the men that he fought with grew on him, until he, too, had fleshed out his own moral code, and instilled in himself a sense of nationalism and direction that he hadn’t had before. It didn’t make the work any easier, but it certainly made the work feel meaningful.
However, recent events have led to a massive troop withdrawal back to the strongholds of the kingdom, and, for the first time in seven years, Albin will see his homeland. Cue the events of the story.

: Albin only stands at about 5’ 3” from decades of malnutrition. However, his build is wirey and sturdy, with firm, efficient muscles contained in a relatively slim profile; a necessity for the fighting he is often involved in.
Weapons & Armor: He wields a simple bronze longsword he carries on his back, purchased with years of saved wages in the military. His armor is a set of cracked pauldrons from a higher ranked knight that the military gave to him due to their damaged condition, despite them still being usable. He also wears semi-protective leather gloves.
Items & Personal Belongings: One canteen, one talisman he keeps for good luck, and a coin purse with 150 blossoms.
Skills & Abilities:
Combat Ability: While his swordsmanship doesn’t even remotely have the finesse of the fencing that the nobility use, his sword style comes in a more practical, grounded form, combining the lessons and practices of the battlefield with the agility and fast pace of street fighting to create a rough yet unique and effective style of fighting that he is still in the process of refining.
Intimidation: Despite his small stature, his time as both a criminal and a soldier has taught him a great deal about convincing people to give you your way by force.
Speed: Running, climbing, swimming, you name it; even with pauldrons on, Albin is still one of the fastest around.
Spells & Magic: Albin doesn’t know how to read, nor has he been in the apprenticeship of a mage, and thus he does not know any magic.
Unprepared: Albin very rarely prepares for anything, and is more often than not improvising everything he does. This has lead to a few incidents in battle that nearly resulted in his death, but thankfully the Army’s medical personnel know what they are doing.
Intrusive: Albin is used to a very communal attitude towards food, resources, and information, and thus he is often intrusive of other people’s privacy; taking personal belongings without permission, probing people for information, and not giving people space when they need it are just a few of the things he is known to do repeatedly.
Overly Defensive: A life of run-in after run-in with the law has caused him to become extremely defensive when he believes he is being accused of something. He will act rude, be aggressive, and behave anxiously when even the slightest hint of implication towards him is made.

: Albin enjoys board games and games of chance, as well as traveling to new and interesting places, a good fight, and the occasional pint.
Quote\s: “Many a time, I see a fresh youth come to me, no more than the ages of five to eleven, and ask me how they can become strong and be a soldier like me and my kin. To all of them, I give the same response; do not strive to be strong of muscle and tendon, but of character and resolve; too many men in this world of strong body and weak morals exist and do terrible things for their own advancement every day, and indeed I was one of them. All the while, innumerable great deeds have been achieved by men of great character, yet built hardly any hardier than your average pane of glass. Strengthen your character, your resolve, your spirit, and your humanity, and, once there, reconsider whether the direction your life is going towards requires the strength of muscle you once desired.”
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: Lux
Aliases: Mike
Age: Five-hundred-twenty-five-thousand-six-hundred minutes
Gender: Genderless
Race: Doll
Class: Zoomer

: Pan-romantic Asexual
High Concept: A kid that grew up too fast and is dealing with the consequences.
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Relatives: N/A
Organizations\Affiliations: N/A
Personality: Lux is young and impressionable, yet still jaded and takes time to warm up to people. They have a hard time being brave and come up short more often than not. But when they trust someone, the person's wellbeing becomes a priority. They don't understand morals, and can often be deemed as innocent due to their age.
Backstory: Born somewhere, ran away. Ended up in a town, ran away again. So much happened in one year, apparently it's really weird to see a doll run around. They got clothes from someone because the person was tired of having them run around buck-naked.



Weapons & Armor: A needle, they only use it when necessary, like poking people's eyes out or something.

Items & Personal Belongings: A raggedy shirt and pants, a small spell book they never use, that's it.

