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Fantasy ☾ Of Magic and Love ☼ ▐ ▐

ALRIGHT. I AM NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE SUPERNATURALS UNTIL WE HAVE MORE HUMANS. We currently only have two human and one half human. I want at least 2 more humans.

Regarding Hunters Due to the hunters being a secret, if you want your character to be a hunter you must come to me in private and tell me. I don't want any hunters to be revealed in the roleplay just yet, so keep it a surprise!

Profile Skeleton:

Character Name: The name of your character.

Gender: Male/Female

Species/Race: There are plenty of races to choose from, the main ones would be Vampire, Witch, Werewolf and Faerie.

Age: How old is your character.

Birthplace: Were you born in Salem, or did you move to Salem?

Occupation/School/Grade: Their job or their school grade.

General Appearance: Eyes, Hair, Height, and other visual details. Pictures also work. If you're using a picture, please put it in a spoiler or something.

Strengths: These are the thing your character is physically good at doing.

Weaknesses: These are things your character physically WEAK at.

Abilities: Your powers. I'm limiting you to two. That's more than enough, and I don't count super strength or heightened senses

Likes: Things your character likes

Dislikes: Things your character dislikes.

Personality: This is the personality that the world sees. What people believe of your character. How the interact with other people.

History: Childhood and important events that helped make your character who they are today.

Current Goal/Purpose: Their agenda they would like to accomplish.

Accepted Characters

Need more humans and witches/warlocks

Sesler - Milus (Trini)

Asterix McNiel - MistressOfSimplicity (Witch)

Rose Mary Simmons- Vampunk (Vampire)

George Samson - That guy with souvlaki (Faun)

Nyla Avery - The Awakened Moon (Witch)

Locke and Kei Lawless - Lettuce (Nephlim)

Margot Vaneese - TheFallenwhisper (Selkie)

Victor Palmer - Doomfishy (Human/Aether mage)

Lucee Moon - Jynx (Half Human Half Fae)

Jamie O'Conner - ItsDatSwag (Human)

Graeham McNeil - MistressOfSimplicity (Warlock)

Olaf KisMarcher - LB58 (Norse Giant/Werewolf)

Westly Drewman - GreatGuyTomorrow (Human)

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Profile Skeleton:

Character Name: Sesler


Species/Race: Trini (Custom)

Age: 25

Birthplace: Moved

Occupation/School/Grade: Doctor

General Appearance: With shortly cut black hair upon a face with narrow, sharp features, his body build lacks any fat. He walks with a long gait, and stands at 6'7". He has hazel eyes, and a scar tracing his left jawline from the ear to the end of the chin. He has limbs like a scarecrow.

Strengths: Not including mental fortitude, he is good at swordfighting and cunning tricks.

Weaknesses: Heavy lifting or physical labor

Abilities: Telepathy and minor telekinesis.

Likes: Debates, chess, order, and patterns

Dislikes: Rapid-changing color spectrums, heights, and the number 441.

Personality: Although not fully capable of emotion, Sesler isn't unnecessarily mean. He enjoys deep thought and conversations, and bonded with the town as a family. He can be analytic of a situation before becoming emotionally involved. His voice is very deep and quiet, due to his lack of using it. Telepathically, it is lighter and louder. Also, he never will nor has laughed.

History: Originally a pairing of a Trini and enslaved mortal women, he was made with the intent to further investigate the human race personally. However, his childhood was limited to mortal social training and etiquette, and his first twelve years of life were isolated. When he was put to the real world, he viewed the Trini unit as a flawed and Communistic system, and fled. Now, his detail perception and guesswork led him to Salem 5 years ago, where he explained himself, his use, and why he wanted to live in the community even though he wasn't magical.

He has a long history of befouling seemingly great plans by simply not accepting them. Trini have an uncanny ability to do menial mental tasks subconsciously, such as time-tracking and keeping direction.

Current Goal/Purpose: Like any Trini, he has an instinctive desire to learn everything he can of his surroundings. He believes in his medical services as he is one of the few with a complete grasp of most species in Salem. Beyond the witches, of course.

I'll probably be much more descriptive of him in RP. Seems like no fun to spoil all his intricate thinking.
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Character Name: Asterix McNeil

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Witch

Age: Looks 23, is really almost 90.

Birthplace: Salem.

Occupation/School/Grade: Herbologist/healer and she's on the Town Council.

