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Fantasy ☾ Of Magic and Love ☼ ▐ ▐ Accepting and Open!

Of Magic and Love

Will Salem plunge back into the era of Witch Trials, or can they locate the hunters before it's too late? What if it's already too late?

Before Salem became the prosperous town it is now, it went through a purge. The towns folk believed there to be witches among them, casting curses on them and stealing their children. They weren't wrong, witches did live among the humans that lived there, but they were not terrible people. The hunt for witches grew so big, that 95% of witches that lived in Salem either fled or ended up hanging corpses for the whole town to see. The 5% that weren't found out, they made a promise to avenge their fallen sisters and the children of their sisters. The day came where the mayor would marry the eldest daughter of one of the last witch families to live in Salem, and the time for their revenge came quickly. The family took over Salem, and soon started to invite their sister witches back to Salem to mourn the loss of their sisters, and a long awaited victory for some.

From that point on, Salem became the outpost and resting spot of all things supernatural, light or dark. It is a neutral zone, there is no fighting or murder in Salem. Salem is well-known for the amount of tourists that come and go- most of them human. Most supernaturals that try and pass through Salem usually end up staying. Most of the workforce of Salem consists of supernaturals and since there is a strict rule on killing each other, the light and dark supernaturals have decided partying together was the next best thing.

To conceal all the magical energy emitting off of Salem, the witches created a force field that masked them from being tracked by means of their magical energy.

With that in place, Salem was supposed to be safe.

(Please check the overview for more information like plot and rules and such. !)

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Current mood: Content

Where she is: Working at Moonlights Herb shop.

Who she's with: A customer.

Occupation: Herbologist/healer

Asterix McNeil

The happy witch.

"Oh, lovely. This one suits you just perfectly."

Asterix nodded at the young brunette standing in her shop, her arm extended with a small green bottle sitting perfectly on her fingers. A large pearly white smile on her fair face. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a bun and she wore a earthy green tank top with a beige loosely knitted cardigan with light blue jeans with the hems rolled up to just above her ankle, showing off white low-top converse. It was her comfy attire for when she had to work extra hours at the shop and she didn't want to wear heels.

"You really think so?"

The brunette girl gasped, taking the small green bottle and sniffed it, her face lighting up instantly.

"Yeah, I do."

Asterix crossed her arms over her chest and watched as the girl stared at it for a moment, and then nodded her head. Asterix led her over to the counter, and rang the item up with a 10% discount, and watched the girl giggle and be on her way.

It was nice to see young adults so happy, especially when she never had the happiest teenage to adult years of her very long life, the trials were all that plagued her mind when she thought of her childhood. She sighed, and leaned against the counter top, staring into the door. With the trials on her mind, she couldn't help but think about the current situation Salem was in, and how they could possibly avoid a remake of the Salem Witch Trials. She wanted to live a happy peaceful life with no more fighting, most of them did, which is why they all lived in Salem, a town built up by the tragedy of her past.
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Sesler was upon an off day, content with locking himself up in his private study. The room was windowless, with concrete walls and wooden flooring. He sat at a desk covered in papers written in a foreign text upon them. They were his own notes, written in Trini script. If a Hunter was about, he wanted his information hidden. He has yet to prove the existence of such a foe, but his analytic mind was piecing the clues together even as he worked his dayjob at a clinic. The supposed boot treads found on the outskirts. A shift in general crowd behavior and flow. Small information like this was kept in his mind. In front of him now, on the wooden desk, was the ledger of every known shop and inn the town possessed. He had stayed up for days running the numbers, trying to find the travel pattern of several anomalies in the data.

Every year, he'd find several unusual number changes. It was common for mortals to be unpredictable. However, a pattern was made in the irregularity, causing suspicion. He didn't bother Asterix with the hypothesis; not yet. Besides, one couldn't personally interview each mortal the town has without alerting the Hunter or Hunters. Course, Sesler could interpret the thoughts of defenseless mortals, but to do so requires a good deal of energy. And, for any Hunter with Trini experience, it would send magnetic compasses Northwest instead of North. Mostly due to psionic energies from him, but nonetheless an indicator of Trini.

