Grossly Incandescent
- One on One
- Group

There was a brief moment of relief, as he saw Brinne's form return to that of a person, a sign of sound sleep. Suriel wondered why they returned to their original forms. Was maintaining an animalistic form a sort of concentration, did they have to actively maintain the form instead of simply transforming into it? Was it like holding one's breath? Suriel let part of his mind wander through those thoughts while the cool breeze of the night flowed through, rustling leaves accompanied by the choir of critters and creatures. Standing watch, was always tedious, he could not imagine how guards could stand for hours with hardly any stimuli. Perhaps that's why town guards tend to be chatty, else they'd end up as mad as a lungless devil.
Amusing himself with stray thoughts, Suriel could notice the subtle rhythm of nature becoming silent until even the rustling leaves seemed to die. He felt an all too familiar sensation. Tonight was dark, but in the location of their camp, it was bright enough that Suriel managed to pop out, his golden eyes a useful tool for intimidation, but a poor means of hiding unless obscured.
Remaining calm, Suriel slowly stepped down from his boulder, searching around to pick up a stone the size of a fist. Suriel inspected the rock, appearing confident even when he knew someone or something was watching. Pulling his attention back, he scanned around the area, before returning to his sitting position atop the boulder. Going out there would be potentially dangerous without knowing their exact location. However, time was on his side, eventually the sun would rise again, and they would be forced to retreat or be revealed by sunlight. Thus, if there was someone here, they would have to reveal themselves, and when that happened, Suriel would be ready.