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Fantasy Oblivion: Gone but not forgotten


The (Not So) Evil Mastermind
Have you ever feel like you are meant to do something?

Have you ever feel like you are not supposed to be in here?

Have you ever dreamt, or remember, seeing a castle burning? Do you remember the smell of blood? Or do you see lifeless body littering the ground?

Have you ever feel like you are dead once?

In a world far different from us, with magics and knights and such, there stood Oblivion. A castle that stood right in the border, the only thing standing between humans and the realm of the unknown. It is led by a Queen, strong and elegant, who led a group of chosen knights to defend the castle.

It is attacked several times. By the Nightmare, the demons from Unknown, or by the greedy humans seeking to conquer the treasure beneath the castle. But it never fell, until one day...

It was an all out attack. The Nightmare attacked the border, forcing the Chosen Ones to thin out their defences. Reinforcement from neighboring kingdoms are on it's way, but everyone doubt that they will make it in time.

And then they came. An enemy never before seen, never before fought. They are quickly called the Fear. Unlike the mindless monsters they fought before, Fear is human, in a way. They can think, they can talk, they can taunt.

The Chosen knights fell one by one, the Nightmares started to break the wall, and Fear is making their way toward the Underground. The Queen is forced to make a decision, a hard one.

It was that decision or accept annihilation.

The Queen doesn't even think of it a second time. She unlocked a gate under the castle, releasing a blinding light that swallows Oblivion...


Concept is borrowed from Bokura no Kiseki

Read it, it's a good manga!

The RP will be about those who are at Oblivion, who got reborn to this world.

They doesn't remember anything at first, but soon their memories started to come back at them. And when they finally band together, they will have to face the consequences of opening the Gate, whatever it really is.

There will be spots/positions to take. Like, the Queen, the Adviser, the Queen Guard (elite knights), the Chosens (knight handpicked to serve the Queen and guard Oblivion), or maybe a maid or servant caught in the mess.

I think instead of allowing people to make reservation or first come-first serve, it would be much more fun if i randomize who will get what position
Alexis ate a hot dog that she bought before, watching the tents and crowds on the school ground from the roof. This year, for some reason, her school decided to make a grand school festival. Like, building a huge music stage and inviting several famous artist and allow students to perform on stage. And then every club has to present something. Like, the band club who sang their own music just now or the drama club with their Wuthering Heights.

Alexis is not in any club, she doesn't really have friends too, so all she do is to sit in the sideline and watch. But... There's something that has been bothering her. The crowd, the music, the loudness, the crowd's cheering, and even the heat reminded her of a place. Like, a missing memory from the past. She wondered what could it be?

[Everyone's memory will return when the famous local artist, John Doe, step onto the stage]
-Nora Shimuya-

Eyes like daggers jumped from tent to tent as the Captain of the Boxing Club regarded the other 'competitors' of the festival. In comparison to their "Test your Strength!" arcade machine, it felt like the other Clubs had far more of a budget than they did. Scoffing ever so slightly, she came to terms with it. After all, the Club spent most of its budget traveling to other schools and stadiums for competitions.

A member of the Boxing Club happened to pass by, and Nora patted them on the back. "Take over my shift for a while. I want to enjoy myself a bit too." Somewhat reluctantly, the member agreed to stay in her position for a while. The first stop was the colossal stage - after all, it was most probably the very center of the festival. Despite only wanting to give it a short glimpse, Nora found herself captivated with a neutral expression by its hugeness. Standing just outside the main bulk of the crowd, she felt as if though there was something important she had forgotten - as if though it was just on the tip of her tongue. 'Did I leave the stove on? Or ...- forget to turn in an assessment? Club activities?'



Location: School Festival

Mood: Disinterested

Tags: @ ALL

Her eyes darted across the panels of the festival brochure as she closed her lips around the straw and sipped the soda inside her cup. The carbon popped and sizzled behind her cheeks and cooled her thirst. A single bead of sweat dripped down her brow. After another minute of pondering her options, Lulah looked up and tucked the brochure away in her shoulder bag. She made her way towards the massive stage, past throngs of other students and visitors who decided the same.

Normally, she despised crowds of people. She could not stand brushing up against so many other bodies and boiling in the heat each one emitted. She found it disgusting. Revolting. But now, as the crowd gathered before the stage, its buzz of mingled murmurs ringing in her ears, she found the anonymity of it all so comforting. Here, in the horde of human bodies, she was all but invisible. And as she scanned the various persons gathering around her, an unfamiliar urge to search their pockets and pick through their wallets consumed her.

