Let's Plan A Massacre!!!


Previously Lucifer1
Alright so let's get down to the basics.


When and where?

Dark and twisted we have established!

What are YOU craving right meow?
Well thank you for what you said in my thread, but That's my actual first true twisted character I made. But yes let's get the basics done. Non of what I say here though don't have to be absolute they are just suggestions.

Seeing as I went on about my character in my search forum, How about a Fantasy medieval setting? Like middle earth. As for what I'm craving? Something that will let that character's personality back at least a bit.

I'm not big on medieval settings, but now that you mention it's like "middle earth" it perks my ears a little.

Especially since there is such a vast space to work with in that kind of a setting.

That's alright.


Middle Earth it is!

As for creatures that dwell there, we should create our own. With the obvious edition of Dragons if you like.


Maybe skinless dragons??
Ok sounds good.

As for the creating creatures of our own what exactly do you mean? like not use the basic RPG monsters you see in games?

Also my replying will be delayed a bit. I have 4 people talking about a RP, and i'm going to start cooking here soon. So I apologize if I take awhile.
No need to apologize.

And when I mean create a creature... I mean CREATE a creature.

Yeah we can have the standardized trolls/elves/dragons ect... but what if we take regular animals and put a twist on them.

Like raven-live creatures with bird skulls for heads. Or wolves without fur/fire for fur.

Maybe Titans(rock giants) but that's not original.
I been watching the game grumps play. And the game's not that creative on monsters. The bosses are a bit creative though. but if anything darksouls is a better reference than Bloodborne. But i understand what your saying now.

They can be more diverse. Like a huge frog that speaks o-o

That's not really the best example.............

But we should try and come up with our own species ^-^

I might have multiple characters.

We need a conflict though. And lots of death involved
For the creatures I'll think it over for a few, as for multiple character I understand and i might do the same.

The conflict can be either a war, or in country genocide of the different species/races.
this is actually a similar setting to the character I was talking about was in. A rebellion against the king starting to spark a civil war in the country. Can you guess which side my character was on?
The rebellion xD

I'm totally okay with that.

I, however, wish to be a rouge Knight. One that sees the King's corruption and decides to be part of the rebellion.

Oooh my so many ideas now xD
lol actually no in the RP the character's in the king is corrupt and he sides with his. Is actually apart of a force that takes order directly from the king. Kinda like assassins, just with the same rank as a general.

If it's going to be a civil war (Which nothing's going to be civil >D) My character's going to side with the corrupt king in this one as well. I have some ideas for my character as well, some of which going to be similar to my other character but with major differences. lol
You lost me hardcore.

I feel like roleplaying on both sides will get confusing, unless we both have characters from both ends interacting.
I was thinking we would have some on both sides of the RP.

But sorry for confusing you. I know I ramble a bit at times. I was saying my Character from the other RP was sided with a corrupt King and how one my new characters will be similar to the one character just with major differences.

Alright! I get it now ^-^

I'll have a Knight on the King's side, and preferably a few other characters with the Rebellion.

There should be a witch somewhere in there... just because I think it would be cool
lol ok understood. and the which idea sounds pretty darn good. I think we should start out with about 3 characters each. One main, one on the opposite side and the other being a witch on the side of the main. What you think?
Um um um.


Is your main character on the King's side??

Because mine is going to be in the Rebellion. My main character is going to be some kind of creature... I haven't decided what she'll be.

My Knight, however, will have the soul of a dragon >…>
Well my main and secondary (one on the opposite side) were going to be played equally by me only my witch would be a support like character.

The way how I see it there are always three side to everything. two opposing side and then the neutral. But if you want I don't need one on the rebellion and have one as a neutral. Like I said I have nothing set in stone about my characters...except one will be on the king's side.
If there's going to be a romance somewhere in there, it should be on the rebellion side.

I feel like the King's side would most likely be my secondary character.

My witch will be neutral... well as neutral as one can get when you don't give a fuck about the war xD

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