October Children [ R P ]


Elder Member
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Accepted Characters ;

- Amelie Ukrein ; MaPoZg2596

- Cameron Dixon ; @shockingly_insane

- Roland Traks ; Zhailene

- Elise Sivle ; Zhailene


Roleplay ;

When you were you were always different from the others.

Smartest, wises and strongest.

Being able to see things that wasn't even meant to see with the naked eye.

Things that scared you, enough to bring yourself to your bed hiding.

You were called an ' October Children '

Everything that were told wasn't true, was there now following you wherever you go.

Calling out your name in a whisper.

Be it they were beside you, or directly above floating or beneath your feet a shattered reflection of it.

Hissing, trying to catch your attention and scare you to the highest.

Their skin as white that glows in the dark.

You always had the light on and the doors heavenly shut tight.

The windows locked and the curtains tucked.

Your fears got above as your parents got worried and sent you to therapy.

While they were there watching at you suffer, making fun of you.

Until then your a teenager it stopped showing.

You began to keep it quite and act normal.

Something that you never even was able to do when you were a kid.

Sooner or later you were about to get home when you looked at the metal rusted school gates.

You saw the road painted in blood saying, ' We're back.. '

Everything that Elise wanted was to have a normal life, and it did happen. Only problem was she kept her distance to everyone around her. This year it was going to be the same once again. Her second year in high school, mostly known as Sophomore year, was happening right now on her very own eyes, happy yet terrified on how her year would once be.

" Hey, you know what i heard a new kid was coming! "

" No way! Is he or she cute? "

" HE is cute! "

Elise was sitting down by the bench near the trees hearing other students walk by talking about anything that they want to talk about, their summer, their new school life, their feelings, everything. She sat down there staring at her lap, ever since she got there she just sat there waiting, waiting for nothing. There were some who tried to talk to her but she kept her silence and ignored them. This was her normal life, a life where it was only her.

Jace on the other hand was still walking down the streets reading a book about the supernatural, his 273 book in the year, and still nothing about his problems. He sighed but continued reading while heading to school, for sure once he enters the gate he'd hide the book, he didn't want anyone to know he was a book worm, mostly when it comes to fantasy and stuff like that.

Maybe he was the only one who experience this kind of ability, and it scared him for knowing that. After 4 years his sight has been silent, it stopped finally, yet he continued to investigate it, and there it was, by the school gate. A dark shadow person standing there waiting for something, or someone.

" Oh come on... You gotta be kidding me. "
Cameron stood stiffly a few feet away from the school's main gate, unaware of the students who were giving him odd stares as they made their way towards the main building. Tilting his head to the side, he idly watched as the same group of teens approached a couple of unsuspecting classmates, greeting each other with a playful pat on the back. A small chuckle escaped his lips; seeing your friends after a long summer break must be absolutely wonderful. Of course, it's not like he was the type to get worked up about something so trivial. Ignoring the small twinge of loneliness, Cameron continued his stroll to his first period-

'Ah, wait a minute,' he suddenly thought, causing the boy to stop in his tracks. 'I forgot to pick up my schedule during orientation...' With a sigh, he ran his hand through his uncombed hair. His chest burned with mild irritation; he was a senior for crying out loud! What happened to being a role model for the young fishes and returning students? Really, the irony of it all made Cameron want to puke. There he was, entering the campus for his fourth year with absolutely no clue about where to go. His first instinct was to head straight for the office, but that thought was soon erased when a faint ghostly figure ran past him, leaving behind a cold breeze in its wake. Nearly inaudible whispers came from seemingly every direction, and they were getting louder by the second.

'...no... No, no, no! N-Not again...' His thoughts raced around his mind violently, and each question slammed into his confidence like a hurricane. Without warning, his knees threatened to give out, and a pounding headache emerged with no mercy. Shaking uncontrollably, Cameron swiftly yanked out a small charm from his pocket, whispering incoherent words to himself. He never really knew if these actually worked, but it didn't matter as long as they gave him that warm feeling of safety.

A few minutes later, he stood up and eyed the witnesses with a crooked smile. "Charms; they're your best friend," he said, voice cracking from fear and all. As they walked away, he looked down and shook his head. 'I-It's been almost four years... Why now?!'
Amelie was walking with the usual blank expression on her face. She had a hoddie over her dark green like hair as the faint sound of music could be heard coming from her headphones. She stuffed her hands in her grey sweater's pockets and blew softly her bangs out of her face. She kept looking down as she practically dragged her feet along the floor. First day of class and she already disliked it.