Skills & Abilities:

-Removing limbs

- Doing a handstand for a few minutes

Spells & Magic:

Nothing at the moment

Weaknesses: Fire, Weak stitching, Easily distracted

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Sowing, Knitting (Usually scarves), trying a hand in a musical instrument
Quote\s: "Oh my composer, someone help it, but not me, anyone but me," "I can't do that! I'm a chicken!" "Frick, help me,"
Theme: James Young - I'll Be Good​
: Henrik Baird
Aliases: "Hawk", "Eye Above the Clouds"
Age: 57 years
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper

: Heterosexual
High Concept: "'Tis nary a creature in this world that can outrun a well-placed shot from ma' bow."
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relatives: A wife, four daughters, and one son
Organizations\Affiliations: The Baird Clan
Personality: Quiet, but wizened. Speaks when he feels it is necessary to. Valorous and believes in glory during battle. Has a thick, foreign accent reminiscent of the old tribes of vikings and warmongers.(Basically a deep Scottish accent, but I don't know where that would fit in this world)
Backstory: Henrik was a religious man, being trained by his father before him to worship and protect Ylene. After the events of the War, he instead focusing on the people of the world and protecting them from the evils that intend to destroy them. In his younger days, he was a bard and sung the tales of the Gods and Goddesses to weary travelers. Later in life, he took up the bow and learned to fend his town from afar. Rumor has it that he shot an enemy general in the head from the tallest tower nearly 2 miles away. He settled down with a woman named Patricia and had five children with her. All was well, until he was plagued with visions of a world on fire. He took up his bow after a long absence and went on his way, vowing to bring peace to the world and his kin again.

: Henrik is a very tall, toned man, standing at over 7 feet tall and 250 lbs of pure muscle and skill. He has a long, graying beard that reaches down to the bottom of his neck and obscures his lips. His face shows the typical signs of aging, but even so, his brown eyes still radiate like they did in his younger days. He is often clad in leather and cloth material, covering his entire body. His left cheek has a scar from his battles in his youth.
Weapons & Armor: Wields a longbow, made from a very tough and pliable wood. The string is simple spun flax, but is enchanted with a spell that prevents it from breaking or tearing. He has an ordinary quiver on his back, capable of holding several hundred arrows. His armor is leathery and tough, protecting his body and extremities, such as his hands, knees, legs, and neck. On his head he wears a bandanna with a monocular device attached to the right side. When slid down, this imbued glass reveals far distances normally unable to be seen by normal or avian eyes.
Items & Personal Belongings: Carries a few sheets of music with him, as well as a lyre.
Skills & Abilities: Ranging - Henrik is exceptionally talented with archery and ranged weaponry.
Perception - Due to his monocle and his trained eyes, he can spot things that normally can't be seen. This does not include objects hidden by magic.
Performance - Henrik possesses the musical talent to play an instrument as well as sing with beautiful poise.
Bard Magic - Bards are often trained to instill magic into their voice, creating paeans or hymns with force and energy behind them. He has forgotten some of the beneficial ones, like being able to enhance vitality and stamina, but still remembers how to make attacks accurate.
Spells & Magic: As a former bard, he can attune his shots with more accuracy and power than the average ranger using musical magics. To this end, he whistles or hums old songs as he focuses on the battlefield before him. He can mask his voice so that no one can hear his song, keeping his profession as a sniper still viable.
Weaknesses: Being a sniper, Henrik requires long distance to be effective. In close-quarters combat, he falls short, even given his large body. He fears being corrupted and that fear turns to anger in the face of malice, often leading to mistakes and indecision.

Hobbies: Henrik likes to whittle on wood, whistling pleasant tunes of old.
Quote\s: "Ah've faced many an opponent so cocky in their words. Words aren't gonna bring back yer wife." ~ speaking to the ranger-general as he marched off to war
"O Ylene, blessed art Thou. Do ya hear my prayers? Guide my eyes, as you once did fer my father." ~ typical chant while focusing a shot for the first time
"Why are ya standin' there like a buck in the rain? A hunter must hunt. It's us versus them, and let me tell ya, they won't give ya a second chance." ~ scolding his son during their first hunt
Theme: (TBD.)
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Name: Vosamore Tortak
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Warpriest
Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: Confident upholder of justice and bringer of cosmic infinity.
Character Alignment: Good
Relatives: Vosamore's three siblings, mother, and father are of no consequence as he ran away as a boy to join the Knights of Crail.
Organizations\Affiliations: Vosamore is an active member of the Knights of Crail, holders of the void, and champions of justice. Thier orginization worships two gods. Zalkquin, painter of the dark tapestry, lord of the void, God of space and stardust. Theriosis, lady of victory, seeker of truth, Goddess of justice and triumph.
Personality: A confident man. Having served with the Knights of Crail for 8 years now Vosamore's beliefs and ideals have solidified giving him purpose and drive. He loves people, except for those who would do harm unto others. Vosamore loves the heat of battle, the thrill, the test of strenth and will. He was at first captured by these thoughts when listening to stories told by Innskeep Kalv back in his hometown. Making decisions based on emotion and instict primarily has gotten Vosamore in trouble, but he hasn't regretted any of these actions for his heart was true and he spoke against injustice. Vosamore stil does have a healthy respect for others beliefs, knowing that beliefs often come from the heart, precious to those who hold them. Truth is also important to Vosamore. Lying and cheating to succeed makes the success hollow as your true feelings and thoughts didn't help in your success. Vosamore has almost never been exposed to females in a traditional sense as in the Knights of Crail all are seen as comrades, brothers and sisters under the holy force of Crail. This makes any romantic advances incredibly uncomfortable for Vosamore and can throw him off gaurd.
Backstory: Vosamore was born in a small town called Lightbridge, where he lived peacefully for most of his youth. Throughout his youth he heard tales of great nights and the glory of battle, these stories drew him in. As the Goddess Theriosis was thought highly of by the people of Lightbridge, Vosamore decided to set out at the age of 14 to join up with the holy Knights of Crail. Training with the nights and learning of thier great purpose drove Vosamore to improve at rapid pace. The Knights ultimate goal was to breach into the darkness of space and sieze the astral might of the cosmic infinity, expanding life throughout the entire galaxy. Vosamore is currently on a pilgrimage to find secrets of the world that can help the Knights of Crail on thier cosmic quest. On this pilgrimage he stumpled upon the plight of Beholderfore and aided in the defeat of the evil beholder...​