Lulah grit her teeth. She forced her gaze upward to the instruments standing onstage, waiting to make music. What was this feeling in the back of her mind...?
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A boy with white hair and bright green eyes leaned against the wire fence on the roof, looking down at the cheerful festival. He nodded to the beat of a song playing through a pair of black-lime green headphones. He wore a grey hood under a lime green shirt and sported dark blue jeans and black high-ankle sneakers. He was texting on an i-phone and wore a mischievous smile.

"L, we're all set up for the big bang." spoke a voice through his earphones.


Behind the stadium, Carlysle's friends had set up fireworks and an embarrassing banner of a school bully rigged to drop after John Doe finished his number, complete with some scandalous dialogue that they were going to play through the loud speakers of the entire school.

"That jock will rue the day he messed with your sister." smirked Carlysle.

"Yeah . . . Thanks, man." said the voice.

Carlysle opened the app he programmed that morning. All it had was a shiny red button and a " xD " on the front. He looked down at the gathering crowd and was already savoring the look that jock was going to make.
[Here it comes! @Moatman @H A R P Y @Blackrose7 @Zer0 @Masked Imperial @StoneWolf18 @ShyEra]

The MC on stage announced the name of the next performer, the hot local artist John Doe, who stepped onto the stage with his guitar and three accompanying band members. The crowds cheered and clapped, as more and more people begun to gather in front of the stage.

"Heeellloowww!" John greeted, the crowds roared. "Are you ready?!!"

The crowds gone wild and the music started.

Alexis quickly took out her phone. She knew that her father loves this musician, so she wanted to record this performance. But something is wrong. Her hand is shaking, she's sweating. There's a sense of dread, and she's getting goosebumps. The loud sound of music and cheering and singing confuses her and somehow she's sure that she heard the sound of an explosion and someone screaming. Alexis looked up, there's nothing wrong in the sky. She glanced down and she's no longer at school.

She's standing in a packed marketplace, everyone is wearing a medieval looking clothes, and she saw a white castle standing far in front of her. The castle looked beautiful and majestic, and the name 'Oblivion' popped inside her head. Next thing she knew, she's holding a broken sword in what could be a battlefield. There's a gash right in the middle of her chest, and it's hurt so much that she dropped to the ground. She gritted her teeth and when she blinks, everything returned to normal.

She's still in the roof of the school, her phone is in the ground next to her. Alexis rubbed her chest, there is no wound whatsoever. The music performance are still ongoing.

"What the hell?" Alexis whispered. "What- What just happened?"
-Nora Shimuya-

The extreme ambition and enthusiasm of the crowd caused Nora's lips to curve into a subtle smile, her eyes softening momentarily. Such passion just stirred something deep within her, much lik-... At the start of the music, the Captain's train of thought derailed. Oblivion. That is what had been at the tip of her tongue this whole time. With the word came almost phantasmal-like delusions; the stage bore great similarity to a beaming castle, and the crowd an angry mob of hungry monsters. Alien thoughts penetrated her brain, as she almost felt her very personality wash away.

Captured by the illusion, something eventually touched her shoulder - instinctively, Nora's fist swung masterfully into something, followed by a phrase carried by the very same instinct: "Whoopsie, Mr Nightmare. You've got to pay for that kind'a behavior." She muttered in a teasing tone. An underclassman she had asked to stick to the Boxing Club's tent took the hook square in the stomach, kneeling over. "C-...Captain ... I-...Ugh -... Switched with Dane if that's ...- alright. Sorry for scaring you." A hasty apology was given to the classmate before Nora rushed off from the stage. In a mix of embarrassment and shock, she hid her face with her palm. 'Who the hell says 'whoopsie'? How old am I? And pay for what?!' But a secondary concern rushed to her mind as she found herself isolated from the crowd. 'What was that ... just now? I would never act like that ... ' She felt her eyes drawn towards someone in the crowd and towards the roof. She stared down these places individually for some time with eyes like daggers. Her gut twisted.