Slowly, dim voice like noises started to reach her ears over her music and she looked up. The path was suddenly packed with people that, like sheep, walked to a single place where it's opened metal gates welcomed them back from a long summer break. Crowds of students, some alone and others with friends, made their way through the streets back to their ordinary school life. She stopped for a moment, no other expression than emptiness on her gaze. Then one by one some students started to throw fast glances over her direction, to the weird and gloomy looking girl that wore a quite big sweater with its hood over her head even with the bright sun shinning up on the sky and the warmness of summer had not yet left to leave space to the cold and bitter fall.

She closed her eyes though, ignoring everyone and everything around her. Ah.. She still felt so uncomfortable with the idea of going back to a place like that, so full of people... 'sane' people, if there really is a line that divides madness from sanity. Everywhere she would set her eyes upon she would surely be able to find the kind of people that used to mock her and branded her as nuts. Even though her 'hallucinations' had stopped a while ago and she had been discharged from the hospital and supposedly was given the chance to go back to a 'normal' life, she still found it extremely difficult to be around others that could easily judge her for being different, or well.. for once being different or whatever. If it were not for her parents she would have gladly stayed at home with the loneliness she finally had been granted but still somehow knowing it wouldn't be forever.

Amelie took a deep noiseless breath and turned up her ipod's volume till her surrounding's noises were drown by her own music. She then opened her eyes and started to walk again, so focused on walking forward and on the melody that resonated on her ears to actually notice her prediction had become a reality, the shadow like figures without a face and the transparent like people had come back.. had come back for her.
As his heartbeat began to slow down, Cameron couldn't help but feel a little sheepish. If only they could leave him alone until he went through one day of his senior year... at least he would've been accustomed to the daily grind again. Now standing up straight, the grasp he had on the charm didn't lessen in strength. 'It was just a relapse, man,' he reassured himself to make his teeth stop chattering. 'They're not coming back. You're being stupid again...'

Several minutes went by, and he couldn't bring himself to walk to class. He felt as if one step would make the Earth crumble beneath him, making the boy fall into the clutches of those creatures. At moments like these, he didn't quite understand why his parents didn't insist on homeschooling him; society was nothing but a nuisance. The quick-to-judge students and cookie-cutter teachers did nothing to console him, so why bother? Shaking his head, Cameron attempted to drive out the bad thoughts. 'I-I can do this...' he thought. 'I'll just continue the day like nothing every happened. I'll join some clubs and stuff... yeah...'

Before he took another step, realization hit him - he still didn't have his schedule. Cursing to himself, he took a quick look around the campus for anyone that could help him. The school got bigger every year, and with that is the constant relocation of the office. Taking out his cellphone, it was difficult not to keel over when he read the time.

"E-Eight thirty?!" Cameron yelled, panic beginning to settle in. He only had fifteen minutes to get to class! Frantically, he ran towards the nearest person: a girl wearing a thick sweater, hood up and all. As he ran, he idly wondered why she was wearing such a thick garment in this heat... but it didn't matter.

"E-Excuse me..." he managed to say in-between gasps of breath. "D-Do... you know... where the office is?"

First day of senior year, and he was going to walk into his first period looking like a sweaty mess. Wonderful.
Amelie had lightly raised her eyebrow when she saw a guy ran towards her and had strangely felt the impulse to get away from him before he could reach her. It was not until he was right there, in front of her, that she did not realize that the cause for such strange urge on her side was because right at that moment, behind his back, some non human creatures that were practically on his heels were visible to her. She barely blinked though, even if inside her, her heartbeat accelerated and she kinda found it difficult for her to breathe. She clenched her fists inside her pockets and then again she had wanted to run away from that guy as soon as possible, because with him, those horrible creatures seemed to want to haunt her again.