He has yet to tell the Witches his true age. Many years, he wasn't told his age during childhood, though his rough estimate was much larger than the lie he created for them. Simply not worth the risk. He looked down to his watch, a masterpiece in its own right. Brass build, it was synced to the exact time of his zone, and had a small dial for seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds, and Planckseconds. All Trini were obsessed with time, and kept mental count of minutes and seconds in their subconscious field.

He stood to his full height, an impressive display. Donning an overcoat to top his plain white shirt, he'd exit the study, perhaps to the streets for further study.
George was taking one of many breaks from his mechanic work, sitting on a hill overlooking Salem. The view was pretty and peacefull, especially with the beautiful weather about. George was enjoying it with his lunch, his hip flask of whisky and his guitar. He travelled a lot over the years but Salem was one of the few places he felt home thanks to the witch community about. As satyr, he was one of the first non witch person to live in the community and acceptance was slow but now other creature was calling this place hone and he was glad to have a hand in it.

However the calm of Salem seemed to lose ita luster as more and more supernaturals talk of trials and hunters. A fear seemed to be falling on the town a's security is being questions. It wasn't the first time in his experience and he was sure it would pass but worried what could happen until than. He drank the last of his contents of his flask and sighed, he won't be able to drink the worries away just yet. He got up a little unsteadily and made his way into town to restock. After doing so he walked back to his shop eventually finding Asterix's and decided to enter. "How is it hanging, my most favourite an fairest witch?" He asked.

Current mood: Content

Where she is: Working at Moonlights Herb shop.

Who she's with: George

Occupation: Herbologist/healer

Asterix McNeil

The happy witch.

"Oh, George! What a pleasant surprise."

Asterix smiled at the familiar face. He was indeed a man she trusted.

"What brings you to my shop?"

She asked, stepping out from behind the counter, going to embrace the man in a short lived hug before she separated and walked over to the flowers hanging in her shop windows. She wanted to ask him if he's heard about the elder vampire yet, but she kept her lips zipped. Perhaps he was here just to visit and not talk about such terrible news.

Asterix has known George for quite a while. He arrived in Salem just after the trials were over, and made peace with her eccentric family of Witches quickly. She, herself never really had an opinion of him until much later, when she actually started to speak to him. The normal conversations they have had had made her realise he wasn't so scary after all. She always had a problem befriending men sometimes, especially ones that come out of nowhere. Love is a witches downfall, her mother always told her.

She reached over to touch the plant, watching her magical energy alone cause the flower to be in full bloom. She laughed and dropped her hand, watching it return to it's normal form for the season.

"George, tell me, are you afraid of death?"

Asterix asked, putting her hand over her mouth quite quickly.

"Sorry, pardon my manners, especially after the death of one of our own."

She bowed her head and whispered a small prayer for her vampire friend and glanced out the window. Salem was bustling with tourists now a days, so many new people.



George smirked as he hugged her back gently, trying hard not to hug her tightly and swing her around as he had the urge to knowing it make her feel uncomfortable. "Was refreshing my stock of drinks and was passing through your store on the way back to work. Of course you know how work oriented I am." He said chuckling."so I thought I drop by and say "hi beautiful." Maybe i finally manage to persuade you to go goat." He flirted jokingly as he always did, not expecting anything to come from it knowing her feeling about relationships.

His smile faded briefly and shook his heard at the question. He knew the Vampire as well though wasn't not as close to him as Asterix was in fact the high Vampire disliked the the satyr's way of life. George had to issue with him in return and though him as a fair guy. George looked at Asterix and considered his words." Its OK, I understand you were friends and no I do not fear death. The end comes to all and we don't know when it comes especially people like us. We can't control it so what is the point worrying. Live life how you want at your own terms with no regrets and you have nothing to fear from the other side. I believe your friend lived that way, I respect that even if we didn't see eye to eye."
Sesler roamed the streets, getting odd looks from children and adults alike due to his obscene height. He moved through the crowd without contacting any other passerby, mentally noting the flow of movement.

It had long been a study of his to predict how mortals move from one destination to another, even with members of the crowd having opposite goals. Holding doors open for others, stepping out of the way to let someone pass, and the opposites of both actions became a pattern. Like any mathematics professor would say, numbers are in nature. This was prevelant in human thinking, and Sesler tried to expand his equation based on observations. However, with the Hunter in mind, he was trying to conclude whether a like-minded group inhabited Salem now, or just one. He doubted individual involvement. The Elder had long been a philosophical partner of his, and he knew that one man couldn't take the vampire down. Not without some trick or knowledge unknown to him.