General Appearance:


She can run for long distances, lift heavy things and defends herself well against attackers.

Weaknesses: She cant handle creepy-crawlies, they send shivers up her bone.

Abilities: Healing touch - She can mend wounds with her touch, but it takes a lot of energy and focus. Manipulation of earth- She's in tune with the earth which means animals love her, flowers always seem to bloom when she's around, and she can manipulate the solid ground and use it as a weapon.

Likes: Sweets, the smell in the air before the rain, music, singing, dancing, helping others

Dislikes: Rudeness, people who don't know how to calm down, people who talk a little too much.

Personality: Asterix is often described as eccentric. She lives in her own little bungalow home, away from any politics that rule Salem, which make people pin her as an introvert, but she very much likes having company over, and helping people. She's often seen healing the sick party-goer with a mix of herbs or helping injured animals. When Asterix is mad, the earth shakes. When she is sad, it often rains or the earth around her becomes gloomy(not the people but the plants).

History: Asterix has lived a long, long life as a witch. She is one of the Salem Witch Trial survivors, her past is full of unnescceary death and carnage. Her connection with the earth is strong, as she's dedicated most of her life to learning about it and how to be at peace with it. Because of her strong connection with the earth, animals are automatically attracted to her, and she has a very calming aura that people seem to feel comfortable around. It's just some natural charm that she has to her, since she is a advocate of peace in Salem. She's always there for her sister witches when they need her and she's on the witch council.

Current Goal/Purpose: Asterixs current goal is to help track down the person who killed the Elder Vampire.
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The Urban Vampire

"I'll have you for dinner. Not literally, gosh, We're all civilized people..."



Name: Rose Mary Simmons

Age: Was turned at the age of 24, currently a bit over 50

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire

Sexualtiy: Bisexual

Birthplace: Aberdeen, Scottland, moved to Salem

Occupation: Bartender


Height: 5 feet 11

Weight: 132 lbs

Eyes: A dark crimson with almond-shaped pupils

Hair: Black sidecut that looks rather messy most of the time

Body Modifications: two silver earrings on her left ear, two metal studs on her eyebrow and one on her tongue, Twisted rose tattoo that reaches from her left shoulder unto her arm

Clothing: Tends to wear comfy punk styles


Strengths: Fast reflexes, great at mixing drinks, somewhat good (?) cook, plays a wicked guitar

Weaknesses: Totally lazy, won't really get involved in phsysical labor, extended exposure to sunlight is harmful and can result in painful burns

Abilities: Levitation's among the only unique abilities Rose's capable of beside of her enhanced vampire senses and being able to heal most mortal wounds except those to her heart and inflicted with either wooden stakes or silver


Personality: Vampires are these noble predators of the night, charming and elegant... or so one might think until they'll meet Rose, the complete opposite of these romanticized blood suckers.

She's rather blunt, almost seeming borderline offensive, but it's just her being painfully honest about her opinion, may you like it or not.

Her macabre sense of humor and general laissez-faire attitude makes her prone to messing around with those she considers friends, be it pulling pranks or simply engage in friendly banter and battles of sarcasm.

Being generally nocturnal coupled with her being a rather lazy person Rose seems to shoo away from any kind of responsibility and usually lets other do the talking.

Having lived through what she believes to be the "zenith of true sound" the vampire has taken up playing the guitar and generally likes to jam with likeminded people.


-Bloody Mary's (With a kinda obvious twist)



-Dark humor

-Horror stories to scare her friend with



-Hexes and other witchcraft that messes with people (kinda ironic)

-People who stick their noses in other people's business

-Having others criticize her

-Snakes (A childhood fear)

History: Rose wasn't born a vampire, having been a rather rebellious teen, the one religious parents dreaded. Instead of gossiping, braiding her hair and falling for the sporty boys Rose always seemed to be drawn to the macabre and bizarre.

Pop Music? get out, here comes Rock'n'Roll Punk and Funk!

Dresses and colorful handbags? Cursed be thee! Leather jackets and dressed in red and black!

Just like every religious parent would claim this would lead her down unto the path of satan they were half-right, her falling victim to a vampire during a rather intense music festival.

Waking up all alone, born to the night and devoid of mortal life Rose chose to use her newfound state of being to push her carefree lifestyle to the maximum, traveling alongside her favorite bands, haunting the concert scenes and even picking up a thing or two in her more rebellious years on the road.

