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Honey is right, RPN needs a 💀 emoji for posts like these lmao

Also, happy St. Patrick's Day! But more importantly, Happy birthday to Altair!

Yeaaaaaaaah I wish the skull was an option! Also I have come to realize that Aviator is probably trying to figure out what to do with me and my unhinged self. I keep feeling like they must be lurking around every corner with a rabies pole waiting to catch me. 😂

Also we missed Azura’s birthday but throw back to the time Azura’s fc made fun of herself by decorating her own birthday cake with 500 candles lmao 🤣
Ana is up and Lyssa is coming next! We may get a double Wander post if I’m speedy enough🥵🔥
Okay Wander's double post is complete🫡 I still need to get Theo and Kiara out either tomorrow or Wednesday, but my brain is currently fried and needs time to reboot lol
It’s been a bit so time to bring this gem back!

Deia: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.
The Squad: Awwww-
Deia: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."
The Squad: Oh.

Darweshi: Isn’t it weird how we pay money to see other people?
Einar: You mean movies?
Ana: Concerts?
Bellamy: Prostitutes?
Darweshi: Wha…N-no, I mean glasses, what the fuck-

Deia: What’s it like being tall?
Azura: Is it nice?
Cha-Cha: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Einar: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.

Bellamy: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.

Ana: I literally cannot believe I let you talk me into this.
Bellamy: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.

Darweshi: Are you good?
Bellamy: In what sense?
Darweshi: Generally.
Bellamy: Oh, definitely not.

Darweshi: What do you want for breakfast, Einar?
Einar: Gay Cheerios.

Azura: What does a winner do when life gives them lemons?
Bellamy: Um, make lemonade?
Azura: No, they squeeze them right back into life’s eyes!

Deia, to Azura: Why is Bellamy not talking?
Azura: I'm playing the silent game with them.
Deia: Well, then you just lost.
Azura: I lost two hours ago. I gave them ear plugs and told them to close their eyes. It was the only way I could think of to get them to shut up.

Cha-Cha: Where’s Deia?
Einar: Doing stuff.
Cha-Cha: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Bellamy?
Einar: Trying to stop Deia from doing the stuff.
Cha-Cha: And Azura?
Einar: Trying to stop Bellamy from stopping Deia from doing the stuff.
Cha-Cha: I see. And what are you doing here, Einar?
Einar: I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Azura from stopping Bellamy from stopping Deia from doing the stuff.

*Einar is shopping with Ana*
Einar: Can I get a silenced pistol?
Ana: If there’s one on sale.

Ana: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated!
Azura: Killed without hesitation.

*Bellamy is reading a Clifford The Big Red Dog book*
Cha-Cha, watching: How did he get to be so big? Do they ever explain that?
Bellamy: Well, Emily’s love for him grew, and so did he.
Cha-Cha: Well, your dog is pretty small. Guess that says something about you, huh?
Bellamy, angrily shutting their book: YOU’RE SMALL! WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT YOUR PARENTS?!?!

Azura: If the thought of something makes any of you giggle for longer than 15 seconds, you are to assume you’re not allowed to do it.

Azura: Name something you believed in as a child that you no longer do as an adult.
Deia: Myself.

Cha-Cha: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it?
Azura: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?”
Deia, scoffing: Oh, please.
Azura, to Deia: Hey, how you doin’?
*giggles and blushes*

Cha-Cha: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products!
Cha-Cha: *sprays hairspray in their mouth*
Cha-Cha: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.

*The Squad's cooking skills*
Azura: *master chef*
Ana: *knows a few recipes*
Bellamy: *can follow instructions on a box*
Deia: *made toast once*
Darweshi: *banned from the kitchen*

Deia: Quitting! It's like trying, but easier.

Cha-Cha: You know what? Let’s give it a go. What’s the worst that could happen?
Deia: Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity and death.

Bellamy, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Deia: Yeah, sure.
*A few minutes later*
Deia: Here you go.
Why am I here?

Ana: My dad has a spiked collar.
Ana: *dog

Cha-Cha: So my therapist was talking to me and she said that I really just need to break down my walls and let people in.
Cha-Cha: So I’ve decided to break the fourth wall.
Cha-Cha: *looks at camera* Hi there. I use humor as a coping mechanism.

