Of Dragons and Men [Inactive]

Rylan cast one last glance towards the majestic Dragon King, then began walking past the other Dragons present, towards the doors which they had entered through. Passing the many dragons, great and small, the walk through the Rune-Dragon-sized courtroom seemed to take ages, but the two tiny humans eventually reached the gargantuan doors and left the room. Rylan could feel small vibrations in the floor, he guessed that the larger dragons were moving around.

He looked up towards the Dark Horse Dragon waiting on the landing. They had only actually met several minutes ago, but it felt like he had known Dar'lith his entire life... like he was family. From what the Dragon King had said, the two were closer than twin brothers- having been conceived at precisely the same time, but their hearts, minds and souls were bound together.

Emerging from his thought, he realised that he and his Dragon-brother should probably introduce themselves to the others they would be saving two worlds with. He sent this thought to Dar'lith, who nonverbally agreed.

Rylan turned to the human and, not knowing how to properly open the conversation, began, "Clew, was it?"
Delzah waited outside with the other Dragon who all looked at him for a time before turning as their human partners exited the throne room. The reunion was short and sweet, with a hug and face nudge here and there as Delzah smiled and nodded. Together they walked back to the gate which led back to the Mortal Plane where a Dragon priestess waited for them. As they arrived, she wished them luck, and sang the song once again to open the passageway between worlds. The group all walked through one at a time with Delzah going last.

The rush of being transported from one realm to another was just as exhilarating as the first time, and Delzah felt a strange sensation as he found himself opening his eyes back in the Mortal Plane in the same mountains in which they had come from.

Delzah looked around and saw the other two standing nearby with their Dragons.

"I think it would be a good idea to take a ride to the foot of the mountains, but once we get there the Dragons should take to human form for a while. It wouldn't do to have other people see them and start a panic. You know that ignorance is likely to lead to such an outcome." He warned.

Also, he still had to find Nirla'ana, but she was a few cities away and even when he found her there was no guarantee that she'd be willing to help. She liked him, sure, but he didn't think she liked him enough to help him on a journey like this.
Rylan looked toward Delzah as he spoke once they had exited the portal. He nodded, agreeing, then saying 'Though we should not stay long, and avoid human settlements on our journey back. We could ride our dragons high in the sky, where we would look no bigger than a bird to any humans who look up. Delzah you could ride with me, if you want. Though there are problems. Our dragons would need to rest, and it would be icy cold up there. We didn't exactly bring snowsuits... So should we travel along the ground?" He left the question hanging, waiting for a response.

While he waited, he couldn't help but think about what he had heard about Delzah. A half-dragon. Delzah didn't really look different to a human, but then again Rylan hadn't known his own godfather had been a dragon in disguise. He wondered if Delzah could change into a dragon, maybe just partly, or for a limited time. But he decided it might be rude, or insensitive, to ask. He also wondered why the name that Delzah had been given was so special to the dragons.

Rylan's sibling-of-heart gave answers to some of Rylan's questions, Most dragon qualities will have been lost, only a few retained. The most likely is longevity, and then a couple others. As for the name, it will likely be explained, not necessarily by me, when you understand more about dragons. Now, pay attention to what Delzah is saying.
Delzah heard what Rylan's suggestion, and contemplated it a few moments before coming to a decision.

"I think it would be wise to fly low for now, actually. The warmer air just below the clouds would be best for the Dragon's wings. Flying too high will make them work harder as the temperature drops and the warm air currents deteriorate. When we get within a few miles of the next city, we'll go to the ground and have the Dragons take to human form for a while." He said, walking towards Rylan and his Dragon.

Clew and her Dragon had disappeared, likely to take a journey elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Delzah needed to hop a ride with Rylan. If only having Dragon blood meant he could have a pair of wings for himself. But alas, it just wasn't to be.

"So, if you wouldn't mind I'll accept the offer for a lift. Just fly low, and head towards the Acostal Highlands. They're a few days away, even on a Dragon, so we'll need to stop in the city of... Iyala, I think. That'd be the best place to start. We can get supplies there and prepare to meet with Nirla'ana." He said.
Delzah thought many of things that Rylan hadn't. He put it down to Delzah being half dragon, and it was in his blood. He agreed with Delzah. He turned to Dar'lith who, literally reading his mind, leaned down so the two comparatively small humans could climb onto the large dragon. Rylan climbed up first , then held out his hand to help Delzah climb up. They both sat at the base of the Dragon's neck, on his back.

You might want to hold on, since this is your first time, Dar'lith told them both. Rylan leaned forward and hugged his partner's neck tightly. He resisted the urge to close his eyes, since then he would miss seeing an amazing experience. He could sense Dar'lith in his mind, waiting for Delzah to hold onto the only thing he would be able to; Rylan.

Once the two were holding tightly, Dar'lith opened his wings and giving mighty flaps, took flight. Looking down, Rylan was amazed by the sight that he beheld. Once the flight had stabilised, not ascending anymore, Rylan loosened his grip slightly and looked around. This is amazing! He thought to Dar'lith, I want fly with you more often!

Then the Dark Horse Dragon did something that Rylan never suspected was possible. He drew Rylan's mind into his own, allowing the human to experience the flight as he did. Moving vast quantities of air to stay airborne; relaxing slightly when they entered a thermal updraft; using his tail for stabilisation; and the best view of all. For the rest of the flight, they stayed this way, Rylan enthralled by the experience.

When they caught sight of the first city on their way to the Acostal Highlands, Rylan returned his attention his own body, which was still gripping Dar'lith's neck. They quickly landed, and Rylan and Delzah climbed off.
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