Ocielle VI


Another Sci-Fi GM
For "Ocielle VI" I will need all characters to begin the RP. If this number is not met during the given time I will ask for people to sign up for two roles. You may also ask to have two characters if you wish.

Use this template:

Name: (be generic or creative with the name it doesn't matter)

Gender: (pick one)

Age: (must be between 25 and 56)

Picture: (Optional, but please no anime or cartoons. Stick to photos or realistic drawings.)

Profession: (choose from the list I provide in the Character Slots)

Personality: (be detailed, give both a list [with descriptions] of at 4-6 neutral/positive traits, and 3-5 negative traits)

Background: (semi-detailed background of your character, at least 10 sentences)

Past Story: (Write a small story of something that occurred in your character's lifetime. This could be something silly, embarrassing, life-changing, sad etc. This is for me to observe your writing technique so that I can assess which of RPers competing for a slot in the RP will be accepted.)

What made you want to join this RP?

***There is no planet Earth in this RP, the planet these people live on is called Verden.


Character Slots

Commander: (Ensurer of mission success, crew safety, and determines all maneuvers made by pilot)


Pilot: (Pilot...)


Mission Specialist: (assigned to crew with mission-specific duties)


Flight Engineer: (a mission specialist who assists pilot and tracks recorded info and milestones)


International Mission Specialist: (same as Mission Specialist but with more specific objectives assigned by agency)


Geographer/Climate Analyst: (determines future geographical change and efficient/effective placings of exploration vehicles)


Geologist: (determines likeliness of creating structures in the given area and possible material usage)


Technician: (technician....self explanatory)


Surveyor: (looks at quality of waters and life in habitable areas)


Equipment Specialist: (handles and maintains equipment on board like drones, exploration vehicles etc.)


*There must be at least two of each gender, I will be selecting roles starting on Tuesday, December 30.

*I have extended signups to Saturday, January 3 due to me not having very little internet access the past few days q:
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Name: Clover Dreyfus

Gender: Female

Age: 31



Profession: Geologist


Clover's most prominent trait is her ability to out-wait anyone and anything. Her co-workers have dubbed her the queen of the waiting game. She's almost scarily patient and able to keep a calm and levelheaded demeanor at all times, whether it be during particularly aggravating situations or when having to engage in conversation with the most annoying people. Clover never seems to be in a rush, and doesn't mind standing in lines for long periods of time at all. In fact, she finds it kind of relaxing. She doesn't understand why certain people are always so quick to take action or speak, and feels that it's always better to be rational and think things through many times before putting them into action.

Additionally, Clover has a very
individualistic nature. She's never liked working in groups, as she thinks that other people only get in the way of her own ideas (which are obviously so much better than those of other people's). As a child, Clover was always the odd one out sitting on the swings while the other children were playing dodgeball or hopscotch, but she doesn't dislike it. In fact, she prefers being able to have some time and space to herself rather than sharing it with other people. She tries as hard as she can to connect with other people, but always ends up finding that she's much more comfortable on her own.

Even though she is quite independent and individualistic, Clover can talk up a storm. She's extremely
talkative, and her mouth is always yapping away. Once a quiet individual, she has grown to appreciate speech. Clover seems to never shut her mouth when she's around other people, and had to be constantly reminded by her teachers to be quiet when she was still in school. She seems to always babble on about things that don't really matter, which can sometimes annoy her more stern and serious co-workers.

curious creature, Clover always wants to know what's happening, when, where, how, and why. She has to get the details about everything, and sometimes goes very deep into research just so she can further understand a subject. Clover is a fountain of trivia, having collected many wacky facts over time because of her curious nature.

Despite all of her good points, Clover is a
vindictive being. If you harm her in any way, she'll find a way to get you back. She holds grudges for extremely long periods of time, and will never forget if you do something to upset or undermine her. A master of revenge, Clover can get quite malicious when getting even. Those who are unfortunate enough to feel her wrath are in serious trouble.

Additionally, she's very
selfish. Stemming from her individualistic nature, Clover always wants what's best for her, and doesn't give two fucks about what happens to other people. As a child, she would steal toys from other children and push them around because she always had to be the best. If you gave her the choice of saving her family from death or saving herself, she'd choose herself and have no regrets about it whatsoever. She knows that this trait of hers is one of her flaws, but does not mind as she feels that everyone is selfish to some degree.

Quick to judge, Clover has always been somewhat of a bitch.
Judgmental of what others do and support, Clover will often base her thoughts about a person on what they look like, the clothes they wear, or the 'vibe' that she gets from them. She believes that appearance says a lot about a person, and judging others is simply a lot easier than getting to know everyone you come across to the point where you're best friends and don't care about their flaws.

Clover is also considered to be a very
cynical person, distrusting others because she believes that all people, like herself, are only out to help themselves and further their best interests. She distrusts human integrity and sincerity, leaving it hard to really get to know her as a person.