He didn't grieve his death like most. Instead, he observed it as a change to his surroundings and searched for the probable cause. Perhaps he should talk, to Asterix or the satyr. But, such emotion was conflicted for him. The irrational, mortal side of him begged to mourn the Elder's death. The Trini spoke inside of him, deciding to pursue the killer or killers.

He was being followed. As he stopped by a deli, the sun's rising light glaring off the glass. This gave him a reflection, and he paused to view a steak encompassed behind the glare. He viewed the tracer in the reflection, a coated man with a muscular build and a great height other than Sesler's. The clues that he was stalking were obvious, the man had followed him for the past three turns in his path at seeming randomness that'd make no sense for normal mortals to follow if they had a set destination. Also, when Sesler stopped, the man hid behind a newspaper or tried to blend into a crowd. That was his main flaw. Crowds weren't made to blend, and trying to disappear in one simply was like shooting up a flare. So, Sesler turned another corner, into an alley, then doubled back and turned yet again, into the deli door. He entered, setting a broom against it. Walking into the kitchen on the balls of his feet to keep silent, he'd wait in a half crouch. Minutes later, the sound of a broomstick hitting concrete was heard.
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Rose Mary

+ Mood: Bothered by the sun + Location: On her way to fetch some medication+

Rose hated herself for this stupid decision but sometimes even a vampire had to go out in broad daylight, if she wanted to or not. Not every creature living in Salem was from the night prowling bunch, making most of its inhabitants go about their life in broad daylight, and as much as she wished they'd simply work overtime into the late evening Rose knew there was no way around it.

A drawn out sigh escaped the vampire's lips as she scratched the left side of her head, her nails brushing through her short, stubbly hair as she felt the sun's rays irritate her skin.

"Thank the lord for sunscreen." She murmured to herself as the right side of her mouth twitched into a sneer, revealing her fangs in an annoyed grimace.

Rocking nothing more than a pair of torn grey jeans and a grey tank top did not offer much protection from the sun but Rose detested warm weather even more than getting a mild sunburn, being dead did came with a preference for cooler weather and with other side effects like a wicked thirst for blooooood.

But for now she hungered for something else, having her summer cold cured was a bit more important than sinking her fangs into some unlucky creature, not to mention feeding in broad daylight not being the best idea, especially since she seemed to suffer from indigestion when feasting on blood while exposed to the sun.

Even in her undead state the vampire did suffer from some nasty illnesses, not being harmful to her unlife in any way but being a real pest to deal with, especially seeing that having their sense of smell impaired was something of the most uncomfortable feelings a vampire could have.

Her crimson eyes darted around the buildings, trailing over the storefronts as she adjusted her sunglasses, raising a pierced eyebrow as she finally found what she was looking for; the local Herbalist!

"God, not a second to early!" Rose scoffed as she swiftly opened the door and slid inside the shop, closing the door behind her and exhaling deeply, relieved of not being exposed to the sun any longer.

Nyla Avery

Nyla was currently leaning against the counter at the book store she was employed at, a book open on the top of the counter. She kept the book open with her left hand as her fingers on her right hands played with her wavy strands of hair. She had to keep herself distracted. Today was a slow day and there were only a few people in the store, looking around. She had already asked all of them if they needed help finding a book, and they each responded with a 'no thank you.' Nyla, engrossed in the book, didn't even bother looking up anymore when the bell at the front door would ring whenever someone opened it. Without thinking, her fingers moved away from her hair and instead, small flames of fire produced from her finger tips. "Nyla!" she heard a woman snap at her. She looked up, the flames immediately disappearing.
"Hmm?" she hummed to her boss, a middle-aged woman that owned the book store herself. She was also a witch, but with different powers and abilities than Nyla had. She glared at the young adult. "What did I tell you about fire in a store full of books?" her boss questioned. Nyla blushed and hung her head low as she glanced away from the glaring eyes of the older woman. "Sorry" she mumbled. "It was an accident, honestly. I didn't even know I was doing it." The woman muttered something under her breath about Nyla never knowing that she was doing it. "You should really be careful, especially now. Did you hear about that vampire?" Nyla nodded. Everyone heard what happened to the vampire that was part of the Elder council. It was tragic, really, even just hearing about it. This means that there's someone dangerous out there, the word 'hunter' alarming everyone. "You should really be careful" her boss warned her. "You don't know who's watching out there."

