[Occam's Razor] [Occam's Razor] Old Character Sheets


That Thorn In Your Side
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character sheet in First Person if you please, just for comedy! Survey Format or Form Filling if you please.

Cryogenics Preserves your characters age, You stay as you are physically, wake up sort of sick though.





Describe yourself:

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics:

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?:


Additional Notes:
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My name is Emerson. Emerson Reed. Some people call me Emery.


I'm 25.




I help people out. with certain things. Not a mercenary exactly, but similar. I- I got into some things. Let's just say I'm well-known in underground activities.

Describe yourself:

I was never good at describing myself, but I suppose I'm pretty alright as a person. I might be slightly unreliable, but what you see is what you get with me. I could be your best friend or your worst enemy. I look like a typical guy, I guess.

What you Plan to do once you're out of Cryogenics:

That's to be decided.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?:

I have no other options at this point.


I'll keep this short and sweet 'cuz I'm getting bored. I was raised in a big city by a single mom. We lived in a small hood near the south side. She was in the Coast Guard when she met my soon-to-be stepfather. She was always away, and the streets ended up being my guardian. My ma eventually remarried and I hated my stepfather for trying to replace my dad, whom I've fostered a soft spot for. I've seen pictures of him. I'm his son, alright. I look just like him.

We moved out of the city after my ma and stepfather retired from the Coast Guard. I found myself wrapped up in a lot of things in the new suburb. Got into lots of trouble. I dropped out of high school. I was never home 'cuz there was lot of arguments between the three of us there. I felt myself growing further apart from my mom, and I hated it. So I blamed my stepfather. Nightmares of murdering him were constantly plaguing me and I felt like I needed to get out of the hell I was placed in....

I tried to take up shelter with friends, but they wouldn't have me for more than a few weeks at most. I felt like my life was out of control, and I still do. I don't have anywhere to go.

I'm on the run. I got into some bad things, started taking up certain activities. That's why I want to join this program. To maybe put an end to all of this running. I want to settle in one place.

Additional Notes:

I've said too much already. It's better to let go of everything than to hold on to nothing.

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  • Name: My name is Malcom Devontess

    Age: 28 Before Cryogenics, Guess I'll be what... 50 when they let us out?

    Sex: Male

    Describe yourself: I'm Six foot, two inches tall, and I guess you could say I'm pretty well built, Comes with the territory, my hair is blonde, short, that comes with the territory too I guess, I've got a fair face and blue eyes.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Malcom.jpg.623af8b509a85b55d49dfb68645763cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Malcom.jpg.623af8b509a85b55d49dfb68645763cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Profession: United States Marine Core Major, just graduated from Captain.

    What do you plan to do after Cryogenics: Pick up where I left off, stay with the Marine's I have a duty to the people of this country, and I plan to serve until my body quits.

    Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: My CO suggested it, said it'd do right by him to have a couple pairs of good boots in the locker, just in case.

    Bio: I... Believe I've said enough about myself.

    Additional Notes: A warm shower when we get out wouldn't be bad...



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Name: names Alex Night

Age: err.... Wait... Lemme just... Ok, I was 20 when I got in.. And now I'm like... Oh god.. Somewhere around 40...

Sex: female...

Describe yourself: long redish orange hair, brown eyes, five foot four... Yeah.. That's it...


Profession: went to the military for 2 years, then carried on my studies as a doctor.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: you know.. Help more people.. I guess that's what I do best

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: I'm not allowed to tell you.. Sorry...

Bio:errrr... Oh, look at the time! I gotta go! see ya!

Additional Notes: I was hoping for a feast when we get out.
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Bianca Anita Blakely


25.. Maybe 47 when I get out?


I'm a female and I've got the boobs to prove it my friend!

Describe yourself:

I'm five foot three, curves in all the right places. Long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401798519.614245.jpg.a5cd62690a281740b3c9c0bf4a0854ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19745" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401798519.614245.jpg.a5cd62690a281740b3c9c0bf4a0854ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I'm a motorcyclist. Doing races, and all that.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics:

I dunno. Find a hot guy or somethin? Meh. I'll think about it once I get out.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?:

For the heck of it. Got nothing better to do, and I wanted to feel a new kind of.. Rush.


You never ask a female those things, honey.

Additional Notes:

I could use the bathroom right now..



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>Jennifer Dale<

“This is so not what I signed up for…”


fc - Shay Mitchell

  • Name: Jennifer Dale

    “Call me Jen, please”

    Age: 21

    “But now.. I guess I’m older in theory..”