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Appearance: Vosamore stands confidently, often smiling with twinkling green eyes. Adorning his belt is the crest of Crail, signifying him as a full knight. His armor includes arm gaurds, greaves, and a boiled leather jerkin with hard leather pants and boots underneath his clothing.
Weapons & Armor: Carrying an eight foot long chain with a metal ball attached to the end called a meteor hammer. He fights with it at range using both hands. One arm has a spiked buckler strapped to his forearm allowing him to use his shield arm to wield the meteor hammer.​
Items & Personal Belongings: Vosamore carries a backpack around with many items of import such as rations and his waterskin. He also carries several scrolls, scroll cases, ink wells, and quills in a metal box for writing. Two books stay with him, the scripture and teachings of Zalkquin and Thereosis.
Skills & Abilities: Wrestling men into submission and escaping grapples has always been important to Vosamore as many fights can lead to rolling around on the ground vying for dominance. He is quite good making passionate speeches, and often does so without provacation. Vosamore is studied in physics and arcane devices, all relating to finding a way to traverse the void of space. Has a quick mind for math.
Spells & Magic: Vosamore channels teh power of his gods to aid him in various situations, but most often in battle. He channels Thereosis for resolve, and various physical improvements or shieldings all in the name of justice. Zalkquin has more mysterious channeled abilities relating to the void. The manipulation or nullification of gravity at a small scale. Channeling the icy cold of space to freeze that which Vosamore touches. Creating a tiny vacuum that creates a bursting inward pull. Vosamore practices to improve the channelings he has achieved, and discover new abilities.
Weaknesses: Has little to no experience with diplomacy or taking care while maneuvering with words. Will often fight for people who do not wish for it. Is an awful liar and avoids lying whenever possible. Has issules romantically from lack of expirence and his role as a Knight of Crail.
Hobbies: Enjoys singing, watching plays, and listening to bards play.
Quotes: "You attempt to strike fear in my heart? I have stared into the dark tapestry and felt it's touch, you are a branch to be snapped under my boot!"

  • ec6ece4b168b0a8093b17d33453b81f7.jpg

    Blader Badak

    Guardian of Magic



    Human (Guardian)
    Guardians are legendary creatures known for being closely tied to magic. Guardians can take the form of any race (For example Balder is a human, so he'll share all the racial benefits of a human), but they all share the same Affinity for magic and expanded lifespan of a few hundred years. Guardians are extremely rare, only being born every thousand or so years. A guardians purpose in life is to protect Gaia and it's people.

    Guardian (A mix between a sorcerer and a monk)​
: Barisash Endwin IV
Aliases: The Great Mouse-O, Barry
Age: 3 1/2
Gender: Male
Race: Mouse
Class: Wizard