Thinking about it, Nyla turned her head to look out the huge glass panes at the front of the store. She saw the numbers of people walking on the sidewalks but she also saw her own reflection. Her boss was right, Nyla didn't know. Any one of the people walking by could be the vampire's murderer, most likely a hunter. She looked down at her watch and stood up straight to stretch. "It's my lunch break" she told her boss then marked the page in her book. She was going to come back to it later after she got something to eat. She had to get out of the store so she didn't have to talk to her boss about the death of the vampire.

Nyla walked out of the book store and started walking down the street. There were many places to eat at or just get food from, but she didn't want to walk too far for her food. She knew there was a deli not too far from the store so she started to make her way to there. She memorized the deli's menu of subs from the many visits she's made during previous lunch breaks. Nyla finally decided which sandwich would have the honor of suppressing her hunger as she reached upon the front door of the deli.
Sesler had tucked himself into the corner of the empty kitchen, a whitetiled room covered in cooking appliances. A butcher's knife was held in his palm, sideways and across his face. He'd lean around the corner, propping the blade upright, and looked to the door, where his broomstick failsafe had fallen.

However, it wasn't the jacket-clad man who had entered, but rather the bookwitch, Nyla. He'd replace the knife in its holder before entering the lobby, opting to telepathically communicate with her. His telepathic voice was much richer and lighter in tone compared to his mundane speaking voice. This was due to his inactive speaking habits.

Nyla, why are you here? You witches are far less predictable than the fodder outside.

It was common knowledge that Sesler viewed the mortals as numbers before people, which made him sound a bit cold. He pulled a chair out from a mahogany eat-in diner tables of the deli, resting his overly-tall frame in the too small chair. As such, he leaned forward to remove the discomfort.

Allow me to estimate. Your allotted time to consume edibilities has begun. You know, you share many traits as your mortal counterparts. You and Asterix as well. Quite humorous if you weren't a Trini.

Humor has always evaded him. A common smile was seldom on his mediocre face. It was akin to looking at a robot.
Nyla Avery

Nyla entered the deli, caught by surprise when the broomstick fell onto the floor right in front of her feet. One of her eyebrows rose in curiosity as she watched Sesler enter the lobby.
"Glad to see you too, Sesler" Nyla said in a soft voice, mostly being sarcastic. She forced a small grin towards the man. She would've enjoyed a kinder greeting rather than being questioned of her presence at the deli, but it was Sesler. He wasn't subject to emotion as far Nyla knew. She sighed as she looked down at the broom and used her mind to easily lift it up and place it back in the corner. She took a couple more steps into the little shop, moving closer to Sesler. "Were you expecting someone else to come rather than me?" Nyla wasn't even aware that Sesler was waiting for his follower prior to her entering.

She laughed lightly at his mentioning of witches' similarities with the humans.
"Yeah well, we are humans. Just...humans with powers I guess." She wrinkled her nose as she shrugged, the sentence sounding awkward coming out of her mouth. "This is my lunch break" she told him with a short nod, confirming his conclusion and also wanting to change the subject. "The only break I can get until my shift is over." She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "And I was hoping to get something to eat, but it looks like no one is really here. You came from the kitchen...do you know if anyone's in there?" To Nyla, it seemed like her and Sesler were the only ones in the deli. She eyed him with a hopeful glint in her eyes. Nyla was hungry, almost starving, and she didn't want to waste her whole lunch break looking for food.

@The Awakened Moon

With an audible sigh, which seems out of place in telepathic conversations, he'd elaborate reluctantly.

I believe the supposed Hunter had me marked. I won't implore as to how I know, just understand that I do.

He refrained from discussion the Elder's death. He knew it bothered the others more than it would ever bother him, so he chose a safer route.

I can make you a noonmeal. I need you out of the diner with haste anyway.