Clover has always been a lover of all things nature. When other children on the playground during recess would gather with their peers and play tag, Clover could be found sitting on top of the pine cones and basking amongst various flora and fauna. The lingering caress of sweet summer wind on her face and the arid roughness of dried dirt are to her what expensive jewelry and furs are to other people. Her parents had been ecologists, and often took her on field studies, which really kickstarted her interest in becoming a geologist. She would go with her parents on traipses through various different places, then come back home with a bookbag full of different sized rocks and dirt that she had collected. By the time she started high school, she had amassed a large collection of carefully labeled geodes resting on the bookshelf in her room (which was really just a shelf for rocks, as it contained no books and only the precious minerals she had collected). Later on in life, she obtained degrees in geology, biology, and physics at V Tech, considered the #1 university for all things science. Clover was the only girl in her Verden Sciences class out of fifty students. Her college life wasn't exactly the most interesting thing, just a couple of shitty romances here and there along with a bunch of studying past three AM. Thanks to her parent's connections, she was able to snag a job at the Verden Space Agency as a geologist examining debris collected from outer space. She loves her work, though she does wish that her coworkers weren't all forty-year-old men.

Past Story:


A fist-sized, sticky glob of purple goo landed smack dab on Clover's forehead. The whole cafeteria seemed to turn and stare at her. A good portion of it slid halfway down her face, settling somewhere in between her brow and her nose. It would've been nice to have someone with her at the moment to help her, but she was alone, as always. Her brown eyes flashed up to meet the gaze of the boy that had been tormenting her for the past week. Laughter rang out somewhere in the background, presumably from his group of friends. But it didn't matter, because Clover was too infuriated to care.

For the last five days, The Boy had been trying his hardest to make Clover's life a living hell. He'd thrown what seemed like a pound of pencil shavings in her backpack (which she still sometimes found in her notebooks), called her various names, tried pushing her around, and got his friends to join in on the fun with him.

Clover simply sat through it all.

Her parents had taught her that violence was never the answer, but she was pretty close to snapping and breaking the gloating fucker's neck. They were only young children--in that undesirable stage where they're definitely not babies any more but not quite adults--and Clover knew that there had to be some way to get rid of The Boy instead of doing nothing about his behavior. But she was only Clover, and Clover always waited for the storm to pass.

The Boy stood up, walking to her solitary table. Twenty seats, one occupant.

Her stomach churned.

The Boy was in front of her, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. Her face heated up; she was sure the shade of her cheeks matched the substance (she was pretty sure it was some sort of jelly or jam) that was now slowly trickling down and making its way to her mouth.

He kneeled so that he could whisper in her ear. "You're a freak." His grin widened, and he opened his mouth to make another remark about her odd tendency to favor plants over people. "Are you gonna grow up and marry a tree?" He sang in mockery. "C-L-OVER sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. It makes sense since you're named after some dumb plant."

Clover didn't say anything. She should've rolled her eyes at the fact that the only way he could diss her was to make fun of her love of nature. Instead, she felt rage pump through her veins and red color her vision. Her patience was worn out. If she let him call her a freak, he would do so again and again and again. She had thought that she would've been able to solve the problem of The Boy by waiting it out, as her parents had taught her, but he had gone too far.

She held the fork in her right hand, eyes narrowing. Nobody messed with her and got away with it.

The Boy made a squeaking noise.

*I didn't really know what type of vocabulary the people of Verden would use, so I kind of just stuck to the words I knew. I'll change it if it's really necessary. c:

What made you want to join this RP?

I thought it'd be pretty interesting to see how the characters interact with each other/deal with this type of a situation. Also, you seem like a really awesome RP mod, haha.
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If you are accepted. But for my character.

Name: Connor McKinley

Gender: Male

Age: 32


Profession: Equipment specialist.

Personality: Neutral, perfectionist. Negative, OCD. Positive, organized. Negative, easily scarred. Negative, fear of open spaces. Positive, can usually stay calm. Neutral, cautious.

Background: A child prodigy. Always good with robots, not so much with people. Normal parents, who aren't related to the U.S. president McKinley. Though afraid of open spaces, he sucked it up and joined the space program. Barely scrapped by physical tests. Has several lucky charms, mostly bobble heads. Had to sneak these on board due to weight concerns. Treats his drones and other robots like they are his children. Some things he must do before doing others, like walk down even dumber of steps and vice versa.

Past Story: Connor hasn't had many good things happen to him in his life. When he was little, he couldn't go to school due to his fear of open spaces. Don't worry, he wasn't bullied. There was no one around to bully him. They were all in the school, and he was the camera an, micro phone, and screen somewhere in the back. At a young age, he went to college. Tricky business getting him there, involving a series of car trips and a large hamster ball. But eventually, he got there. And there, he was babied. There are a lot less bullies in college then there is in highschool.

What made you want to join this RP?: I like space, a lot. And this involves space. And I like my adventures. This promises adventure. It has the two things I like.
Name: Sief Mathesi

Gender: Male

Age: 34


Profession: Surveyor

Personality: Sief is a calm and collected individual. He keeps his head level under extreme pressure and he will speak his mind if he believes a stupid idea is at play or a mistake is about to be made. He's extremely focused on his work and incredibly bright when it comes to thinking on his feet. He loves the study of life and organisms and will always choose the option of friendliness and preservation over death and aggravation. He doesn't like to kill anyone or anything; though he has been trained to kill when needed he will choose every other option possible to avoid inflicting pain and avoiding the worst possible fate before finally giving in to the inevitable.