Azura: I’m going to get so much done today.
Bellamy: I’ll hold you to that.
*8 hours later*
Bellamy: So how much did you get done?
Azura: One thing.
Bellamy: Well, that’s one more than usual.

*Darweshi is ordering a cake over the phone*
Shop Employee: …and what would you like your cake to say?
Darweshi, covering the phone to look at The Squad: Do we want a talking cake?

Azura: I have a bad feeling about this...
Ana: What do you mean?
Azura: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?
Ana: No?
Darweshi: That actually explains so much.

Cha-Cha: Everyone, calm down! We're grown-ups, let's deal with this like adults!
Einar: So, we're just going to wing it and hope for the best?
Cha-Cha: Obviously. Now, Darweshi, pass the shovel.

*Bellamy and Cha-Cha playing minecraft*
Bellamy: Oh no, oh no, oh no-
Cha-Cha: What’s wrong?
Bellamy: I did a thing.
Cha-Cha: You regret the thing you dID-
Bellamy: *screams*
Cha-Cha: What the fuck did you do- *sees mass of aggravated Piglin* Damn it-
Bellamy: *screams again*

Deia: You spent all our money on THIS??
Azura, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings:They live outside. They need this.
Just an update for everyone: I'm gonna get a Vasu post up to kickstart the challenge on Sunday, so everyone who has not posted yet with a character for this RP day, please try your very best to do so by then!

Now, the question of ultimate importance: In honor of the recently passed Pi Day, what is your character's favorite cake or pie?
Just an update for everyone: I'm gonna get a Vasu post up to kickstart the challenge on Sunday, so everyone who has not posted yet with a character for this RP day, please try your very best to do so by then!

Now, the question of ultimate importance: In honor of the recently passed Pi Day, what is your character's favorite cake or pie?
Ooooh I feel like Theo is a chocolate cake with dark chocolate frosting kinda guy

Kiara is an apple pie lover, or apple pastries, apple strudel, anything apple really

Lyssa would be the type to favor something lighter like angel's food cake

and Ana... hmmm that's a tricky one. She has an expensive palette so maybe red velvet? Either that or she would just straight up prefer chocolate covered strawberries
A wander triple post? I'm on fire!! Kiara will be coming either tomorrow or Friday, but definitely before Vasu's post on sunday!
Hell yeah, I love Incorrect Quotes!
Cha-Cha: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products!
Cha-Cha: *sprays hairspray in their mouth*
Cha-Cha: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.
LOL This one made me spit water out of my mouth, the twist was just so sudden
A wander triple post? I'm on fire!! Kiara will be coming either tomorrow or Friday, but definitely before Vasu's post on sunday!
Theo posts make me want to put on a tank top and strut around! Can't get enough of how much swagger you write him with!
Theo posts make me want to put on a tank top and strut around! Can't get enough of how much swagger you write him with!
This is the best compliment I’ve received to date 🥰 but fr he’s a certified fuc boi💀
I successfully completed the Wander quad post. I will now be sleeping for 2-3 business days😴
Just an update for everyone: I'm gonna get a Vasu post up to kickstart the challenge on Sunday, so everyone who has not posted yet with a character for this RP day, please try your very best to do so by then!

Now, the question of ultimate importance: In honor of the recently passed Pi Day, what is your character's favorite cake or pie?
Sigurd: Blueberry pie!
Darweshi: Fruitcake, but not the stereotypical hard as a brick stuff we get for Christmas! Moist, with pieces of oranges, dates, almonds, the works!
Altair: A classic vanilla cake with a lot of sprinkles!

Don't worry guys, I'll have Altair kidnap Naomi Green Goblin style on his carpet!
Hey guys, just a heads-up: Pyroclast Pyroclast reached out to me and said that they have a starter post for Auguste in the works right now, so I'm gonna hold off on starting the challenge until Tuesday to give them a chance to post first. Thank y'all for being super patient and awesome as always, and I will do my best to make sure everything is worth the suspense!
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No problem at all!!! Pyro’s posts and your posts are always amazing and 1000000% worth the wait ALWAYS AND FOREVER! You never have to worry about my interest being affected, I spend most of my time convincing myself that y’all don’t need to hear my every random thought and ramble in this OOC thread which is why I’ve been quiet the past few days haha! Poor Wander takes the hit for you guys in DMs when my brain is going a million miles an hour lol!

