Let's Plan A Massacre!!!

Ok understood about the romance. So How about this then for my characters. My main will be evil, and secondary will be Neutral but can get close to the rebellion, and my witch will be evil as well and be the cause of my main?


I'm confused now.

*thinks hard*

What if my character, my main character, leads the rebellion? Your maim character leads the King's army.

What if they end up falling in love eventually?

Unless you don't want a romance.
Now that's what I call a brain storm! xD

and no I do want a romance, And i think in your thread you like/have to have romance in your RPs...but I might be thinking of another's I read cause I saw that in many of the 1x1 search threads.

That's actually pretty darn good idea there.
I have my fair share of 'brilliance'. But I'm just like you, I put my pants on one arm at a time.....

Wait that's not right.....


Anyways. I like the little sculpture we have going on.

How would we go about doing the romance between two leaders of an army??


And how will they put their differences aside?

I'm assuming your character is probably about as corrupt as the King??
Aw You praise me too much -Cocky smile grows on my face as my nose grows-

As for the getting the romance started, I say we figure that out as we play though but once we get to actually making the characters' Profiles we can find a way for that to happen.

And yes my character will be as corrupted as the king...maybe be more. They do say that a corrupt king has a more corrupt army...at least they should say that. >D

But I'm getting off for tonight and will be back on sometime late tomorrow.

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