Of Blood and Wine (a GoT-AU-RP).

Name: Drevyn "The Iron Death" Greyjoy

Sex: Male

Age: 34

Sexuality: Asexual


Drevyn was the youngest of the many brothers of Balon Greyjoy, and was the fourth in the line of succession for the Iron Islands. At a young age his older brother Balon sent him off to become a ward for one of his strongest banner men, Theos Blacktyde. As Drevyn's mentor, Theos always pushed him forwards and never pampered him because he was a high lord, but always respected him like he was his own son. At the age of 16, Drevyn set out across the narrow sea to become a true ironborn, and pay the iron price. With his mentor Theos at his side, he pillaged the free cities for over half a year before returning to the home to the Iron Islands. He expected his family to be proud when he returned home as a man, only to learn news that the majority of his house had died in a tragic sea storm.

Only few of the Greyjoy's survived the sea storm, including his oldest brother Balon. Balon was childless, and the rest of the Greyjoy brothers perished except Drevyn. Drevyn was the new heir to the Iron Islands. His brother Balon grew paranoid of his younger brothers new position, and sent him on multiple reavings across the narrow sea in hopes that Drevyn would die in battle or at sea. Every few years he waited eagerly for his younger brothers death. However, his younger brother succeeded in the majority of his raids and returned stronger, wealthier and more respected from his followers. Balon, ever more fearful for his lands and titles, sent his younger brother as an adviser to King's Landing in the name of the Greyjoy's learning news of the new king Viserys.


His motives are as unpredictable as an open sea is. Feared by the free cities as "The Iron Death" for his complete lack of mercy, but for his quick methods of killing, he's an accomplished ironborn raider that's made the Greyjoy name known across the free cities. He's an ironborn man said to have resisted the temptation of having any salt wife he could ever want. He has very little humor and takes his ironborn heritage very seriously. His list of comrades and trusted followers are minimal, with his only true closest relation to his mentor. He follows the way of the iron price, no matter the cost and plans to reclaim his ancestors lands across Westeros.

Additional Information:

-Is heavily misguided without his friends/mentor

-Has no compassion nor any mercy for people he considers enemies

-Has a great enjoyment for killing other men

-Is very calm and collected, rarely losing his temper

-Has has a lacking sense of humor

-Is an accomplished sea raider and commander, and has knowledge across the narrow sea


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Jyana Buckwell

House: Buckwell of the Antlers

Sex: Female

Age: 15

Biography: The second daughter of House Buckwell in the Crownlands, while she had the same Septa education as her older sister Jaenelle, from the age of 12 her life has followed a very different path. That was when Princess Kalista formally moved from the royal nursery to having her own small entourage, and Lord Buckwell had enough influence at court to have Jyana named as one of her three nobly-born hand maidens.

Since then the peaceful life at the Antlers seems like a rural idyll; life at court is entirely other. More exciting, more glamorous, more worldly - but also far more dangerous. The one time she's been home in recent years was for her older sister's wedding, and she couldn't help but feel she didn't belong there any more. The whole week she kept thinking about what she should be doing and who she should be talking to at the Red Keep on behalf of her lady. And when she returned to court, she found herself dreaming about the woodlands and the peaceful glens.

It's taken time (as Kalista isn't all that approachable) but now that they're friends she feels a far more personal loyalty to her lady -w
hich doesn't mean she isn't wondering, day-dreaming and worrying about her future.

Personality: Spritely and clever, Jyana makes up for her lack of rank and station with an effervescent wit that makes the most of her looks without ever stepping over the line into impropriety. Young and agile, with a lively sense of humour, she likes to dance and laugh - and often coaxes Kalista to do both. The quietest Targaryen in turn has taught her to be more reflective and to read better and on many cold evenings the two can be seen reading together by torchlight.

Additional Information:

-Raised in the Crownlands and then King's Landing, she finds herself split between her two homes and doesn't quite fit in either.

-She doesn't want to be a servant all her life, however nobly born.

-Septa-taught to be a young lady and a true follower of the Seven, her piety has been eroded somewhat by the excitement at court (and her own irreverence) .

-Armed with the confidence of the young she is eager to learn and see new things, certain that she can survive whatever comes her way. Except dragons.