Someone stared at her from the crowd down there. Alexis knew it, and easily find out who because everyone else is too focused on watching the performance on the stage. A girl, just about her age. Another student, she looked familiar. She looked... scary, as if she just seen something that should not be seen. Maybe she see her acting weird before. Alexis bit her lips, and decided to take a few step back. She feel uneasy, almost scared.
"Three . . . two . . .one."

John Doe finished his number at the same time Carlysle pressed the shiny red button.


Six megacluster fireworks fired into the sky from the back of the stage at the same time an embarrassing banner of a certain soccer team captain dropped down on the stage wall. The fireworks exploded into a white shower of falling stars.

A towering black abomination leaped away from Carlysle's outstretched hand.

"What?" Carylse blinked. He was in the chamber of The Gate surrounded by darkness. A lonely light in the gathering abyss.

She stood tall against an old foe, her heart burning, she's never felt so alive. She-he-his emotions were mixed together. "But I was in the-"

Next moment, the surprised yell and jeer of the crowd below the roof thundered in his ears. He was standing on the school roof with his arms outstretched, his headphones had fallen on the floor. He didn't understand what just happened and what it meant.

"Carlylse! We did it!" muttered victorious voices from the earphones on the floor as a scandalous recording was played all over the school about how the soccer team captain cheated on a girl, but Carlysle wasn't paying attention to any of that. "Did you hear me, Carlylse-Carlylse?"

Carlylse looked at the girl to his left who had an uneasy look on her face. "Skyne . . . Thn'Weis . . ." he muttered.



Location: School Festival - Stage

Mood: Frantic - Confused - Terrified

Tags: @ ALL

Her eyes shot open and might have popped clean out of her head had she not clamped her lids shut a half-second later. Her lips pulled back from her teeth in semblance of a bestial snarl and her hands moved to clutch the sides of her head.

Around her, the world seemed to continue as normal, no notice paid to the girl's obvious discomfort. Fireworks blazed overhead and the crowd erupted into fierce and frenzied mob of pure excitement. The band continued on, their music mingling with the cries of the crowd until it all became a mess of white noise to Lulah's ears. She dropped to the ground, her fingers tangled in her hair. She was lucky enough to be on the outskirts of the madness and thus saved from the trampling feet of the audience.

Again, her eyes opened, though all she was darkness. The sound of metal clashing and muffled screams of terror and rage found their way into her head and she was paralyzed with fear of her own. A breeze blew gently past, but to Lulah, it the rush of air as another figure raced past.

And it was gone. A single blink saw her mind righted. Her head whipped to the side, her eyes scanning the scene ahead. Several confused faces glanced down at her.

Stop standin' there and help me up, why don'tya?!" The words left her lips before she knew what she was saying and when the passerby fumbled over their festival food and drink to offer a hand, she cringed away and stood on her own.

S-Sorry," she managed before turning to make a hasty getaway, her arms wrapped around her form.
@ShyEra @H A R P Y @Zer0


That familiar name. It's the name of the castle she saw in the distance, it looked so beautiful and nostalgic that Alexis couldn't stop herself from crying. Why did she cry, she doesn't know exactly why. There's a sense of relief and sadness inside her right now. As she cried, Alexis started seeing things. Friends that she never met before, a beautiful woman who she served, and then memories of destruction and chaos and it stopped so suddenly with a painful headache. Something happened before, but to who? Her? But everything looked like something that would happen in the movies.

"Skyne . . . Thn'Weis . . ."
A boy who has been spending some time with her on the roof called, looking at her with a confused look. Alexis sniffed and stopped crying. That name. Sounds very... familiar.

"You... You see it too?" Alexis asked.

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-Nora Shimuya-

Both areas that had been spotted suffered from a burst of activity; something scattered on the roof, and a panicked sprint emerged from the large crowd. Of course, Nora was more than ready to take action - but something distracted her. Eyes on the sky. The thought sparked through her mind: 'The Soccer Captain ...- had it coming'. Rumors always spread, and this fact was of no surprise to Nora. Another rare yet genuine subtle smile spread across her face as she wondered who could have been responsible.

But she quickly snapped back to reality. As great as the display was, she had now almost lost track of two important events - the runner and the roof-silhouettes. Giving chase shortly after the momentary trance, it didn't take long for the athletic girl to catch up. Gulping down some air, she'd attempt to grab the running girl by the shoulder and stop her. Then again, as frantic as she seemed, this may not be possible - or perhaps she was more athletic than she seemed?​
Surprised, Carylse looked taken aback for a moment. Then he picked up his earphones, walked quickly to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you an alien, what's your name, and what was that?" he said, blinking, his bright green eyes alight with curiosity.