    Sex: Female




Alex savanni Salvatore


21 when I went in but I must be 41 or 42




Worked in the bio labs of a military outpost to help find new cures to diseases

Describe yourself:

6'0 and I weigh 200 lbs. I have dark black hair and blue eyes.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics:

Help to solve new issues that might happen biologically when I get out.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?:

All of the lab personnel were signed up to do it so we could help with reconstruction when we woke up.


Alex was born into a middle class family. They didn't have a lot of money like the first class but they weren't as poor as the low class. Alex did well in school and went on to get a scholarship to a good school. He studied molecular biology for 4 years then was hired by the military. He went to work in a lab that helped find cures to many diseases and save millions of lives. When the spreading happened, the lab was forced to join the cryogenic program so they could have some of the best biologists to help work when they were thawed out.

Additional Notes:
Name: Jace "Tox" Bradley

Age: 24. Not that it's any of your business though

Sex: Yes please, but no guys-... Okay fine, male.

Profession: Can't really call killing a profession. So Ex-"Body-Guard".

Describe yourself: I have a scar on my face running left to right, downwards across my forehead I got in a bar fight. Grey eyes. Not quite blue, not quite green. Lack of color, really. Like to wear black 'wife-beater' muscle shirts. It's about the only signature look I got to keep in this dump. Guess you could also say I'm pretty jacked from the time served. Five foot Eleven.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: Repopulate the earth if shit goes south. If I don't survive the process, I guess I plan to turn into a fossil, you know? Who knows, I might decide to make an actual living for myself... Yeah right.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: It's either turned into an icicle for this "Experiment" bullshit or get the chair in prison. I think I'll chill for a bit and have pleasant dreams about the schmucks I'm leaving behind. Then again I'll just be an ice-cube to be dug up later if what they say is true about the success rate.

Bio: Grew up in New York. Killed a guy. Felt pretty good. Killed a few more. Got hired as some thug's body guard. Drug dealer, I think. Pretty good gig until the raid happened. Poor bastard got shot in a pile of his own 'coke'. Next thing I knew I was seeing alot of orange from behind bars. No regrets. If I could go back, I'd do it all twice as hard.

Additional Notes: Screw this pamphlet. See you on the other side suckers.

**A paper-clip holds a picture in place**

Name: "My... name? Oh, um... hold on I think I'm going to be sick!" I say and go throw up in the background and return. "Sorry about that, been sick since I got out of the pod... my name is Nidelia Sponze."

Age: "I was twenty two when I entered the pod... and I forget how many years we've been in those things...

Sex: Um, what else, I don't exactly have a flat chest. I'm a girl, oh god," I say and quickly run into the background getting sick again.

Profession: "Sorry, what was that? My profession? I am a Doctor, spent four years in college after graduating when I was seventeen. Got my full PH.D and also am a Surgeon."

Describe yourself: "Um... I've never been really good at that... but my family always, god, hold that thought!" I cry running into the background once more, then come back. "I'm really sorry about that. My family always said I was," I start again and dry heave on camera. "Said I was sweet, kind, and always loving. Telling me that I let myself be treated as a door mat and was too nice..."

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: "I planned on continuing to be a doctor and surgeon where needed, looks like I shall be needed more than I knew..."

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: "I'm a sergeon and skilled at what I do, and I knew we needed to have a good range of skilled people to make it in the..." I dry heave again. "Future..."

Bio: "I grew up in a poor family, so we didn't have much, but I made it through school and even went to college. Not much else to tell since I only spent a year out of college before signing up for this."

Additional Notes: "None that I can th-" I'm cut off once more as this time I accidentally puke in front of the camera and quickly run off.
Name... I believe it's Len Pierce

(Tell us your age) Well, I'm 17. But hey, who cares?

Sex: I'm a male.

Profession: Before I hopped on this, I coded freelance for various people.

Appearance. This good enough for the idiots who run cryo?


I'm slightly sarcastic... And I'm so damn ready to leave this hellhole.

What I plan to do when out of cryogenics? Keep the ship running. Isn't it all digital?

Why I did this? I really don't see anything for me here after a virus hits.

Bio: I grew up with no one. Stuck in the computerized orphanages, you learn how to code the system to your own will. I got out with this one chance, and hell's freezing over before I go back. It was torture in the orphanages... No one cared, and no one ever showed up... I gotta go... They're coming for me, and they don't know I signed up. Lock me in! Now!
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Name: "My name sweet cheeks? Well it's Rys Rinnel, and don't you go forgettin' it either. I ain't just some girl, I'm going to help in all of Science!" I say cheerfully as I then grab a Starbucks coffee and chug down a bit of it then wink.