He wasn't trying to sound rude. He simply wanted to explore why the deli was so...desolate. He suspected more Hunter involvement but had no hard evidence. No need to worry the Witches, however. He stood to his full height as he returned the chair to his original spot, turning his head back to Nyla. He felt at unease, shifting his weight from foot to foot. He still felt watched, and subconsciously eased his left hand over the grip of his sword, tucked under the duster. Of the few things that entertained him, the obvious revulsion of witches to mortals was one of those. Although a grin never touched his face, it was equivalent to a full on laugh at her disgust for the association. It was something to discuss later.
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Nyla Avery

Nyla stood still immediately after Sesler mentioned a hunter.
"A hunter has you marked?" she barely whispered, not believing what she heard. "I mean, is it true? Is there really one in Salem?" She sat down at one of the tables, looking up at Sesler as she waited for his response. As soon as he offered to make her lunch, a huge smile formed on her lips. "I'd like that" she said, getting right back up. "You can talk to me as you make me my lunch" she smirked, her plan to trap him into conversing with her. She walked past him and went into the kitchen. She figured that the owners wouldn't mind since the owners weren't even there. If they cared, they would have bothered to at least lock up their shop. She hummed softly as she looked around the kitchen, finding the fridge and opening it. She took out meats, cheese, and any vegetables that were available and got them ready for Sesler. "There" she smiled innocently up at him, implying for him to start making the sandwich as she also provided him with the bread. She wasn't sure where everything was so she had to do some searching.

Nyla thought about the vampire's death, causing her to cross her arms over her chest uncomfortably.
"Sesler, I know you heard about the death of the Elder. What's your opinion on all of it?" she asked him curiously. Nyla knew the man was interested in conversations. Besides, no matter how disturbing the news of the vampire's death might be, Nyla wanted to prove for some reason that she didn't mind talking about it.

Sesler was walking into the kitchen as he heard her question on the Elder. He stopped for a moment. This was not part of his plan. He methodically moved the ingredients in a line, putting the bread at the end as he stacked several ingredients upon it. It was an odd way to make one, sure, but it was fast. He spoke while doing so, replying

Yes, there is a Hunter. Don't tell Asterix yet, but I believe there could be several.

After a pause, he'd say reluctantly, his telepathic voiced twinged with perhaps the beginning of sorrow.

Varunder was...perhaps one of the few creatures that could understand how I view the world. Now, I don't have the instinctive need to socialize, but I'm still part human. The Elder could bring out long debates and answer rationally. I always believed that he had met Trini in his lifetime before I.

He turned around, the sandwich neatly stacked on a paper plate. As he turned to hand it to her, he pulled the knife from the holder with the telekinetic grip of his mind, slicing the sandwich without hands. He'd attempt to change the subject, saying-

The Hunter has followed me for several hours if it's to be believed. Before you came, I planned on killing him as he entered the deli. I'm a bit suspicious that any psionic readers they may have will pick up my telepathic readings. Course, they can't understand it in unless I talk directly to them. Otherwise, they hear Trini and not English.

He turned to the kitchen counters, running a hand and slamming a fist on several lightly until he appeared to hear what he wanted. It was a locked drawer, with a Smithon lock.

Several years ago, Sesler had read a locksmith's book on the creation and removal of many books. Due to a Trini's need to absorb all information, their memory is astoundingly detailed and immense. He imagined the lock's internal components in his mind, puilling the tumblers apart with the mental fingers. Some telekinetic are imprecise, whereas his is equivalent to another set of hands. Course, large objects are akin to lifting a truck.

The lock disengaged with a click. Looking to Nyla, he'd open the cabinet and pull out a Weston double-action revolver.

And no, you don't trick me into conversations without me knowing.

And for that, a small uplift of the corners of his mouth represented a scarce grin.
Nyla Avery

Nyla bit her lip nervously as she listened intently to Sesler speak while making the sandwich, not interrupting him once since she knew it would be rude of her to do so. She could tell that Sesler was somehow affected by the death of the Elder, possibly on a more personal level than Nyla herself was.
"We have to tell Asterix" Nyla barely whispered in response to Sesler's presumption of several hunters being in Salem. She wouldn't lie; Nyla was probably terrified inside by this news from him. Salem was peaceful all her life until recently when someone killed the vampire. "If there are hunters here in Salem, everyone should be cautious."