She darted her eyes from him to different places of the school and realized those creatures were not the only ones she could see again but that there were much more. She looked back at the guy but upon seeing genuine worry on his eyes she couldn't bring herself to just leave him there and ignore him. She hadn't heard his question because of the loud music resonating on her ears but she had somehow managed to grasp a little bit of what he had said because of lip reading. She took off her headphones, which noise got much louder since she took them off. "Just enter the main building and, on the second floor the first door at your right, you will find the office" She said in a quite low voice.
'...did I do something wrong?' Cameron asked himself as she began to frantically look around the campus. Well, he couldn't blame her; it's not everyday you see a guy sprinting towards you. At first, he was slightly worried that he scared her, but the girl's response reassured him. Now that he knew where the office was, he should have gone straight to the building... but an itching sense of curiosity wouldn't leave him alone. Scratching his head awkwardly, he took a few seconds to think before he spoke. "So," he began, still unsure, "sorry for approaching you like that. It's just-"

There. It passed by again, making a faint vssshhh sound as it darted past his line of sight. Cameron's breathing hitched; this can't be happening again! Beads of sweat began to fall down his face, and the rising fear in his chest made him reluctant to turn around. However, seeing how there's no fighting it, he slowly turned on his heel. Nothing could have possibly prepared him for this... they were everywhere! It was as if he was reliving his childhood: faceless creatures loomed all over the campus, some larger than others. Their apparitions were enough to make him break down, but he restrained himself.

"I-I... uh, gotta go!" He muttered, mentally beating himself up for allowing his voice to crack again. With his luck, his knees buckled once again, causing him to trip a few feet away from the girl. Grasping his charm in an iron grip, he quickly waved to the girl before sprinting towards the main building.
Amelie blinked at his strange reaction and she watched him walk, practically rush, towards the main building. She had seen it too, and of course it had surprised her as well, but she stood still, allowing by no means for her expression to change. She had instead, dug her own nails into her hands' skin as she clenched them once again inside her pockets, her knuckles even hurting for the amount of strength she had used while at it. But what had surprised her the most was the way the guy had acted when it passed by them.. As if.. As if he could actually see it! In fact, as if he could actually see all of them, they were everywhere, floating aimlessly through the students, who were oblivious of their existence, the ones who were blessed by the bliss of ignorance.

She had taken a step forward to follow him but had stopped herself for a moment, it was not possible, he couldn't possibly see them. Those were her hallucinations, were they not? That was what she had been forced to finally admit after all those years on the hospital. She finally changed the look on her face as it turned into a grimace. She stood still for a couple of seconds, unsure of what to do and what to think. But a bump with someone else snapped her back to reality, as the normal looking girl who had just practically shoved her to the side on purpose just gave her the look, the one which clearly had written on her eyes 'weirdo'.

So Amelie just narrowed her eyes slightly and forced herself to move one foot and then the other, until she finally got herself to keep walking. She actually had to go to the office as well, she had to pick up her schedule.
Seeing them all for the second time only confirmed his suspicions. He knew that he should have savored his few years of freedom, but it was too late now. They have returned, and Cameron couldn't help but feel like they would never go away. As he stepped into the main building, he let out a sigh of relief; none of them seemed to be wandering the halls of the school. His charm dangled loosely from his right fist, and after what happened today, he wasn't sure if he'll ever let it go. It was all ridiculous, but for a good reason... right?

'Second floor, first door to the right...' he recalled as he reached the next level of the building. Luckily, he didn't have to walk any farther, since the office was quite obvious among the classrooms with its glass double doors. As he pulled open the door, his thoughts drifted towards today's earlier events. 'Maybe I should upload a new blog post about charms... they seem to work pretty well.' Looking up, he addressed the secretary with a small smile.

"H-Hey, Mrs. Seiya? Er... you wouldn't happen to have an extra copy of my schedule, would 'ya?"

The woman let out an exasperated sigh. "Not again, Cameron... luckily, I do. Just sit and wait for a moment." Nodding, he silently sat down on one of the leather chairs.
Amelie entered the main building and lowered her head as she made her way through the students to the stairs. She went upstairs slowly as her bangs once again fell on her face and slipped into the office when she reached the second floor. She lifted her head a little to glance around the place and as she spotted the secretary's desk she walked to it reluctantly. Really... She knew that she wouldn't have to do that if she had just come the day before when the freshmen were shown around the school and everything else.