Age: "Welp, I'm twenty years old, didn't get a chance to finish my college degree. But I excelled in all my chemistry, biology, and anatomy classes! I can tell yah the exact location of the heart or the chemical makeup of Gold!" I boast proudly with a big grin on my face and take another chug of coffee.

Sex: "Do I looked flat chested to you people? Or are yah too busy listenin' to my southern accent to care? I am quite obviously female sweetpeach," I say puffing out my obviously not flat chest. "Oh, oh my, I'll be right back!" I cry and dart into the background.

Profession: About ten minutes later I return. "Sorry about that, little girls room was a hollerin' at me! I am a Scientist. At least I'm supposed to be when I wake up.". I say chugging yet another cup of coffee.

Describe yourself: "I am very very bouncy, always talkin' and enjoyin' the goin's on and thin's like that!" I day cheerfully and quite bouncing in my seat.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: "Help the science division duh! Way I heard it it's gonna be like a whole new world and new creaturesnto study and everthin'!!! It makes me so excited!!! Oh dear... one moment please!!!" I say as my squirming in my seat had gotten worse and quickly jumped off running into the background once more.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: "Darned it, why am I havin' tah go to the little girls room so much?" I absent mindedly ask as I chug down more coffee. "My teachers told me I needed too. Said I was really too good to waste and that if they were going to need me it was goin' to be after the outbreak, do I signed up and they accepted me!"

Bio: "I grew up in a small town down in Texas. Not much, but I managed to finish school and start college!"

Additional Notes: "Oh yes honey buns, please make sure there's lots of coffee for me when I wake up. I have a feeling so long inside cryo I'm goin' tah need it!" I say ad I start waddling off camera with my legs crossed, heading for the bathroom.once more and chugging another cup of coffee.
Name: Captain Alexander Woods

Age: 35

Sex: Male

Profession: Military professional, jarhead, grunt, Ranger. Whatever you want to call it.

Describe yourself: I like to think of myself as a rather attractive man, but the army tends to beat that kind of thinking out of you. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tan lines from my various tours in the Middle East.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: Help with whatever's needed, hopefully we've managed to repel this shit that's goin' down before we come to.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: Seemed like a good opportunity. This is some fucked up shit goin' down, figured I could skip at least the worst of it. Also hoping for a sizeable increase in my investments, come back to a shitton of money and retire super early.

Bio: I come from a military family, so I guess my life was pretty much decided for me before I was born. Father died early-ish in my life... Car bombs are nasty things. Isn't a whole lot to say, figured I'd carry on the family legacy by enlisting.

Additional Notes: Extensive weapons and survival training, hand-to-hand combat training, likes cats.
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Name: You can just call me Nadia, but my full is Nadia Turner

Age: I'm 27

Sex: Obviously I like it, but that's an inappropriate que-....I mean, female

Profession: Army Ranger

Describe yourself: Such an easy question...obviously;

R ecognizing that I volunteered as a ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of my ranger regiment.

A cknowledging the fact that a ranger is a more elite soldier, who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a ranger, my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier.

N ever shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight, and I will shoulder more than my share of the task, whatever it may be, one hundred percent and then some.

G allantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress, and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

E nergetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

R eadily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics:

Continue my duties

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?:

Someone had suggested it to me, I forget who though. I just remember half listening to someone tell me that I would be of great use down the road. You know, sometimes being top of your class does occasionally bring about some praise


I was an army brat, grew up around around, taught to love it, and grew to love it. It's in my blood. Nothing really spectacular there.

Additional Notes: Made it to the Rank of Sergeant before this whole Cryo-ordeal...was hoping to be a Staff Sergeant or higher by now, to be honest.

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Name: My name is Trixie Clearwater, but I also go by "The Red Rose".

Age: I'm 29 years old. I don't want to hear any cracks about me being almost 30.

Sex: I am a female, duh. Can't you tell by the boobs and not to mention the hair. Which is obviously a mile long.

Profession: I am a self trained Bounty Hunter/Martial Artist. I will kick your ass if I need to. *winks*

Describe yourself: I'm 5'7" 5'8" ish, with Light Auburn hair in a braid that appears to be a mile long. Blue eyes that twinkle when having a good time.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: I want to provide help wherever it's needed.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: I like helping people out when the time comes, wherever it is needed.

Bio: I've been on my own since I was 15 years old, so I've had to learn how to defend myself pretty quickly. While on my quest to find out what happened to my parents, I came across an extraordinary person by the name of Rys back in high school, that's when her parents decided to adopt me as one of their own. I have always thought highly of Rys because she took no crap from nobody and respected me and my background when we first met.