Lord Commander Harys Buckwell

House: The White Tower

Sex: Male

Age: 37

Biography: The brother of the heir to the House, Ser Harys made his name on the tourney circuit as a young knight. Known for his unfailing honor and generosity, he swept all before him only to fall to old Ser Barristan Selmy's lance in the final tilt of a grand tournament held in honour of the coronation of King Rhaegar I Targaryen. Intent on filling up the ranks of his Kingsguard with worthy knights rather than depriving other Great Houses of their heirs, he rose and offered the white cloak to Ser Harys personally.

Harys Buckwell served loyally in Rhaegar's Kingsguard for many years until the death of Daenerys. Convinced that he was next, Viserys planned and executed the Red Rebellion in a bloody battle that rocked King's Landing for days. The previous Lord Commander died in the fighting, while Harys fell to blood loss from a blade in his leg. When he woke in the Maester's care, Viserys sat the Iron Throne and he was asked if he would serve his king loyally. He knelt painfully and swore his allegiance, and was rewarded with the leadership of his Kingsguard.

Now he serves a monarch full of troubled brilliance and watches over his King, the young Dragons and his niece as best he can.

He swore an oath, you see.

Personality: His honour is his life. Even in the days where he was the Knight of Antlers, he did his considerable best to live a good and chivalrous life, up to his own standards and ideals. Since then he has seen a lot, and more than once faced the troubled choice of conflicting oaths. So far though he has always been able to steer a course between duties. He doesn't have a place in his life for love or romance, though he has a dry sense of humour he shares with certain of his friends around the court. He does worry about his niece, feeling that she doesn't take enough care with her station, but there are limits to the family feeling he allows himself to express. His shield is white now, and so must his loyalties be.

Additional Information:

-Talented tourney knight.

-Struggles sometimes with old loyalties.

-Dry sense of humour, usually only exposed to court intimates.

-No known paramours.

-Devoted to arms for their own sake, spars regularly before morning court.

Name: Marrok Stark

House: Stark

Sex: Male

Age: 45

Biography: Following the Red Rebellion, House Stark came over a time of darkness as a result of their standing in the Rebellion. Lord Eddard was a strong supporter of King Rhaegar, and for this apparent treason to later King Viserys, Eddard was executed in King’s Landing. His remaining immediate family, namely his wife and trueborn children, were exiled from Westeros, bound for the Free Cities of Essos.

However, there is a saying in the North: “There must always be a Stark in Winterfell”. Marrok Stark was born on a distant branch of the family tree that bore Eddard and his family, from an alternate line of Starks. Marrok was born as the elder, distant cousin of Ned Stark, and was raised much the same manner as other Starks – like a northman. By the time the Red Rebellion cam, Marrok was a banner-man to the great members of his House, and alter took up the mantle of Lord of Winterfell upon Eddard’s death. As the new Lord of Winterfell, Marrok does his best to keep neutral with the Targaryen king, understanding the mutual need between the two. His goals, among being the warden of the north, is to avenge his kinsmen that were wronged by Viserys.

Personality: Marrok is a grizzled man, born and shaped by the frigid North. While does have a very gruff exterior, he has a compassionate side with his sense of justice. He believes in protecting the weak and dispensing the wicked. In his relationship with the Targaryens, he holds some grudge for the King that did wrong to his House, yet realizes that trade with the southern territories are vital to survival in the North. He is not above deception, however, if it means making the right steps to avenging Eddard.

Appearance: [Attached]

Additional Information:

-Still retains excellent swordsmanship in his advanced age

-Owns a hunting hound he named "Wraith"

-Has a wife and children (For RPers interested)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Marrok_Armor.jpg.fd1dc6699b9acde0e62b65714914c06b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Marrok_Armor.jpg.fd1dc6699b9acde0e62b65714914c06b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Marrok_Stark.jpg.b668ebd76b5c934546a2c15abc6ebfd8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Marrok_Stark.jpg.b668ebd76b5c934546a2c15abc6ebfd8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Frostbite.jpg.3980f62e5539a6478f979bf851a217f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Frostbite.jpg.3980f62e5539a6478f979bf851a217f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Loving 'Frostbite' and the whole character, accepted.

If you want to have yourself taken to the feast feel free to do so (or if you want to take your time thats fine too).

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