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william stone ; ravenclaw New


the funklist of phils
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;; william
the smart ass ravenclaw who looks more like his "absent" father than he realizes, william "billy" stone takes to hogwarts like a fish in water. born as a pureblood wizard to his mother, matilda stone and an unknown father his mother refuses to tell him about, billy has had a relatively normal life. his mother is supportive of him, he has a small friend group, and he has a silly school boy crush, what could be better?

a lot of ravenclaws refer to billy as cocky, arrogant, and a womanizer, but he's honestly anything but. yes, he's confident and self assured, but is that such a bad thing? the womanizer part, though couldn't be more than wrong. first things first, billy is a gay man, and has been out since his fourth year after his failed relationship with his now best friend, odette desford, and honestly couldn't really care less about the girls around him. sure, he's friends with them, and he thinks some of them are cute, but he really doesn't get involved with them. he will happily listen to odette gossip and talk his ear off about her girly problems, but everything else he just kind of . . . tunes it out. he's not mean, he just knows he has better things to take care of.

known to mostly everyone at this point, billy is gay, and yet he's pining over someone who he doesn't even know if they swing that way or not. ron weasley is someone billy only shares a few classes with, and yet billy can't help himself from watching the gryffindor during class instead of actually paying attention to his studies. billy actually isn't even the one who makes the first move, how pathetic is that? billy's friend, odette, is the one who introduces the two. he's used to having to play wingman for her, used to listening to her whine and complain about how she can't get the attention of the boy she likes, and yet here he is, unable to even spit out a full sentence the first time him and ron are left alone. though, the more he spends time with him, the most comfortable billy grows, and the more his confidence soars. it gets to the point where it's ron that's unsure how to proceed, ron that's hiding a flush when billy pulls him aside.
coded by reveriee.
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odette desford ; hufflepuff New
;; odette
a sweet hufflepuff born to a muggle loving witch and a deadbeat wizard, odette desford has found herself a small little community in the student body at hogwarts that she couldn't be more grateful for.

odette has lived a normal life, she had a normal childhood, and it was no surprise when she got her hogwarts letter. sorted into hufflepuff her first year at the school, though people are often confused when they first meet her. she's a headstrong quidditch beater for the hufflepuff team, but she acts as if she was sorted into the wrong house. while she's boisterous and loud, her true traits shine through within her inner circle of friends. true to her being sorted into hufflepuff, she's loyal to no end. when she says she'd take a bullet for you.. she means it 110%. despite this, she's an absolutely horrible liar. her friends have figured out that when odette is lying, the tips of her ears get bright red and she tends to ramble. she swears that it's not that easy to read her - but everyone knows that that's not true. having been taking under his wing by hufflepuff cedric diggory, odette shines during her years at school.

as silly as it makes odette feel, she's always had a thing for harry potter. she refuses to admit it to anyone around her and herself, but she's truly always had a schoolgirl crush on the boy. they've shared a few classes together during their time at hogwarts, but other than that they had never really had a proper interaction. their first interaction was definitely through ron, though. ron had told harry, very last minute, that odette was hanging out with him one day and that it was too late to cancel. so here the three of them were, ron trying to clear the very obviously awkward tension between the three of them. despite ron's best efforts, odette was the one to break the tension, deciding to talk to harry about their quidditch season and what he thought about it so far. almost immediately, any and all tension broke and the two of them wouldn't shut up. it was like an avalanche, at first there was little to no interaction, then all of a sudden they're inseparable. odette's favorite moments however, are the ones shared after games against each other. no matter the winner, odette and harry are both congratulating each other, talking about what they both did well, but not without a little boasting about both teams. their relationship isn't truly made clear until their fifth year, about halfway into their school year. odette had been knocked off her broom during a match and ended up absolutely jacking up her arms and badly bruising a few of her ribs, landing her in the hospital wing for a good few weeks. harry came to visit every day. one night, he had just been getting ready to leave, before odette motioned him to move closer to her before she gently pressed her lips against his. it was quick, she almost immediately pulled back out of pure nervousness but he returned the gesture. it was sloppy and unpracticed, but the two broke apart, both of their faces flushed with embarrassment. goodnights were shared, before harry left for the night.
coded by reveriee.

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