


I was hoping to start a thread with short game ideas. Sort of like the handy-dandy list of 100 adventure ideas in the Dungeons and Dragons DMG. Basically, a short synopsis of an adventure idea that's sufficiently generic to be used by most groups, but sufficiently specific to be useful to epic-level heroes like the Celestial Exalted.

All of your ideas/help would be wonderful. Thanks.

Or, a link to a thread that already tackles this would be cool too.
Here's a few from the campaigns I've been in, or made up on the spot.

1/ You get a mysterious letter giving you the location of your First Age Tomb. An anomymous helping hand, or the bait for a deadly trap?

2/ Rumor has it a Lost Egg Dragon Blooded has been giving the local town watch in some trouble, here's an opportunity to either get on the locals' good side, or gain a new ally.

3/ The secret Golden Janissary dojo you've gone to find has been all but slaughtered. There's a whiff of Malfean essence in the air. None of the bodies belongs to the Master, what happened to him?

4/ A underworld-based martial arts dojo is rumored to be operating in one of the nearby Shadowlands. Ninjas were bad enough before they tarted coming back from the dead.

5/ Yeah, this wonderful Artifact you found is great to look at, but doesn't do anything without a Level 3 Hearthstone. Time to go Manse huntin, shouldn't be too hard to find a Manse that powerful that nobody has claimed, right?

6/ A Hearthstone that belongs to a Circle member suddenly stops working. What happened to her Manse?

7/ Something is eviscerating the locals. All clues point to a demon, but is that Bloody-Hand over there a little too interested in your involvement?

8/ An artifact you have stops working, and you can't fix it. A nearby God says they might know someone who can fix it for you if you do them one little favour... whack their immediate supervisor just long enough for them to take the fella's place. What? it's not like the other guy is doing you favors!

9/ A travelling carnival featuring some friendly Fair Folk comes to town, in the past they've never caused trouble, but have the drums of war in the Bordermarches inspired some of them to strike the first blow, or is it all part of the show?

10/ Hey, it's Calibration! Where'd that gate come from? :wink:

11/ This jerk of an Eclipse you used to know shows up in a new body. He's still a jerk, but he's a jerk with an interesting proposal, a way to smuggle a destructive device into an enemy's stronghold.

12/ That's no gorilla, that's your ex-wife! And man, has she had a lot of kids... the alimony is gonna be brutal and no, she will not accept bananas.

13/ Just to spite the Realm and the Sidereals, a powerful Twilight intends to summon a 3rd Circle demon on Calibration. Do you stop him, or help him for the sake of gaining a powerful creature to send against your mutual enemies?

14/ A city run by corrupt officials needs heroes to overthrow them... ok, that was easy. Now, what do we do with this new lawless city we've established? Hey look! it's an horde of Wyld Barbarians driven by a Po'd Lunar.

15/ Hey, look! it's a flying mountain! Wonder what's up there...

16/ A noble from a allied city state has come to town looking for a few brave men to help him find glory and great wealth in a dangerous salty wasteland. Any sensible person realizes that this is a death march, but he's got this recruiter who dresses like she's going to a funeral and is realllllly persuasive when you talk to her. Bonus: Didn't you know her at one time? She seems really familiar. By the way, did you know the salt in the salt wastes is an excellent preservative? A corpse could be out there for months and not rot or get eaten by scavengers...

17/ Let's infiltrate the Guild and finally use those points in Bureacracy. Think Oceans 11, but with paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork.

18/ Rumor has it that on top of that mountain is a being of interest that can make a powerful magical weapon once a decade. Assuming you can get up there. Did i mention he doesn't like being bothered? Bonus: the once a decade part starts when you make the request. It'll be ready in ten years, pal. next time use the back door. it's faster. what? you live for about 5000 years! what's 10 of them to you? :wink:

19/ A war is brewing between several powerful nations. Only your Circle can reduce tensions by having a battle by proxy. A BATTLE OF THE BANDS! Rockband: Exalted Edition.

20/ You fight off a scouting party of the Wyld Hunt, but unfortunately you killed the little brother of a powerful DragonBlood. He'll stop at nothing to hunt you down as he pursues you across the uncharted territories of the Western Sea. Good news you boat is alive, your medic is a Wood Elemental, and you have a crazy Twilight on-board who keeps talking about some place called Earp and something called Armor Hotdogs... what a nut.

So there's twenty.
21) A local Deathlord is calling a grand peace summit and has invited the all the nobility of area. The PCs have encountered one of his servants previously and they weren't interested in peace, not while swinging Soulsteel Daiklaves at your head. The summit draws closer and the royals and nobles gather. Then you hear that the same Abyssal you fought has turned up there too.

Is the Deathlord really looking for peace, or the chance to decimate the local ruling class and walk into their kingdoms unopposed?

Captain Hesperus
22) A strange disease has infected the village you are passing through. Everyone infected dances themselves to death in a manner most bizarre as well as being covered in caramel colored sores. Rumours of Fair Folk and mad gods are abound, and what the hell is that strange

from the forest all about?
wardog said:
20/ You fight off a scouting party of the Wyld Hunt, but unfortunately you killed the little brother of a powerful DragonBlood. He'll stop at nothing to hunt you down as he pursues you across the uncharted territories of the Western Sea. Good news you boat is alive, your medic is a Wood Elemental, and you have a crazy Twilight on-board who keeps talking about some place called Earp and something called Armor Hotdogs... what a nut.
Also a Dawn Caste with an artifact daiklave/firewand and an even-more-insane Zenith with half a head?
22) A strange disease has infected the village you are passing through. Everyone infected dances themselves to death in a manner most bizarre as well as being covered in caramel colored sores. Rumours of Fair Folk and mad gods are abound' date=' and what the hell is that strange

from the forest all about?
Weaponized Caramelldansen? Only in Exalted!

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