Additional Notes: it takes a lot to make me angry. Respect is big with me. In order to get respect from me you also have to respect me.
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Name: Well, my name is Flint Garrison

Age: I'm currently 47

Sex: Male

Profession: Military comander for the army. 20 years.

Describe yourself: People tell me I'm brutal, and I won't disagree with that, when things need to get done, they get done.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: Command our nations armies against other ones.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: ... I needed to escape my job, with those hordes, its one constant battle against an unflinching and unfearing mass of horror, I don't have the ability to do it any longer.

Bio: I command armies for a living, not much to me.

Additional Notes: I am a Lieutenant colonel in the army. (I did minor research and found thst a commander is a naval officer of equal rank to a Lieutenant colonel)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/7229208b7a9ff3321239653b62265a9a.jpg.24a15136c8105ce6584e6c05503cda01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/7229208b7a9ff3321239653b62265a9a.jpg.24a15136c8105ce6584e6c05503cda01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


My name? Ethan Evans.


I'm twenty-six, though my birthday is next week.


I'm a guy, what can I say? Not much out of the ordinary there


Well, I like to consider myself a writer, but the truth is I'm a surgical intern. Mom and Dad wanted me to have a "real" job, so my writing kind of took a backseat when I left high school. ...maybe it's time to let that dream go, huh? There's no rest for an intern after all, and even less for a fully licensed surgeon. Oh well, I find my job challenging and I can't really say that I'm not passionate about it. After all those years at med school, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't get some form of satisfaction from it, right?

I was almost done with the program when shit hit the proverbial fan -excuse my language- and now I suppose what I do for a living won't really matter while I'm a human icicle, right?

Describe yourself:

... really?

That's a tough thing to do if you don't want to sound stupid or full of yourself, you know? But fine. I'd say I have a pretty good sense of humor? Maybe? Okay, mostly I make dumb puns. It was enough to make some of my patients smile, at least. I try to get along with people as best I can, but I never really made a whole lot of friends while I was working at the hospital. Not that I tried all that hard. You see, there's this saying that in order to make a good surgeon you have to have to be able to cut yourself off from people. They also say you need a raging god complex, but I've never really bought into that. Then again, my residential surgeon (the lady who was in charge of me and the other interns while I worked at the hospital) may have been a good example of that particular rule.

Wait, you want me to describe myself physically too? Well, I'd say I have a fairly athletic build. I take good care of my body. Well, if you don't consider the sleep deprivation too harmful. What can I say? I'm on call most days of the week, and that includes the graveyard shift.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics:

Hm, I suppose that depends on what the world is like by the time I wake up. If it's anything like it is now, I'd probably like to find another surgical program. After all, I'm a doctor, but no hospital will hire me until I've got some more experience under my belt.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?:

To put it plainly? I'd really rather NOT die anytime soon. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't last long up against those creatures that have been popping up. Maybe by the time we wake up, all of that will be behind us.


Grew up in the American south, though I honestly would rather not think about it. When I was 15 my mom and dad got a divorce. My mom moved to Seattle with me, and my dad moved somewhere in Kansas. I haven't heard much from him since. Since I started the surgical program, I've learned quite a bit about cardiology (the heart and blood vessels), osteology (bones), and even a little about gynocology (women's reproductive system and childbirth).

Obviously I know how to stitch people up and what sorts of medicines people need for different diseases. But I haven't been a part of very many complex surgeries,

Additional Notes:

Well, I have a fear of caves and deep water. Does that count?



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Name: Devon Mathrs


Age: 27

Sex: Male

Name: Devon Mathrs

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Profession: Vehicular Mechanic

Describe yourself: A self serving, self indulged, self r, selfish, smart-mouthed, collected survivor. If he does anything for anyone, he must benifit from it. No matter how drastic, dangerous, or crazy. If he is satisfied with the predicted outcome of whatever he is doing he'll do it. Some may say he ccan't be trusted. Others can say they trust him with their lives. The truth is, if he likes you and or needs you alive. He will get along with you just fine and he is willing to suppress his selfish tendencies. Only to a point.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: He never planned to do anything but survive, get laid, and make a name for himself.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: Devon cares about nobody but himself and is willing to use anyone to survive.

Bio: Devon was a good kid until he saw how humanity acted towards The Contaminated. He saw how people betrayed each other in heartbeats. Nobody could be trusted and everyone was his enemy. So he promised himself that the only way he would survive is if he adopted this attitude. And when he did, he brought it to the extreme.
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Name: Garret Mathers, Call sigh "Nero"

Age: 27


Profession: Genetically altered super freak! Ok ok, security.