The hand on Alexis' shoulder was shaking slightly, probably because the white haired boy was scared, though his face didn't show it.

Carylsle was a skeptical guy who didn't believe in ghosts and all those things, but if something proved him wrong, then no matter how crazy it sounds, it must be true. And this was no day-dream. So either aliens finally decided to show themselves, or humans have reached the point of evolution where their inherent ESP abilities, namely retrocognition-ability to see into the distant past-were manifesting because of some singularity event. . . either that, or magic was actually real.

@too much idea
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Zer0 said:
Surprised, Carylse looked taken aback for a moment. Then he picked up his earphones, walked quickly to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you an alien, what's your name, and what was that?" he said, blinking, his bright green eyes alight with curiosity.
The hand on Alexis' shoulder was shaking slightly, probably because the white haired boy was scared, though his face didn't show it.

Carylsle was a skeptical guy who didn't believe in ghosts and all those things, but if something proved him wrong, then no matter how crazy it sounds, it must be true. And this was no day-dream. So either aliens finally decided to show themselves, or humans have reached the point of evolution where their inherent ESP abilities, namely retrocognition-ability to see into the distant past-were manifesting because of some singularity event. . . either that, or magic was actually real.

@too much idea
"Alien? What the heck?! C-can you see i'm a human?" Or maybe i just looked like one. That stupid thought popped out of nowhere. No way she's an alien, right? She was born to a normal human family with normal parents with normal siblings. And last time she checked she haven't grew another pair of arms or turned green.

"N-name? Alexis... Wait, w-what do you want to know about me? T-tell me y-yours too!" Alexis moved backward, trying to make some distance between her and the weird white haired student.
"Right." said Carlysle, bonking his head as though he just remembered his manners. "I'm Carlysle Sandell, sophomore transfer student; yes, the politician Mr. Sandell is my old man. And as to what I want to know-"

"Carlysle," spoke a voice suddenly from the headphones. "Jocks from the soccer club are chasing our guys!"

"-on second thought, Alexis, do you mind if we talk while running?" asked Carlysle hurriedly. "This-a-way!" he pointed with gun fingers to the roof door.

"Can I have your number?" asked Carlysle as he slid down the railing. He then spoke into his i-phone at the side."Where are they headed?" he asked calmly.

"They seem to be headed for the bicycle shed."

"Also," said Carlysle resuming his conversation with Alexis, "if you're not an alien, are you psychic? Or was that a first time for you too?"

Three big guys chasing two lanky guys shoved Lulah and Nora to the side in their fury to catch the two. One of the chasers was the humiliated soccer captain.

@too much idea , @ShyEra , @H A R P Y
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Location: School Fesitval - Past the stage

Mood: Frantic

Tags: @ShyEra @Zer0 @too much idea

Getting away from the crowd and the daze in her mind was Lulah's only goal, but it seemed she would be denied even that. A rough hand grabbed her shoulder and forced the shaken girl to pivot on her sole and face the offender. Her arms unfurled as though they were wings meant to catch the air and her hands moved immediately to her sides only to clutch at empty air. It was an odd reflex, one she had never experienced before. But in an effort to maintain some sort of pretense of normality, she relaxed her stance and attempted to speak calmy.

Yes, what do you--Aghh!"

Before she could say anything more, three massive males barreled past them, sending Lulah crashing to the ground with a groan.

-Nora Shimuya-

Luckily, Nora was able to get a hold of the girl - though she was somewhat taken aback by the unnatural reflex. Quickly refocusing, she'd start: "Did you h-..." But much like the girl she had just stopped, Nora was knocked aside. However, her position being that of the Boxing Captain, she simply stumbled backwards before rapidly retaliating. She'd attempt to either grab or shove the one of the three that had pushed them - specifically the one that seemed the most humiliated. Or rather, embarrassed. Whether it worked or not, it wouldn't take long for Nora to recognize the trio. "Ah -... Soccer Captain and the two lackeys." Eyes narrowed as per usual, her expression always naturally, yet only slightly threatening. For a few seconds, her arms crossed under her chest in a borderline defensive stance.