Because of his tender hearted nature Sief often times puts himself in incredibly dangerous situations to please everyone he can, in which the only way to escape is often times resorting to violence. And because of this, he tends to analyze the situation using things like diplomacy or reasoning to find his way out either that or running and hiding until the situation is done with. Sief is very up front and personal when it comes to resolving issues and usually volunteers to take the reigns to figure out solutions, but if cirumstances prove too much or too heated, he becomes nearly useless and his style of peace and level headedness is quickly overrun by the stress of what is going on around him.

When it comes to science, facts, and processing information about the space and life around him however, Sief's years of studying and dedication will help anyone out of a tight spot and often helps jog the brains of others for new and exciting ideas and suggestions.

Background: Sief studied at Harvard in various majors including Astrology, Biology on all types, Medicine, Psychology, and Theatre. He ended up settling with a degree in Space Studies and ended up finding his way to NASA as a Projects Supervisor as well as being put in charge of preparing the health and well being of astronauts before heading to space and making sure all vitals are stable. However, he wouldn't have been given such wonderful educational opportunities if he hadn't went to a Military School in London upon his parents request and learned how to survive on his own and "toughen" himself up as his family so lightly put it. He would also occasionally volunteer at the local London Zoo simply to assess and cater to the beautiful animals thriving there. His best essay was about a premature monkey named Lily and why she was the smartest out of the other apes within her compound. He got an A.

Past Story: There was one very unfortunate day where Sief had forgotten to wear protective gloves while handling a Greenhouse of poisonous flowers working research. Most of them were Venus Fly Traps and fungal spore saplings in order for his university to study cross pollination between unique shrubbery and their seeds. He was under a time crunch preparing for a final exam and gathering ideas for an organism report so it was safe to say he was already grossly distracted in his thoughts and was certainly not in his work mindset. He had to gather sap and discover the rate of its production speed from the Fly Traps, so naturally he placed his slender hand into the plant with a gathering spoon and ended up being crunched by the flora nearly tearing his hand off. He had to receive twenty stitches and was ordered one week's bed rest.

When he returned to work within the university of Harvard a week later, they gave him a most abhorrent nickname in which he wishes to never hear again; Sticky Stubs. Now whenever Sief looks back on that embarrassing and unpleasant evening at the plant conservatory he always remembers in anything dangerous he does wearing protective gear at all times is the only true way to ensure absolute safety and freedom of embarrassment.

What made you want to join this RP?

I love space, I love the unknown and learning exciting things. And I've always longed to escape and explore far passed the anxieties of life on Earth and being free to live in a land of infinite possibilities. Writing Sci-Fi stuff helps me live in that far off place.
Name: Azir Madani

Gender: Male

Age: 32


Profession: Internation Mission Specialist

Personality: Azir's most prominent trait would have to be his silence, where-as the term 'The silence is deafening' comes to life in any situation of being around him. Anyone who has worked with him have often remarked even forgetting he was around until they saw him standing nearby, or peering over their shoulder at statistics. He is like a phantom around the work-place it is rare if he talks and if he does its always short, some people have even gone as far as to say he's a mute as few people have actually heard him talk. He communicates with nods, grunts and hand motions its really surprising he even has this job due to this one trait.

His tolerance for ignorance or bickering is however a draw-back to his aptitude with working with others, perhaps a reason why he's so quiet. If you don't have anything nice to say than do not say it. Correct? He'll sooner remove himself from the situation if has to sit and listen to constant bickering of a conversation that would go nowhere and only travel in circles. His anger on another hand is slow to spike up but when it is ignited most would wish they hadn't caused it, he is the epitome of vengeance and fury in this state. Openly going out of his way to deal with whom ever, or what ever had managed to get him angry and for this reason he dislikes becoming angry, again another reason for silence and solitude.

Azir holds an innate interest with everything, especially the natural things of the world, quite the 'tree hugger' even or a naturalist to put in better terms. His home on Verden was deep in the lush green mountains of his work places city. He prefers the company of nature and creatures over that of his own race this being said he is also distrusting and disproving of almost everyone. However Azir is curious, and with this curiosity he often gets into trouble he could of avoided but as is the fall-back to being a curious man who never takes no for an answer when seeking the learn more about something, always pushing the limits and looking deeper. This stems from the fact he's also a perfectionist something that really make him a bother to others if they don't go through methods as he would and he feels it wont get done or if so it'd be done poorly. However unlike most perfectionists he does not flaunt it once it's done perfectly but rather leaves it once finished without a word leaving for others to come across and see his work for their own.

He doesn't truly care for the well being of others as long as it doesn't directly affect him, unless he needs them for some reason but unless that happens he won't go out of his way to assist them. He thinks of others in groups only as a clutch for him as they slow him down and prevent the task from being done he'd rather be all alone by himself working on projects or taking samples, rather some other person trying to start conversation with him. With his quiet nature many would deem him as uncaring and uninterested in everything around him but this would be a fatal mistake. Azir notices everything and has a great memory capability, able to memorize maps, features, and locations with only a few moments of looking almost like snapshotting it with his eyes and saving it in his head. One conversation with someone and he could in detail write out or draw their features on a sheet of paper with almost one-hundred-percent accuracy a remarkable feat, and it suites his profession well.