Nyla glanced down at the sandwich and took one half of it after Sesler cut it.
"Thank you. You can have the other half if you want" she offered since he was the one that made the sandwich for her. Nyla casually sat up on one of the counters in the kitchen and bit into her sandwich. "I'm sorry I ruined your plans, I didn't know. But how can you be sure that the man that was following you is a hunter?" she asked him curiously. If there was a mortal near by, and they could hear within the kitchen of the deli, it would most likely be strange to why Nyla would be discussing a topic like this with herself. She watched as Sesler took out the gun, assuming that he wanted to possibly finish his business of killing the hunter that was following him. Nyla looked back up at Sesler's face and saw his slightly visible grin. "I thought I could trick you without you knowing" she responded with a casual shrug. "But that's clearly impossible." She returned his smile with a small one of her one before biting into the sandwich again.

He'd make a two-fingered horizontal slicing gesture, saying-

If I told you how I was sure, you wouldn't feel safe in your private thoughts. Besides, why else would a stranger follow me? It can't simply be curiosity due to my height.

He placed the sandwich on the counter, staring as though looking beyond, into the deep recesses of his mind. Why hadn't the man entered the deli yet? Although Sesler had dodged his tracing attempts, he did so to lead him into the deli believing he'd find a Trini unaware that his ruse failed. It was akin to double planning his own device.

Besides, you didn't ruin anything. The hunter would've came in here by now if he was alone. If he knew that he had accomplices and therefore backup, he'd wait another day before striking. Hence the group theorem. That's why we can't tell Asterix. There'll be lynchings. The hunters must be gaining information about us from somewhere. I do not know if any of the Witches have been marked yet, but I plan if they do.

He'd turn back to her on the counter, speaking out loud in the same, horribly deep voice like a water drum echoing.

"In fact, your tracer might be in here now. Trying to listen to what appeared to be a one-sided conversation with yourself. After all, no one hears my thoughts unless I allow it."

He turned on his heel, spinning the revolver into his left hand as he drew the sword with his right, facing the kitchen doorway. However, there was no sudden movement of some unforeseen stalker running or an attacker charging. It was instead eerily silent, Sesler rigid as a statue.
Nyla Avery

Nyla wasn't sure how she felt exactly when Sesler used the word 'lynchings'. She believed it was directed more towards the witches than any other species that was here in Salem. Her own ancestors had barely escaped those lynchings from the Salem witch trials, so the subject was a pretty delicate one for her. She'd assume that if there were hunters in Salem, which most likely there were, they'd be set out to killing the witches first. But the death of the Elder proved otherwise to her.
"Let's hope none of them are being marked" Nyla said in a soft voice. It was obvious she was no longer in her natural contented state. All this talk of lynchings and hunters was getting to her, causing her mood to shift.

She watched Sesler move to the doorway, slowly following him and making sure to stay quiet.
"Sesler" she whispered as she stood behind the tall man. He was completely covering her from seeing out of the deli's kitchen so she moved around quietly to get a better look past him. "Did you hear someone come in?" she questioned, keeping her voice low. As it became silent, Nyla could feel a slight warmth against her hands. She glanced down and saw the small flames rising from her palms, quickly clenching her fists. She was used to this happening sometimes when she got nervous, and at this moment, a possible hunter being in the same building as her was definitely making her uneasy.

Bracing a foot against the unlatched door, he'd mentally reply-

The fact that I didn't here anyone yet specifies someone trying to conceal their steps. So it can't be an average customer, yet the door opened to allow a bit of light enter while I was making the sandwich. I spoke out loud so that he knows that I'm in the kitchen and am also aware of his presence.

He'd push his toes down, flinging the door open with the force of his boot-fulcrum. He'd hold his sword hand out to Nyla, as a silent gesture to stay put. He'd step out, first twisting the revolver into the hallway leading to the staff back of the deli, then turned to the tiled hallway. He'd step forward, sweeping the gun sights across the apparent room. A thought occurred to him, too late, as the proposed intruder sprung over the Barista counter, slamming the revolver out of his hand as Sesler swung the sword in an arc. It'd clip the man's cheek and jaw, as he brung a knife across Sesler's abdomen before tucking his shoulder and rolling, sprinting out of the doorway. Sesler mentally shouted, with a flair of unseen aggression.