Heck if we have a little extra time I might even try to throw up a Gavy post today if that’s okay because Theo flirted and it might be a shorter post but I have something I REALLY want Gavy to flirt back with lmao!
No problem at all!!! Pyro’s posts and your posts are always amazing and 1000000% worth the wait ALWAYS AND FOREVER! You never have to worry about my interest being affected, I spend most of my time convincing myself that y’all don’t need to hear my every random thought and ramble in this OOC thread which is why I’ve been quiet the past few days haha! Poor Wander takes the hit for you guys in DMs when my brain is going a million miles an hour lol!

Heck if we have a little extra time I might even try to throw up a Gavy post today if that’s okay because Theo flirted and it might be a shorter post but I have something I REALLY want Gavy to flirt back with lmao!
Sanc, you know we value your energy in this MF, so stop letting Wander have all the fun and get back here! Outta curiosity, who were all those OCs from those great quotes from?

Also honeycoves honeycoves was that a Champions references in your Chitrita post? Because well played!
Sanc, you know we value your energy in this MF, so stop letting Wander have all the fun and get back here! Outta curiosity, who were all those OCs from those great quotes from?
That means so much to me, thank you! I just know I can be super random so I never wanna annoy y’all lol! The characters who said those quotes are all from a Fairy Tail (like the anime) rp my friends and I have been doing for the past couple of years. Those were just a few of my characters and their quotes. I have a few more characters whose quotes didn’t really seem to match with anyone here. Here are the that didn’t make the cut for our babes…

“I thought I was okay with what comes next. I wasn’t afraid of fading, honestly I was looking forward to the pain being over. I lived as much of my life as I possibly could but… But then you came crashing into my world and I realized I just wanted more. I don’t have a right to it but GOD do I want more time! I want more moments with you! I want to be able to give you that! It might be selfish but dammit this isn’t fair! I didn’t know I wanted this so badly and if fate gave me a choice I would take centuries of every heartbeat being agony just to be able to keep listening to yours. I don’t want to leave you…fuck…I don’t want to fade anymore…” - Originally said by Izadora Spark

“What is it you fight for? What do you live for? What would you die for? What would you sacrifice everything for? Do you not know? Is it not clearly written upon your soul how far you would go for what matters most? No? Then you never should have challenged me for I have no such doubt and I will not hesitate when it comes to what I must do next.” - Originally said by “The Demon Queen” Amunetkahlil

"We've lived through our past, we can survive anything now." - Originally said by Regina Morvo

"You can run from your ghosts or you can face them. It's your choice." - Originally said by Salem Hellstring

“The moment you doubt me is the moment you lose. I won’t hesitate to make your ignorance into the very knife that cuts your throat.” - Originally said by Neo

“The thing you long for the most can be the very death of you if you let it. That’s the beautiful thing about temptations, you’d willingly give all that you are for one single moment of absolute bliss.” - Originally said by “The Harmonious Executioner” Nixxra

"The day is never truly saved, but lives are so dammit pull yourself together and keep fighting for all the people who never got that chance." - Originally said by Celeste Eldon

"I have nothing against Death just as he has nothing against me. We are simply two travelers walking different ends of the same path and one day the two of us will meet and he will welcome me home.” - Originally said by Brandish Rose

“My greatest battle has never happened on some hill or in some fortress. It happened the moment I looked into your eyes and knew I had to stop myself then and there from telling you how much I love you…you who are a totally stranger to me.” - Originally said by Mason Gilbert

“Why do people even try to fight off the darkness? Don’t they realize that by embracing it you no longer need to worry about how others see you?” - Originally said by Ace

“Me? Surrender? Nah, that’s not my style. But if you need a break go ahead and take five, I’ll be more than happy to come back to kicking your ass in 5 minutes.” - Originally said by Varner Barns

“I am a weapon forged from blood and sharped by tears with a debt to more souls than I can name…my fight is nowhere near over.” - Originally said by Shay Somah

“The pain? What about it? You mean you expect me to be bothered by the only thing I’ve ever known?” - Originally said by “Pest” Ozkatarius

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