Background: Azir comes from a slightly wealthy backround, his parents both scientists, his father was a Zoologist and his mother was a Ecologist so naturally they met through a day on the field, and their relationship went from there as they complimented each other emotionally as well as they did in their profession. Azir was born into a rather odd state as his parents didn't actually stay around to care for him after his fourth year, he was sent away to a boarding school to discover his generations talents and pick out the 'greater' or better suited for jobs so they'd do well for the world in the future. It wasn't long until Azir showed mental aptitude for a variety of things but this was when they discovered his ability for memory and why he did so well in a multitude of things, opening his options widely they naturally allowed him to decide and throughout the school he had always showed an interest in things involving nature, all of the sciences involving it sparked his attention, often when studying or working in class his professors noted he 'had a twinkle in his eye when working on these subjects'. It wasn't until he graduated from the school that he decided he'd go to college for Geology as it covered a wider variety of things and to understand them you also needed to know of the environment. He was accepted into V Tech with a full scholarship for his extremely advanced abilities in science and not to mention he did have a wealthy backround.

Upon being accepted into the school he shot for several degrees and these being: Geology, Zoology, and Psychology. He chose the last of the three because as quiet as he was he was always observing and caught the subtle things that people always did and tried matching them with emotions or thoughts even, so naturally it fitted him. He made his way through the years quietly and efficiently graduating at the top of his class and minoring in gymnastics or acrobatics depending on where you viewed it from in the world resulting in why he has such a mesomorphic form. His years in college were simply a task to get done in his mind, he took not time out for relationships or even friendships most only realized he was there when the school gave Azir recognition for graduation top of the class. He currently works with two different organizations one being the Space Verden Agency, while the other would be W.W.A.P.P. Worldwide Animal Protection Program. He is still an International Agent for the Agency however, but this isn't well-known to any outsiders.

Past Story: The sky was a luscious pink as the sun was starting to dance its way into the sky, the clouds pirouetting across the pink backround as the winds picked up.


Azir had came to step in a large amount of tiger dung which resulting in him letting out a prolonged sigh before making his way again dragging the foot which was so unlucky to sink into the dung across the ground. His eyes were darting across the large habitat in search of the tigers which he was watching for the W.W.A.P.P and the three four month olds were sneaky little demons, as they would always try to sneak up on Azir and pounce to surprise him and attack him in a flurry of kisses and love-bites. Azir, this being his fourth week after they started their little pouncing spree was now well aware, always checking corners and behind him periodically. That was perhaps the scariest part about these creatures, they could be directly behind you and you'd never hear them they were as silent as a blade of grass blowing in the wind.


Azir turned swiftly counter-clockwise and halted mid-way and would spot the eldest of the three Chzet a beautiful example of the creatures and shows to be growing extremely well. Chzet's yellow eyes would peer at Azir waiting the perfect moment to pounce, even when spotted they stayed still in case their prey had by chance looked over them. This was when Azir would begin to focus and could make out two more forms adjacent to Chzet's position, it'd have to be Daila and Xerxes. Chzet's younger brother and sister both lovable, however Xerxes the big baby of them all who was a bit of a klepto. Azir grinned before letting out a sound that was made by tigers to show happiness or perhaps a type of laugh it was known as 'chuffing' and as he did so the three young tigers made their way from cover heads hanging lightly as they had been spotted. Azir couldn't help but chuckle seeing how they came out of hiding and would kneel down.

"Better luck next time guys..now to go and get you all weighed and measures.." He'd say still half-smiling as the three tigers finally came to him brushing their heads against him for attention, and Xerxes standing up and placing his front paws on Azir's shoulders and would headbutt him in the back of his head trying to get some more lovin'. Which it worked because Azir would reach a hand behind him to grab Xerxes' maw and scratch the bridge of his nose between his eyes, the little fuzz balls favorite spot to be scratched. Azir would finally stand up and continue to get attacked by a barrage of head nuzzles to the knees and below with the occasional love bite to his feet or ankles. They'd begin their journey towards the series of three gates that led from habitat, to timeout area, to back deck of the building Azir was momentarily living in as he worked with them. Upon finally reaching the gate he'd unlatch the hook to allow the three energetic tigers to make their way into the timeout center before closing it behind him and then continuing to the next gate to allow them from the timeout center to his back deck and finally from the back deck inside to inside.