Putting the issue aside, she'd move to help the other girl up. "Are you ok?" She'd mutter under her breath as she attempted to help her up. "Sorry for stopping you so suddenly." There was a sharp contrast between her relatively polite (though somewhat thuggish) mannerism and stature.​
Zer0 said:
"Right." said Carlysle, bonking his head as though he just remembered his manners. "I'm Carlysle Sandell, sophomore transfer student; yes, the politician Mr. Sandell is my old man. And as to what I want to know-"
"Carlysle," spoke a voice suddenly from the headphones. "Jocks from the soccer club are chasing our guys!"

"-on second thought, Alexis, do you mind if we talk while running?" asked Carlysle hurriedly. "This-a-way!" he pointed with gun fingers to the roof door.

"Can I have your number?" asked Carlysle as he slid down the railing. He then spoke into his i-phone at the side."Where are they headed?" he asked calmly.

"They seem to be headed for the bicycle shed."

"Also," said Carlysle resuming his conversation with Alexis, "if you're not an alien, are you psychic? Or was that a first time for you too?"

Three big guys chasing two lanky guys shoved Lulah and Nora to the side in their fury to catch the two. One of the chasers was the humiliated soccer captain.

@too much idea , @ShyEra , @H A R P Y
"Wait what, that Sandell?" Alexis, of course, recognize the name of the politician has been appearing on various kind of media lately. And before the boy Carl could finish his sentence, he suddenly invite her to come with him as he started running down the stairs and talked with someone through his headset.

"N-number?!" Alexis squealed out of surprise. This is the first time a boy casually asked her for her number. No, probably the first time someone her age asked for her number. "A-alien? Psychic? Wh-What are you talking about? So-So you see that too? Isn't it possible that it's just a heatstroke or something?"
"No, no," said Carlysle waving a lazy hand, "too many odd points." he skidded around a corner, stopped in front of a chemistry laboratory, took out a small ring of keys and fitted one into the doorknob. He entered and gestured Alexis to come in quickly before he looked at both ends of the corridor and closed the door.

"Carlysle, the boxing captain just shoved the captain of the soccer team." said the voice from his earphones followed by a laugh. "He fell down."

The captain of the soccer team was glaring at Nora from the floor. He sprang up, "You're part of this!" he breathed looking like a winded rhinoceros. "Catch those two!" he barked at his mates who paused and looked back at him. The two other lackeys continued the chase, while the captain rounded on Nora and Lulah. He attempted to grab their wrists with force, "I'm locking you two up until you tell me where the rest of your friends are!"

"Tell them to circle around and pass by the flowerbeds on the east side of the school," Carlysle muttered to his phone. He took out a beaker, lit up a bunsen burner, and took some chemicals down from a shelf, "-yeah, the wall with the cute vandalism." he began measuring and mixing things.

"So, Alexis," he continued as though they were chatting in the mall, "if you don't mind, I'd like to discuss with you further about what happened." Carlysle gave her his number. "Are you free on Saturday?"

"Carlysle, the soccer captain is harassing the boxing captain and another girl." spoke the earphone voice.

"Whoa," chuckled Carlysle, holding a beaker filled with purple liquid. He opened a window in the chemistry room and jumped outside. "he's gonna' regret doing that." he placed the beaker in the middle of the dirt road, clambered back into the window and then waited half-hidden behind a shelf with his hood over his head, holding a piece of metal in his fingers as though readying to toss it.

"Oh," said Carlysle as though he just remembered something, "you might want to stay out of sight." he said to Alexis, "or the soccer team will think you're involved- but let's talk on Saturday, yeah?"

@too much idea , @ShyEra , @H A R P Y
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@Zer0 @ShyEra @H A R P Y

"F-Free on Saturday?" A date?! An invitation for a date?! First he asked for her name then her number and suddenly he invited her on a date?! He sure skipped a lot of steps. Alexis is so confused and flustered that she did not say anything and did nothing but following him around, mindlessly taking the number he gave her. She snapped out of it when Carl jumped out of the window, giving her a heart attack thinking that he broke his legs or something and surprised to see that it's just short drop. "Saturday... I'll try?"

[PS: @Zer0 For fun, maybe Carl accidentally uses his magic to protect himself form the bullies?]
"Alright then." said Carlysle, cheerfully. "Do you like pizza, because there's this place downtown called, '"The Rolling Pin", and they've got cream-cheese-stuffed-crust and their red ice tea is just right."