Dammit! I was so dumb to believe such!

Before scaring Nyla any further, he'd explain.

That hunter isn't aiming for the witches. Not yet. I recognized him from my earlier life. A Trini extinguisher, Reils. It appears our 'group' are diverse in their skills.

He held his now empty gun hand to the gash, the blood flow much slower than normal wounds. The momentary aggression was gone from his mind, caused by his anger at his own downfall. Trini were very picky about how their intelligence is viewed, perhaps to much so.
Nyla Avery

She remained still, following Sesler's order not to move. She stayed behind the doorway, not able to see much from where she was anyway as he made his way out and the door closed on it's own behind him. She bit her lip and started to play with her hair, wanting to help him out anyway she could but she was afraid. Afraid of whoever was out there. Suddenly, she heard the sound of the gun sliding across the floor and the commotion of the two men fighting. Nyla stood on her toes to get a look out of the small window of the kitchen door. All she saw was the man rushing out of the deli and into the groups of people on the sidewalk. Nyla quickly opened the door, turning her head to look for Sesler.

She heard what he said but paid no mind to it, noticing the wound on his abdomen.
"Are you okay?" she asked, rushing over to him. It was obvious she was angry and worried that the hunter tried to harm someone who she considered a friend. She could hardly believe what had just happened and Sesler's anger about the event that just took place was obvious to her also. "Hey look it's okay" she assured him, about both the wound and his anger toward himself. "We can go to Asterix and see what she can give you. A-And..." she stuttered slightly, looking up at him to meet his eyes. "We have to tell her about the hunters" she begged him softly.

He'd lift his head from staring down at the wound, replying-

Your assurance is appreciated. I can tend to the wound myself. After all, I am a doctor. You, however, need to tell Asterix. Unless you fear that our Hunter fellow plans on marking you down as well.

It was a grim prospect. To think that a group of like minded individuals could wrought havoc upon Salem was bad enough, but to target certain people based on prejudice was even worse. Moving with emphasis on his wounded side, he'd land himself on a chair under the table, leaning back on it. His face was a toneless expanse of unemotion, the true fire of anger hidden in his glare to the doorway. He turned back to her once more, softening his expression up as he spoke.

You're much more powerful than I. He won't attempt to attack you directly-

He suddenly stopped talking, looking down to his wound again. Although he didn't make a gesture or noise of pain, the cut had begun to grow numb as the area around it burned.

The cretin must've poisoned me. I shall forgo my plan of following him for another time.

He'd stand, his face visibly paler in the outdoor light streaming in from the open doorway. Leaning over in a manner that stretched away from his hurt side rather than upon it, he'd lift the Weston revolver, holstering it under his duster as he did the same with his blade. A sudden thought of brilliance occurred to him as he imagined a blade capable of firing a bullet much like the .44 the Weston holds. Another time, perhaps.

To Asterix it is.


Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

Asterix brow came up as he spoke, a light hearted laugh leaving her lips. "I am afraid I can't be persuaded easily." Often she liked to joke around with George, it helped ease the awkward tension in the room due to her own words. "Hm. Everybody dies one day, is that just eternal relaxation?... It seems I've lived quite a long, tiring life already." She was old, and she was glad that every witch had their secret concoction to keep themselves young.

She was about to speak again when the door open and Rose walked in. Asterix smiled. "Oh, aren't I popular today! Welcome Rose, how are you?" She asked the vampire. Asterix had a close relationship with most vampires in Salem, mostly because she used to date one way back and when he left Salem, she stayed friends with most of them. Often she would mix them herbs to help with their thirst for blood.



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Nyla Avery

"No, we need to tell Asterix" Nyla corrected the wounded man. "I'm sure she knows about the hunters' presence around anyhow." She watched as Sesler sat down in the chair by the table, letting out a sigh. "I wouldn't only care if the hunters were marking the witches. But they are most likely going to try and hunt down all of the supernaturals in Salem" she stated matter of factly. She knew they wouldn't care what species, just as long as all the non-humans were dead. Nyla found it rather disturbing how ruthless the humans could be. They were scared of whatever wasn't normal to them and their solution was to destroy whatever it was that wasn't their norm.