She looked at the secretary's desk and waited patiently as the woman searched for something between the piles of papers she had on her desk. Amelie, for the time being, raised her hand to rub her temple, that day was gonna be quite the stressful one.
During the wait, Cameron was simply browsing the internet on his phone, not really caring if the principal were to walk in. As he read the user comments on his blog, his attention shifted towards the soft jingle that rung whenever someone opened the door. Looking up, he saw the girl that he ran into earlier... or rather, he thought it was. It was somewhat difficult to tell due to the hair that fell in front of her face. For a minute, he pondered whether or not he should call out to her... but then again, they were only a mere five feet away. Waving his hand in the air, he tried to catch their attention.

"Mrs. Seiyaaa! I thought you were gonna give me my schedule, too..." he whined, standing up and making his way towards her desk. Now that he was closer to the girl, he could definitely tell that it was her. He almost asked her to move her hair out of her face (it made him somewhat uncomfortable), but then he thought that maybe it was just something she liked to do. Shaking his head, he held out his hand and waited for a response. "I never got your name earlier. I'm Cameron Dixon; a senior, believe it or not. Thanks for the directions, by the way."
Amelie jumped a little when the Cameron suddenly just appeared beside her but was not that surprised to see he was there. After all, he had asked for directions to get to the office, though it was actually pretty strange if he was indeed a senior. She looked at his hand for a moment before slowly holding out her hand and shaking his lightly before stuffing it back to her pocket. "I'm Amelie and it's okay, don't mention it" She then turned to the woman "Uh.. Actually I'm looking for a schedule as well, I'm Amelie Ukrein, a freshman" She said a little bit louder as she blew her annoying bangs out of her face.

She then looked down again. Ugh.. She was being all awkward again. But it was just that right now it was so difficult for her to talk to people, now even more that she had once again been seeing her hallucinations and no longer was considered to be 'normal'.
"Really?" he asked as Mrs. Seiya handed him his schedule. After giving a swift thank you, he turned back to face Amelie. "You don't look like a freshman... but then again, I don't act like a senior. Aha..." He scratched his head awkwardly, laughing a little to ease the tension. At this rate, they would be late to class... but since they were in the office, he was sure that they would get a pass. It's not like he really cared about missing pre-cal anyway.

"Hey," he finally managed to saw after a long period of silence. "Since this is your first year, do you plan on joining any after-school clubs? Heard it looks good on your transcript, or something like that..." Even though he generally avoided joining any clubs, he didn't want someone to miss out on them. In truth, they looked like a lot of fun... but he was too busy 'researching' back then.
Amelie looked up at him and listened to him patiently after thanking the lady for giving her her schedule. She actually would have loved to join the music club, she was fond of playing the piano and since she had been discharged she hadn't really been able to do so as in her house there was no piano. But just the thought of being surrounded by people... Scared her. She hadn't realized how of an anti social person had she become after her time in the hospital, but right now she felt as if she wanted to avoid other's contact.

She had learnt how to ignore her hallucinations, but what if she actually snapped and made a scene again? What if something like that happened while she was during club activities and she gave her parents a reason to send her back to that mental institution once again? She shivered at the thought, it was better not to risk herself.

"I'm not planning on it right now. Maybe later..." She left her sentence in the air and blinked when she heard the bell ringing "Ah well, later.." She told him as she took a glance of her schedule and stepped out of the office. The halls were empty by now and she had been stupid enough for not asking where the heck was her first class. Hmm History... Where was the history classroom again?

She took a step forward and her eyes widened when one by one those creatures started to appear down the hall "Just ignore them.. Just ignore them.." She whispered to herself before giving a few more steps forward, holding her schedule tightly against her chest. She just had to find the classroom and everything would be ok. She would just sit down on her chair and ignore them. Normally, she could cope with them, but after not seeing them for a long period of time and right now finding herself all alone with them in the hall it got on her nerves quite easily.
"Oh... later," he replied, waving a little as he watched her exit the office. Cameron felt a little disheartened when she said that she wasn't planning on joining any clubs; it seemed like an ample idea to him. As he exited the office, he held his schedule in one hand and charm in the other - there was no telling what he could encounter on the daunting expedition to pre-cal. In an attempt to ease his nerves, he tried to think about happier things as he walked. 'There's that upcoming horror convention... oh, I forgot to reserve a table, and....'


'...m-my followers would probably be pretty angry... a-ah, well, I'll just-'


Cameron couldn't hold up this facade anymore. His casual stroll erupted into a panicked jog as he navigated through the school's winding halls. It was almost as if the voices were following him at the same exact speed he was jogging, taunting him with their distant voices. Out of nowhere, figures that resembled humans began to appear. They were just like the ones outside, their faces completely blank and bodies semi-transparent. He continued to jog his way past the creatures as tears threatened to fall. After what felt like hours, he finally found the classroom. Without any further hesitation, he grabbed the handle and burst through the door.

