I think that if we reboot it we could change very small things in the story and completely change how the rp turned out, maybe it could be an interesting change?
I think that if we re - boot it would be better to use the same characters we already have and maybe resart the relationships with the others as well. You could even bring back Dallas from his very emotional death.
EmilyPower said:
I think that if we re - boot it would be better to use the same characters we already have and maybe resart the relationships with the others as well. You could even bring back Dallas from his very emotional death.
What do you mean restart the relationships? Like before our characters were dating and Drew just disliked them instead of hating them so much that he kidnapped Thomas?
Leela said:
What do you mean restart the relationships? Like before our characters were dating and Drew just disliked them instead of hating them so much that he kidnapped Thomas?
Pretty much
@Amanda Cromwell @KurtH6355 I was thinking (if we don't restart the rp) we could time skip to the next day of school? Since all the characters meet there and a big part of the drama happens there. Not to mention some characters are pretty angry at some other characters.
Thomas and Ella were going to watch a movie, I think Victoria was going to some party and Drew was in the hospital after getting shot 3 times.
I have my last class today so I won't be online for a while but I'll try to post as much as possible.

Do you think we should plan anything before starting?

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