Nyla silently agreed that she was powerful, not in a boasting way, but she doubted that she was more powerful than Sesler. She thought it was the other way around.
"I don't think that he should be hesitant to attack me directly when compared to you" she replied honestly. "He should be more afraid of you." Nyla started to move her way to the opened front door of the deli, glancing back at Sesler before she walked out, holding the door open for him. "Are you sure you're okay, Sesler?" she questioned. She honestly wished that she could do anything to help her friend, but Nyla couldn't at the moment. She knew a few healing potions but Asterix was the best at it all, so she'd rather leave it up to her. Besides, she wouldn't even be able to brew any type of potion out here on the streets.

Deciding not to lie, he'd say-

I will need something to treat this poison. And I wasn't judging his hesitation on attacking the witches based on actual power. Just outward appearances. After all, Trini aren't physically scary.

He rose from the chair, groaning at the sudden appearance of burning pain in his abdomen from the movement.

I suppose you're right. Lead on.

He trusted any of the witches' brewing prowess. A field of magic he simply can't possess as it relied on natural gifts rather than wit. Although carrying the outward, emotionless slate of himself, internally his side screeched with the pain of whatever malign poison ran through his veins.

Trini circulation was much slower than most mortals. Not only were their conscious and subconscious minds sharp, their very bodily functions were made for efficiency. Muscles used only the necessary amount of oxygen and calories, his breathing was mathematically even with his need, and his heart rate was almost at will. It was slow at the moment, slowing the poison's spread. However, the blood loweration made his skin cold and pale.

Walking to Nyla, he'd say out loud, as though to remove the bothersome voice that came from within and not outward, like nature intended.

"I'll live, to answer your question."

Perhaps speaking out loud wasn't the greatest. His voice was extremely deep and crackly sounding, like a cliché movie demon.
Nyla Avery

Nyla continued to lead Sesler to the herb shop where Asterix was working. She watched her own feet as she walked, keeping a slow pace just in case Sesler couldn't keep up with his new wound.
"Witches aren't particularly scary, either, you know. If you look at it from a physical point of view" she responded. "You look more frightening than a witch that only stands at 5'3" and despises using her own powers as a weapon." Nyla's eyebrows rose as she glanced back at him, describing herself in all honesty. It wasn't like Nyla wouldn't use her abilities to protect herself or others from danger, but she hated using them as a weapon against people. Even if it was for her own protection or the protection of others. "I know you'll live. No need to worry about that. Asterix will look after your wound." Nyla turned her head to give Sesler an optimistic smile even if he wouldn't return the friendly smile back to her. They were getting closer to Moonlights herb shop, only having to turn one more corner prior to reaching their destination.

He kept mostly in pace, lowering the right leg as that was his injured side.

It's the idea that you are a witch that can terrify most. Who ever heard of a Trini prowling in the night and kidnapping children? My kind is horribly secluded, which makes me think their deep recesses of knowledge are narrow wells, incapable of any other points of view.

The ability to grin back, more for his hope than hers, had eluded him. The Trini part of his mind blocked his mortal impulses at times. With a bit of foresight, he'd add on-

I speculate as to how Asterix will feel about me getting blood on the carpet or bringing a loaded gun inside. I suppose I just won't tell her about it.

He turned the corner, the petite building of the shop coming into view. He felt thirsty, drastically parched. Lifting his hand from the wound once more, he'd note the grey tint to the immediate area of the gash.

My tracer appeared to have used Cluthe. I have perhaps...a half-hour until it begins to paralyze my muscles by causing spasms.

The poison was derived from pear pits, much like cyanide. However, it is a neurotoxin, focused on damaging nerves instead of his vital organs. Course, the expanse of neural networking that made up his mind was a Trini's placeholder. Without it, he was incompetent. Reils was starting to adapt to him.

Years ago, Sesler had encountered the extinguisher in Salem. It was a personal visit, the man probing for any weaknesses. Back then, he was unaccustomed to Trini wit, and a homemade wire trap on the front porch cut the man's left hand off. Perhaps he had it replaced. He recalled them scuffling with both hands, however. The primal, mortal emotion of vengeance stirred once more.

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