Now with Salem becoming somewhat of the capital of everything supernatural the vampire decided to settle down there and see what they all have to offer, perhaps even finding like minded people after having been on her own for a long time.

current Goal/Purpose: Perfecting her muffin recipe, making new friends


Character Name: George Samson

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Satyr or Faun

Half goat, half Man mischivous woodland creatures of greek and roman legends, known for their excessive hedonistic tendencies and musical ability.

Age: several hundred

Birthplace: Peloponnese, Greece

Occupation/School/Grade: Mechanic/Musician

General Appearance:


In human form he stands 5ft9 and weighting of around 85kg. He has dark brown thick curly hair with a thick short beard with a brown eyes. Build a little porky but fit and strong with a diamond shaped face.

Strengths: Good mechanic, good long range fighter , mean kicker.

Weaknesses: Usually drunk, few option in close range apart from kicks, not a goot tactical thinker.


  • Lightning manipulation
  • Sound manipulation

Likes: Alcohol, music, parties, nature, banter, vehicles, using lightning on people.

Dislikes: being sober, seriousness, people who dont share a drink with him, lack of appreciation of music,

Personality: A regular party animal, George is laid-back, hidonistic and gregarious usually found in the local bar drinking and hanging out with people. He may come of as lazy, lacherous and without real interest or intelligence but those who know him, realise he is dedicated and loyal to friends. He is also wise, living for many years and experience alot of things and is always ready to pass it on... Well when he is sober enough to use his head.

History: WIp

Current Goal/Purpose: Drink, sleep and be merry.
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@MistressOfSimplicity (sorry forgot to tag you when I posted this)

Character Name: Nyla Avery

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Witch

Age: 22

Appearance: Nyla is pretty short, standing at 5'3" and she has a slim body type. She has dark brown wavy hair and blue eyes. Her skin has a medium tanned skin tone and her face is dotted with light freckles. Nyla is usually seen wearing casual clothing, mostly skinny jeans with a top.

Birthplace: Salem

Occupation/School/Grade: Works at the local book store.

Strengths: Nyla is extremely good at brewing potions, something her mother used to teach her when Nyla was younger. She is also a good observer, always observing everything around her. Nyla is amazing at multitasking, which is very helpful for her.

Weaknesses: Nyla doesn’t have much physical strength, which is why her ability to manipulate objects comes to great use for her. Nyla is also a little lazy because of her powers. Being a witch gives her somewhat of an easy pass for getting things done.


  • Fire manipulation: Nyla can manipulate fire, easily creating it whenever she wanted to. She never used this ability as a weapon except for once.
  • Object manipulation: She’s able to move objects with just her mind. The bigger the object, the more energy she uses to manipulate it.


  • Multitasking
  • dressing casually every day
  • Meeting new people
  • Reading


  • rude people
  • using her powers to harm others
  • talking about her mother

Personality: Nyla is the type of girl who is quite reserved and shy at first but she is quick to get accustomed to and is quick to open up. She’s quiet at first but once she’s comfortable around you, you’ll see that she’s not all that quiet. People may think she is a total introvert because a lot of times when she’s found alone, her nose is in her spell book or any book of her interest. She’s comfortable to be around and aims to make others happy as best as she can. Nyla is easily amused and laughs at almost everything. She takes herself being a witch seriously. She knows that though her powers can be helpful, they can also be harmful and she has to be careful.

History: Nyla is a descendant of one of the witches that were able to escape from and survive the witch trials. For this reason, she always took what she was seriously and with respect. Her family came back to Salem and this is where Nyla was born and raised. When Nyla was in middle school, she discovered what she was for the first time. Her mother knew that her powers would one day spark and since then, Nyla’s mother taught everything she knows now. While in high school, Nyla was still struggling with trying to control her powers completely. During one of her lessons, there was accident where Nyla unintentionally injured her own mother, eventually resulting in her death despite the several attempts Nyla made to save her.

Current Goal/Purpose: Get over the death of her mother and further educate herself with her mother’s spell book.
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They're a set of twins

Character Name: Locke Lawless

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Nephlim

"Mom fell in love with an Angel, isn't that sweet?"

Age: Physically, he's about 22, realistically he's more like 90

"Oh, dad's genetics prolonged our lives. We're not sure for how long, though."

Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland

Occupation/School/Grade: Currently, he works in a Pet Store. As if by a cruel twitch of fate, the cats there seem to hate him, and he frequently goes home with scratches on his hands and arms.

General Appearance: Locke is about 6'1" in height, with hair that naturally grows a dirty blond in colour. He enjoys dying his hair, though, so normally it's pink in colour. His eyes are dark blue.



  • He has quite a bit of stamina, mostly due to his healing power.
  • Also due to, for the most part, his healing power, he has a really high pain tolerance. Having broken his bones several times in his life may also have a hand in this.
  • His eyesight is above average, which I would give a number for if I knew how to judge eyesight. 15/20, I think?
  • It's not really a strength, but he's the only one out of him and his brother that has a Driver's license.


  • Locke is really clumsy, and has broken several bones in the past due to taking a tumble down a flight of stairs
  • No sense of direction. He could hardly find his ass in a small room with a map.


  • Healing Touch- With time and energy, Locke can heal injuries, so long as he's touching them. The amount of time and energy depend on the wound; A nick from cutting something wouldn't take nearly as long as, say, a bullet wound. If it's any bigger than a small cut, it will put him in physical pain as his body's way of telling him he's using too much of his own energy. Trying to mend something like a broken bone is impossible, and excruciatingly painful. It has to be done in multiple sittings, and he'll immediately pass out after each time. It prevents Arthritis, though. He knows this from experience.

  • Telekinesis- Up to things the weight of your average Corgi, Locke can move things telekinetically


  • Animals
  • Attractive men (He's gay)
  • You won't get him to admit to it, but he likes most anything alcoholic, with the exception of anything with Tomato juice in it
  • Cooking
  • Cake
  • Cleaning
  • Cookie Dough. Not cooked, he'll make batches of cookie dough just to sit down and eat it raw.
  • Anything cute, fluffy, or sparkly.


  • Cigarettes (He's allergic to their smoke)
  • Children
  • Tomatoes, and almost anything that contains them, sans Spaghetti... If the sauce is from a can... without any tomato chunks.... You know what, just don't try.
  • Sour foods
  • Things being a mess
  • Scary Movies


"Oh, what's this over here?"

"Locke stop wandering off!"

Really, Locke seems to be extremely innocent.

He could be described as flighty right off the bat; He gets easily distracted, much to the annoyance of his younger brother. Keeping the man focused on anything other than cooking is a near impossible task, considering he'll get distracted by anything that's cute, fluffy, or sparkly and wander off in the middle of whatever he's doing. This makes shopping with him utterly infuriating, and shopping on his own a disaster, because he'll come back with everything except what he went out to get.

He's extremely sweet, if a bit shy; While he has nothing against other people, he seems to have social anxiety that prevents him from starting a conversation, as well as causing him to be relatively hesitant to respond to other people. If you give him a moment to get over his anxiety, he's perfectly conversational, though.

History: Currently a WIP, he only recently moved to Salem, though.

Current Goal/Purpose: "A husband would be nice."

Character Name: Kei Lawless

"Our parents thought they were funny."

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Nephlim

Age: He's about 14 minutes younger than Locke

Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland

Occupation/School/Grade: Bartender

General Appearance: Locke's fraternal twin, Kei looks considerably different from his older brother. Standing 6' in height, Kei is just above average height for a man. His hair is brown in colour, and normally styled enough to not look like a hot mess. His eyes are green, and he wears glasses to see properly.



  • Physically stronger than his older brother
  • He has quick reflexes, and is pretty good at fighting


  • Poor eyesight.
  • Frequently gets headaches, even without reading minds


  • Light Manipulation- Nothing Particularly great, if you want the honest truth. He can bend light, and change the way it points, or focus it on one area in particular. It would be really useful if he wanted to be a photographer, or if somebody was trying to attack him and he focused it in their eyes.
  • Telepathy- He can both read minds, and communicate through this power. Oddly, reading minds alone gives him a migraine, but communicating doesn't.


  • Art
  • Loud music
  • In contract to Locke's homosexuality, he is bisexual, and thus likes both men and women he finds attractive
  • He can play the violin
  • Sweets


  • He's actually not fond of most alcohols
  • He's scared of Thunder and Lighting
  • Bar fights


Kei can be hard to get along with, due to him having a snappy temper, and mercurial personality. This doesn't necessarily equate to him being mean, though calling him 'Nice' would be an exaggeration coming from anyone except his twin brother.