Once inside Azir would come towards a large counter that had a machine upon the top with a metal plate beside it in the ground for which the tigers would get on. The weighing went well as usual except for the fact Malia had appeared to be slightly bigger and showed no obvious signs of growth in physical mass. Azir put it aside for now and decided to go on to measuring and motioned for each of the cats to lay down to which they listened fairly well, except for Malia she seemed to be in pain upon doing so and went into a downward dog position. Now Azir's worries began to grow and with that he wrapped up the measurements and wrote them down in his journal before sending Xerxes and Chzet out back into the habitat, however he kept Malia inside with him. He began a thorough examination on Malia and it didn't take long until he found there was a large bump near her stomach region. With a frown Azir looked into Malias amber eyes who in return would let out a quiet squeak as she was obviously in pain. Azir would go to the fridge and pull out a small piece of beef and make his way to the cabinet to place three pills in the center of it. They were tranquilizers so he'd be able to run scans on Malia's body for better perception on what was going on inside.

It took a few minutes before the tranquilizers actually kicked it and when they finally did he lifted the one-hundred-thirty pound cat over to the examination room and positioned the scanner appropriately. He'd make his way behind the screen hitting the correct combination to begin the scan, which took five minutes in total and began waiting. Azir silently made his way over the window to look at Malia sleeping peacefully on her side as the scanner made its way around her body and finally it came to a halt. He'd make his way back to the screen to watch the laser image of it sketch out across the screen and next to her stomach was a large black mass about the size of a softball. It was a tumor. Azir couldn't believe his eyes as he looked upon the glowing screen a frown touching his face and a feeling of depression. How could this happen? He thought he was keeping good enough tabs on them. When did the tumor even begin developing? The day seemed to darken around Azir as he stepped out behind the screen and began preparing a mixture of drugs to put the pour tiger to sleep. The size of the tumor was too large to safely remove now, it was too late Malia was going to die.

Weeks had passed since the death of Malia and Azir's replacement finally came, he put in a request for someone to take his position the day after it had happened blaming himself entirely for Malia's death and he was incapable of taking care of things anymore his mood changing to darker and his outlooks on things more conceited and only for him as if he only thought for himself he wont be affected if he hurt those around him correct? Ever since then Azir had declined any jobs with the W.W.A.P.P but he still provided funds for them and analyzed research but he vowed to himself to never take care of a creature again for he wasn't capable of even taking care of a tiger cub.

*Unsure how things are in Verden but I'm guessing very cloth to earth. If anything is needed to be fixed I shall do so.

What made you want to join this RP? I like adventure, especially themes of unknown and being stranded? A great theme and a nice change of pace seeing this instead of the Neko-mania, or super-human everything type things you see on here.
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Bailey C. Teegarten










There is one first thing that comes into notice when on first meets Bailey Teegarten. There is not, however, an agreement as to what exactly one should call it.

Some refer to it as
confidence. When she knows what she’s doing, she will spare no pains acting like it. As much as she holds that something is true she will speak of it with the same certainty without margin. Of any compliments or statements of otherwise acclamation, the ones she lives up to she will admit without hesitation; and the rest she regards as challenges accepted. Either way, it is unheard of her to shy away from anything thrown her way, in an act of humility or otherwise.

Others, though, take it more as an intolerable amount of
presumptuousness. Her personality would have been flawless if it were that she never made mistakes. Of the times she speaks certainly of one thing or another, of course, she is inevitably sometimes blatantly wrong. Those times when she’s unaware of her being mistaken, one who is insistent would take on the stupendous task of convincing her otherwise. This process often, in a mix of confusion and frustration, upset her greatly - further combined with her hotheadedness at times, there odds are overwhelming that things will escalate at some point or another.

That is not to say that she is absolutely stubborn and averse to change, however. As she knows clearly the bounds of her capabilities, she knows well enough to admit her mistakes when they are later realized - even though she may act extremely reluctant in doing so. Ultimately an
open-minded individual, she holds no grudges, and in fact appreciates the ones who correct her and the knowledge that she learns through these events. Lenient in judgment, a master of forgiving and forgetting she crowned herself - not much of a deviation from reality. Through being wrong sometimes, as she had learnt, was the only way she could in the future be more likely to get it right.

Personality lively and approachable, she makes friends easily. She maintains a polite and friendly demeanor towards most people, even only for the image of a well-mannered young lady to be shattered mercilessly later on when she was comfortable enough to act at ease around them.

Outgoing, and a lover of all things that promise challenges, her
adventurous spirit had led her to live a splendid life of many wonders. Some mistake for hedonism her philosophy to live the fullest out of every instant of life, clinging on to any appearance of an opportunity that might lead her to things or places yet unknown. Her ventures some regard as admirably courageous, others as reckless and thoughtlessly bold. She herself calls them enjoyable.

That enthusiasm, however, has also led to her sometimes coming across as
overly effusive. She is often found too deeply engaged in whatever is her current obsession as to be dangerously oblivious to other events in her surroundings, or being absorbed in conversation so much as to come across as obnoxious. Just as she finds it painful to be pulled away from anything she finds even by the slightest degree amusing, it is also near impossible to have her not bring it up in conversation, or to ignite a conversation about such things - a misfortune to those who really are not interested in hearing about it.

