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i should be home and able to catch up fully on replies within the next day. i think im more or less up to speed but ill probably reread stuff when im working on lanre and cosmo
I must admit that I am a tad shaky about making this first reply, so I may just get some sleep before proof reading and posting. I am extremely tired so I will have to proof read when I wake up. Apologies.
FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395 No, the champions will be selected at the conclusion of the Opening Ceremony.

Got a question for you guys! What is your character's favorite candy??? 🍬🍭 Or dessert in general, even.
hmm.. good question!

cosmo will eat anything and everything, but i imagine he really likes a combination of things. he probably goes buckwild for those ice creams that have cookie dough in it and brownies inside. his favorite candy is probably snickers. something he and clara really enjoy back at home is apfelstrudel - especially if she makes it. one year for his birthday she baked a bunch of treats from around the world and together they sampled everything that she found recipes for and thought theyd be fun to make/fun to try

clara im not sure. she didnt always have a sweet tooth. i think i had this somewhere in her fun facts so ill need to go back and double check to make sure im not changing something ive already established about her. she probably likes reeses the candy and maybe cake in general as her dessert? she enjoys franzbrötchen too. honestly if it has fruit or nuts in it she probably loves it

lanre is simple: pie or bambalouni. he enjoys kitkats as his favorite candy

amity has a major sweettooth. she probably moved to america and became obsessed with how they'll deep fry anything. so maybe deep fried oreos or donuts or something? she might be more picky with candy though. probably something known but not usually favored like three musketeers, but it has to be cold when she eats it
sounds like cosmo and raphael lol. im sure with odinson being a giant he definitely eats the most!
i can imagine. i remember i had to reread part of his form cus the first time i read it i thought it said he was six foot and i was like "why is everyone saying itll be weird figuring out how to dance wi- oh i forgot the one in front of it" lol

what do vasu and cha-cha like Aviator Aviator ?
Easy mistake XD I reread it five times and even I kept thinking that I had forgot to add the one. Lol.
Gavy - Literally a sweet dragon, she will take all the sweets and enjoy the hell out of them! She has a specific fondness for chocolate covered strawberries tho!

Einar - My mans loves some SWEET ROLLS! Like they are his favorite food group! He is often offering them to his students as he has them fresh daily!

Naomi - As it was one of the first things she ever experienced in her new life in France she is very fond of île flottante with strawberries!

Auri - Ever since she was a child mkhabez has been her favorite! She remembers learning to make the sweet pastry on Saturday afternoons with her grandmother and she always loved how beautiful they looked and the sweetness in each bite.
aww clara loves to bake so especially for einar and gavy i bet she would bake their favorite sweets for them! maybe a lil thing we can have for her and einar is that on his birthday or for christmas she bakes him rolls? she'd probably anonymously give them to him but its obviously from her because cosmo gets the same treatment lol
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Please reply with Naomi and Einar tonight or tomorrow, and WanderLust. WanderLust. with Kiara!

Cha-Cha thoroughly enjoys the balance of salty and sugary, so his favorite desserts would be salted caramel, chocolate-covered pretzels, or anything with peanut butter. Or just peanut butter itself, which he has no compunctions eating straight outta the can. Vasu doesn't really like sweet things, so the only desserts he'd be inclined to drink are alcoholic ones, like a bushwacker or bourbon milk punch, but he'd still probably prefer a "real" cocktail.

Happy Valentine's Day, you guys! 💘🌹🍫 Is anyone doing anything special to celebrate?
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happy valentines day! i just had breakfast with my family, but my partner works so ill be spending the day writing and reading. one of my dogs got a groom so ill probably pamper him and my other one too
aww clara loves to bake so especially for einar and gavy i bet she would bake their favorite sweets for them! maybe a lil thing we can have for her and einar is that on his birthday or for christmas she bakes him rolls? she'd probably anonymously give them to him but its obviously from her because cosmo gets the same treatment lol
Awwwwww that would be so sweet! What if he kinda knows that they are from her but they never really acknowledge it? On her birthday maybe he always leaves something nice for her as well? Just a cute little idea. ALSO, Gavy is absolutely here to be Clara’s treat tester! Like she follows Clara to the kitchen and is stealing ingredients and batter and stuff as they go hahaha!
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Please reply with Naomi and Einar tonight or tomorrow, and WanderLust. WanderLust. with Kiara!
Npetune do you like any of these for gifts Ricky to have bought for Lisandro's birthday?

Strings for his ukulele, some books from a wishlist Lis has, gardening tools or a nice sweater
I think it would be sweet if maybe Ricky bought him some books?? He has some advanced herbology books on his list and also I think it would be cute if maybe Ricky bought Lis like a muggle book about like the history of video games?? I think Lis probably tries to play with Ricky but he's pretty bad at them still and only knows the ones Ricky has shown him so it would help catch him up!!

also Lis's favorite candy is barilette and any sour candy, but hes not really big on desserts or much chocolate

Ramona's is peach rings or butterfingers, and she loves cheesecake

Kaz's is ruske kape, which is a Serbian dessert his mom used to make with chocolate and coconut and he likes basically any chocolate candy

Happy Valentine's Day!!! It's also my birthday!! 🥺 my partner and I are probably going to go to a movie and get dinner!
Happy Valentines and birthday! I am back from having lunch with my girlfriend. We might go out for dinner later if she is feeling up for it but lunch was the original plan

Ricky can get him a few books as well as a gaming device. His mom doesn't have a lot of money to spend on nicer things so what if he saved his own money and bought Lis a handheld DS with a few games he thought he will like? Ricky has one from when he was younger so he could have gotten the second one used and cleaned it up to make it nice. It would be more of a secondary gift to Lis and he can emphasize that if Lis doesn't like it then no harm no foul

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