"I-I'm present..." he muttered as he slammed the door shut. The teacher looked absolutely mortified, but the students only chattered among themselves. They all knew Cameron and his strange behavior; this was no different than before. With a slow nod, he made his way towards one of the empty seats at the back of the room.
Thankfully, she finally managed to find her history classroom and as she apologized for arriving late she proceeded to sit down on an empty chair at the back of the classroom. Teacher and students looked at her weirdly but she dismissed those glances and as she tossed her backpack to the floor and occupied her chair she put on her headphones again to drown the whisper like noises that she could hear coming from her hallucinations and took out her notebook, looking at the board.

Great, first hour and she knew by now she was surely gonna be branded as the freak again. She did not expect to lead an ordinary school life, but she did hoped to not stand out much so that she wouldn't awake unnecessary attention. Strangely enough, her nerves soon eased and she was able to pay attention to class without even once diverting her attention to the deformed and decrepit figures that roamed around the classroom. It would just be like before, only that this time she wouldn't make the mistake of trying to convince others that those things she saw were actually real.
Pre-cal was, in short, a nightmare. Besides the abundant amount of creatures that wandered around the classroom (to which he took out more charms), the teacher began to scribble absolute nonsense on the board. Cameron wanted to drop his old 'hopeless idiot' reputation in hopes of being known for being at least a little decent academically... but the monstrous amount of numbers and letters were just too much. Whenever a figure approached him, he would flinch and let out a girlish yelp, causing the students around him to snicker shamelessly. All of this made his face burn a bright, scarlet red, and there wasn't a thing he could do to stop it.

Thirty minutes passed, and it seemed like the constant monotonous rambling of whatever the heck he's talking about would never cease. The only comforting thought Cameron had was that the other students had no actual interest in the lesson, save for the ones in the front. As he tapped his pencil impatiently on the table, the growing urge to faint was difficult to ignore. There were too many of them in this one room... it's a miracle how he's still in the vicinity of the school. 'I gotta suck it up,' he encouraged himself, taking a few useless notes here and there. 'It's the only way...'
Amelie managed to somehow pay attention during the 2 hour lesson. But blessed the time when the bell finally rang, announcing the end of her History class. She let out a sigh and stood up, her hoddie falling off her head, and leaving her dark green hair and fair pale skin in plain sight. She tried to make her way through the students that had stood up as well to talk between them and she did stumble a little when a girl stretched out her leg and tripped her. She glanced at her from the corner of her eye and realized it was the same girl that had shoved her aside that morning. That girl giggled stupidly as she looked at her with the 'I dare you to say something back' look. Amelie would not be the one to give her the pleasure to get what she wanted, so she just ignored her and her obnoxious friends.

She left her hood down as she stepped out of the classroom and walked down the hall, pulling out her schedule. Amazingly she had stopped thinking of her 'hallucinations' as something out of the ordinary and just walked past them as if they were mere students as well. Even when some seemed to notice she could see them and approached her she would just keep on walking, tightening the grip on her backpack but not giving in to an unreasonable feeling of fear that would sprout on her chest if she let it.
It was as if hours turned into days before the bell finally rang, signalling the end of first period. The shrill 'brriiiing' was almost completely ignored by Cameron, who had been asleep for quite a while. As the sound finally registered in his brain, he forced one eye open in order to check his surroundings. The room was almost completely empty, save for the occasional creature lingering in the corner. If he wasn't so groggy, he probably would have bolted out of the room at that very moment... however, seeing how they weren't approaching him, he cautiously grabbed his backpack and left swiftly.