Through the experience accumulated through the ages, despite outwardly appearing careless and indiscreet; she ultimately manages rather sensible judgement in most of her decisions, more so in her field of profession. Insane as she might seem under casual circumstances she is in fact, both as a professional and as a person,
trustworthy. She honours her word in the same exaggerated sense as a knight or a ruler of old, branding unto her heart every promise she had ever made to herself or to others. She works at all times to fulfill them, and by falling even slightly short in giving her full effort in such pursuits, she finds herself feeling uncomfortably guilty. That has been much her motivation all this time, yet meanwhile it has also sometimes led to situations she finds herself stuck in, having driven herself to combat unexpected barriers she was never meant to overcome in a surge of blind determination only under words she had unsuspectingly gave previously; making her needlessly foolhardy.

It is - with her courage, her enthusiasm, and her liveliness in personality and many, many other things - difficult to draw the borders between laudable and outright unhealthy when it came of Bailey. All that, however, combines into what she is as a person - and what is to be one tenth of what represented the planet of Verden to whatever they were to encounter after landing on the distant realm.


“Best pilot


the planet? ...I find that just a little bit restrictive.”

AGE 6: Farmhouse Doorstep

Bailey Cambryn Teegarten originated in a countryside family. She spent much of her early life on the vast plains of the western edges of the continent, sitting on the wooden steps in front of the farmhouse, gazing: towards the tall fields of crop that stretched on and on into the distance following the curvature of the land below, and also upwards, into the boundless sheet of blue that was the sky.

Bailey had always adored greatly the skies of the countryside. She liked how it was boundless and ever changing and beautiful at all times despite its many faces some fearsome. It looked like it promised an infinity of wonders to behold and journeys to be experienced so long as one was willing It was...sort of like how she hoped her life would be like.

So somewhere in those days as the little girl on the doorstep staring blankly into the blinding sunlight she made up her mind that she wanted to fly.

AGE 15: First Flight

Since she had grown enough to assist the family in productive tasks, the amount time she could afford to expend in her skygazing sessions have decreased substantially.

Those years, on her vacations the family would assign her tasks along with her older siblings to care for the farmland that some of the elder members of the family had become increasingly incapable to operate on their own. Field work with heavy physical requirements she was barred from, much to the dismay of her young self eager to prove herself.

She found that proof, later, in her surprising talent with machines. Her father frequently had her come with him when he operated or repaired the agricultural machinery on the farm. When he did, she would proceed to bombard him with questions about every move he made - what a certain lever did when it was pulled, where a pipe originates from and leads to, on and on - forcing the old man to be simultaneously a mechanic and an explicator of all things. He grew, reasonably, somewhat annoyed at points; yet she insisted that he carried on with the teaching. Succeeding in persuading her father that only through gaining a thorough understanding will she be of the most use to the farm in the future, she continued with her ceaseless learning. Before long she was familiar with all sorts of machinery that was on the land, and - as she had promised - a great help to the family’s workforce.

She grew to see the machines more as forms of life, really. The gears and linkages were its bones and joints, the engine its pulsing heart, and the fuel, hydraulic fluid, lubricants, its bodily fluids. She learnt to identify signatures from the cacophony of an operating machine like a physician did the signs of illness in a living being; and she learnt and knew how to cure of those illnesses. She would speak of a tractor being “upset”, she would mumble things to the exposed engine as she fiddled with the nuts and bolts and wires and pipelines.

That fifteenth year of her life also included a spectacular experience. Each year there were the times when fertilizers or pesticides were to be applied. When she was younger, she’d look forward to it from the beginning of the vacation; and on that day she would watch in fascination the ribbons of liquid mist trailing behind the biplane that flew over the fields. After the plane landed she’d seize any chance to follow the pilot, one of her relatives that lived on a similar farmland somewhere else - her aunt, as she remembered - and to bother her constantly about aircraft as she did her father about the grounded mechanical beasts. That year, the pilot visited the farmhouse earlier in the day - before the flights were made. The flights, that day - after a substantial amount of pleading and promising not to break anything - were made with Bailey aside in the cockpit. For several moments, she was even given the opportunity to actually take hold of the controls - a straight, steady cruise that lasted for mere seconds before everything had to be corrected.

Throughout the flight she exclaimed constantly - at the smallness of all that was beneath her, about the clouds being exaggeratedly in their reach; and about seeing the curvature of the planet. The curvature of the planet was likely just that of the nearby land, but either way, that was the closest so far she got to realizing her childhood dreams of walking the skies.

That night she had the luxury of sitting on the doorstep again, this time looking into the sky of the night. She had grown much since she first did the like. She now knew that the sky was not a curtain with balls of fire and fluffy masses of white sticked to it. She knew that if she had to speak of anything curtain-like it would be the atmosphere of the planet Verden, and even then the sun and stars and moon were far beyond being stuck there. Each star was a sun on its own, and how far does one move a sun for it to appear so faint and fragile?

There was a lot more to the sky, far, far beyond the curtains.

That flight was a memory she held onto for years. In retrospect, though, she did wonder whether that was exactly legal.

AGE 17: City Skies

The following years she became less engaged with the matters of the farm. The focus of her life now turned to her academic life.

Since her youth, while the traditional values of the good old men of the land were prevalent in the family, teachings to also do one’s best in one’s learning were also persistent. There were at times, of course, discussions about getting into some prestigious university, leaving the farmland and seeking a career in one of those big cities, which they spoke of as if they were some sort of eldritch alien realm.