Describe yourself: im the real deal, the "Emergency Security Threat Analysis and Termination". but seriously I see what this world has become and i figure if be "Infected" or whatever is what it takes to save the day then why not?

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: Well once the program is complete, I guess i go military?

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: Tis my job.

Bio: Garret volunteered himself to be subject to a new supposedly controllable strain of super drug based off of contaminated DNA. A step towards creating super solders to fight the creatures. He was later assigned to be the last line of defense for the Cryo Lab.

Additional Notes: I dont plan to make him over powered or anything like that, if its not what you are looking for i can make him just normal security.
Name: Revelia Valentine last I checked.

Age: I went under at nineteen, that makes me... math plus math equals stuff... Older, I'm older now.

Sex: No thanks... oh... wait... female, so just forget that first part, mkay?

Profession: Lucky bugger. To be honest I had an application to work at the petrol station down the road before everything went to hell, but I guess 'survivor' is the only job I've had.

Describe yourself: I'm no soldier or fancy techie if that's what you're after. I'm just the kid sister to a Marine Scout Sniper and ambitious military brat. Keeping my head under pressure and beating the tar out of the bigger guys is a lot of what I did back in school, so I guess I'll just do a lot of the same now. I like a good laugh, and it doesn't take much to keep me happy or busy. And no I don't have short person syndrome. Tell me I do and I'll kick your ass though.

What you Plan to do once you're out of Cryogenics: Change my clothes if they aren't already. If they are then I'm going to hunt down a smoke.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: I didn't. Group of suits happened across my older brother and I. He was a Marine so they took us along. Told us they had an opening for a pod and my brother knocked me out and told them to ice me before I could refuse.

Bio: Kid sister to a Marine First Recon brother, both my parents passed in a car accident. I've lived on base for the most part since up until the world went sour. Got hauled off with my brother's platoon, but after a number of piss poor events it was only he and I left. We did want we could and didn't stop moving til we were found by a bunch of suits. They had a free spot in their programme and my brother tossed me his tags and told me he loved me before telling me to go. I refused and next thing I knew he had me in a choke hold. That was that.

Additional Notes: Though I like to act tough as nails, I honestly have a crippling fear of being alone. I also tend to hide my fear behind anger. Finally, if anyone is so inclined, I know how to tattoo with a ballpoint pen and a needle.

Appearance: The outfit on the right side. Is four foot seven inches.
Accepted, Welcome to Occam's Razor. Post an intro soon and you might actually be able to offset the current events a bit. Which would honestly probably be a good thing in a way.
Kazanna said:
Accepted, Welcome to Occam's Razor. Post an intro soon and you might actually be able to offset the current events a bit. Which would honestly probably be a good thing in a way.
Yeah, I read through everything, but I'm going to reread the last five to ten pages to try to see what I can do. Also, would it be possible for her to not be a registered 'guest' as it were, since she arrived late, and also, would it be possible for her to have been up and about parallel to the current team?

I was kind of imagining that she could have gotten up about the same time as Malcolm and since she wasn't registered properly before cryo she doesn't show up as a friendly on the motionsensor.

Also I would have a italicised pre-cursor story showing what her wake up, and what she'd been doing since before swapping to regular text and posting her current status.

I feel it would be easier rather than catch up a lost character in the middle of all this mess xD Your choice though.
The way I have it set up it'll be far easier for her to wake up now. If she had woken up then, she would have been eaten, or attacked, by something by now, or the system would have picked up her life signs and we would have investigated. It's far easier for her to wake up now then earlier and have you fill in the last 4 hours of where she's been considering if she was placed in late in the program, she's guaranteed in the upper levels.
Kazanna said:
The way I have it set up it'll be far easier for her to wake up now. If she had woken up then, she would have been eaten, or attacked, by something by now, or the system would have picked up her life signs and we would have investigated. It's far easier for her to wake up now then earlier and have you fill in the last 4 hours of where she's been considering if she was placed in late in the program, she's guaranteed in the upper levels.
Alrighty, just figured I'd check. I was going to have had her scurry through vents and fall asleep in one, but that works too. I'll get a post up within the next few hours, depending on work.
Malcom and Jace have both been using the vents to navigate, the creatures have been as well. The creatures also have a very good sense of smell. As displayed in my posts when I was retrieving Nidelia. The vents are a good travel system, but not a safe haven in the least. If she wakes up soon, It can possibly derail Malcom and Jace's descent into the lower labs. Considering they are basically the retrieval squad at this point.

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