: Asexual
High Concept: Astranged hier of the Arcane
Character Alignment: Good
Relatives: Non-biologival father: Barisash Endwin III
Organizations\Affiliations: Mouse-O's only friend and current companion, Vosamore Tortak
Personality: A diligent worker, Mouse-O developed a great work ethic learning magic with his father. He is crass and occasionally abusive of those around him, although he is aware of this and is working to correct it. He keeps hold of his father's love for style and flair, often boasting or flourishing unnecesarily. Despite Mouse-O's big talk, deep down he is very afraid, but bravely faces his fears becoming braver day by day.
Backstory: 3 and a half years ago, a wizard named barry was trying to create a spell to grant animals intelligence. Barry was the third in a line of wizards, although through his life he bore no children of his own to pass on the family name and vocation. That was until he managed to make the spell succeed. He had cast it on a newborn mouse, thinking that perhaps on an newborn subject the spell would more easily take hold since the mind had not fully developed. This mouse was his one and only success, and so Barry named the mouse after himself, Barisash Endwin IV, a mouse. Barry IV learnt language and motor skills at an incredible pace, eventually moving onto knowlege of the arcane arts. This went on for some time as the two Barrys grew a bond like father and son, until the beholder attacked.
The beholder was after Barisash's arcane supplies and instuments, this lead to the death of Barry's father and his own enslavement. Barry hid his true name so the beholder wouldn't speak it and sully the name his father gave him, changing it to Mouse-O. The beholder often mocked and berated Mouse-O, calling him names such as The Great Mouse-O or Mouse-O the Magnificent. Mouse-O continued his arcane studies at a much slower pace in secret away from the prying eye of the beholder. Until the day came where the beholder was slain. Mouse-O was too afraid to help the adventurers who came to kill the beast, he feared his horrid master. A man Mouse-O now knows as Vosamore found Mouse-O trembling inside of a drawer. As Vosamore reched down to comfort the mouse Barry bit deep down into his hand out of an animalistic instict. Vosamore merely laughed saying "You have quite a bit of spirit there. Be calm now, it is over." but Mouse-O couldn't stop trembling. Mouse-O was then taken under the care of Vosamore, getting to know the man quite closely, and coming to truly admire him. Vosamore is the only person out there who knows Mouse-O's true name.

Weapons & Armor
: Carries a magical staff he uses to channel magic, the gemstone catalyst is from a ring his father wore.
Items & Personal Belongings: He has a hat that is magically affixed to stay on his head, it keeps the sun out of his eyes and looks quite stylish. Mouse-O also owns a matching green coat that he wears when it is cold out, snow warranting his small green boots.
Skills & Abilities: Barry knows how to brew potions, but only has the ability to do it on a mouse sized scale. He is also very good at sneaking around, moving quietly quickly.
Spells & Magic: Most of Mouse-O's spells are limited to aiding in stealth and illusions. Noise dampening, flashing lights, thrown noises, conjuring darkness, and illusory objects are all common to Mouse-O. The only damaging spell he knows is magic missile, which cannot miss; unfortunately his magic missiles merely tickle and give a tiny amount of knockback. Mouse-O is currently working in improving his magic missile and possibly tring to learn other damage based spells. He also knows many basic cantrips to peform helpful tasks such as cleaning, mending, warming, and loudening.
Weaknesses: Peticularily Jumpy, moreso while alone. Very weak and frail. Very young and inexperienced.

The Devourer
Mouth of The Last King






High Concept:
A monstrous demon with an insatiable hunger.

Character Alignment:
Chaotic Evil

The Gods of Chaos?

Estralleh's Minions - Champion/Executor

Khaoul has four personality features:
Hungry - The most common. Khaoul is usually in some state of hunger and will often talk about it, a vacant look entering his eyes as he is truly taken by his gluttonous desires.
??? - ???
??? - ???
??? - ???

There is no known backstory to be written down in the pages of history. All that is known, perhaps by even Khaoul himself, is that a monstrous creature emerged one day from some other world. Perhaps by the will of the gods, perhaps by some other unknown doing, this monster soon went on a rampage across many villages, slaughtering and devouring them all.

It it not known exactly how and why Khaoul came into the employment of The Last King, although some speculate some kind of dark mental magic running behind the scenes. Some say the king feeds Khaoul something irresistible to keep him loyal. Regardless, the demonic creature has continued its bloody massacres since, but has been sighted to be taking part in more specific actions. Such as removing any threats to its king and quashing any resistance to his indomitable will.

None have survived long enough to describe it.

Weapons & Armor:
Other than his body, none.

Items & Personal Belongings:

Skills & Abilities:
Instinctual - ???

??? - ???

Spells & Magic:
??? - ???

Insatiable Hunger - ???

??? - ???

Savage Loyalist - ???

God-Complex - ???

??? - ???

??? - ???

Devouring entire villages, eating people, telling others about himself.

"I hunger... Feed me with your flesh..."





Rey, Stitch








Customized Class
(that's a thing right?)