And that was what she did. After graduating from highschool with an outstanding record, she travelled far away from the farmland to advance her pursuit of knowledge in a very different environment.

The people of the cities were very different from those back home. They lived in confined spaces most of the day, spaces much more crowded than the few she previously knew of. Even out of those confined spaces there was no endlessly extending plains, but instead the walls so close on the other side of the street. With much effort she once climbed to the topmost platform in a building and cast her sight towards the horizon, only to realize there was none, and what took the place of the gentle curves that separated land and sky was the ragged outline formed by silhouettes of towering buildings in the distance.

It also seemed like the people of the city worked without rest - she had always considered herself diligent, yet she came to realize that her leisurely browsing through volumes off the old bookshelf appeared almost a luxury in comparison.

Thus, she rented one of the apartments in the corners of the city and lived with a few other tenants, crowded, in a confined space much more restricted than the rough farmhouse. She traversed the narrow pathways each morning and evening, with footsteps so much swifter than she ever managed in her early days. She started working the way the city folk did, the light on the table almost always being the last to go out amongst the four of them.

She didn’t visit the farm again for a long time. She hadn’t, however, forgotten about the vast countryside skies. The city night was unlike any night she had known as she had only known nights as the reign of nocturnal critters scrambling in the otherwise silence. The sky was also much concealed, yet sometimes, between the rectangular edges of the structures of the city, there was to be seen one or two distant, flickering shreds of starlight.

AGE 24: Back in The Air

Her degree was of physics and aeronautical engineering.

Following graduation, she worked for the three following years she worked as a test pilot. Seeking originally to work for the Verden Space Agency, she eventually landed a job within a civilian flight propulsion laboratory.

One of the youngest in her ranks, she was recognized also as one of the best. The working schedule was being dropped into city life all over again; the career, however, was one that she was most satisfied with. After years of only working on paper the concepts of flight, she had finally now an opportunity to actually take a seat within one of the magnificent man-made beasts of the sky - evaluating their condition, stretching their limits as they evolved. The dangers of such an occupation were evident and throughout the time she did mess up terribly a number of times. Yet the excitement entailed was well more than enough to keep her motivated - the clouds, this time, were actually in her reach, and she had soared places high enough in the curtains that were the atmosphere that when she looked out of the window, she could see again not only the horizon, but also it being subtly curved.

She still went back to the old farm from time to time, during the holidays and other times she could afford to take days off. She would return to visit the old machines she tended to in her youth - terribly outdated by now, several of them have already been long out of service. She would slide open again the metal casing on the ones still functioning, and take long, almost nostalgic looks at the engines and wiring inside. The biplane that her aunt used to fly was no longer functional, as she learnt with much frustration. Once in a while, though, the days she headed back home would coincide with the time of the year, those times when - like in her youth - she could look upwards into the sky and see the propeller-powered aircraft soar idly through the air.

AGE 29: Verden Space Agency - far, far beyond the curtains.

Past Story:

[work in progress]

What made you want to join this RP? SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACE

-ahem. Seriously though, I admire greatly the concept of this roleplay. The description in the Overview was brief, but it appears as if you just tossed in all of those elements I find attractive and tossed it into this (interstellar exploration + mystery + potentially interesting character / environment dynamics). The other character sheets do also seem promising thus far.

I shall certainly be looking forward to how everything goes down in this story, even if I do not eventually become a part of it.

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Name: Andrew Hitchcock

Gender: Male

Age: 28


Profession: Technician


Positive 1. Relaxed/ Positive 2. Great in Crisis/ Neutral 3. Practical/ Positive 4. Rational/ Positive 5. Knows How to Prioritize/

Negative 1. Stubborn/ Negative 2. Insensitive/ Negative 3. Easily Bored/ Negative 4. Private and Reserved/ Negative 5. Risky Behavior/

Andrew loves to explore with his hands and his eyes, touching and examining the world around him with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. Andrew is a natural maker, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learning from his environment as they go. Andrew finds no greater joy than in getting his hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together, just a little bit better than they were before.

Andrew explores ideas through creating, troubleshooting, trial and error and first-hand experience. He enjoys having other people take an interest in his projects and sometimes doesn't even mind them getting into his space. Of course, that's on the condition that those people don't interfere with his principles and freedom, and they'll need to be open to Andrew returning the interest in kind.


Andrew is a very hands on man with a knack for anything involving a pair of pliers or a wrench. He has had his fair share of accidents during his line of work, so he is no stranger to struggle or back breaking tasks. Andrew is a very enigmatic and very hard to keep a rein on. Andrew's parents are both regular people with three children, Andrew being the middle child. Many believe his personality is because of his being the middle child and how he was raised. Andrew took an interest in mechanics and technology ever since he was old enough to crawl. His mother was a psychologist and his father a factory worker, so their marriage was a bit of an odd one. Andrew had intimate knowledge of psychology on a professional level due to his mother raising him most of the time. Despite all he had learned from his mother, he was urged to follow his dream which led him to becoming a technician. His father was rarely in the picture, so becoming a man was something rather big for Andrew. Despite this, Andrew grew up an emotionally capable and strong man with a love of technology and mechanics. He does have a lingering pain from his lack of a father figure despite his accomplishments. He has been known to tinker with appliances occasionally, turning them into weapons. Andrew had done it only for amusement and out of curiosity, wanting to push the limits of his mind and creativity.