At work, he acts considerably more sociable, to the point of convincing people he's actually nice. That's all part of having a job, though.

When dealing with Locke, he's considerably nicer, though trying to keep the man on task is utterly exhausting for him, and can put him in a bad mood.

History: Similarly, a WIP

Current Goal/Purpose: "I'm not one for long-term goals but, if I had to choose one, it'd be for Locke to find happiness with somebody. So what if maybe I'm an overprotective little brother? I'd rather see him happy before I find happiness."

oh i forgot to tag~ @MistressOfSimplicity
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Character Name: Margot Vaneese

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Selkie

Age: 18

Birthplace: Along the coast of Salem.

Occupation/School/Grade: Owner of "Suds". She makes homemade soaps from goats milk and a variety of beauty products like lip balms and perfumes. (Dropped out Junior year to run the shop after her grandmother passed)

General Appearance: She is a medium height girl with brown eyes and short wavy brown hair. She is of medium skin color and has slender features, a rather pronounced set of cheeks bones, and a scar down her forehead.


Strengths: She is decently strong and an excellent swimmer. Beyond that she is only capable of wielding a pocket knife.

Weaknesses: Distance from the ocean and her pelt can be detremental. While she is unsure of how accurate, legend states that if a individual is to steal her pelt she is under their power and can be taken as a wife.

Abilities: Water manipulation and Telepathy


  • Swimming
  • The Ocean
  • Seafood
  • Decent People
  • Alone Time
  • Bathtubs


  • Heights
  • Vampires (seen as unnatural)
  • Tacos
  • Locks
  • Fish Tanks

Personality: She is very friendly, and happy to be in a safe town. She is naive at times and often overly optimistic. While kind and talkative, she is also wary of strangers and untrusting.

History: As a young baby, a terrible storm tore through the sea. Her selkie family, in attempt to protect her, hid her on land. Her family never came back for her, assumed dead, and instead she was found on the beach by the people of Salem. Raised by her adoptive mother and grandmother, her mother died when she was ten. Over the years she has ventured into the ocean in search for her family, but has never found them.

Current Goal/Purpose: She is currently contemplating between running the shop or leaving into the ocean in search of her family or other seals or selkies.

Goats: Mary, Margret, Daisy, Violet, Honeydew, Penelope, Goldy, Verruca, Charlotte, Becky, Renegade, Piper, Queen, Beyonce*, Mumford, Holly, Amy, Poppy, Xavier*, Jora*, Clara*, and Winston*.


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Character Name: Victor Palmer

Gender: Male

Species/Race: :Human/Aether Mage

Age: 26

Birthplace: Houston Tx.

Occupation/School/Grade: Police officer/Detective

General Appearance:

(I don't know how to do the bb coding would you mind editing it for me?)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.c4a956bc69038f19574b2a282b5cb020.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.c4a956bc69038f19574b2a282b5cb020.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strengths: excellent marksman, very alert and aware,inhumanly tough, excellent hand to hand combatant, very very patient.

Weaknesses: besides his toughness he has the attributes of a normal human, smoking has depleted most of his stamina, Little offensive magic.


Aether thought weft: a style of mental magic, with it Victor can access the plane of thought, allowing him to both attack and defend the mind, can also be used for precognition and postcognition or seeing past events that happened in a specific area or in relation to an object. Lastly the thought weft allows Victor to astral project his conciousness, he becomes incapable of influencing the world around him but during astral projection he is able to levitate and phase through materials.

Undying:Victors body may be killed but his mind is now permanently linked to the aether upon death he can take the bodies of either the recently born, or the recently deceased it is rumored that his current body isn't his own.

Likes: Strong coffee, smoking cigarettes,good liquor, lurking in the shadows, catching criminals, old diners.

Dislikes: liers,bad liquor, mixed drinks, not having a smoke or being unable to, using his magic aggressively.

Personality: Victor or a rarely surprised man,he hasn't been a cop for too long but he has seen more than most. He can at times seem desensitized or detached. His most prominent trait however is his cryptic manner of speaking, he talks as though he knows a lot but try's hard not to divulge the secrets of the world.