The hallway was bristling with activity, both from normal humans to apparitions. Walking past one of the figures always sent chills down his spine, and each one always had something to say. They would often range from incoherent whispers to a full out message, such as, "Where are you going?" Either way, he absolutely hated the fact that they even bothered talking to him. Everyone else had no idea how blessed they were to be completely ignorant. Using his schedule as a guide, Cameron managed to figure out that his government and politics class resided in the social sciences wing. 'This school is too damn big,' he mulled to himself as he trudged towards the shared side of the school. Even though most of the classrooms were separated by grades, the board of administrators decided to clump all of the history and geography classes in one side, regardless of the course's rigor. In about four minutes, he finally made it to his destination, but a familiar person stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey, Amelie!" Cameron yelled over the hectic group of freshmen that were scrambling to class. He waved both of his hands in the air in some sort of greeting.
Amelie blinked when she heard someone addressing her in such a... friendly way. She raised her head to look at the side and tilted her head when she saw Cameron. She brushed a strand of her hair behind her neck and kinda shyly raised her hand and waved back at him. Funny, she had a total freak in front of him and he still greeted her. Her backpack, however, fell to the ground when the same girl as before, slipped it from her shoulder to the ground and gave her a shallow-brained smile.

"You better pick that up, weirdo. If not you will be late for class again" She said, giggling at her other friends.

Amelie sighed and kneeled down to pick it up, that was just childish, and then she thought high schoolers would be much more educated than crazy people.
Cameron's smile widened when she waved back, but it quickly turned into a frown when another girl slipped her hand under the strap of Amelie's backpack, causing it to tumble to the ground. Such a simple act made his blood boil; what kind of a sick person could get a kick out of that? Upon closer speculation, the girl's face looked somewhat familiar... as if someone had mentioned her before to him. Well, it's not like he cared, for such an act was ridiculously immature. Feeling quite obligated, Cameron stomped towards the two freshmen and crossed his arms.

"You shouldn't be so mean to a classmate," he chastised, taking full advantage of the fact that he was a whole head taller than her. "It's not right, so cut the crap and grow up." His stare countered the girl's for a couple of seconds before turning his attention to Amelie. She was currently crouched on the ground, picking up her bag. With a lighthearted smirk, he held out his hand for her to grab. "Consider this an extension of my thanks, Ame."

He was fully aware of the curious stares they were receiving from their spectators, but it's not like it mattered. ..well, in all honestly, all of the attention did make him feel slightly embarrassed, but hey - he was trying to help out! A bystander is almost as bad as the offender, after all.
"Whatever" The girl rolled her eyes before walking away with her group of friends.

Amelie looked up at him and grabbed his hand, pulling herself up with his help "Thanks" She let out a small smile of gratitude towards him, her hair falling on her face again. She did feel the stares even on the back of her neck, but she ignored them, she had gotten herself enough attention for the day. She threw the backpack over her shoulder after that and dusted off her shirt.
"No problem," Cameron replied, pulling her up with ease. "No one deserves a rough first day, eh..."

As she dusted off her shirt, he looked around the hallway for her classroom. She was a freshman, so he was assuming that she was taking some sort of history class. After a small amount of searching, his gaze was set on one of the rooms at the end of the hall. 'Ah, there it is-'

Once again, the creatures made a reappearance. They were simply walking around, not bothering to pay attention to their surroundings. Their murmurings were subtle, but even those made Cameron's hairs stand on end. He felt the fear in his chest swell once again, and he was grasping for his charm out of instinct. However, when his hand met nothing but fabric, his blood instantly went cold. The last place he had it out was in his math class... and he fell asleep... Realization hit him square in the face: he left the charm in the classroom as he was leaving. For the first time today, he was completely afraid of the possible outcomes. There was no way he was going to walk back to his next room alone, and going through the rest of the school day unfazed was out of the question!

"U-Uh..." he stuttered, his voice shaking as violently as his joints. "This might sound weird, but... ah... do you want me to walk you to your next c-class? I mean, I don't want anyone else bullying you, and.. uh..." He visibly flinched as one of the creatures stopped right next to him and examined his face. 'Please reply quickly, please rely quickly...'

(Sorry if my posts are getting shorter. I'm doing some assignments and eating... could possibly be my last post for the day, but I'm not sure.)
Amelie tilted her head to the side, there was no way she was imagining that. He was clearly seeing them.. And he was quite freaked out about them too. She opened her mouth to ask but couldn't find her voice. What if she was really imagining it after all? Then the only person she could possibly think of as 'friend' would definitely think she was nuts. She didn't want that.

She bit her lip lightly, the blood rushing to the one side she was not bitting and making it look dark red. She nodded, either way he seemed scared about something and well.. She was not against it. Her dark green eyes seemed to glimmer a little as she spoke "Sure, thanks"

(S'Okay ^^ Mine are short themselves anyway ><)

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