• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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How many people are in one area damn. Lol I thought Odin, Bellamy, Einer, plus Angel were all together now Kiara is there as well 🤣
ill get clara (and amity if still allowed; i know i missed the reasonable deadline though so no hard feelings) up this weekend!
Sorry for delay my two will be up today probably in the next couple hours. We’ve had big storms where I live so the power has been wonky.
Hey, how is everyone doing? Do you guys still want to RP? Of everyone due to post (which is just about everyone at this point, myself included) only Wolfiee Wolfiee has recently replied to the RP thread, which leads me to believe that the majority is reluctant to RP. Would you guys rather disband than continue?
I know I’m still interested. So if this gets revamped or we try to recruit new people I’ll still be here.
Hey!! I'm still interested in this rp! I know my activity levels haven't been the best but I've finally finished moving and things seem to be settling a bit here so I'm optimistic going forward
also interested!! just been struggling with some time management lately, work and moving have kept me crazy busy. hoping to get something up asap c:
I am still interested as well! I have just been traveling and JUST got my new laptop set up that I bought specifically to be able to rp while I travel! I'm here now!
i will be doing my best!! work shouldn’t be too busy today, so hopefully i can grind out homework and a post by the weekend
i did it!!! a post ((slightly even more late and albeit short one for me)) is up for mey! i get off of work much earlier tomorrow and will hopefully be powering one out for chitrita and mayyybeee bells if i have time. if not, i will do my best to get him up on monday. i am so sorry for the delays on my part. the time management issues are completely my fault, i was starting to get burned out between work and school, and i should've been more on top of things. writing like this is my happy place and just getting that short post up for mey was already super healing!! from here on out, i will do my best to be posting on a much more regular basis and rotate the workload more regularly with my summer courses.

i would also like to mention right now, before i forget, that i will be going on a vacation in august(6th - 17th) and will not have the time to sit down and post for about a week and a half. but i will hopefully get my posts done right before i leave and will be able to read your guys's to start brainstorming replies for when i get back c:
honeycoves honeycoves Your post was wonderful and worth the wait! Mey is a clumsy sweetheart and quickly becoming one of my favorite charries. ❤️ Be on the lookout for a PM from me with stats for Bellamy and Piper. I know you got a lot going on, but please try your best to complete stats for all your kids sometime this week! Once all the stats are done, I'll reveal which skills are gonna be tested during the first challenge, and we can start brainstorming the format it'll take as a group.

captaindanger captaindanger pearjuice pearjuice Gonna need posts from Raphael, Clara, Cosmo, and Amity by Wednesday, please! Otherwise I will be removing still inactive characters because we need to get the RP moving again.

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