History: Victor was a normal child growing up in north Houston until the accident. He was struck by a car attempting to cross the street when he was eight years old... He slipped into a coma for seven years! But his mind was far from inactive. Trapped deep within his own subconscious he discovered something. The Aether...

This was a substance that was built from the collective thoughts of the world, a massive ocean of thoughts older and bigger than mankind. By listening to this knowledge and training in its ancient magics he was able to rise from his coma. And follow all necessary steps to become what the Aether said he would need to become, a guardian and protector of the free will and lives of the sentient.

Current Goal/Purpose: He requested a transfer to Salem on the trail of a missing persons case. He stayed because he believes that with much power often comes much trouble. He anticipates a bigger threat lurks in the town than its supernatural denizens and seeks this threat out...but it could just be paranoia.



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Other than that it's impossible to sense the magic based on the Witches field, I'm down for it.

Is the phasing through materials an ability that would drain Vic's energy?
Milus said:
Other than that it's impossible to sense the magic based on the Witches field, I'm down for it.
Is the phasing through materials an ability that would drain Vic's energy?
Not exactly. His physical body doesn't phase only his astral projection.
Milus said:
And would the Aether link be akin to immortality?
You're good to roleplay.
Yes it would but it has its limitations.

For example if he were to posses the body of an infant he would actually have to wait until his body had developed enough to be usable, if he possesses a recently deceased body it can take a few weeks to reverse the effects of decay, and that's if he gets to one that hasn't been dead long.

Character Name:
Geaeham McNeil

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Warlock

Age: Nineteen

Birthplace: Born in Salem.

Occupation/School/Grade: N/A

General Appearance:


Strengths: Skate boarding, anything athletic, and self-defense. Hand to hand combat is where he excels, but he can use a knife or a gun if needed.

Weaknesses: Graeham broke an ankle in a skating accident once, and it never healed properly, so that slows him down. He also can't handle being under pressure.

Abilities: Dark matter manipulation He can manipulate dark matter or the dark energies to use it as a weapon or a defensive shield for himself or others. Summoning Graeham can summon sprites and monsters of his choosing. Summoning them takes time and effort on his part because he needs the right ingredients.

Likes: Skateboarding, sleeping, hanging out with his auntie and going on adventures of his own.

Dislikes: Parties, loud people, annoying people, and being in one place too long.

Personality: Graeham is your typical nineteen year old rebellious boy. He prefers to do things his way but he's not as close minded to not consider doing things other peoples way. He just likes doing things how he wants to do them. He doesn't really like talking about himself or listening to others talk about themselves. He's very selfless, as he'll help anyone who needs it. Sometimes he does weird things, he's a youngster, he likes to pull pranks.

History: Graeham grew up in Salem like a normal warlock boy. His mother pawned him off on his auntie, Asterix because she was busy with the council most of the day, but being as independent as he was, she never had to do much to take care of him. He always did it on his own. He cares very much about his auntie, she always helps him when he needs it.

Current Goal/Purpose: Graeham just wants Salem to be safe again, that's his goal.
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Sorry this took so long guys! (: Jynx.

Character Name:
Lucee Moon.

Gender: Female

Species/Race:Half- Human and Fairy, Child of Nature.

Age: 26

Birthplace: Lucee was born in a small town in the Great Smoky Mountains, she grew there and spent most of her lifetime in her town. She has been on the move for quite a few days now, looking for a new place to settle, since the Werewolves have begun taking athority in her birth town.

Occupation/School/Grade: Lucee went to school, and is a Mortician, She has been actively practicing in the work place for a bit of two years.

General Appearance: Lucee has purple hair, and silvery blue eyes. She only stands at 5'2 and is physically well maintained though not overly built or anything.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/luccee.jpg.2c360de3eb299e132331de1868fec410.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/luccee.jpg.2c360de3eb299e132331de1868fec410.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strengths: Lucee is good at listening to nature, using that to her comand she is able to offer healings, she able to help people find answers. She believes that everything in this world has something to offer, a story of sorts, which is why at any given time she will have a pocket full of stones.

Weaknesses: Lucee is petite, so she's not the best fighter out there.

Abilities: Lucee was born into the night, and mother nature typically grants those born unto her a single gift, hers happened to just be a full mental understanding of the abilities of her 3rd eye. She use that to communicate with animals, with spirits and those that have passed on.

Likes: Lucee like music, and reading, her two favorite things to do after a long days work.