"Carlysle, they went around the corner of the gardens. I can't see them anymore." spoke the earphone voice.

"They're here." said Carlysle, leaning slightly out of the window. He saw two very worn out figures being chased by two angry big guys approaching from a distance. "So, do you want to go there?" he said, turning back to Alexis.

They heard the sound of terrified cursing and running feet before Carlysle's friends whizzed past the window and the beaker with the purple liquid on the dirt road. Carlysle tossed the metal he was holding into the beaker as the two jocks thundered pass.


The beaker exploded in a flash of light and engulfed the two soccer players in a nasty smelling purple cloud. Carlysle led Alexis out of the lab quietly and they heard the two jocks curse angrily as they stumbled out of the cloud coughing and rubbing their eyes.

"They've also got an artsy vintage ambience inside." said Carlysle now jogging towards the area where the musical performance was resuming-indignant teachers and the student council had taken down the embarrassing banner and shut off the scandalous recording.

Carlylse saw the soccer captain, Lulah, and Nora. He blinked.

He-she was in a different place again. Walking down a red carpet in a battle dress. An army of knights and her elite guards gazed up at her grimly as they stood within a vast throne room. Aisha- no, the boxing captain- was there. "Wait, what?" Carlylse looked to her side, Skyne- no, Alexis was walking beside her-but Carlysle was a man.

Carlysle heard the soccer captain call one of the girls a really bad word and saw him raise his hand to strike her.

"Stop!" shouted Carlysle. The soccer captain suddenly fell down a hole that appeared underneath him. Carlylse had a glimpse of the top view of the interior of the sports equipment shed on the other side of the hole, as though the hole was a window-or a portal, before it closed and everyone in the vicinity was left staring at the empty space where the soccer captain was just a second ago.

Carlysle stood there speechless.

@too much idea
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-Nora Shimuya-

Eyes narrowed like daggers, as a thuggish 'huh?' scoffs from the back of Nora's throat. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She said as a matter-of-fact, despite knowing very well why the soccer Captain was probably chasing those two.

As the other Captain reached for Nora's wrist, she'd seem to swiftly be about to deliver a knuckle straight to his throat before he quite simply ... disappeared. Blinking a few times, Nora was shocked by two things; one, the fact that she had so readily turned to violence. Perhaps the recent stress? And two ... looking down ... He was gone. Looking over her shoulder, she attempted to make eye contact with the girl she had recently pursued. "Did you see that?" Her voice commanded confidence, but it was clear by her blank expression and widened eyes that she was anything but. Perhaps even a bit scared. Eyes turned towards the source of the shout. But Nora remained silent. 'Came ... from the roof?' "Y-...you have anything to do with this?" She took a cautious step back.

@H A R P Y @too much idea @Zer0
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@H A R P Y @Zer0 @ShyEra

That is not natural. A hole opened up, the soccer captain fell into it, the hole closed and he's gone just like that.

The two girls who are being chased around by the bully stopped with a 'whoa what the hell just happened' expression on their face. Alexis is pretty sure that she have the same kind of expression on her face, as she glanced at Carl who stood next to her speechless. At that slight moment, Alexis could've swore that she saw a beautiful short haired girl with fair skin and beauty that put models down to shame. She blinked and it's the white haired boy again, standing still like a statue.

"What did you do, Sandell?" Alexis asked, and stopped right there. What did she just called him? "I-I'll go with you next Saturday!"
In a split-second Carlylse's mind was reasoning at the speed of light. Alien's EXIST was the first conclusion-but no, the probability that an alien had the same motives as him was lower than the other probability that CARLYSLE was the one who did it, therefore-

"Bogus fragglerock!" Carlysle yelled ripping out his earphones and staring widely at Alexis just as other people were exclaiming in surprise. "Magic is real!" He was laughing excitedly for a moment before he realized that everyone was staring at him now.

The surrounding crowd was beginning to whisper.

"What was that?"

"What happened?; Did you see that?"

"Was that part of the performance?" People began to come forward examining the ground where the captain disappeared.

"Boxing Captain!" said Carlylse, striding forward to shake Nora's hand. "My name is Carlysle Sandell, are you free this saturday?"

(OOC: Okay, I'm ready to skip to the pizza place on saturday)

@too much idea , @ShyEra

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