He calls it the puppeteer, mainly because he focuses on possession magic. He mostly uses it on animals but possesses people once in a while. He also can inhabit multiple bodies at once but it takes up more energy, he can't inhabit more than five human bodies at one, which equals around 8 large animal bodies. Humans are much harder to control.




High Concept:

The only person who might help you, but with a price.

Character Alignment:

Chaotic Neutral


Sibling - Deceased


No One But Himself


Generally perceived as selfish, he just calls himself self-preservant and just doesn't want to get less than he gave. He is cunning and manipulative, with no regard for other people. Seven may help you out of pity, but rarely helps anyone that doesn't have anything he wants.


Seven is a known criminal, even small towns know his name. He earned the infamy by frightening, stealing, and killing to get what he wants. Once Upon a Time™ though, he was a respectable young traveler, but he entered a town known for its high crimes rates and never exited the same.


Appearance: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text.)
Weapons & Armor: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat.)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them.)
Skills & Abilities:

- Lock-Picking

- Proficient Gambler, almost always wins

Spells & Magic

- Self-Healing (Fatal wounds take longer to heal and leave him at a weakness, they take longer to heal and leave him tired. He can die if the wounds are too much to hold, decapitation already makes him faint and if the head is not placed onto his neck in an hour, it will not heal, and he will die. If something is cut out, say and eye, it will not grow back if it is not supposed to naturally grow back. If he loses a nail is will grow back)

- Possession (As explained before humanoid bodies are much harder to control than animal bodies, it depends on the amount of sentience of the creature/person/animal. It also wears his out greatly, like his healing.)


- Gets tired easily from magic

- Socially Inept

- Arrogant

- Brash
FLUFF (Optional)

- Playing his guitar

- Sleeping in a random river

- Playing with fish

- Working with clay

- Gambling


"If you and I were the last people in the world I will push you off a cliff so I'm the last person in the world."

"Lo siento, no hablo inglés."

Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
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"Dark Trust"




Elementalist (Specializes in Fire)




--High Concept

A really depressed vampire who hates her race and thinks that no one cares about her.

--Character Alignment--
Neutral Good

Yuuki Trust - Father - Deceased
Amelia Trust - Mother - Deceased
Matt Trust - Brother - Deceased
Violet Trust - Sister - Deceased


Persia is a brutally honest girl who isn't afraid of telling you the truth. She's gory and grim, but she's also a sweet and innocent flower.
She's intelligent and clever. She's well known for having the best poker face in the world. You never know what she's thinking. She usually keeps to herself at times. She's also shy, but don't let that fool you. She usually thinks about the negative side rather than the positive side of things. She's also alarmingly calm... like a lake. She's also extremely loyal. She will never break a promise or vow. She keeps her word.

Persia Trust was only a baby when she died, due to an illness. Her parents were heartbroken, and they were determined to bring her back. They ended up making a deal to a vampire. The deal was an exchange for all of their souls to raise Persia from the dead. They accepted, of course, and the whole family perished.

Persia has risen, but at a cost. For she is a vampire. Being a vampire is worse than death. The sudden thirst for blood... and immortality (or in her case, semi-immortality. She can only die with a vampires' weakness). You may ask why immortality is horrible, and that is because you live forever, not dying. Your friends and family will perish, but not you, you'll be left alone.

Persia had spent her life in a very poor orphanage. She would get bullied for her unusual acts and her unusual teeth. They would bully her so much, that she didn't want to live anymore, however, that was not possible, for she had to live forever.

Persia still needs to drink human blood, but she hates it. Not blood itself, but the idea. It's complete torture for her. She usually goes ahead and drinks blood every three days, which is hell for a vampire. Why? Because she doesn't want to hurt anyone. She prefers to hunt in the dark, so no one would see her.

Persia never really knew her parents. The only thing she has is the pendant that her mother gave her when she was only a baby. Her self esteem is low, thinking that just because she's a vampire and an orphan, she's dirt and worthless.


--Weapons & Armor--

Red Sword


--Items & Personal Belongings--

--Skills & Abilities--
She has a beautiful and angelic voice.
She's really creative.
Good Reflexes
She has really good reflexes.

--Spells & Magic--

I'm too lazy to type, so here.
Oh, and her fire magic because of her class.

She's scared of heights.
Vampires' weakness that can kill them (thanks Vampire Diaries!)
Too Honest
She's brutally honest.




"It sucks, doesn't it? Feeling like you're not good enough."
"You don't know about anyone else's situations... so don't go around assuming things."
"My feelings? Oh, don't worry about those, no one else does."




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