Dislikes: She has a deep disliking for rude people, and those she notice hurting the earth, shes not a fan of hunting, or anything really to disturb the flow of nature.

Personality: Shes a very quite being at first, once you get to know her she can liven up a bit. She makes jokes occasionally, but shes usually the only one to laugh. She only interacts with those around her when she has to, otherwise she keeps to herself.

History: Lucee was taught early to listen to nature, and those things most people ignore on a daily basis. She was sent off to public schools at the right age, so she could learn social interaction and learn that not everyone has the same beliefs, and man, you get some crazy looks when you introduce yourself as a fair folk. She was never really good at making friends and thats what lead her to be an introvert, and lead to her secluding herself from the population of those around her.

Current Goal/Purpose: She is currently focused on finding a good place to make a home.



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  • Character Name: Jamie O'Connor

    Gender: Male

    Species/Race: Human

    Age: 18

    Birthplace: Born in Boston, MA

    Occupation/School/Grade: He is a newly graduate. Works at Dragon Inn Chinsee as a waitor.

    General Appearance: Jamie is fair skinned, with blonde hair and green eyes. He stands at 5'11 and wears a mask of strength to hide his emotions most of the time.

    Strengths: He was on a football team when he was in school, so he can take several hits. He works out daily, so I guess you could say he's stronger than most human teens.

    Weaknesses: The feeling you get when you use a Q-tip in your ear. His granny.

    Abilities: He dabbles in martial arts. His manager at work sometimes teaches him. Also speaks two other languages other than English, also due to his manager and the other was learned as a child.

    Likes: His grandmother, his job, learning new things and using them on people. Daydreaming, watching the clouds, air head stuff.

    Dislikes: He doesn't really have things he dislikes, he's really just a free spirit.

    Personality: Jamie would be perceived as aneeded outgoing kid. Always going above and beyond to please other, but not like a doormat, like a guy who believes in the Golden Rule. The people he works with would say he's a good kid.

    History: As a child, Jamie's parents were always there. He had no reason to be troubled because they loved him and he loved them back. His parents were God fearing Christians and raised him to be the same. As he got older his grandmother had complications with her health, so his family moved closer to Salem for her. But like all good stories, it must come to an end. Jamie's parents were on their way to church one morning, and before they got there, the car had got stuck on train tracks. It didn't end well. Jamie's faith was shaken but did not break. He know lives with his grandmother in Salem and works close to his previous home in Lynn so he can visit his parents grave.

    Current Goal/Purpose: At the moment, he only cares about taking care of his granny and paying her bills.




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ItsDatSwag said:

  • Character Name: Jamie O'Connor

    Gender: Male

    Species/Race: Human

    Age: 18

    Birthplace: Born in Boston, MA

    Occupation/School/Grade: He is a newly graduate. Works at Dragon Inn Chinsee as a waitor.

    General Appearance: Jamie is fair skinned, with blonde hair and green eyes. He stands at 5'11 and wears a mask of strength to hide his emotions most of the time.

    Strengths: He was on a football team when he was in school, so he can take several hits. He works out daily, so I guess you could say he's stronger than most human teens.

    Weaknesses: The feeling you get when you use a Q-tip in your ear. His granny.

    Abilities: He dabbles in martial arts. His manager at work sometimes teaches him. Also speaks two other languages other than English, also due to his manager and the other was learned as a child.

    Likes: His grandmother, his job, learning new things and using them on people. Daydreaming, watching the clouds, air head stuff.

    Dislikes: He doesn't really have things he dislikes, he's really just a free spirit.

    Personality: Jamie would be perceived as aneeded outgoing kid. Always going above and beyond to please other, but not like a doormat, like a guy who believes in the Golden Rule. The people he works with would say he's a good kid.

    History: As a child, Jamie's parents were always there. He had no reason to be troubled because they loved him and he loved them back. His parents were God fearing Christians and raised him to be the same. As he got older his grandmother had complications with her health, so his family moved closer to Salem for her. But like all good stories, it must come to an end. Jamie's parents were on their way to church one morning, and before they got there, the car had got stuck on train tracks. It didn't end well. Jamie's faith was shaken but did not break. He know lives with his grandmother in Salem and works close to his previous home in Lynn so he can visit his parents grave.

    Current Goal/Purpose: At the moment, he only cares about taking care of his granny and paying her bills.


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