Past Story:

Andrew was working on the broken blender when he heard the door leading to the garage open behind him. He turned and saw his wife, while she was crossing her arms and giving him a look that was all too familiar. Andrew moved his eyes slowly over towards the clock, seeing it was past midnight. "I'll be just ten more minutes." He said, wanting to fix the appliance. She turned and left Andrew to his little home project, closing the door behind her. Andrew smiled, finding a bit of satisfaction in her coming in and giving him looks when he worked too late on something. He turned back to workbench and continued working, thinking about the week before. Andrew had just gotten married three days before this night. He had always wanted to work in space as a technician, in fact he was going to apply for such jobs the day he met Emma. He decided to put it all on hold while dating the woman, since he enjoyed the idea of settling down with a family more than working in space. Once he and Emma married months later he knew that there was no chance of going to space, but he didn't mind at all.

Andrew had kept accepted applications on his workbench for his own gratification. He liked knowing that he could have made it if he wanted to. But instead he had a job as a regular technician, going house to house, building to building, installing and fixing anything. Andrew put down the screw driver and picked up one of the applications, reading it over with a small smile. He sighed and put it down once he finished reading it, and continued fixing the blender. Andrew finished it in five minutes instead of ten, which made him smirk and lean back thinking "Yup, I'm the best." He laughed to himself. He went to bed after that, falling fast asleep from an exhausting day fixing and installing things.

bzzz! bzzz! bzzz! bzzz!

Andrew groaned and slapped his alarm clock, causing the cable to rip out of the wall and sending the clock flying into the wall smashing into many different pieces. He got up from bed and looked at the remains of the little clock. Andrew had put that thing back together dozens of times, mostly because he kept destroying it every morning out of irritation. He had taken a shower, gotten dressed, and was eating his breakfast when he remembered that Emma leaves earlier in the morning for her job. Andrew wondered how she could stand taking the bus, when she could just wake him up earlier so he could drive her. Instead of dwelling on the insanity that was his new wife, he finished his food and went out the door.

As Andrew was driving he saw smoke coming from a street only a block away with sirens wailing loudly. His curiosity got the best of him, which of course meant he had to see what was going on. Andrew drove up to a horrible accident that people were gathered around. He got out of his car and saw that it was a bus that had gotten destroyed from a giant truck hitting it. Andrew pushed through the noisy crowd, seeing bodies scattered about the fiery scene. His expression was a neutral one, not showing much reaction to what he was looking at. Andrew had seen death growing up and working as a technician in factories. Accidents had happened plenty, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. His eyes continued to look about the horrible accident, taking note of many details. Andrew's hand went over his mouth as his eyes became wide. His heart began to pound against his chest, the feeling of a pit growing in his stomach. Andrew was staring at something that was impossible to believe.

Emma's mangled body was caught between a chair and the bus. Her head was slumped down, her long brown hair covering hair face. Andrew was about to rush over to her before a fireman held him back. It had taken not even two minutes for the authorities to show up. Andrew shouted as he tried to get past the men holding back the crowd. Tears ran down his eyes as he tried explaining his wife was in the bus to the man who was holding him back. Andrew grew weak as reality set in, his legs collapsing from under him. He sat on the ground, his eyes filled with emptiness.

Andrew was driving home, his empty and drained look remained on him the entire trip. As he pulled up to his house he remained in the car for what seemed like an eternity. Andrew got out and went inside the house slowly. He made his way to the garage, opening the door and walking to his workbench. He picked up the applications and walked back to his car, not caring to look at anything in his house or even touch anything. Andrew sat in his car, setting the papers down on the passenger seat. He sighed and started the car, pulling out of the drive way carefully. He drove off and away from his house, not even glancing back at his house. Andrew never returned to that house, not even the neighborhood, after losing his wife.

What made you want to join this RP?

I've been looking for a very long time for a good sci-fi RP. I've done enough Fantasy and seeing this makes me feel like I can really put my skills to the test. And get some more since I have little sci-fi experience haha.
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@The Master


@Phantom King





Hi guys, sorry for the delay on posts. I've just had difficulty regarding unexpected holidays, my other RP, and family occurrences. ANYWAYS, back to this RP. So, there a couple slots missing, and phantom and nynja are competing for a spot. Because of this inconvenience, I was wondering if one of one of you would be willing to have another profession. Another thing, it would be nice if anyone would want to fill the other spots as well. If necessary I will play the roles, but it would still be nice for others to play it.

I also want to START the RP by Saturday so that would be cool c:
Oh my bad I mis-read what you stated above and you said you wished for perhaps two of each profession? I can easily change mine if needed no need for @nynja to change up, she posted hers first after-all.
I migh be able to add another proffession to my character. Going to have to look over the list before making a decision.

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