Of Dragons and Men

I'm completely new to this forum/site, but I'm interested in possibly joining this game. A few questions:

-Are all players suppose to be mages? (I have no particular interest in being one)

-Can we use our own dragons upon approval? (it won't be even close to over powered)

-How frequently are we expected to post?

-Can we create the area we are starting from? (city, climate, ect.)

Thanks in advance.
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No, you do not have to be a mage. The option is there for anyone who wants it, as the concept of Mana is a very important one and is what governs a mage's power, but you don't have to be one. Every character will be partnered with a Dragon of their choosing from the list I provided in the OOC. If the Dragon you want is not on the list then you can negotiate with me for the species you want, but you'll need to do be convincing because many of the Dragons which are not on the list are not there for a reason. If the Dragon you want has chosen by someone else, then there's nothing I can do because I would like to keep from doubling up on Dragons.

I will expect you to post at least two times per week. Any absence longer than one week's time will require advanced notice so that I know to wait for you, but don't make a habit of it. Greatmar2 has been fairly good about sticking to this, but the others who joined have already been dropped for failing to adhere to this requirement.

And lastly, yes, you can create your starting point so long as you make it to the point where my character is in my most recent post. If you're in, then let me know now and I'll hold the RP there until you create a character and make your first post to catch up. Be sure to read my intro post and my most recent post so you know what's going on. Most of the other posts are just filler so you don't need to worry about them.
Character is up and my format is finally good to go. 
If my character checks out ok, where should I have her end up when I finish my first post? Should I end it with her being escorted into the Rune Dragon's palace?
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Most of my first post is complete, so I'll have it up by tomorrow. I just have to finish the final palace part/introduction. :)
I work long hours on the weekend so expect my next post by Monday. But it could come as early as Sunday night.
I'm leaving on a camp till Friday after school today. We are not allowed to take phones or laptops with. But I'll post as soon as I can when I get back.
Sorry, I am very busy during weeks, as I've told Keyro, and the week after camp was hectic. I shall endeavour work on my post this weekend, though it is also a bit busy, but I should be able to post.
I plan on my next post being introductory, with a minimal of greetings exchanged and our characters swapping names. What I had in mind would have me briefly control your characters (Delzah & Rylan) so I can include their movements and some minor dialoge. This of course would also have me bringing Delzah back into the great room of the palace. If anyone has a problem with this then let me know and I'll reduce your characters importance in the post.

It'll probably go up Monday.
I plan to work on my post after school today, or tomorrow. Should I just get my character to start off some dialog.

I'm guessing that you want to do that so that our characters can have a proper conversation without us having to make many small posts.

I'm fine with that, but maybe we could use this thing call "pirate pad" (or any other aether pad) to make a collab (collaborative post). Where we each can take a turn to write a bit and then once we are done, one person can copy it and post it. Collabs can also be done via PM, but online pads are easier.

Go to http://piratepad.net/bnyDNE3IH4 to check out a pad I just made.
Maybe, it depends how slow it is. I certainly don't want to take up days on the pad just to get through an introduction.
Well, I don't mind which we do. We could let each other know here each time we add our part to the thing, or we could all be on it at once, then the two who are not typing could chat.

But let's see what Kyero thinks. 
Oh. He hasn't been on for a little while. I'll get to work on my post then, then I guess you can decide what you want to do, Bone2pick. I don't mind if you puppet my character a bit for conversations.
Sorry you two, my laptop's hard drive disk is damaged and has to be replaced, hence why I haven't been online. I'm using my Ipad now, and won't have my laptop back until monday.

Pirate Pad is my go-to chat pad, actually, and I am surprised to see another person using it. When it comes to collaborative posts, it'd be an excellent tool because you can text-chat in real time with very little lag time. It's an excellent tool, and one I'd recommend for anyone who needs a realtime chatting device without resorting to giving away email addresses or personal information.

Anyway, in regards to the idea of controlling our characters, I don't think it will be necessary. Simply guiding your own character to the 'landing pad', for lack of a better phrase, will be enough. Delzah is waiting outside for everyone as it is, and once you're all outside with him I'll move us along back to the Mortal Plane so we can begin the real adventure with out Dragons.

Again, I won't have access to my laptop until Monday, but I'll be waiting for Bone's post before I move us ahead.
Well, I have my laptop back temporarily. The HDD is still damaged and inaccessible, so they ordered me a new one which should be here later this week. I'll likely lose it for a day or two once the part is in, as they weren't very good about keeping to the schedule of getting my laptop in and out in two days like they initially planned. Hopefully it doesn't interfere with the RP too much.

Anyway, keep posting and I'll keep up as best I can until this is dealt with. If worse comes to worse I'll use my iPad to post. It takes longer to do so, but I can still post on it if need be. I'll put up my next post after Clew leaves the King's throne room.
I need Clew to make a move before I can post please. Otherwise I'll move on without her.
Illness swept through my house this week (it's still lingering even now), I can't post again until this coming Monday.
I pushed us along. I cannot afford to let the RP slow any further. If you can't keep up, I'm going to leave you behind.
Logged on to post and saw this. I'm out. If you had a problem with me posting Monday / today (like I already stated) then you should have brought it up earlier.
Wait don't leave… Kyero, he did say he was going to post on Monday. Remember we do have different timezones, like my last post here was when I was going to bed.
I can respect time zones, but Bones' last post was on February 7th. That's almost a full month ago. That kind of a time gap between posts is unacceptable. School and work is no excuse with me. I'm a full time college student with a job teaching martial arts four days of the week.

You can't tell me that finding fifteen to twenty minutes every few days to put up a measly two to three paragraph post to keep things moving is asking too much. Do you know how small of a percent of you week I'm asking for? Less than one percent.

So Bone, you can be as upset at me as you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you held the RP back for nearly a month. That is not something that I will tolerate as the GM. And if you think you can play the victim in this scenario to get some sympathy by saying "I was ready to post when...", then you're sadly mistaken. You slowed the RP, not me. You couldn't spare less than one percent of your time to take fifteen minutes to post in almost a month, not me. You're no victim here, and I won't treat you like one or apologize for moving ahead without you.

You want out because I'm being a responsible GM and dropping the weakest link for the sake of the RP?

Then goodbye and good luck.

But if you're going to act like a spoiled brat because I didn't wait those last few hours when you were finally "ready to post," then I don't want you in the RP.
You've broken off from reality. I posted on Feb 7th and everyone else waited two weeks to finally post...Hold yourself to your own standard. I'm the one who was pushing to move on, and when I proposed a character introduction post it was turned down. How hard is it to read the OOC posts?

You reap what you sow. You want a dead RP, you've got it.

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